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Fishface • 8 years ago

As an ex-Leftist and ex-multiculturalist, I have to agree that it is narcissism. I mixed with these people for years. For some, it is also anxiety. They can't like themselves unless they feel that they are a good person. PC defines what a good person is (according to PC.) These anxious people treat PC like a religion. It makes them feel safe. It becomes for them an actual quasi-religion. It is hard to try to change their mind because you are taking away their belief system. That is terrifying for them. If they believe you when you criticise PC, they become a bad person, in their minds. Even when they intellectually believe you, they must reject what you say emotionally. They are also terrified the arrogant PC Leftists will hear them not shouting you down. They can't be seen to listen. To even listen to an opponent is seen as treason.

For the arrogant, they get to feel self-righteous rage, which must be a rush. They get to hate, really hate, and in their minds it makes them a good person. The more they hate those who disagree, the more they care. They hate you so much because they care. They get to feel morally superior without actually doing anything, except hating you and feeling sad for the victim du jour. The more they passionately hate and the more they passionately "care", the more superior to you they are. They feel superior. They get kudos, attention and admirers. The more they "care", the more the others are afraid of them. As Daniel describes, it is anti-intellectual self-indulgent narcissism. Among Leftists and multiculturalists, it is a strange mix of smugness and fear. When everyone agrees, it's a cosy feeling of shared moral and intellectual superiority (we are smarter and better). But as the PC posts keep shifting, and some "care" more than others, there's always the fear of being denounced.

laura r • 8 years ago

what about the rage of wanting to kill or destroy thier opposition? i have had close to death threats. im not even an important person or have any power. its very creepy.

Fishface • 8 years ago

The rage: because you are threatening their fragile belief system, by not agreeing. They are so emotionally politicised that they cannot separate their beliefs from themselves. Their beliefs have become part of their identity. The anxious Leftist won't threat you. The arrogant ones will. They have the same mentality as terrorists and old hippies. They believe they are building utopia ( mostly through hatred). If you don't agree, you are stopping utopia. If you are stopping utopia, it must be because you are evil. They dismiss what you say as propaganda and are afraid you might convert someone, damaging utopia. They are also terrified that you might be right. For some of them, like me, it is inter-generational. You are, without knowing it, attacking their entire upbringing. They were raised a multiculturalist, a Leftist. They have nothing else. It strikes you as creepy because you are witnessing the rage of a fragile mind.

Annie • 8 years ago

You are spot on Fishface.

The rage is what we call "Narcisistic Rage".

When people have a fragile sense of their own identity and self-worth, anyone who has a strong sense of Identity, and strong differing opinions actually threatens the existance of the other person.

Since they feel their existance under attack, they then "defend" themselves, with a narcissitic rage.

I was a leftie too, until a few things happened that made me wake up.

I will disagree we can't "get" them to listen, but the approach cannot be like it usually is. You have to call their abuse out for what it is. You can't debate "rationally" with these people, you have to hold up a mirror to their behaviour, until they become so ashamed, they start to control themselves.

Only then, will they listen to reasonable arguments.

laura r • 8 years ago

im ok w/being considered the enemy. i enjoy these folks getting unhinged about nothing. they dont even know what they are saying most of the time.

conservatroll • 8 years ago

It's extremely creepy. They want to crush all dissent. It's a passive aggressive sort of hatred.

IslamIsFascism • 8 years ago

My friend was overheard criticising islam at his workplace for which he was duly reported and called on the carpet. He was even speaking to the person who reported him, which reminds me eerily of the tactics of the Gestapo in getting other citizens to report on each other.

chicagotrance • 8 years ago


conservatroll • 8 years ago

Lefties are hate based prigs. Yup.

Fishface • 8 years ago

Thank you.

Sprickoló Tömegek • 8 years ago

Congratulations for your deconversion!

Post-modern leftism is a totalitarian ideology which posits that all human enterprises but their own must be imagined as self-contained consummation of arbitrary preferences, expressed by intangible abstractions, between which only they can make "justice", by virtue of their "enlightenedness".

