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Eric Olsen • 5 years ago

The writer states to learn more here by NOT joining his cult, then shortly after says he has no cult to offer... Is that meant to be a humorous contradiction/lie? Should we all trust a joker and/or a liar? Perhaps the distance between the writer and a sociopath is zero feet.

Stacy Walls Browning • 6 years ago

I worked with someone that I believe son the sociopath spectrum.

anonymous • 6 years ago

I have a friend who I believe got sucked in to a cult-like "spiritual" group. When she invited me to one of their meetings disguised as a "going away party" for one of the memebers, I saw right through the leader and her sidekick. I tried to explain to my friend that it's like a cult, and not to get too sucked in, but she won't listen. Actually her first response when we left the "party" was, "Isn't she amazing" referring to the leader. I have since been trying to explain to her that it's a cult, and they're not good people, but she just sticks up for them as if they're God. I would you suggest I handle this? Would you suggest just backing off at the time, and let her see for herself? It seems these people are so enamored with them that they don't see the obvious truth.

Dan • 6 years ago

Very interesting article. I wonder if Trump is a sociopath?

Jaybird7 • 6 years ago

Obama fits the profile to a tee

Deb • 6 years ago

Hillary is

Dawn Lafayette • 6 years ago

really? It's really obvious that Trump is a sociopath. without a doubt!

4mack924 • 5 years ago

When did you get your degree in Psychiatry?

T Hunt • 6 years ago

Trump irresponsible

T Hunt • 6 years ago

A better way to describe Trump is immature, undisciplined and irresponsible.

Fred Bates • 6 years ago

Ya think?!

I noticed in this article he mentioned that they will talk about being 'cleansed'? That is what Trump says about when he has his 'communion'..that it is 'cleansing' yet, he doesn't need forgiveness and for some reason he can't seem to recall ever asking God for Forgiveness. Of course, the Christ of GOD is THE TRUTH..there can only be one Truth..one that has not ever lied and in whom there has not ever been on sin across all Eternity. If a teacher attempts to lead you away from The Christ of God who in His Person on earth was Jesus...and says they are 'all the same''.just be a 'good person'...that person is a false teacher. (they don't have to be a sociopath to be ignorant).

Paul Milliner • 6 years ago

So wouldn't that make all Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Judaism, Hebrews, government, schools, etc etc, wouldn't that make them all sociopaths??? 😂😂 & if not, clearly explain!! With no spookism either, cause last eye checked, all those that eye have named have all committed Mas Destruction, Murder, rape, genocide & other sick atrocities for centuries in America & all over the the world!!! Especially holding us down/back with religion!! & that's not even mentioning all the other things this guy has posted up there for what he thinks his thoughts & feelings should be for a sociopath, (SOUNDS TO ME LIKE SOMEONE WAS HURT OR FELL FOR THE OKIE DOKE) but to each it's own.. PLEASE ANSWER, I'll wait....

Albert Lugo • 6 years ago

Sociopaths are in all levels of institutions.

...name one (True) Protestant Group (Not misrepresentation of one) that has ever done any of those things you've listed and you will find ZERO... .A false analogy is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone applies facts from one situation to another situation but the situations are substantially different and the same conclusions cannot logically be drawn. Jesus said: "I AM the Truth"..and The Truth will set you FREE..and if The SON sets you Free..you are free , indeed!" That doesn't sound like whatever presumptions and pre-disposed opinions based on lack of or even false information or personal bad experiences sounds like.... how can one argue with Love..why would one even want to?

Gillian Steele • 7 years ago

I think this article is brilliant. I, unfortunately, seem to attract people with narcissistic personality disorder who have many of the same characteristics Mike describes. (For the record I am not a weak person and that is why I do discover who they are before they do too much damage.) I have recently come to the disturbing realization that my 26 year old son is a a sociopath. (and yes, his father displays many characteristics of a sociopath....left me with 2 small children with nothing more than a note on the mantle piece) I have been in denial and hoping my son would "grow out of it." Yesterday, cleaning out my inbox, I found an email I wrote to my family over 3 years ago saying I thought he might be a sociopath. I conveniently forgot it (who wants to admit this about their own flesh and blood?) and actually invited my son into my new business. Once we were up and running, he attempted to steal the entire business off of me. He would have preferred taking us both down than to allow me to succeed. Sociopaths are dangerous people. They may not kill you, but they certainly do delight in other's pain. They are a toxic presence in anyone's life and should be avoided at all costs.

For those of you with the disorder, I am sorry you suffered a traumatic childhood or got genetically dumped on (like my son). But do you really care that we suffer at your hands? Do you really care what we think? Or are you just angry that you are getting exposed?

