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CheesyGrits • 8 years ago

When a communist and authoritarian state like China is calling your frontrunner a racist, narcissistic and crazy clown, you might want to check yourselves GOP.

Oh please. China is just playing you fools, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

Yeah, why would I want a lesson on the issues of democracy from a government that implemented the cultural revolution that killed millions? Or a type of government rule that has allowed one family line stay in power while millions starve? FYI, I'm talking about North Korea in my second point. Overall democracy isn't perfect when people vote irrationally, but at least the people have a say and don't have to worry about the government imprisoning them for a different political view.

Hollis Mulwray • 8 years ago

it was the Great Leap Forward, not the later Cultural Revolution, that killed millions of Chinese.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

From my understandings many historians put the Great Leap Forward under the cultural revolution. Point is within a 15 year span China forced their rule that killed millions that includes the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward.

Mencius3 • 8 years ago

The cultural revolution was more a grassroots movement pushed by Mao when he was politically sidelined. It quickly got out of his control and became a movement of pure ideologues who carried the banner of Mao. They were often young and undereducated, and they decided that they should take it on themselves to shame and then punish the ideologically impure. They took over universities, hospitals and other businesses and staffed them with ideologues, which of course resulted in disaster.

The Great Leap Forward, by contrast, was a top-down initiative by the Chinese government when Mao was in Power. It occurred before the cultural revolution of the 1970s.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

That's a very good point. That said, didn't the Cultural Revolution started in the early/mid 60s though? I guess it's hard to fully pinpoint where it started since it was a series of programs and initiative.

Mencius3 • 8 years ago

If I remember correctly, there's a speech by Mao that's often cited (something about 100 flowers blooming) as the inspiration. But the Cultural Revolution is more akin to a very aggressive Tea Party movement than to a government initiative, I believe.

Hollis Mulwray • 8 years ago

From what I've read, the Cultural Revolution was a means of distracting the Chinese people from the devastating failures of the Great Leap Forward.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

From looking at Wiki (I know), but it seems like both the Great Leap and the Cultural Revolution both had a hand in for millions of deaths. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

Severely Conservative • 8 years ago

Well said, agree 106%. Trump is our dear leader. Most conservatives have voted for him. We love him.

We conservatives do not need lectures from the Chinese.
We conservatives do not need lecture from Mexicans.
We conservatives do not need lectures from the British (they mocked Trump in their parliament).

We conservatives do not care if entire Europe hates Trump. http://www.bbc.com/news/mag...

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

Ok? Are you still falsifying me into your category of conservatives?

Also you say don't need lectures from the Chinese? You clearly miss my point.

Severely Conservative • 8 years ago

What time of the month is this?

Are you a moderate? A moderate conservative? Not a conservative? Lean conservative? Confused?

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

Apparently you are confused how time moves forward and people change. You can still think it's 2008, that's cool, but it's 2016 in my book. I'm a moderate nowadays. You can not believe me and constantly spam my posts with your nonsense with everyone saying, "WTF is wrong with you." That's fine, and it only hurts you at the end of the day, so continue.

Severely Conservative • 8 years ago

Any updates on "US Uncut" and the impending doom of the Democratic party?

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

Any updates on you developing reading comprehension?

Mencius3 • 8 years ago

Why do you two chaps always get in a fight when you're probably 60-70 percent in agreement on political issues?

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

Because whoever he is keeps trying to say I'm a Conservative who'll get in line behind Trump. I take issue when people try to tell me how I will vote, and lie about my current beliefs to push a narrative.

Mencius3 • 8 years ago

The joys of the Internet... Mediaite is like a dark room with a bunch of shouting voices. If the lights ever came on, we'd probably all be polite and take our turns at the punchbowl, and certainly some of the trolls would shut up more often. At least the conversation is occasionally interesting through the shouting.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

Occasionally is the right word. As of late there seems to be more shouting.

Mencius3 • 8 years ago

There are some good people on this site, even ones I don't agree with on most things. But I didn't mind when I took a break of several years from here. Just depends on who you talk to, I think. Because it's a presidential election year, it's easier to show up, though the trolling can be a bit much.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

I think this election has made people much worse. I'm so disgusted at this election overall that the only guy I like is Kasich, and he won't make it. Overall I'm just sitting on the sidelines, and mostly remain vocal about my hatred about Trump. I can't believe we allowed the bar sank this low. That said, when Trump isn't making things ugly, then Hillary says something stupid like "where was Bernie during my healthcare fight." Then hours later video shows up with Bernie right next to her during her fight about healthcare. This whole election is just one facepalm after another.

Teh mighty Caribou and I have vowed to never run for public office, we leave that to the humans. Our interference has its limits. We are, after all, more like guardians and guides, rather than interventionists.
That being said, some election cycles certainly test our resolve to keep our oath.

A couple years away from Mediaite? What's that like? It sounds so...sounds so...so peaceful! So beautiful...

