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TomB • 3 months ago

When taking 1 teaspoon of Bi Carb in a glass of water, does adding lemon juice to make it more palatable have any negative effect on the mixture?

Mudassir Younus Ali • 6 years ago

please contact me via whatsapp number 03332352881 pakistan, i ll reply in detail to your query individually, Thanks

Bronc Nagurski • 6 years ago

Has anyone undergone any before and after blood work to back up these claims? Tests to see of GFR rate improved or creatiine levels decreased. With this every thing is just anecdotale

Liz Gamble • 4 years ago


Kari Wright Rustici • 6 years ago

My husband nephrologist prescribes SODIUM bicarbonate. It does help and it has been proven. It is not just anectodale.

Hkbutterfly • 6 years ago

Hi..im just hopping some1 will answer my doubts..im diagnose with polysystic kidney..and i under ct scan in my whole abdomen..and as the result have kidney stones that block that my urine cannot pass tru thats why i suffer severe infection..the first option is cystoscopy to pass the infectious urine..until now the tube is still there..my question is..is that possible that my kidney will function again if i take sodium bicarbonate???the doctors said they must removed my kidney because its not functioning...

countdownjohn • 6 years ago

About 14 years ago my doctor told me my kidney reading was boarder lining and that if I wasn’t
careful I would be on a dialysis machine in ten years , because I also had high
blood pressure . Anyway after a time, a
main hospital in my city was also
monitoring my kidneys with the usual urine test and was coming up with the same
reading. One day I remembered what my Mother told me many years ago when she
had a serious kidney problem and even spent a night in hospital because her
blood pressure soared because of the kidney.
So the family doctor sent her off to a specialist to get his opinion of
what could be done. The specialist sent a report to remove the kidney and when the family doctor read this he said
to my mother well we are not going down that
path yet we will try something else,. He said start taking some Bi Carb Soda.

My mother‘s kidney came back into proper function and never
had trouble with it again and lived to just short of 83years old. She was 30
when she had the kidney problem. So I
thought to start taking Bi Carb Soda myself and the next time I went into
hospital for another urine test for my kidneys, the reading came back normal,
the female doctor at this major hospital in my city said immediately, that this
test is not accurate. (Even though they had been using this method when it was
not showing normal reading for some years)

So she said I will send you to have an ultra sound to get an
accurate reading. So after I had the ultra sound I went back a couple of weeks
later and when she opened the report she could hardly say it because she
clearly was not excited about it, she murmured they are normal and quickly
started talking about other issues. She did not ask had I been taking anything.
So I hope this helps someone out there.

Balitos • 6 years ago

Can you share how you used bicarb of soda to heal your kidneys? Thanks.
RayJr Alerta on Messenger.

countdownjohn • 6 years ago

Hello Balitos ,at that time I took 1 teaspoon of Bi Carb in a glass of water about three days in a week but I think it quite OK to be daily as I know of others who are doing this . I have also tried it with Lemon juice to make it more palatable but have to drink it quick as it fizzes , recently I just have water and BI Carb . I have tried 3 teaspoons in a day 1 in morning 1 midday and 1 teaspoon evening but did not agree with me so I take 1 teaspoon as a maintenance dose about 3 times a week now. Regards John

Raul • 6 years ago

Greetings i have protein in my orine
Bicarb can help me too ??
I am worried about it
Doctor told me don’t eat red meat and I don’t know what to do ...
help me please !!!!
I am worried and sad !!!

adellan • 5 years ago

Don't eat any meat (no fish, no dairy )at all, this will help you greatly

countdownjohn • 6 years ago

Hello Paul , The only way to know if Bi Carb will help your protein problem is to start taking some Bi Carb and see if that will reduce the protein. Bi Carb is generally ( I believe and for good reason ) a good treatment for healthy kidneys. All the best to you John

Bob Reed • 6 years ago

Do you mind to share what dosages you used that had this great effect on your body?

countdownjohn • 6 years ago

Hello Bob ,at that time I took 1 teaspoon of Bi Carb in a glass of water about three days in a week but I think it quite OK to be daily as I know of others who are doing this . I have also tried it with Lemon juice to make it more palatable but have to drink it quick as it fizzes , recently I just have water and BI Carb . I have tried 3 teaspoons morning midday and evening but did not agree with me so I take 1 teaspoon as a maintenance dose about 3 times a week now. Regards John

Christian Cerna • 5 years ago

How long did it take for the bi carb to improve your kidney?

countdownjohn • 5 years ago

Actually Kidneys , I don't recall how long it was between tests but it may have been 6 months , but it may not have taken that long to bring my kidneys back to a normal reading, Incidentally what I understand is that the solution or part of it on a dialysis machine is bi carb soda , Yet people are not informed of this in the early stages of kidney issues which may prevent dialysis treatment.

kitty kat • 6 years ago

I have stage 3 kidney disease and persistant atrial fibrillation. How often should you injest baking soda ? What does it taste like?

