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jey • 6 years ago

I am using Oil of Magnesium which I am making myself for more than a year now. What a difference ! I was suffering more and more from RLS, which not single doctors recognized or suggested ! Years I was sleep deprived, years I have performed just the half what I have could if be able to sleep !! Now is soo much better. I am still awaken from that crams, however just sometimes, and just for minutes of the night. What a difference. Thank you for article like this one. Your article sure helps many !

Ester Cromack • 6 years ago

I can't tolerate magnesium oil on my skin, but it's fine massaged into the soles of the feet. I also have it on the palms of my hands once I've done that. I have read online that the soles of the feet and palms of the hand have the best absorption. I'm only managing to massage 7.5mls in daily, but after just a few weeks, the cramping and locking up of my fingers had stopped. It's depressing to think it could take months to fully recover at this rate though as I also have various food intolerances which are also caused by magnesium deficiency.

Zed Kay • 6 years ago

I have tried using pure magnesium oil spray and each time I use it I get leg cramps during the night. Can anyone shed any light on this`?

jey • 6 years ago

I am a RLS big time sufferer. Since I am using Oil of Magnesium ( I am making myself 1:1 and using 50 sprays before sleep every night !) I can sleep, crams are much less ! and I am over all much better ! Maybe a different kind of magnesium ?

Zed Kay • 6 years ago

Thanks jey. I am glad you have success. I find it helps with pain and relaxation, so I am continuing use. If I get cramps, I stop use fro a while, then start again. seems to be ok :-)

Ngoma • 6 years ago

That's a sign that you have enough in your system and anything more is an overdose! Causes tingling and cramps yes.

Zed Kay • 6 years ago

Ngoma. Thanks, I needed that confirmed as they suggest using a lot more than I do, but then I do have a very good mineral rich diet.

Ramon • 7 years ago

So, is the type of magnesium recommended for oral intake, the same magnesium chloride oil?

Natalie • 7 years ago

I am on like day 5 of soaking in magnesium oil, and my teeth have begun to ache and hurt super bad when eating and drinking. It just appears to be getting worse. What could this mean?

Lyndel Thomas • 7 years ago

Magnesium oil hasn't prevented or eased my migraines! Nor did magnesium oral supplements. Disappointed but worth a try!

RadRosie • 7 years ago

Natrum muir cell salts and more water can knock out my migraines in minutes. Nothing else works for me.

Otohara • 7 years ago

I've had great luck with Magnesium Oil for migraines. I used to get the throw-up kind at least twice per month. No more going on 6 years. Magnesium Oil has been a life saver and my overall health has improved immensely. No more flu, no more cold sores, memory improved, bone density improved. Stay with it - I applied everyday X2 in the beginning and now use 3-4 times per week.

Amer Sakr • 7 years ago

Why doesn't this magnesium mircale work for his balding hair?
I really want to see one health Guru who appears to be totally healthy.
They are even fat or balding or wearing a thick eye glasses or looking so old.

H. Davis • 7 years ago

You sure got that right.As to balding they need to address the galia a membrane under the scalp. It thickens more in men than women due to androgenic hormones,etc. This can greatly impact circulation. Women are affected as given too. Falling hair,etc.This starts around 20 or so maybe younger at times. Pure Pennsylvania only crude oil with magnesium oil will help.See Google.
As to their health they promote supplements but leave off structure. Chiropractic aligns the spine takes undue pressure off spinal nerves that bring life to all cells and organs,etc.The Palmer Toggle recoil best,but you can contact National Upper Cervical Chiropratic Association.
Atlas is key Atlas or first cervical vertebra is again,the key as it goes out of normal range of position 12 different ways placing pressure on the life giving cord that goes through the first two neck vertebra as through it pass some 327 trillion nerve fibers in a cord that branches off to all organs after second neck- called the axis -vertebra.
Acupuncture is good too as it works on the nervous system which Grays Anatomy says is 'master system over all other systems in the body! '
As to being fat they need amino acids and digestive enzymes. If it's a trait or genes are involved they can work on that as l have seen this and they are thin now.

Rene • 7 years ago

Why does it say on bottle to avoid contact with eyes if you are using it in eyes?

