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Luciferian Left • 9 years ago

Left wing subversives want to make paedophilia normal, left wing subversives want to sexualise children. We have OFSTED asking eleven years old girls if they are in the right body or know about lesbianism. These perverted subversives have hijacked our institutions and push their corrupt cultural-marxist ideology, to destroy our culture and traditional society.

Bwick • 9 years ago

That is what they can get away with today, the plan is still there to teach sex ed to 5 year olds. Childhood innocence is what these people want to destroy. Commercialisation of broken mouldable adult children is the aim.

As I said before, they use tolerance and equality as the justification and deny the costs. We know kids are easily led astry, thats why the left is able to bloat social services and there are laws in place to prevent the advertising of certain products to children. If thats the case then what is the logical outcome of teaching them about sex and promoting gay sex. Look at the rise of NHS approved genetal mutilations to children and the heavy course of drugs they increasingly supply.

This isn't helping anyone, it's twisting society until it breaks some more.

Luciferian Left • 9 years ago

Scares me half to death how they are twisting young minds, our professionals are really corrupt if they are unable to see this as child abuse.

xplod • 9 years ago

Not surprising, when you see this - it's the "road map" for Marxists

The Eleven Steps of the Frankfurt School:

01. The creation of racism offences.

02. Continual change to create confusion.

03. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.

04. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority.

05. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

06. The promotion of excessive drinking.

07. Emptying of churches.

08. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.

09. Dependency on the state or state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media.

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

Pound Shop Brand Owen. • 9 years ago

Looks like they have been more than successful in achieving their goals.

David Carr • 9 years ago

Nah. The excessive drinking is No 1 and the emptying the churches No 2.

You know it makes sense!

channel.fog • 9 years ago

Oh poor old xplod. Perhaps you should read some actual Frankfurt School stuff rather than quoting things you read in an offprint of an offprint of an offprint. I bet it makes you feel really 'educated' though. O level Woodwork?

Labour Party Plagiarist • 9 years ago

Don't go away! I've got to go and fetch my pen and paper!...

Eco-loons • 9 years ago

Always judge a person by the company they keep.

NPC #341048654.38B • 9 years ago

Spot on.

I refer all to Harman/Dromey

Alison Cooper • 9 years ago

Utterly vile people, like that green party lunatic.

H982FKL • 9 years ago

So we are being told by the BBC to accept 30,000 refugees. Can I suggest we send them all to Chipping Norton then? That way Cameron and his lefty mates there can be 'enriched' for a change rather than the white working classes who are already a minority in their own areas.

Genghis Tebbit • 9 years ago

I hear there's a very nice plush building in Salford that could accomodate a good few pitiful state-reliant persons ... oh, hang on, it's full of Beeboids already.

You're right, these people will NEVER frequent the areas where their biggest 'bleeding hearts' supporters live. They may have to drive through the areas, that are nigh-on dumping grounds for all sorts of folks (whether foreign or domestic), where they live but as long as they don't have to have them in their own 'Communities' they're fine. Their jobs will never be threatened by them, their wages will not be suppressed by them, their schools will not be affected by their kid's numbers, they're completely nonchalant about it.

Guns at Dover • 9 years ago

And all those other refugees accepted by the other EU nations will simply up sticks and head here within a few days,,,,

i say • 9 years ago

'If you want to stop migrants crossing the Med,don't
let asylum seekers set foot on dry land.'
Common sense from Aussie PM Tony Abbott.

wally • 9 years ago

He'd know that because Australia was invented as an alternative to prison hulks.

stushie • 9 years ago

Also to the BEEB citadel---BARNES

Middle Englander • 9 years ago

Witney, you prat, not Chipping Norton. We've got enough problems here trying to stop the Demented Slaves of Allah opening another FGM, Honour Killing, Head Banging, Gender Slaving nexus without Al Dave turning up and telling us " It's nothing to do with Islam"!

gethin • 9 years ago

I see that the plod are at it again, heard on the news that after the arrest of a 14yr old for being involved in a plot in aussie are sending a "team" to aussie FFS. They are blatant in the pursuit of troughing.

Also the plot was against anzac day, on the beeb world service they had a panel that was anti anzac day, and the stupid bbc bitch wailed "what about turkish australians". Scum.

Ornithologist • 9 years ago

He's a loony, she's a loony. What does everyone expect? Birds of a feather flock together.

Tato • 9 years ago

"Just imagine if Mrs Farage had said something so outrageous.The left would be on the streets by now."
Shouting: "We said it first".

Roger Ackroyd • 9 years ago

Geez - how do these people learn the art of politicspeak so quickly?
"The youth manifesto is accessible to young people".
What the fuck does that mean?

