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Media Terraneo • 8 years ago

never mind his atrocious behaviour on stopping the life-guards, what kind of father would not go rushing into the sea to save his own child?

tdavis00 • 8 years ago

He probably couldn't swim.

Guest • 8 years ago
Shelly Lloyd • 8 years ago

Just because he is big and tall doesn't mean he can swim. I have seen my share of big, tall, tough men get caught in a rip current.
He is still a horrid person for preventing the life gaurds from saving his daughter.

monique • 8 years ago

My thoughts exactly

Kameroudste • 8 years ago

This man was not a father. He was nothing more than a sperm donor. "Father" is a title you have to deserve.

DoublePlusGood • 8 years ago

I hope his punishment was more severe than merely being sued. Preventing his daughter's rescue is equivalent to killing her himself. He should be charged with murder or manslaughter at the very minimum. His mentality is utterly disgusting and not based on any religious principles at all. There should be no tolerance for such dangerous beliefs.

Abuzer Sigriwala • 8 years ago

Its a murder instead! and the father should be in prison accordingly.

Suzi Cain • 8 years ago

I couldn't agree more. Being a mother myself I'm mortified and disgusted. It's murder in my eyes

Neighbor • 8 years ago

"Asian" man? Isn't that a little broad? Why not say what country he is from? Also strange that the girl was from such a strict culture that a man couldn't touch her to save her life, but she was swimming in a bathing suit in mixed company?

Theo Pious • 8 years ago

I had that same question - but one can't expect consistency in application when dealing with theists.

M R Gooda • 8 years ago

It is a man's personal attitude and behaviour.
It has nothing to do with his country, religion, race, ethnicity or the colour of his skin.

Carbon • 8 years ago

Pathetic excuse for a man! Shame on this man and his pathetic belief!

P P • 8 years ago

I think the father intended for her to die, took her out where she knew she couldn't swim, and left her to die, and when his plan came under attack, he used this insane excuse to get away with it. Why didn't the father jump in the water to rescue her?

Jack Nick Olsen • 8 years ago

Any explanation for the use of the term 'Asian man' in this article about an incident in an Asian country in which all identified persons were Asian?

Felix Pereira • 8 years ago

Apparently the country in question prefers being known as a middle eastern country ,little knowing that Asia stretches from japan to the border of Egypt.

Silvia Planchett • 8 years ago

Standing up for what you believe isn't a virtue if what you believe in is awful.

Salah Osman • 8 years ago

Why didnt he save her ? Instead of fighting with life guards ?

Dan Hardesty • 8 years ago

But if a "strange man" touched his daughter, he might have to perform and "honor killing" to save his family name.

Jamie • 8 years ago

If he let her die in such a callous way I am sure that she left an extremely abusive life. I have nothing but sympathy for her and loathing for her father that cannot be expressed in words. I would happily light the fire if he were burned at the stake.

Anonymous • 8 years ago

Perhaps the "dad" didn't want his daughter rescued because then she would expose him for years of countless child abuse. As a parent, I couldn't think or would care less of a so called reason not to have my child saved!!

james donato • 8 years ago

i am at a lost ... extreme sadness for the girl's death and maybe uncontrollable anger at the father's decision ... or is it behavior ?
not to mention his interpretation of his beliefs ...

Omegaman • 8 years ago

It's his ridiculous belief in fairy tales.

Honey • 8 years ago

They should drown the father!

Actic Man • 8 years ago

I hope the UAE teaches this fool a lesson. Like introducing him to a bullet

smarton • 8 years ago

the man is crazy agree......but the rescuers even have a stupid excuse..........2 guys and one fellow......land and water..........the rescuers should know their duty .........it is even their fault......terrible

kirpputar • 8 years ago

“The father was a tall and strong man.He started pulling and preventing the rescue men and got violent with them." Read the text in more detail. Yes rescuers were trying everything they could!

M R Gooda • 8 years ago

I agree. This man could have been restrained forcefully.

agree with u

Syed • 8 years ago

I can't explain why I refuse to believe this story .

HarishNayak • 8 years ago

what is that Asian? There is nothing like Asian citizen. Stop hiding.

Alterity • 8 years ago


fycj • 8 years ago

pityful waste of a human life

Rajivi • 8 years ago

The search team could have saved the girl, in spite of fathers' objection. they could have arrested him at that time itself, instead of filing a case after the death of the girl...

Sean T Gallagher 3/7 • 8 years ago

He probably would have killed her later that Night in an "honor killing"

Abdullah Chagor • 8 years ago

sad but true

Carolyn • 8 years ago

Man needs life in prison. No if ands or buts. He committed second degree murder.

constantine • 8 years ago

Hopefully this earns this man a short drop and a quick stop. Anyone who would let his child die while not only refusing to attempt a rescue, but actively impeding a rescue, does not deserve to draw breath.

Mike • 8 years ago

He dishonored his daughter by letting her die because of his own personal ignorance. What a fool.

Arfaz Alkaf • 8 years ago

God knows how many similar dads are there present, Why don't we add female rescuers?

Banzybanz • 8 years ago

That isnt the problem. The man has killed his own daughter because of his stupid beliefs.
If I'm about to drown, I wouldnt care if it was a man, woman or a bear coming to rescue me.

Dilip Jagan • 8 years ago

OMG !!!

jcamachott • 8 years ago

When did this happen exactly? The last line says "He was prosecuted and sued by the concerned authorities." which means it couldnt have happened this past weekend. Has this been reported anywhere else?

Norma Linda Mejia • 8 years ago

So who retrieved the body? If she couldn't be touched by a strange man? Crazy! Just makes me wonder what kind of strange home life she had behind closed doors.

Jenero • 8 years ago

I can respect others cultured believes but I can not respect the ones that let these thoughts take a life.

M R Gooda • 8 years ago

What extreme can some people go to?
What culture would stop him to do that?
He should be tried for manslaughter.

Banzybanz • 8 years ago

More like murder. He intentionally did that.

Guest • 8 years ago

Why hadn't the dad saved his daughter by himself?

Monica Carver • 8 years ago

Hummmm.... I am sure U don't want to know what I think........Even I find it HARSH and judgmental. Nothing that I have voiced.... just mulled over in my head! May she rest-in-peace. Her 'abuse' is over now......

Mary Springer Whitehead • 8 years ago

God forgive us all.