Because it takes place in a world of imagiation, the meaning of "justice" is determined by the current fashion of the "righteous".

To question the fashion is to forfeit their status as members of the Enlightened Covenant , and themselves become "enemies of diversity" that need to be put into its "rightful place".

See also: Orson Scott Card and liberalism.

jamieglazov11 • 8 years ago

Fishface, can you email me at jamieglazov11@gmail.com. I would like to discuss this with you.

mare • 8 years ago

Absolutely Outstanding, thank you for the definition I have been trying to think up for ages....

ScarletPimpernel • 8 years ago

Excellent, and I believe you. What was the catalyst that compelled you to go from being a Leftist to where you are now?

Fishface • 8 years ago

God. But it still took years. Many people try to be a Christian and a socialist. You have to peel Leftism off in layers. I read a lot. I married a woman who's father was murdered by Communist revolutionaries. She gave me the inside story of life in a revolutionary society. Daily murder. I saw Communism for what it was. But it took years to grasp that Communism is Socialism, that Communism is Socialism all grown up, that those murdering revolutionaries were Socialists, building Utopia.

I_Am_Me • 8 years ago

chicagotrance was right. This is an outstanding summary of their inner mental workings. I first saw a very similar analysis over a year ago at the blog posted below. And a over a year later, deranged Leftists still keep posting on the blog to try to discredit its simple truths. It can't be just a coincidence that so many non-indoctrinated people are starting to see through this "I care and you don't" narcissism smokescreen.


Iamstilllearning • 8 years ago

You are not kidding- I_Am_Me! After you recommended this to me, I spent a good week or so trying to shake off the venom from the deranged Leftists commenting there! The article is great, and it was startling to read such unhinged reactions to it. Thanks again. :)

AmericanCitizen • 8 years ago

For those of you who watched Ben Affleck's meltdown on Bill Maher's HBO program last year - it was very similar. When Bill and another guest brought up the violence inherent in Islam, Ben basically threw a temper tantrum and was reduced to saying "that's so racist" to every point Bill made. ISIS is cutting off heads because of their religion? "You are so racist" was Ben's witty comeback. Shows you how Libs equate Islam with a race - this way Libs can be anti-religion and still support Muslims.

On a side note, Bill Maher has caught tremendous flak from the left over his views on Islam, but when Bill Maher was ripping on Christians his snarky one-liners were the toast of the town.

Tarrant • 8 years ago

Islam is as close to a race as you can get.. I mean, there's a bang & everyone starts running.. Sure sounds like a race to me ;)

I_Am_Me • 8 years ago

Just an FYI, the other guest was atheist Sam Harris, who apparently had some dust up with Noam Chomsky about who knows what. After that episode, he also got into all sorts of grief.

tagalog • 8 years ago

Mahar wrote a best-seller about his anti-Christian rants. "Religulous."

Russell Steadman • 8 years ago

affleck: noun, any politically correct display of attitude by use of emotion

adj: "affleckted' used as adjective e.g. Ben has afflected airs about his political views.

IslamIsFascism • 8 years ago

I saw a recent interview where Maher denounced the common argument of false equivalence that seeks to compare Christianity w/Islam in matters of genocide, persecution etc. I was really surprised he did so too.

Yulia Demkin • 8 years ago

Why does he limit his concern to 4 million when there are billions of people who would be better off in the UK.

1970greenie • 8 years ago

"...you can't oppose migrants because we all migrated from Africa...." When humans left Africa there were no other humans in the ares to which they migrated. She equates prehistorical population movements to people entering nations with borders. Someone should migrate into her living room. The borders of her personal residence are no different than the borders of her country.

I_Am_Me • 8 years ago

That was the dumbest of many dumb things said in this 6 minute clip.

IslamIsFascism • 8 years ago

LOL, excellent point. Or why not walk into the bathroom with them?

laura r • 8 years ago

it took 100s of 1000s of years form the white race to emerge. thats alot of time for boundaries & cultures to make their borders.

IslamIsFascism • 8 years ago

Just think Africa is practically caucasian free and becoming more so all the time (thanks Mugabe!).

