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nonclassical • 8 years ago

..people are apparently UNaware that TTP-TTIP will END ability to QUOTE FACT, through "intellectual property rights", right here on internet-effectively ending its usefulness and social impact. Of course this is as designed; people linking to PROOF of their assertions will be FINED over those "intellectual property rights"...

Ghost • 8 years ago

Think nationally, act locally. Make your town/city/county a TPP-free zone.


nonclassical • 8 years ago


bsroon • 8 years ago

STOP OBEYING their unconstitutional thefts of freedom. Don't vaccinate if you don't want to. Don't buy the products of the psycho corporations. Don't vote demo or repub - it's done nothing but screw you for over 50 years - isn't that repeating the same action and expecting a different result? Insane - AND stupid. Build without permits. Barter and trade and eliminate your income tax - when the FED lost nine TRILLION DOLLARS is your amount going to make a dent in the problems THEY caused?
Who says a foreign corporation, chartered in Puerto Rico (the IRS) has the right to steal from you anyway? When the state wants to meter your water - don't let them or allow it to have an accident. When someone wants to destroy your acquifer by fracking - maybe their trucks and equipment will meet with mysterious mechanical difficulties.....

Politicians might start getting beaten up or having signs left on their lawn or in places they drive....

We can all be nice and polite about this, but if there are no teeth ready to protect us - nothing will change. Until the rich maggot parasites feel fear - it's going to keep going their way.

Be • 8 years ago

Yes. Petitions, protests, boycotts and trikes will be needed.

nick quinlan • 8 years ago

The end game of the fascist agenda of total corporate tyranny. Undemocratic, treasonous, immoral, and illegal.

nonclassical • 8 years ago

Nick-here's LUCID description of:

"Mussolini-Style Corporatism, aka Fascism, on the Rise in the US"

"As the 1983 American Heritage Dictionary noted, fascism is, “A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism.”

Mussolini was quite straightforward about all this. In a 1923 pamphlet titled “The Doctrine of Fascism” he wrote, “If classical liberalism spells individualism, Fascism spells government.” But not a government of, by, and for We The People; instead, it would be a government of, by, and for the most powerful corporate interests in the nation.

In 1938, Mussolini brought his vision of fascism into full reality when he dissolved Parliament and replaced it with the Camera dei Fasci e delle Corporazioni—the Chamber of the Fascist Corporations. Corporations were still privately owned, but now instead of having to sneak their money to folks like Tom DeLay and covertly write legislation, they were openly in charge of the government.

FDR Vice-President Wallace bluntly laid out in his 1944 Times article his concern about the same happening here in America:

'If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States. There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful. … They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead."

Nonetheless, at that time there were few corporate heads who’d run for political office, and in Wallace’s view, most politicians still felt it was their obligation to represent We The People instead of corporate cartels.

“American fascism will not be really dangerous,” he added in the next paragraph, “until there is a purposeful coalition among the cartelists, the deliberate poisoners of public information….”

Noting that, “Fascism is a worldwide disease,” Wallace further suggested that fascism’s “greatest threat to the United States will come after the war” and will manifest “within the United States itself.”


missythemissmiss • 8 years ago

We are not going to end corruption until we end the worship of the dollar. I understand the benefits of Capitalism, but I don't see a way to keep it in check without requiring citizens to take active part in their government. Democracy in the workplace, as Professor Richard Wolff speaks of, is necessary to stop the master/slave paradigm we have today. Wages should be attached to profits and inheritances should be banned. Let's see everyone EARN their own way, not just the poor kids.

ETNIKS • 8 years ago

The TPP and the counterpart in the Atlantic TTIP are the last nails in the Democracy coffin!!

These are the final steps on the Corporate take-over of the Planet in their way to establish a NWO with a single world government, ruled by un-elected Corporate CEO's more concerned with profits than with the people's welfare and the biodiversity's balance.


bspoon • 8 years ago

The best step we could take to do this is to elect Bernie Sanders (who opposes TPP) president. But ironically Kevin Zeese does not support Sanders. Go figure. No wonder we're in such deep deep doo-doo.

missythemissmiss • 8 years ago

We absolutely should vote for Bernie Sanders, but it won't matter much. Democracy is a constant battle. I just watched a documentary on "Whitey" Bulger. Though his case doesn't directly relate to the economy, it is another example of how corrupt our government is. The only thing that can stop it is for good people to be involved. However, as I say daily, we must also end inheritances (perhaps over $250,000).

If people were no longer allowed to pass on their estates to their kids, this could change our culture of money worship. Parents might spend more time with their kids, instead of throwing money at them and neglecting them emotionally. People who luck into positions where they earn a great deal of wealth might choose to build schools and hospitals with their money as an ego-gratifying legacy, since they can't pass it on to their kids. Yes, it is luck that put Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, the Kochs, the Waltons and the other billionaires in their positions. They all came from privileged backgrounds. Their money will generate more money and on and on. If left to their children, some will win and some will lose. The winners will win bigger than the previous generations. The larger your bet on the winning number is, the bigger the prize you will win.

There is an argument that inherited wealth is squandered over a few generations. But if we examine that process closer, we might find that over time wealth always accumulates in fewer and fewer hands just like a game of Monopoly. That's the game. Even the wealthy are competing against each other to suck up more of the money pot until there is one winner. Not a good system.

Alan8 • 8 years ago

Zeese is one of those purists, who says the revolution has to conform to his silly little details or he won't support it.

Other purists have denounced Bernie's stroke of genius in running in the Democratic Party. If he ran in one of the tiny independent parties, no one would have heard of him.

Quick: Who is the Socialist Party's candidate for president? How about the Libertarian presidential candidate? Couldn't name them, could you? THAT anonymity would be Bernie's if he ran as an independent.

NEWSFLASH TO PURISTS: The Peoples' resistance will take forms you cannot anticipate. Share your energy or get out of the way.

Leif Erik Knutsen • 8 years ago

It does not take a climate scientist or even a particularly bright bulb on the street to see that Capitalism, unrestrained by the requirements of Planetary life support systems, is guaranteed mutually assured destruction. When dollars are sacrosanct to Planetary life support systems, what other outcome can be expected? Socially enabled capitalism is clearly a failed paradigm. Help end tax funded pollution of the commons for starters. Your tax dollars are funding a Planetary ecocide future for the children of ALL species.

Leif Erik Knutsen • 8 years ago

If TPP represents the "Gold Standard" of trade deals, imagine what has been coming down all these past decades with ZERO regulations.

Guest • 8 years ago
nonclassical • 8 years ago

BUSHbama corporatism...actually, it's representative by representative and we the people need exert vociferous demand, most especially on this ridiculous corporate giveaway...reps are in town with gov. recess this week-locate YOURS (I have-know him well) and GET IN FACE OF, in front of CONSTITUENCY assembled...no better way to fight back....write up exactly what you want to say in 1 1/2 minutes-read it to all assembled-watch your rep's face as you do....rub his face in it...

Alan8 • 8 years ago

"Asking government to do the right thing and protect the people is a waste of time."

First, we DEMAND, not ask. Second, it seemed to work quite nicely for the Keystone XL pipeline, which was just rejected.

There's power in numbers. We just have to be united. And loud!

nonclassical • 8 years ago

most are unaware when reps return to district they meet with their district constituencies...just find out where-when and BE THERE in full CONFRONTATIONAL MODE!!!!

missythemissmiss • 8 years ago

Exactly. ^^^