Guest • 8 years ago

Yeah, you've never met me. I am not known for holding back...

Severely Conservative • 8 years ago

I am a fan. I like your false-equivalence posts when you say even though Democrats in Congress are 5X more diverse than the Republicans, you find both parties equally at fault about not being diverse enough.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

Again, you fail at reading comprehension. You assume I say both parties are equally at fault for every case, which I have never said. I have usually use it on a case by case basis by explaining examples of both parties being at fault, like gerrymandering districts since IL's 4th is considered a prime example. Then I explain how it's more common among Republicans since they own more seats, yet your reading stops halfway since reading is hard for you. Therefore you think I'm simply saying both parties are equal, when I didn't, then explain how it's not, then go on with a false narrative when many ask what is your problem with me and you yell "WE CONSERVATIVES" like a broken record.

That one is an MHP troll.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

Wait, he is a Melissa Harris Perry supporter? I feel sorry for him if that is the case.

MHP is the intellectual leader of Teh Radical Left Clown Island.

Hikaru • 8 years ago

She was kicked off Teh Island.

The only concern was fear of unequal weight causing it to tip.

Plus they probably wanted their children back.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

At first the people on the island were fine with her, then eventually when she went into tampon territory the island started to sink into the ocean causing more flooding. So to keep the island afloat, then MHP had to be sent off. lol

Her tampon earrings absorbed trillions of gallons of seawater, halting the oceans from rising.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago


Pattywagon • 8 years ago

>I won't say I was fired because of race, but it was racially motivated.


Severely Conservative • 8 years ago

Severely Con: "There are fewer Democrats in Congress compared to the Republicans. Democrats have 5 times the minorities compared to Republicans. Democrats have 81 minorities. Republicans have 16 minorities."

Patty gets upset and invokes sarcasm: "Wow, 81 minorities? SO progressive!"

Patty then invokes false-equivalence. She ignores the part where I pointed out the Dems are 5X more diverse. She lumps the Dems and Republicans together and trashes the Dems by saying..."Us liberals are so diverse we have made sure Congress is only 80% white!"


We need more conservatives like Patty.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

I never said it was better in the Republican party. You think I did, but I didn't. Again, you can't point out where I said they were equally bad on a mathematical stance. I pointed out the overall US Demographics aren't represented among both parties overall. Again, you failed to comprehend what I read since it requires thinking, which you lack. Good job.

Severely Conservative • 8 years ago

I only see you blaming the "progressives" and the "liberals" in the thread for the lack of diversity. You were able to defy math in this thread. That is why you are awesome.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

You apparently struggle thinking beyond the few words you highlighted, which is also sad for the fact you are highlight past comments from a while ago. Do you keep them in a spread sheet or something to reference them as a means to use an online argument? If so, then that is sad and creepy.

Also the only math I mention in this thread is the millions who died in China under Mao from the Great Leap to the Cultural Revolution. I know reality is hard for you, but try it sometime. That said, keep it up. No one is taking your side, and you are wasting your time trying to paint me in a false reality that the majority doesn't agree you with. You can waste your time thinking people will side you here with your asinine points and no critical thinking behind it, but at the end of the day no one cares what you think about me.

Severely Conservative • 8 years ago

I understand conservative logic. Millions died under Mao decades ago and that makes China's criticism of Trump today invalid.

Trump 2016

Guest • 8 years ago

I think you can be funny, but this beef you have with Patty is a bit much. He is a good guy and is in no way a RWNJ. He knows a bit about money too.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

>He knows a bit about money too

Unless it's sports gambling since I have never won in March Madness brackets. lol

Worst year, in my view, is I got 15/16 Sweet Sixteen Teams correct, and all of the elite 8 teams correct; however, I had zero final four teams correct. My bracket went from being ranked nationally in the top 100 to back into the the thousands.

BTW, thanks for standing up to me!

Guest • 8 years ago

You know I would.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

>Not understanding the point about the hypocrisy of Chinese government
>Not understanding historic examples in the context of my point of hypocrisy and extremes
>Actually believing the current Chinese government is much better nowadays
>Not thinking how the current Chinese government is impeding in foreign waters
>Not considering how China is starting to bully US allies like Japan and the Philippines
>Not thinking how China joins Russia to block the US in the UN often
>Not getting the point again

Severely Con logic.

You failed at critical thinking again. I'm sorry you can't figure it out like everyone has.

Guest • 8 years ago


Pattywagon • 8 years ago

This doesn't concern you. Either help, or stay out of it.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

BTW, how far do you have IN going? The NCAA didn't do them any favors.

Guest • 8 years ago

at least round 2. Playing UK is a toss up. I would like us to possibly play Notre Dame too. Long Shot I know. Mathematically they could play Butler or Purdue, but if they get that far, they will probably play Michigan State.

Pattywagon • 8 years ago

I was disappointed how the NCAA didn't give many favors to mid majors, minus Tulsa. Why is Tulsa there? I bet they get blown out in the first four.