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mary • 9 years ago

Hmmmm Too large is undesirable, except to masochists prehaps. Most men are exactly the correct size for their mate, as women also have a size and do not want to be hurt. Just a female point of view, if anyone is interested. ;-) If your mate has not complained, assume you are the correct size and stop worrying about it.

Byron • 9 years ago

If you're big, she'll tell you. No one suffers in silence.

Max Blum • 9 years ago

Indeed. Because, most important thing is to be able to relax and fokus your thoughts inspired to the right thing... :) Thats not possible by thinking unsure about the size. Interestingly I observed that woman that need a big size often have a big sized father as well . statistically significant..? ^^

rockyhardwick • 9 years ago

How the hell did you observe that?

Walter • 9 years ago

Max does em all :)

anon • 9 years ago

"Sorry but I need a bigger penis. It has to be as big as my dad's."

mary • 8 years ago

genitics... large fathers make large children ;-)

You must be German, my spelling always suffers when I have been around my German friends... k instead of hard c, for example als fokus fuer focus

Adrocked • 9 years ago

I get to compress all fat in front of the pubic bone?? SCORE!!

Ronny Lee • 8 years ago

If you want to get a bigger penis you have to exercise your penis using only your own two hands, and nothing more. It's actually pretty straight forward and all the big companies out there don't want you to know that so that you can buy their ineffective and expensive pills, dangerous surgeries, and useless pumps. The fact of the matter is, mankind has known how to enlarge, strengthen and empower their penises for many thousands of years, using simple and effective exercises you can find HERE:
( QR.NET/bbn8r )

Chad Lawrence • 9 years ago

we measure from the back of the balls right?

Larry Lawless • 8 years ago

NO, the front pubic bone over your penis, measure on top, good news the average depth of the vagina is 4 inches, so 5 or 6 inches streches her for satisfaction, but you got to play with her clitoris till she is ready. Be loving all day long and helpful to get her ready emotionally, we are just physical, women are emotional and need affirmation and the soft touch and time to get ready.

GerryAllwin • 8 years ago

To stroke your own ego. I don't think you'll find any, or many, HUMAN females who can take the entire thing into her vagina.

Abraham Qazi • 9 years ago


Jbar • 9 years ago

Lol!!! LMAO. LMAO AHA!!!!! Lol!!! LMAO.

Jbar • 9 years ago

The above "Jbar" comment is by an impostor, formerly known as "The Commenter Below", "Friendly Comments", "Guest", "Friendly Commenter", and who knows what else.

Rayzer • 9 years ago

Listen fellas, "It's not the size of your ship, it's the motion in the ocean." Work with what you have and pleasure your lady.

marcoselmalo • 8 years ago

It's not the length from stem to bow to stern, it's the metric tonnage. Additional wisdom: any port in a storm.

old surfer • 9 years ago

"Honey, you're always buttering me up with compliments, but I just found out something you can really be proud of me for. I'm in the 95th percentile !!!"
"That's nice, dear."

FactaNonVerba • 9 years ago

"Likewise, the study found no significant correlation between genital dimensions and race or ethnicity, although Veale points out that their study was not designed to probe such associations, because much of the data used were from studies of Caucasian men."

I love how this part of the article states that there was no correlation between race and then right after they say then research points out that 1.) correlation between race and penis size was not looked at by the study and 2.) only Caucasian men were used in this study.

Stop being so damn PC here and just say that this study did not look for a correlation between race and penis size and that it only used caucasian men so the results are to be taken with a grain of salt.

Leila • 9 years ago

It didn't say it *only* used Caucasian men. It said "much of the data" were from studies of Caucasian men meaning they didn't get a good enough sample size from other races and ethnicities. I'm not sure what you're finding too PC about that?

GetOffMyLawn • 9 years ago

Wooooo... I'm way above average of 5.16 cm at 7.5 cm. YES. Man, I always thought it was small but actually I'm way bigger than most guys. Booooya. Hello ladies :-D

Oh wait... never mind. Stupid imperial system.

marcoselmalo • 9 years ago

Don't feel bad. That's the perfect size for nasal sex. You just have to find a partner into that. Cruise the all night pharmacies and watch for people stocking up on Afrin.

AJ • 8 years ago


PeteParrot • 9 years ago

5.16 INCHES. In other words, 13.12 cm. Sorry kid.

skoallio • 8 years ago

Maybe when you include the billions of Chinese people, the average is dragged down.

15 • 8 years ago

7 inches 14 yrs sorry adult

Toon van V******** • 9 years ago

whahahhaha damn im 12 dude i have 14 cm :P

Guest • 9 years ago

Mine is 7 inches erect :-) So happy that I have a big penis. If you aren't happy with yours then try Jelqing. It works.

Lucas G. • 9 years ago

It is more likely that you mis-measured your penis than that it is actually 7 inches. The reason this article exists is because people are notoriously bad at measuring and accurately reporting their penis length. In fact, there is less than a 1% chance that what you have reported is accurate.

