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Naxos • 9 years ago

"Yesterday I had two reasons to celebrate Simon O’Sullivan’s article The missing subject of accelerationism, which is more like a large hyper-referential review of the #Accelerate Reader, just recently published in Mute Magazine. The first reason was mainly because with it, he offers a schizoanalytic critique about the ‘ism’ of acceleration in the direction of what I have prefigured since last April as a molar acceleration. The second reason was because with its double-shade title he points out not only to an important theme which molar accelerationists have lost –and still cannot find due to their hasty appropriation of Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus–, but also to what they have failed to consider as the prime non-ideological object of acceleration, namely: the production of subjectivities –a failure which leaded me to write about molecular acceleration and the production of intensities and that I have also pointed out in my last post with respect to Guattari’s Machinic Junkies–. As I find Simon’s review pretty aligned with my own critical perspective, I do not discard the possibility that maybe he could have read the FB posts that I originally published in May and June, which were already tracing the lines to draw..." READ MORE! http://schizosophy.com/2014...