Common Purpose • 9 years ago

It's in the boxes of Lego.

\/()43 |_|K19 • 9 years ago

She's saying she thinks adults in their 20s are thick and need a version of their manifesto written in baby language.

But because she used progressivist buzzwords "youth" and accessible", which are controlled in the zeitgeist by progressivists, who position themselves as the moral vanguards of "youth" we are discouraged from questioning her condescending attitude. It's basically new-speak in action.

NPC #341048654.38B • 9 years ago

There's a more sinister reason of course for using the politicspeak term of 'young people' instead of 'children'.

Simon Fay • 9 years ago

Or "tacitly-consenting still-developing persons". Verbal sleight of hand worthy of prominent members of the Magic Circle.

Grubby Teenager Innit • 9 years ago

Call Of Duty or the Green Party's Manifesto? Now that's a hard one!...

mdj • 9 years ago

It means that those who can read are free to read it, but doesn't assume that they can; well phrased.

Bill Quango MP • 9 years ago

Means its on a webpage somewhere.

wally • 9 years ago

On Radio 3 it would mean that it's a piece of music that has a tune they could hum.

Little Owen Jones • 9 years ago

I asked my partner Ahmed, and he said no one should be judged on their embarrasing boyfriends.

Wise words.

Luciferian Left • 9 years ago

If you can judge someone by the company they keep, I would imagine that goes double for the person they sleep with, especially when it comes to sexual taste.

Dingleberry • 9 years ago

I thought Ahmed preferred halal

No Good Boyo • 9 years ago

"these aren’t opinions that are held by Natalie and they’re certainly not opinions that are held by the Green Party and opinions that are condemned by the Green Party.”"

That much said, Our Nat is shagging somebody with those opinions, so she clearly doesn't find them entirely repugnant.

My personal opinion, I don't think I would be inclined to bang somebody who thought paedos were merely misunderstood. Major-league turn-off. Call me a bigot ...

stushie • 9 years ago

Go easy on her,he's all she could get.

Despicable • 9 years ago

Does t it go to Bennett's judgement and character that she stays with such a person?
Endorse her, you endorse the seediness.

Green Meltdown • 9 years ago

Almost feel sorry for the Greens, they were on the verge of winning more seats only for Nathalie Bennett to send the poll ratings Down Under.

Then again they're a refuge for bossy people confronted with the failure of socialism, they rely on the Greens for a new dogma and ideology.

\/()43 |_|K19 • 9 years ago

Nothing new about environmentalism. Its always been popular with control freaks because there's only one earth (you can't just manufacture one for everybody). Thus, it produces a never-ending stream of pretexts for bossy a55h01es to get in your face and insist you do what they say.

NPC #341048654.38B • 9 years ago

"We want 2000 more youth centers for some fantasies for Bennett's Boyfriend"

Sick fuckers.

Vote LibLabCon • 9 years ago

Your Honour is Loyalty.

Vote LibLabCon.

Hi, I'm Tony, I pretended to find religion so as to court religious leaders. You see, organised religion offers the LibLabCon a huge block vote, because of the command and control nature of worship.

Jedi Night • 9 years ago

Thank 'The Force' that he hasn't turned up at our gaff yet! I don't think that Luke, or Yoda, would welcome a Sith Lord!

Chip Chipperson • 9 years ago

Has he been to pankot temple yet?

gethin • 9 years ago

Labour are launching their LGBT manifesto today.

Genghis Tebbit • 9 years ago

I don't see anyone 'cute' there. They're all hard-left Trots, ergo revolting and/or very thick. What are you on G?

33%🠗 & Me • 9 years ago

C _ L T _ R _ L
M _ R X _ S M

Anyone wanna buy a vowel or two?

HenryV • 9 years ago

No. But I have these spare consonants,

DocRichard • 9 years ago

Just to balance it up, this Green Party Parliamentary candidate for Weston has created a website drawing together information about child abuse by VIPs here: http://vipcsa.wikidot.com/here, and an important critique of the DPP decision about Janner here: http://greenerblog.blogspot... . I will also be holding a meeting in Weston to discuss the whole issue of corruption in Westminster on 28th April http://greenerblog.blogspot...

Greens distort the truth • 9 years ago
\/()43 |_|K19 • 9 years ago

100 years ago the "settled science" was that certain races were inferior and should be removed from the gene pool via sterilization or certain other methods...

Now the word "racism" is just a label lefties try to stick on those who question their agenda.

Meanwhile, the true cause of racism and the horrors that followed, which is allowing political philosophy to inhabit science, wear its labcoats, and imbibe its credibility is again running rampantly in climatology.

This is from 2010:https://www.youtube.com/wat...