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Maheswar Deka • 8 years ago

The LOC be made permanent border between India
and Pakistan. With it, the dispute over Kashmir will be settled and both India
and Pakistan will gain in terms of peace and prosperity. This is possible if
both the countries are willing to accept realities. In fact, 1930/1947 and 2015
are not same. What could have been possible in 1947 is not possible in
2015.Kashmir issue should have been settled in 1947 itself. Now, it is
useless to read past happenings, now is the time to rectify the past
mistakes. But, one reality is correct- both the countries cannot get Kashmir at
the same time. Either one party will have to drop claim over Kashmir or LOC
will have to be made international border between India and Pakistan.

Ghulam Nabi Malik • 7 years ago

In my opinion as original born Kashmir still alive who had seen, atrocities committed by Pakistani saboteurs sent as Mujahideen to liberate Kashmir, the six months anarchy October 1947 to April 1948 when Rajuari town was taken over by Indian forces, I was evicted from my home and hearth by Indian Army forciblly at the age of 12 years and came Pakistan for living in refugees' camp. The best solution was of 1950 formula of Owen Dixon representative of UNCIP, suggested India and Pakistan divide J & K on basis of religion as India was portioned but without removing population, PM of Pakistan Ali Khan and Sh. Abdullah was at the helm affairs did not agree, under the impression that Liaquat Ali Khan was fearful of Sheikh's influence in valley for which was suggested to give it to UN for five years and then plebiscite, Ladakh and Jammu region on basis of Chenab formula to be given to India and Pakistan should hold AJK with Poonich and Rajuari district to Pakistan Shaikh was under the impression that people of Jammu region flee to Pakistan would vote for Pakistan. After some years when Pakistan realized that issue of Kashmir was unsuitable then, asked for the same Chenab formula, but it was too late. What I suggest, there are two waysIndia should take out its troops should stay in Military barracks and at the same time Pakistan also should withdraw its troops to Military barracks in Pakistan and on the LOC UN observers to be deployed for any infiltration from Pakistan Fence should be removed to make easy travel either side of LOC and WB. On both sides India and Pakistan should be abide with sincere efforts and with complete faith that deficit of trust should be strictly maintained under third party. There would be UN and third party of world power may be US should look into the peace efforts from both sides. Pakistan is blamed in the world body that it encourages the terrorists under the jihad theory. India should also maintain to suppress the Hindutva aspiring to have auspicious relation with each other. So good neighborly atmosphere would prevail.

Willam Dear • 3 years ago

Hello, I’m looking to cite this for my dissertation and was wondering what your source is for these statistics? Thank you
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