Guest • 6 years ago
kitty kat • 6 years ago

I don't believe you can cure Kidney disease. It's progressive and the most you can do is slow it down
I don't have whatsapp.

azdonald • 6 years ago

you can easily cure kidney disease with a no fat, whole foods plant based diet (WFPBD) but nobody ever want's to give up their big macs.

I was terminal 7 years ago which is how I learned this and implemented it overnight when given the diagnosis.

eat like the rural chinese (used to) and you will live a long, healthy life.

I just finished my dinner of beans, spicy rice, veg pot pie and some banana ice cream.

absolutely no sacrifices when it comes to this diet.

kitty kat • 6 years ago

Where can I get this "diet" ? I'm willing to try
Thanks for your post

Guest • 6 years ago
Amanda Hendricks • 6 years ago

I must say that I like everything that have to say including population control. Another problem we face is all the vaccinations. I've read research that shows a connection between kidney problems and vaccinations.

MorningDew Reynolds • 6 years ago

Oh dear sister, I wish I could up-vote this 100 times!

Guest • 6 years ago
kitty kat • 6 years ago

Thank you so much. Good information. I tried baking soda today with honey. No one told me when I had stage 2 kidney disease they waited until I had stage 3. I also have persistant atrial fibrillation ( an arythmia) and no one told me to get checked for sleep apnea if you have Afib. So I went through that discovery around the same time.
Both diseases work together to destroy your body. Sorry to be negative. But my life as I knew it
Is over. The things I blamed my heart for were kidney related. No one told me. I did the research. My Nephrologist is great, most brilliant and,careing Dr I've ever had. He recommended Tumeric and Biotin. Most Drs would not. He is from India tho.
Again thank you for you response😍

Raymond • 5 years ago

I think I need this too because I actually feel that all my body giving me more fatigue than I can handle and my body and face feels dried up even though I still experience swelling in my body

MorningDew Reynolds • 6 years ago

Ain't it the truth!
Silly people, "tricks" are for sorcerers!
My darling husband is regaining strength bit by tiny bit, and our daughter, as of yesterday has no more fever. So I don't think she's contagious anymore. HalleluYAH!!

I pray that you and your dear hubby are doing well.
Barak and Shalom to ya'll as well! :)

hi, my nephew is undergoing dialysis 3x a week. his last creatinine was 2,980. kindly guide me how to use sodium bicarbonate to reverse his kidney disease.

Zahoor ul islam • 6 years ago

Half teaspoon in a glass of water twice a day regularly + take alittle bunch of coriander leaves boil for 10 minutes in 4 glass of water and cool it filter it and drink a glass in the morning

David Conley • 6 years ago

Can you tell me why take the coriander?

Abdul Nazer • 6 years ago


Sean • 6 years ago

That's curious, I posted this a couple days ago and it disappeared. Let's try one more time:

My wife has stage 4 FSGS. When I ran across this article and the associated links, I wanted to pursue this avenue. I completely believe in the concept of an acidic PH being unhealthy for the body and a more alkaline environment being more healthful. Since we live in the Tampa Bay area, I asked my wife to make an appointment with Dr. Hariachar, who is quoted above as having prescribed a bicarbonate protocol to help kidney patients. When my wife called, the first question the med tech asked (before she even broached the subject) was, "Are you calling because of an article you read on the internet? When she said yes, he responded that Dr. Hariachar never made any statements supporting the use of bicarbonate as a kidney treatment, and he has spent years trying to get these attributions removed from the net.
Dr. Sircus, please respond either with verification of your sources, or a retraction of these quotes.

beth • 5 years ago

Thank you for posting that Sean. That's not surprising, but it is very helpful.

Marg • 6 years ago

My GRF was 19 in June, I changed my diet, I have 3oz of poultry or fish a day and pair it with vegetables that are low in phosphorus and potassium (Stay away from Avocados, Bananas and Tomatoes) and eat white rice or white noodles. I don't eat red meat and I stay away from processed foods. I take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and mix it in 1 liter of water a daily. I exercise 30 min a day or 1 hour of walking. I have also controlled my BP. I went back in August (3 months later) and my GFR has improved 23. There is a lot of good information on the internet that will help guide you on what foods to eat and avoid. I am hopeful that things will continue to improve.

kitty kat • 6 years ago

WHAT Does the baking soda taste like with just water? I drink a lot of water. I'm also battling persistant atrial fibrillation, an arrhythmia, 24/7.
I brought my GFR from 29 to 35 last year thru diet. Now it's 32 so I need plan. I've been cheating obviously.

Liz Gamble • 4 years ago

it tastes salty....

malnatik9 • 5 years ago

Baking soda tastes dreadful, and I would recommend that you mix it with as little water as you can stand, chug it, then wash it down with plain water. I'd also have a toothbrush, or treat handy, because it's not pleasant, at all, and the taste lingers in your mouth.

I have no idea if Baking soda will help you with any medical issues, but I have used it before as a toothpaste, and it's just dreadful to taste. (Sorta like Alka seltzer, minus the flavorings. - they way they were originally sold long ago, and they tasted dreadful, too.)

