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lavista4u • 8 years ago

However, Snowden itself is a reverse Psy-Op Propaganda on people.

He hasn't admitted to anything worthwhile but plays on as an opposition to what the government line is in main stream.

List of things Snowden...never talks about..

1. 911..Infact, he believes Osama bin laden exist and US army conducted the raid in Pakistan and killed Osama...LOL...He actually believes in al qaeda.....some intelligence guy he is

2. Fluoride in water

3. Chem trials


5. Weather manipulation

6. Autism

7. Vaccination

8. Illuminati

9. Freemason

10. Currency manipulation

11. S4, Area 51, Anti Matter Tech, Time Travel Tech, Contact with Aliens etc etc etc....

12. 100's of false flags every other week..

and the list goes on and on....Infact...he never really talked about anything that really matters....He seems to create a lot of BUZZ in the main stream.

He is a good Spy for main stream but not for Conspiracy, Truther movement..

How come NBC, Guardian lame stream papers can get hold of him, but the biggest bad a**s mtherf**ker on the planet CIA never could ..LOL...

Common, he is one of them...He never left Langley ..Mainstream loves him for a reason...WAKE UP

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

"...How come NBC, Guardian lame stream papers can get hold of him, but the biggest bad a**s mtherf**ker on the planet CIA never could ..LOL..."

you do understand that Snowden lives in Russia under Putin's protection?

blank • 8 years ago

Lame stream? Surely, you can do better than quote Sarah Palin.

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

uh, I was quoting lavista4u

blank • 8 years ago

Mea Culpa.

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

no problem, innocent mistake

blank • 8 years ago

My bad. :-)

Quetzol-43 • 8 years ago

You disagree with me, hence you must be a paid governement agent spreading disinformation.

Crystal7852 • 8 years ago

If you are in need for extra payment in the range of $50 to $300 on daily basis for doing an online job on your computer from home for few h every day then check this out...< w­w­w.P­a­y-R­e­v­i­e­w.c­o­m >

Leo News • 8 years ago

NATO Slaughter In Libya Revealed: US And French War Crimes Go Unpunished!!!

Joe Jones • 8 years ago

These gu'mint Bozos are the same people who try to keep the Sandy Hook LIE alive, tell you that the Boston Marathon bombing was real, and pooh-pooh anyone who sees through the gu'mint B.S.

guest • 8 years ago

Michael, I have noticed of late that commenters on your sites are increasingly ignoring those comments that are obviously intended to disrupt and offend. Sometimes the trolls are childish beyond belief. Remember the " trolls " who showed up at Tea Party events trying to blend in while carrying racist signs? Remember the publishing company that bought the house next to Sarah Palin's then hired a troll to move in and dig up any so called dirt he could. The best he could do was cite an "anonymous" source who claimed Sarah Palin slept with a... GASP ...black guy 20 years earlier. This reflected the view of a laughable, paranoid, racist, self anointed " elite in their own minds " activist left. They were convinced that all of those " racist, uneducated , white racist " Palin supporters would dump her as soon as they made the accusation " Then other anonymous sources who claimed to know their troll said he was sleeping with black guys first The so called psychological techniques being used by these trolls both on line and off are a transparent joke. They typically reflect the ignorant, racist, stereotyping views of the trolls and their employers and little else.

Quetzol-43 • 8 years ago

It is truly amazing how petty and pathetic the Palin Haters can be.

K • 8 years ago

Michael, they are on your sights too. But understand, that is a badge of honor.

just say no TO COPS • 7 years ago

They're also called 'seed media', and like govt trolls, they're paid. Best to not even reply to them, most of them are sock puppets, you can tell who they are. That the governments are even resorting to this type of sneaky behavior tells you something, doesn't it?

Dan • 8 years ago

Michael , I hate it when I come to a good article of yours 10 days late.
But, what happened here; Everyone's attacking each other and no ones debating or talking about your article. Its a shame because the fact that our government fits the criteria of something out of the twilight zone; is troubling to say the least. We better find an answer that fixes Washington fast. Because, once the internet becomes fully regulated the proverbial lights will be out.