1twothree4 • 8 years ago

“At the core of Liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.” - P.J. O’Rourke

LePlusPetitViolon • 8 years ago

No matter if you point out fewer people would drown if the Mediterranean was properly patrolled, no matter if you point out that fewer people would die making the land journey to Europe if the EU enforced its borders and concentrated on provided refugee aid at the Syrian borders (as the British government has done in a bout of uncharacteristic good sense). The whole migrant debate in Europe has been dominated by Panglossians like Schama, more interested in feeling good about themselves than doing good for others.

These people would let the sky fall rather than admit that they are wrong about anything. Or indeed, let tens of thousands of people drown or die of exposure or accidents breaking into lorries and trains.

Roguewave1 • 8 years ago

"Too many Liberals are juveniles in adult bodies, they are 'unfinished people' without a center. Hollow men without chests. They want to do whatever feels good...smoke dope, curse their parents, grow a beard, take a gay lover, party 'till they puke...but still borrow the car keys and get an allowance on the weekend." — Stolen off the 'net

I_Am_Me • 8 years ago

That's a modern version of something C.S. Lewis might say.

objectivefactsmatter • 8 years ago

The idiot (leftist revisionist historian) conflates emotional response with emotional reasoning.

The other individual chided him for relying on emotional reasoning, not for having human emotions as a motive to respond and work out the best reasonable, rational choices.

Emotional responses are human. Emotional reasoning is childishness.

These aging radicals want you to think like a child. I'll bet you dollars to donuts that Schama loves Rousseau.

Annie • 8 years ago

You are spot on.

I've been studying this phenomenom for years now, and the truth of it is quit chilling.

The fact is, emotional reactions are usually a sign of emotional immaturity. What we are dealing with is narcissism. All humans are narcissistic, but they used to grow out of it, during the toddler years, and the teen years. This is no longer happening.

What is even scarier, is that Islam is exactly the same way. Muslims are emotionally underdeveloped people. Hence their narcissistic Rage when they don't get their own way.(This is actually the case in all Tribal societies).

Don't give the muslims what they want, or tell muslims what they want to hear, they will throw huge temper tantrums and threaten and bully everyone into submission.

Leftists will do the same, if they don't get their own way, they will bully and threaten people into submission.

Muslims think they are morally superior, without being able to show why their religion is better. Communists thought they were morally superior without being able to show why their ideology was better, and leftists also think they are morally superior, without being able to show why.

They are all believing what they want to. Reason is irrelevant.

Every tried reasoning with an angry toddler?

objectivefactsmatter • 8 years ago

Westerners are taught that intellectual, psychological, emotional, etc. "maturity" is sort of an organic thing and it's not.

People must be taught how to reason through their emotions. This is not denying or repressing emotions. It's refining how we respond to events in life.

Annie • 8 years ago


In fact I would go so far as to say, we are taught to put our emotions to the side, and think before we feel. At least, that's what we USED to do.

What we've done in our society and particularly education system, is try and protect people from hurt feelings. This is not the solution. We have to teach children how to cope with hurt feelings, because bad things are going to happen. If we try and help them avoid it(IE By giving everyone a trophy instead of rewarding the best and letting the others be disappionted), then we never teach children how to handle painful emotions.

So as adults, when something hurts, they "react" as though this is not supposed to happen, as though they are entitled to feel good all the time, and that they are offended that the world didn't hand itself to them on a silver platter. Just like a Toddler.

Just recently I saw an idea, where a woman was suggesting every parent should only give one present from Santa, with the rest of the presents coming from the parents. That way kids that didn't get as many presents from Santa wouldn't feel unloved.

Seemed like a nice Idea, but it was actually a terrible idea. How will the children feel then, when other kids get more presents from their parents? That they aren't as loved? Why should adults skimp on Santa presents because other adults can't give as much?

Ultimately it's an attempt to avoid Envy, not feeling unloved. We MUST teach children how to understand and cope with Envy as we will never all be equal. It's just not reality. We can be happy for the successful or give into Envy and try and take from those that have more.