Lynn • 6 years ago

I have chronic kidney disease but not severe enough to be on dialysis. My doctor prescribed sodium bicarbonate tablets twice a day. I went several weeks with no problems, then my blood pressure began to creep up. I've been taking 25 my of metropolol that's controlled it for years. But now it runs high when I take even one bicarbonate tab despite the addition of a second bp medication. Today I had only 690 mg of sodium all day and my bp was 170/89. I'm really scared. I see my nephrologist next week but in talking with his nurse Practioner, they say it can't be the bicarbonate tabs. But when I don't take it I'm fine. I take it and my bp is high. Have you heard of this?

tore • 6 years ago

hi all .. few years ago I started to take sodium bicarbonate just to try .--- Within days or weeks I developed an HORRIBLY PAINFULL CHILLING SENSATION in my mouth and all my teeth ! ..
it kept on even after I stopped my try . The pain disappeared only after a couple of weeks or so.
The same started happening every time I took any vitamin tablet in effervescent form with sodabicarbonate ! not immediately but after a few days !
- anyone with the same experience or is it just me ?

J. B. • 6 years ago

WHY don't your reference click-throughs work? I tried them several different ways. Do they not work because they are spurious references? And, per standard formatting, the references should also be at the bottom of your document.

I'm not taking your site seriously. Bye.

Blanca • 6 years ago

Also do I mix it with water?

Blanca • 6 years ago

How much baking soda and how often during the day does this method need to be done?

Scott Martin • 7 years ago

In modest amounts 5 days on and 2 days off mixed with raw apple cider vinegar it healed my kidneys, helped me lose weight and improved my overall well being. I also introduced intermittent fasting and eliminated fast carbs. Blood sugar is lowered, my color improved, people said I looked great. There are other natural ways to lower blood pressure such as including some regular exercise, good sources of calcium, potassium and magnesium, adding black beans, brown rice and raw dark chocolate into diet. Sodium intake is a false nomer, you need sodium and other minerals. It is about balance.

malnatik9 • 5 years ago

Um, That sounds a lot like Granny's Cold Medicine - "Take this medicine, stay in bed, drink plenty of fluids, and you'll knock that cold out in about a week to 10 days."

You started fasting, eliminated carbs, and exercised, yet you attribute your weight loss and lower BP to Baking soda and Vinegar? Why?

Not to mention, Baking soda reduces acids, and Vinegar is an acid, so you're pretty much cancelling each one out with the other. I can't see how that would work.

Floridaslm • 5 years ago

No I didn't say anything about me exercising, let's get that cleared up. I spoke about me intermittent fasting and eliminated fast carbs. Big difference. Vinegar is a good acid that actually helps improve digestion and PH with baking soda or by itself. Not all acids are the same and I'm not totally sedentary. It's about eliminating toxins and improving overall system performance. Baking Soda has laxative effect so, be warned.

What's the matter, you no listen to your grandma?

malnatik9 • 5 years ago

Hi, Sorry, I misread your post. I saw that you said "There are other natural ways to lower blood pressure such as including some regular exercise...", and assumed you were talking about yourself. I apologize if I mistook that statement to be regarding your own outcome, when you were meaning it to be general advice for others, and not yourself.

As to "Granny's cold medicine", that was a reference to "The Beverly Hillbillies" TV show, where Granny made some moonshine, called it a cold cure, and everyone went nuts trying to cash in on her miracle cure, but no one ever asked for details, because she was so honest, if she said it cured colds, it cured colds.

What she neglected to say was that the "cure" took exactly the same time as any cold to run it's course, and the cold medicine she was advocating had zero impact on the duration or severity of your cold, but you always got better, if you took her remedy (and if you didn't take it, you also got better in the exact same time-frame.)

I was being a smarty pants, and saying that given the fact that you changed your diet and exercise levels, etc, it was not likely that you could reasonably assume it was the baking soda, and not the other changes you made, that changed your kidney situation. (Sorta like Granny's cold cure... Correlation does not = causation.)

Again, I apologize for misreading your comment, and withdraw the smart Alec-y reference.

Vondrlíková Zuzana • 6 years ago

Hello Scott, I would like to ask for an advice. i think have a problem with my kidney. At night I go to the bathroom very often. I have water retention. Especially in my legs and sometimes a little bit of pain in my back. Please how much baking soda I should use in a day and how much of that vinegar with apple I should mix it with. Right now I’m traveling so I cannot wisit a doctor. But I don’t like pills anyway. Thank so much for yr help and looking forward to yr answer. Zuzana

Abdul Nazer • 6 years ago

Hi Scott,
Hope doing well.
I am a kidney patient with Creatinine 3.0 BUN 33. Looking for your advise on using Baking soda to reverse my kidney damage. please help me.
Abdul Nazer
email: tkanazer@gmail.com
mobile: 00966-508483788

Alisand • 7 years ago

Does anyone have correct phone number to Whats App Mudassir?