Jaded • 8 years ago

Anyone have a link to "their" job board? I mean to ask, is one recruited or does one apply to be a troll? If it pays well, I might look into it. Or are these personal attacks to my comments, generated by an AI? That would sure keep costs down, allow for rules-based AI review of messages and creation of effective psychologically formulated responses. I could apply as a programmer for that too? I think only a troll or a toady would be allowed entry, then he/she could report back on the inner-workings. I'm not sure if a troll is higher than a toady or if both have a corresponding GS level. So, in closing, for any AI listener, please send link to job board. Thanks.

Quetzol-43 • 8 years ago

You just have to disagree with someone on the internet, that automatically makes you a paid governement troll and a morbidly overweight neckbeard living in the darkness of his mother´s basement.

margaret Bartley • 8 years ago

I remember back in the old usenet days, before comments were browser-based, and anyone could post. I belonged to several groups that were being severly trolled. Someone posted a first-person story about a kid who was blackmailed into being a troll, stuck in an ugly emply motel room 16 hours a day,

It was a real problem, but in a way, it was more easily handled, because the users were more sophisticated. One time, someone listed the posting times of one obnoxious troll, and we could see him taking his lunch break, and going home for dinner each night! It was East Coast time. Pretty funny. After that, it became more random.

The fight for freedom is never-ending. As soon as enough people see a hole to get through, the overlords fill it in. Such as it always was.

GetReal4U2 • 8 years ago

everything you do and post is recorded...freaky times indeed...

V Tiffany Seidel • 8 years ago

How can I apply to be a paid lackey for the federal gov't? I would be a secret double agent secretly working for the red states while pretending to be a lackey for the lying obama administration. I would get the skinny on obama's NWO agenda where he pretends to care about border security but really is working for the Marxist Alinsky crowd where he really is trying to overload the system by allowing as many illegals and criminals and terrorist thru the southern borders and find out how he's going to allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons without the American people's knowledge and then get in with the far leftist crowd where obama gives orders to his riot and his race baiting army on how to make non racist people look like Racist "book" and it's prolly called "Dreams from my Marxist, muslim brotherhood, hate America real father, Frank Marshall Davis. Then I will infiltrate George Soros group and get the hidden documents that prove once and for all Soros did in fact rig the electronic voting machines and then I would black mail obammy and his cohorts by rigging all electronic voter machine to only accept republican nominees and then if oBananaHead or his socialist regime threaten me then I will release his Real birth certificate and then I would release his " College Records " and if he orders me to Stand Down or else then I will produce his real Social Security number which is not the one he is currently using but that which belongs to a 120 year old man but I digress. Anyway, back to my original question, how can I apply to be a paid lackey for Conrad Barry? I could use a part time job as my hours were cut shortly after the ACA became the law of the land. Speaking of obamacare, I was denied subsidies for ObamaDontCare yet I didn't make enough last year to be taxed for not being able to afford it, maybe I could pretend to be muslim and say the ACA is against my religion and I will be exempt from it like the rest of Ayatollah obama's muslim friends are, I'm just sayin, or I could pretend to be an illegal immigrant and get the damn thing for free!

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

"...find out how he's going to allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons...."

so what

GetReal4U2 • 8 years ago

The abc news web site definitely has paid government trolls...

"They’re watching me,
But who’s watching them?
This government surveillance
We need to stem,
What’s private to me
Is private to me,
And it’s not what I want

A government employee to see....."

From :http://rhymeafterrhyme.net/...

JB • 8 years ago

That's because they're Jesuits at the NSA. This kind of thing has been going on for centuries. At one point they were banned in 81 countries and have been affectionately labeled as " the Engineer Corps of Hell."

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

"...Documents leaked by Snowden also reveal that government agents have been conducting denial-of-service attacks...."

hasn't your other website TheEconomicCollapse been attacked?

Guest • 8 years ago

Nah, "He Who Smelt It, Dealt It".

In this case, the first one to say, "hey, don't look at me, look over there instead!" is the guilty party.

Frankly, I'd high-five myself because I *just knew* that the dumbest of dumba$$es would point to this board's bugaboo. But you were soooooo stinkin' predictable that it hardly deserves a high-five :\

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

uh, no, I totally agree with this article.