Bad, Bad lesson. But that's the way society thinks now. Pain avoiding, infantiled, entitled and no longer raising children under biblical principles(I say that as an athiest).

SaguaroJack49 • 8 years ago

Superbly said, Ms Annie.

SWohio • 8 years ago

An inbred angry toddler.

Michelle Therese • 8 years ago

Ah, so this is what Christian civilization created: the mature adult, forced to grow out of selfishness and to think of Others.

Annie • 8 years ago

Yes, that is it, pretty much.

Now that we are losing Christianity, you can see how narcissistic, hysterical and infantile our society is becoming.

Toa • 8 years ago

"I'll bet you dollars to donuts that Schama loves Rousseau."
Yup...just as did that great humanitarian reformer Pol Pot.

imwithstoopid • 8 years ago

Once again I see and hear a Jew defending the very people that want him so dead that it is a religion to them, what is wrong with those people, really, what is wrong.

objectivefactsmatter • 8 years ago

Kick out leftists and then seal the borders.

Edward Cline • 8 years ago

Simon Schama definitely needed a restraining device of some sort. For a moment, I thought he was going to get up and physically assault the articulate fellow. And, didn't you know, Daniel, that if there hadn't been any migration from Africa many hundreds of thousands of years ago, you wouldn't be sitting in your comfy apartment in New York churning out opinion columns? Leave it to an idiot to raise a subject so irrelevant!

I_Am_Me • 8 years ago

Simon's pointing (always done most aggressively by the most arrogant) started to turn into a sideways middle-finger towards the end. The hatred of reality was palpable.

Bamaguje • 8 years ago

"If you're a "good person", you'll support him. If you don't, you're a "bad person"" - DG.

That would make Muslim countries which refuse to take in their fellow Muslims, very bad people. To call Muslims out in that manner would be racist and Islamophobic, since Muslims are held to lower standards of civilized conduct.

Roguewave1 • 8 years ago

There is one common thread for all the misery, death and suffering in the Middle-East...Islam. To welcome its adherents and believers into your midst is to welcome coming misery, suffering & death. The formula here is not hard to discern. There is a ring of fire and death around Muslim territory. Any area Islam touches is consumed by and impaled by the eon old program of proselytizing with force by their zealots of the religion. To invite them in is to invite the enemy into your camp. Keep Islam at the ring.

While the plight of these peoples is in most cases heart-rending, there is a huge problem with taking them in, which the Europeans are confronting now. The elephant in the room is that the very source of problems and their own miseries that causes the influx in the first place will be brought with them - Islamism. Whichever sect to which they ascribe, the other half is trying to exterminate and vice versa because of something as stupidly innane as a disgreement over who was to rule the religion after its hideously violent and malevolent founder croaked. No country could be condemned for refusing infusions of large foreign populations of people infected with a dread disease or pestilence, yet I submit that is exactly what the religion most of these immigrants bring with them is. Don't you quarantine the diseased before the carriers can spread the pathogen? It is a social conundrum.

In every country where Muslims are in the minority, they are obsessed with minority rights. In every country with a Muslim majority, there are no minority rights.

To merely mention these realities threatens the notions that "we are all the same," which forms the very basis of multiculturalism...indeed, the foundation of progressivism. To learn that some of us really and truly want to kill the rest of us merely because of what some sun-crazed maniac said 1400 years ago must be a shock. That cannot be expected to be received calmly by the indoctrinated.

GodKingTrump • 8 years ago

Daniel Greenfield is currently the best writer in the world, hands down. He eloquently eviscerates the leftist shibboleths like no other. Someone needs to clone a whole bunch of Greenfields so we can have him in the UK and in every major European country.

But it's great to see Rod Liddle challenging this smug leftist moralizer. Often times this sort of madness goes unchallenged on QT, and along with its unrepresentative audience, this is why it's basically unwatchable these days.

Russell Steadman • 8 years ago

EEf hamosapians had nut immigreeted oot af Afreeka eewww woodint be heah ta night.

Proves you can say any stupid thing with a British accent and it sounds brilliant.