Raymundo Fries • 8 years ago

My children were needing VA 21-2680 several days ago and found a company with an online forms database . If others need VA 21-2680 too , here's http://goo.gl/umcAOH

aucoeurdestraditions • 8 years ago

I've been using it for after a challenging exercise and it's help me to recover my body with pain. Most times after the workout I was a pain in my body but when I used the Magnesium oil treatment then I feel a relax after the workout. Really like this things, strongly suggest it.

Don Shetterly • 8 years ago

Are there any scientific studies that have been done to prove this (not ones that are poorly set up by those making a profit from this)?

Amelia • 8 years ago

I wonder if I didn't use enough. I used it last night for the first time and I didn't feel any tingling or burning like the others said. I also didn't feel any relief. Maybe I am expecting too much from just the first try but how much should I be using?

Cindy Ostrom • 8 years ago

Great article. Thank you. Will start using it more often for pain and will give to my massage therapist also to use. I was wondering if you know of any good brands of transdermal minerals besides magnesium oil. I have SIBO and Klebsiella and want to bypass the gut as much as possible with supplements. Thank you.

Hemang • 8 years ago

Which of the two would you recommend - the ultra oil or the regular one?

ken • 8 years ago

I here like to ask about magnesium oil which is said to be effective for osteoarthritis, but I once read ( I don't remember where) that someone wrote that her osteoarthritis became worse after spraying mag oil. Actualy I have painful osteoarthritis for a few monthes at my toes and I have now the medicines for that and so I like to know what you can say about the mag oil for the osreoarthritis.

Jen • 8 years ago

I was recently diagnosed with degenerative disc disease due to arthritis after what seemed like a sudden bout of excruciating pain in my lower back. I started using the magnesium oil spray along with virgin coconut oil (VCO) rubs in the lumbar area of my back and have been able to relieve the pain. I stopped using my very strong painkillers and anti-inflammatory prescribed medication after three days when I used the magnesium oil and VCO and realised it was much more effective wwith no negative side effect. I also spray on the top of my feet and massage it in at night before going to bed. So far it works like a charm. You need to try it for yourself and assess how you feel.

Yves • 8 years ago

I would like to thank Dr Sircus for the valuable information concerning Transdermal mag therapy. every time I have tried taking magnesium chloride be it in capsule or transdermally I have reactions at nightime during my sleep , it makes me jump out of my sleep. A friend of mine who sold natural products told me it was the chloride in the magnesium . Is there any other kind of magnesium oïl that would not make me jump like that? Thank you for any information.

Chez Kiva • 8 years ago

Try the approach I mentioned below. Good health food stores keep sample packets of C.A.L.M., and you will only need two or three servings to understand how it makes you feel. There are other potential triggers at play in this sleep issue, such as low selenium, and other functional brain supports. Note too, mag-CITRATE is immediately absorbed, but is very shallow in terms of regular supplementation.

Prairigrl • 9 years ago

I have a bottle of Mag Malate Renew. Each cap has 793mg Mag Malate Dihydrate - 100mg Elemental Mag and 545mg Malic Acid. I could not take this orally, but would like to try not to waste it and save some funds, before switching to Ancient Minerals in the future. Could this be substituted in the in a diy oil? At what amount do you think? Thanks for your help. :)

Chez Kiva • 8 years ago

As an avid experimenter, I wanted first to better understand the way I felt after taking simple doses of each form of magnesium when none appeared to be needed at all.

Magnesium CITRATE, (sold as CALM,) had the most immediately comprehensive effect, while the (basically buffered) pharmaceutical you mention had the least noticeable effect, although I wouldn't imply that this product is significantly less effective, due to the way that magnesium functions in the body, as I can basically explain.

Vitamin D and magnesium both serve a direct function in CALCIUM assimilation, although the effects we must seek are not directly linear. First, you need to understand that MOST of the calcium we get in our bloodstream is BOUND-calcium salts, which need to be dissolved BEFORE they can be assimilated. This is where the Mag OIL, (and intravenous application) is so critical. Think of magnesium as burning very very hot. Think of it like a fire-starter, and the calcium salts as charcoal. Once we get ignition to occur, yet another series of events begin to transpire, ALL OF WHICH are critical to understand in order to achieve our goals, and ultimately for you to feel your very best.