The U.S. governments SPIES on everyone!
is that a characteristic of a democratic republic?
or of a fascist state? [fascism is the merger of state and corporate powers]

btw, if you were paid for what you are worth then you would be giving up money because your arguments are so utterly pathetic

blank • 8 years ago

Ooh Rah! I got your back, Bro.

Guest • 8 years ago
Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

Dude. Have you taken your meds?

GetReal4U2 • 8 years ago

September approaches quickly...

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

August approaches quickly

that_guy • 8 years ago

The men in the white coats approach you quickly.

blank • 8 years ago

I have, and it makes total sense to me.

Michael Simpson • 8 years ago

Read the article, my first thought was "Gay Veteran"

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

I'm sure it was your first thought.

Michael Simpson • 8 years ago

If it walks like a troll, and yacks like a troll, it's probably a troll.

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

yes, you are a troll

Michael Simpson • 8 years ago

Carrie, you up voted an anonymous coward? Gay evidently likes to run around stirring the pot. He's angry about something. My guess, angry drunk. But government troll looks entirely possible.

Carrie, look at his Discus history. Just click his name and look at the endless vomit that spills out of his keyboard. He has yet to contribute one iota of wisdom to this preparer board or any other Discus forum. It's not directed at anyone in particular. He's just a troll. A looser!

7472 comments and not ONE coherent, valuable post. Well, you are successful at one thing, trolling.

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

thank you for contributing to the discussion about what our government is up to

Michael Simpson • 8 years ago

The topic of this article is "Government installed trolls. I think I am being on point. If you click on your Disqus history and read what you have writen, one thing becomes apparent, you hate Christians. You mock and troll them. I even see some psychological aspects to your attacks. One of your posts was a real low blow designed to instill doubt and fear. You even threw the, "that's not very Christian like" at me. I think you have the idea the every Christian will turn the other cheek. Sorry, but there are nuances to Christianity just like anything. I'm a cowboy Christian. We don't turn the other cheek and we don't like bullies. We also pride ourselves on being self reliant. Go to a rodeo if you want to get a view of the cowboy way, God, county and life.

I have no problem with you being gay. That is between you and God.

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

"...you hate Christians...."

nope, just the ayatollah wannabes

blank • 8 years ago

I misspoke. I don't hate Christians. I hate Evangelicals, who can't shut up about their beliefs, and have to interject it into every conversation. That's who I meant. It just seems they are getting larger and larger as a percentage.

Gay Veteran • 8 years ago

but the poor things are being persecuted! LOL

Michael Simpson • 8 years ago


blank • 8 years ago

I don't count on Christians turning the other cheek. In fact, if you're an Evangelical asshole, who thinks he owns the rights the the Lord, I'm spoiling for a fight.

blank • 8 years ago

hey, I hate Christians as well. Well, except my Mom and two others. ya know why? They think they own the rights to God. They claim the earth is 6,000 years old, even though the Hindu text goes back almost 8,000 years. They claim the Bible is the unbshakable word of God. How do they know? Why, the Bible tells them! That should be good enough for everyone! If they stopped being so arrogant, and claiming persecution where none exists, I might start liking them. That's why I like Catholics. They don't care what I think, and they don't proselytize. They just ask me to stay out of their business, and they'll do the same. I can respect that. If you guys would quit thinking the Lord tells you to get in other's faces, we could get along. Til then, yeah. I can't stand the whole lot.

Michael Simpson • 8 years ago

I don't care who you like or hate. I too have Christian friends who think the world is 6000 years old. The only problem is that would make God a trickster. Educated people know it's 4.5 billion years old.

I'm not crazy about them coming to my door to evangelize. I consider it an invasion of my privacy. So when JW was coming to my door, I'd answer in my underwear. They don't come back.

I agree with you. You leave me alone, I'll leave you alone. That is the way it is supposed to work. On the whole, I don't hate people. Well, I hate ISIS but other than that, I'm okay with people pursuing their dreams.

I even support John Hinson's quest to be a simpleton.