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Vikas Pratap Singh • 9 years ago

Awesome tips Ishita! Companies are so afraid of talking normally to their customers that they always seem very robotic and sales-like. Don't know why are brands talking to them like they are a robot who wants to read your corporate speak?

Your customers are human. Your partners are human. Your employees are human. Even your social media fans and followers are human. Humanizing your brand is a requirement, not an option if you want to survive in business today.

Personally i love the second option of humanizing. Speak in a tone, words and rhythm your customers, partners and social community can understand.

Ishita Ganguly • 9 years ago

Thanks Vikas for the kind words. :)

Chris Syme • 9 years ago

Great tips--love this. I saw one the other day that really made sense: Use pictures of real people using products in your ads instead of just studio shots all the time.

Ishita Ganguly • 9 years ago

Thanks Chris :) Glad you liked the tips.

treb072410 • 9 years ago

Great share Ishita, thanks for sharing the tips. Very useful.

Ishita Ganguly • 9 years ago

Thank you :)

treb072410 • 9 years ago

You're welcome, hope to read more from you..

treb072410 • 9 years ago

Welcome Ishita

Tony Paille • 9 years ago

Fantastic tips! Here's one of my favorites. Stop cross posting automatically to your different accounts. In most cases, your audiences will have unique tastes and interests across different social media platforms. Cater your posts to these unique audiences for a more personalized feel.

Ishita Ganguly • 9 years ago

Thanks Tony.

Chris Mackenzy • 9 years ago

Social media made life easy. Super stuff Ishta!. Awesome compilation.
Best of luck !!!

Ishita Ganguly • 9 years ago

Thank you Chris. Glad you liked it.

Web Outsourcing Gateway • 9 years ago

Could not have said it any better Ishita, espcially for 1, 2 and 4. I think those are a MUST in social media. It's all about relating yourself or your brand to your audience. It leads to a lot of great things. If they feel that they have a certain connection, traffic and engagement will surely follow.

Ishita Ganguly • 9 years ago

Very aptly said!!

mohammad umair • 9 years ago

I would like to add to this by saying that companies need to involve their customer/end user in content creation process through testimonials.

And who said only corporate houses can have case studies? Even a single client success story will suffice as a powerful case study.

Satish Pandey • 9 years ago

Brilliant post..
We all know these things as a human being but do not apply to our businesses. These are the ethics we learn from our parents... this is not a rocket science which you said above.. but people do not apply it... and when they see the result then they start.. BTW nice examples.

Frankie Nash • 9 years ago

good idea

Gordon Attard • 8 years ago

Great Tips... Thanks!

Living Way Net • 8 years ago

Most excellent and clarifying tips. Magnifies what one sees while developing brand. I'm just beginning to launch--check me out and feel free to drop a few lines of your professional critique. -Thanks Rana - Living Way Network (LWN)