As for my son, it is very hard for me to care about someone who is so clearly hell bent on my destruction. I have had to come to the awful realization that I have lost a son but gained peace and dignity in my life. The truth is ugly sometimes.

Sabrina Reighn • 6 years ago

Did you people care to think about us when you gave us that experience or childhood or does that just make you a sociopath as well?

Anna Hopper • 6 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss. I understand what you are going through. ((hugs))

Blake Frame • 7 years ago

This is very offensive, sociopathy is a mental disease and while some individuals are what is being described in this article, most sociopaths are regular people who lead normal lives. It's estimated that 1 in 25 people are sociopaths, that's roughly 4% of the general population. To get a different perspective on the life of a sociopath and what it's like to live with it I suggest reading into "Confessions of a Sociopath". The book outlines a much more personal look at the life of someone with this illness and does a much better job explaining it than someone who writes and article warning you about the "dangers" of these people. As a disclaimer, in no way am I saying that all sociopaths should be looked at with sympathy, in simply trying to convey an alternate perspective.

Sabrina Reighn • 6 years ago

Thank you

meandanitoo • 6 years ago

It is not a disease, mental or otherwise. It is a result. It is the result of SIN and SELFISHNESS and possibly violent abuse during the formative years. Man was not created without the power of choice and sociopaths know what they are doing at all times. They willfully engage in deception and the only thing that they are every likely to deny is their own personal responsibility for their actions.

Sociopaths, like psychopaths THRIVE on sympathy. They want to be the center of attention and often have delusions of grandeur and often feel that they are smarter, better and superior than others. They are , of course wrong and sooner or later they will self-destruct.

If I feel empathy for anyone it is their victims.Someone who IS a sociopath cannot explain anything better from their perspective because their perspective is tainted, biased towards themselves, is based upon their willingness to be totally honest and THIS THEY WILL NEVER DO because honesty is not a trait of a sociopath....one would do well to consider this for if they were honest, they would not BE sociopaths. I read a blog by a psychopath and I can assure you that his views of his "illness" were infected with his personal bias for himself. He isn't sick...twisted yes, perverse yes,....sick? Nada.

I would venture to say that the percentage is significantly higher.then what the statistic say..MOST people have some sociopathic tendencies and all people lie about something at some time in their lives, some more often than others. People are duped by these cons all the time. They are not deserving of empathy or sympathy.

Sabrina Reighn • 6 years ago

Open your eyes. We didn't do this to ourselves

meandanitoo • 6 years ago

You sound like a fool. We did indeed do it ourselves...and like the sociopath, you take no responsibility for your actions. Herein lies the root of the problem. Open YOUR eyes before its's too late and stop playing the blame game.

Viktor Kadza • 7 years ago

All politicians are a bit or more sociophats

Guest • 7 years ago
Aldous Huxley • 7 years ago

This list uses circular logic to make everyone look guilty.

Jamie Brown • 7 years ago

Please elaborate. The traits described on this list are definitely abnormal psychology (per the DSM) and NOT applicable to "everyone."

Erin Anderson • 7 years ago

Some say Hillary Clinton is a sociopath and I tend to agree with that.

Erin Anderson • 7 years ago

Corrupt Hillary Clinton is a sociopath.

Albert Lugo • 6 years ago

And if you notice, Trump us a Homer Simpson Sociopath.

Erin Anderson • 6 years ago

President Trump is a great man and a great president for our country.

I Pledged Allegiance • 7 years ago

I kind of miss, ok i really really miss the days when i was oblivious to all this and really naive. IT's too much for me to deal with.

I Pledged Allegiance • 7 years ago

My heart sinks into my stomach at the very idea of a person being a psycho/sociopath. .

bigtruckseriesreview . • 7 years ago


davina webster • 7 years ago

Thank you for this write up. I married someone who has tortured me since the year 2000. I suffer greatly now with PTSD with nightmares. A few days ago I learnt he has got married for the 6th time!! he was abusive physically and mentally and denied it all as being my fault. I got a settlement of £35,000 but I have not seen a penny of it and of course he denies this too. I know how he charms people. During being with him for 5 years he had affairs with young girls even got engaged to one! unfortunately I let him into my house and I have lost the lot. My doctor has labelled him as a sociopath and says I have had a rough time that not many people will go through. I'm trying to mend my mind but noticing so many things he has effected in my personality. He of course tells so many lies about being married to me. And in the end while he was away having an affair I met someone and now the story is I left him and he was gutted!!...he was jealous and mad enough to try and stop me going to see this man one night even though we were not together by hitting me in the street and grabbing me to the floor!. being me to take him back ever since intensely for the first 2 years. So everything in the write up is so ringing true for me. I lost everything to this man but he is now on a pedistool because I helped him get there. p.s. he has no friends left from the past he has recently moved into another area of the country where no one knows him and apparently he loves it there....I wonder how many know about his past???