Calcium assimilation is critical for bone and joint health. So too, re-invigorating red cell blood production is essential to prevent all sorts of physical maladies including osteoporosis, bringing everything full-circle. Natural ORGANIC foods supply the most bioavailable form of calcium, and in a perfect world you wouldn't have those BOUND SALTS to contend with in resolving this fairly basic equation. Today, we see ARTERIAL PLAQUE, (aka: 'bad' cholesterol build-up,) and GLUTEN as fundamentally evil culprits. More culpable still, are those nasty bound CALCIUM SALTS, which look just like the nodes inside a tea kettle a few decades on.

Now that you understand basic lay of the land, you need to find a program that fits YOUR individual conditions. For me, I find comfort in approaching it like this. Start with some super D3, (fish, and ideally N. Atlantic Krill oil,) to get the lubrication process going. Then chase it with a single teaspoon of CALM, mixed with about 2 oz water and 1/2tsp lemon juice and a dash of sugar. This will fizz in the glass and you should let that settle before drinking. Doing this as often as twice daily for the first 3 to 10 days will significantly serve to dislodge the 'bad' calcium deposits. Now you are well on your way to absorbing all three of these vital minerals in equal proportions. ..According to Patrick, ( a young bartender in Denver,) this formula "Saved his life!" ~whereas he had been taking a full roll of Rolaids* daily, just to fight off what was sure to become an ulcer later, the result of eating pizza and a very low percentage of organic veggies his entire adult life.

Claudia French • 9 years ago

Sorry Prarigrl,

Dr. Sircus does not recommend diy (do it yourself) oil. Also we have no idea how you would incorporate the pills you have.
Please use only Ancient Minerals pure magnesium oil.

Claudia French

Lu Lu • 9 years ago

I sprayed magnesium oil on my skin and it was irritating. It liked burned and itched. Why?

Jessica • 8 years ago

If you read Dr. Sircus's book, it will explain the why regarding the burning and itching sensation. If you buy the Ancient Minerals with MSM it can help to alleviate some of the itching and burning. I've found that as my skin got used to application, the itching and burning stopped. It is a normal and expected result of transdermal magnesium therapy.

Chez Kiva • 8 years ago

I had the same reaction but felt much better rubbing it on my outer extremities immediately after showering. It only feels sticky till your skin is dry. You might try switching to a lower pH soap and shampoo combination if this persists.

Sean McGovern • 9 years ago

my 8 month baby daughter does not sleep. I have been told that Magnesium Oil Spray can be used on her that may help with sleepless nights. Is this true??

Claudia French • 9 years ago

Sure it can help. But for a baby its best to put some in a bath before bedtime as it will make her sleepy. You can massage it into her skin too, but you should dilute it by half with a pure water and see how she tolerates it. Start with small amounts and work up till the effect you are hoping for occurs. Use only an ounce or two in a baby tub to start with.
Claudia French

Chez Kiva • 8 years ago

It seems the feet would be good to rub too.

Patty • 9 years ago

Can it be used on the face for wrinkles, in place of retin A ?

Claudia French • 9 years ago

Its worth a try...though some people find it drying. Follow up with a good natural organic moisturizer like Aloe or Coconut or Olive oil.
Claudia French

marsha • 9 years ago

Does mag oil help neuropathy in hands and feet from chemo?

Claudia French • 9 years ago

Yes, Marsha,

Use the Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil and rub it on lavishly a number of times per day.
Claudia French

marsha • 9 years ago

thanks claudia - will get some today

David Smith • 9 years ago

I've been using it for after a hard workout and it's help dramatically with recovery. Most days I don't even feel like I've worked out the day before even though I know I pushed myself REALLY hard. Love this stuff, highly recommend it.

jenny b good • 9 years ago

How do I see the replies to the questions? Help!

Brit • 9 years ago

The first couple days after I started using Magnesium oil, spraying it on my arms and legs before bed, I saw significant differences. I used to wake up every single day with a headache/migraine and severe neck aches. Now, it has been cut down I'd say at least 75%. I only wake up with headaches a day or two a week. I am sleeping throughout the night, which I wasn't before and it also is helping with the muscle pain in my face from TMJ. I think it is amazing. I also read that putting the oil on large body parts with more fat helps your body absorb it better into muscle and putting it on very thin areas of skin with little fat helps it absorb into the blood stream. I do not know if this is true or not, that is just something I cam across.

It really is amazing. I saw results the same day I started using it!