Step one: Did you actually measure from ABOVE the shaft like you are supposed to? Did you stop measuring at the pubic bone? Did you count foreskin? Are you lying to make yourself feel more adequate in a sadly anonymous setting?

GerryAllwin • 8 years ago

Don't have one.
Don't really care.

Darreth • 9 years ago

Logged in as Guest. LiAR.

Jbar • 9 years ago

Are you from the 70's?

waris • 9 years ago

what is jeiqing

Jbar • 9 years ago

Why isn't the graph a normal bell shaped curve?

The bell shape curve is a probability density function (pdf). What is being graphed is a cumulative density function, which is the area under the pdf from the left until the desired point (this gives you the actual percentiles). This would be the same as graphing the cumulative percentages in the drawing (but with lots of more points than those that appear in the drawing).

VladSmrt • 8 years ago

and it is also better to plot the cumulative data on error function paper so you can better see OUTLIERS ... and give the RAW data in histogram form ...not some smoothed piece of claptrap!

Guest • 9 years ago


M. Fazal • 9 years ago

you are absolutely right. It should've been a normal distribution(Bell) curve. Natural of course

Naveen • 9 years ago

Tested... U R Self...... Take surgery... convert girl...and get with few men.... and feel after that U report U R research... I could recommend U for Genome project as a best scientist...Dum-best..

M. Fazal • 9 years ago

here is an old Bas***d jumping in to examine my D++k. I can do a Lo*e Jihad on you with my e***t D**K

Naveen • 9 years ago

Gar Wapsi is the best medition to cure.. your Menta-l disturbance.. LOL..

M. Fazal • 9 years ago

That's a very good idea. I am really sold out on it. I am tired of sleeping with just 4 old women. When I become Bhakt of Lard Krishna I will have 16000 virgins to sleep with and enjoy the sight of his dripping women worshipers coming out straight from their daily bath and standing naked in front of his photo begging him to do the act in their dreams. WOW pl do me the favor as soon as you can.

Naveen • 9 years ago

Ok.. Gar Wapsi.. only for Idiots like U not for gods.... U want 16000 vir-gins who already used by Lard Kris-hna...... U R second hand man with Second had thoughts..... U don't have taste.... First try with U R fam-ily.. members.. then U join us with strict and good rules....We can make U sanyasi....

Naveen • 9 years ago

Ok.. Gar Wapsi.. only for Id-iots like U not for gods.... U want 16000
vir-gins who already used by Lard Kris-hna...... U R second hand man
with Second had thoughts..... U don't have taste.... First try with U R
fam-ily.. members.. then U join us with strict and good rules....We can
make U sanyasi....

M. Fazal • 9 years ago

16000 Virgins already used by Lard Krishna are dead and gone. I want fresh ones. On second thought ,Oh I am a second hand man to Lard Krishna. OK , second hand virgins used by him if they are still around as virgins. Chalega. No problem. You are talking about family members. How it is possible. My old family has already kicked me out because of Ghar Wapsi. I can now only salivate for Hindu females. If some virgins are still left in your house it is OK I have no problem. I'm not going to be a sanyasi after Ghar Wapsi as my Dick is always erect. If you want to force all male Muslims in Ghar Wapsi to Sanyas. No body will be willing. The attraction is 16000 virgins not just 4 old women. You can solve declining Hindu population by arranging copulation, That's my sincere advice

Naveen • 9 years ago

How did U say that I want 16000 virgins... if they are de-ad in previous comments....Stup-id go and do the same thing with Skeltons..... Poor taste.... why can't U try with 60+ old.. seems U R better to treat with Afric-an people.. where They only do everything.. even if U tried...LOL...... Seems U R family.... took this as a profession....getting bored with U R Family members..?.. Chalega..... continue it... as U R human.....U R welcome if U come to my family.... but first thing we do is Take U things (Pe-n and Balls) out and send to Medical students for practice and general research...... LOL... Need few more pills... Loos-er..LOL...

M. Fazal • 9 years ago

You don't know what you are talking about. I know what I am talking about. You are mental retard all the way. Were you born with some mental problem. I am sure you were. Poor parents.
Oh I forgot a bullet was put though the skull of a howling mad dog just now. It was indeed my gun. I don't expect a dead mad dog to talk any more. End of story.

Naveen • 9 years ago

thats.. not end of story... Now U became my shishya... seems U R using my words.. God Bless you..... U R funny when U write english sentences for my questions.... thinking deeply.. writing whatever comes to U R mind... Stup-id.. agree.. that I (Faz-al) am stup-id enough.. to learn good-things... LOL...

M. Fazal • 9 years ago

"LOL" again from a dead mad dog. Hi dead mad dog What's it's meaning?

Naveen • 9 years ago

Now.. no one look at U R comments... Bcoz.. I completely exposed U R true face... F-uk u... Haha....