James tapia • 7 years ago

This pisses me off. He is portraying all Sociopaths as evil. This dude is just another heavily biased prick who clearly stands against the very idea of us. He makes us seem like psychopaths rather than sociopaths. He didn't even mention that our brains developed this medical disorder. In which the hippocampus has a harder time excreting oxytocin (which restrains our ability for empathy, but does not totally inhibit it). A problem that typically stems from a bad childhood while growing up. Very few sociopaths have evil intentions. And fewer have acted on them. And what's this crap about being incapable of love? I am 100% capable of loving another person. I know love and on occasion I might feel some empathy. But Yet he makes the actions of a small few speak for the rest of us. I started displaying the symptoms of Sociopathy around age 14. I can garentee you I have not ever had evil intentions. Or even having cult like intentions for that matter. My childhood was rough. I was bullied very badly everyday till about the end of eighth grade. I was a social outcast in the eyes of everyone. It was made clear to me by everyone I'd attempt to interact with that I was unwanted. Now the part where he said we are very charming and charismatic is true. Since my days of daily torment. I have risen to the top of the social ladder in my high school. I can say with confidence that I'm one of the coolest kids of the class of 2018. But the scars of my past shadow over me. I was not born this way I was made this way by the actions of the normal people around me. I guess the bottom line is were not all evil monsters.

Sasha Lowell • 7 years ago

I know. I'm a sociopath aswell but for a total different reason, My symptoms started at ten but that was because that my mom was poor and needed to stay at my grandparents house, they always fought and I was neglected at times with only my grandparents. Not all sociopaths are total arseholes.

sabelmouse • 7 years ago

most people don't get the difference between socio and psychopaths.

Skeptic • 6 years ago


Jamie Brown • 7 years ago

Nothing on the list said "evil" but only "delusional." While we don't know for sure (the human brain being to a certain extent a black box), it is believed that sociopathy or "antisocial personality disorder" may be due to congenital neurological pathology in the brain, particularly the amygdala, possibly aggravated by childhood trauma. "Evil" is a moral term implying competence to purposely choose to harm others. By definition a person with antisocial personality disorder is not fully competent to understand and appreciate social morality due to their neurobiological limitations. Kudos to you for becoming, instead of a "monster," one of the coolest kids in your class and overcoming the scars of your past! I hope you have a counselor or other supportive person/s to help you as you continue your life journey in navigating our complex social environment.

Shanidar • 7 years ago

You state that sociopathy is caused by a brain disorder and then you go right on to contradict yourself, saying that the cause was/is environmental.(poor childhood). Very good example of a believable sounding lie, until it is examined.

Ty • 7 years ago

Your comment is typical of a sociopath. You're asking for pity and trying to manipulate anyone who reads the article. Then you go on to talk about how great of a person you are by overcoming a difficult childhood and now being "cool." You may not be a blood lusting killer, but you are incapable of love. You will exploit anybody you can to your benefit with total disregard to damage you cause another human being.

Jonas Bourne • 7 years ago

Now I find your comment interesting because now you tell us that they want to manipulate us, the readers, but here you are doing that very thing. I agree that most of us think that sociopaths are somewhat scary, Yes? Isn't your reaction one of fear for the fact that you yourself contradict the very point you are trying to make? Are you a psychologist? Do you know what it's like to be a sociopath? so this brings the question of how do we actually know why and how a sociopath works.

Jane Miller • 7 years ago

This is Trump. A sociopath minus intelligence

Skeptic • 6 years ago

You're bias is showing - would a sociopath house a person for free for years?

Erin Anderson • 7 years ago

Corrupt Hillary Clinton is a sociopath.

bigtruckseriesreview . • 7 years ago

He is HIGHLY Intelligent

Fedup • 7 years ago

Thank you for this. I have a sociapath on my tail at the moment and all the signs are there with this person. Even though they have been at arms length for 12 months, this person is still trying to cause problems for me. I am lucky, I am surrounded by people who see it happening but I sure feel sorry for people who have no one to protect them in similar circumstances

Joe Dirt • 7 years ago

I have known i am a sociopath for a long time. I also have dissociotive personality dissorder aka multiple personality dissorder. I am writing this while heavily sedated. This one is the only one that isnt this way. Im hoping that this one can kill the rest. This one does love ppl. At this point suicide seems more like a sacrifice for the greater good. This isnt fair.

Caden • 7 years ago

I got 8 out of 10 on this test im a siciopath