Elisabeth • 9 years ago

Hello All,
I have been suffering with major migraines and other mystery ailments since beginning menopause three years ago. I have migraines before, but now they are continual. It was mentioned to me that I may be deficient in magnesium. First, I tried magnesium citrate powder which gave me horrible stomach cramps. After researching, I bought the magnesium spray. I have been using this and I feel like it does help my migraines. However, my entire body has a horrible bone-achy feeling. So much so that I had to stop the spray. The ache is better now, so I think it was related to the magnesium. However, I feel I need magnesium, so I'm wondering if it's actually because I'm low in calcium (I've been on a dairy-free diet for a year now--may have been a big mistake). Also, I'm very low in Vitamin D. Could anyone reading this explain the relationship between Magnesium, Calcium and Vitamin D? I've come to the conclusion that it's important to balance all three. I feel that I am deficient in them all, but I don't know how to go about balancing them. How much do I take of each? Any advice? Thank you so much.

Lorna • 10 years ago

I bought Calm Canada Magnesium Chloride liquid, today. It has 120 mlg of magnesium and 470 mlg of sea water in each ML. How much should I use to rub onto my knees for osteoarthritis pain? Should I dilute this product with distilled water to use it? If so, how much distilled water would I add, for my problem? Thank you, for any help. The bottle really does not say anything, other than to use this stuff for rough skin. I thought it was for pain, etc. Sincerely, Lorna in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Maurice Guggisberg • 10 years ago

Dear Lorna,

I'm sorry to hear about your situation.

Dr. Sircus has an entire protocol of a number of things that may help you. You can read about his protocol and about dosages in the ebook Treatment Essentials:


Or you can choose a consultation with Dr. Sircus for an in depth recommendation for you. He is available to take patients via his online clinic.


Please let me know if I can be of further help.

Best Regards,

Maurice Guggisberg

IMVA Support Team


Lynn • 10 years ago

I read somewhere that it is ok to spray a couple of sprays of magnesium oil into your drinking water?

Claudia French • 10 years ago


Read this essay:
Claudia French

Michael (NW) • 10 years ago

Hi, I had a SpectraCell test done and I was deficient in Magnesium, manganese, zinc and B12. I started Magnesium Chloride liquid, but wow, it really makes me sleepy, almost lethargic if I take it during the day. I tried it just at night but may still feel sleepy the next day. I just went through 2.5 years of severe anxiety/panic, insomnia (still an issue) and depression. I also have adrenal fatigue it seems which I'm treating. In any case, my question would be, Magnesium has many benefits, calming, etc... But I've read also it helps the ATP energy process? I've had magnesium chloride shots, but they don't seem to do much, or I might feel a little better the next day but it doesn't last, but the oral liquid form really seems to hit me fast. Will this sleepy feeling go away after a while? I'm just wondering if i had been deficient for a long time and had all this anxiety, etc..if my body is just going into a parasympathetic mode, relaxed mode, and so I'm feeling this way for a while then might feel more energy after a while? Magnesium hasn't helped with my insomnia much yet, I have an issue where my brain feels stimulated by something like adrenline and nothing helps with this happens. Anyway....I noticed a comment by someone about muscle cramps (legs) can be a sign of low thyroid. I've had muscle stiffness/cramp/spasms mostly just in my calves. Not sure if this is low magnesium and zinc, or what. We'll see if this helps.My thyroid has been checked numerous times and it appears normal. Thanks.

Dustin • 10 years ago

Hi -- I too felt sleepy the next day after starting, but noticed it does go away after a couple of weeks. I also take multivitamins during the day, notably B12 and the other B's for energy, and vitamin C for clarity. Magnesium does have a soothing effect rubbed into the soles of my feet at night and I fall asleep within a half hour every time. Better than any sleep remedy I have tried, and gives all the added benefits too. I generally spray anywhere from 4 to 6 sprays in the palm of each hand and rub into the soles of my feet. Has cured my leg cramps too.

Jacky • 10 years ago

I can attest that using too much will make you very lethargic the next day. I was using about 8 to 10 sprays nightly on the soles of my feet but after a couple of weeks I was so sleepy during the day I could hardly function and I had terrible bowel gas and diarrhea. I would strongly suggest starting very slowly with the Mag Oil - probably two or three sprays every other day until you see what effect it has on your system. I gave my husband about 8 sprays one night and he slept like a log and then for another 4 hours during the next day when normally he never sleeps. Those that can tolerate larger quantities must be extremely deficient.