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Pink Panther • 9 years ago

"you can't wear clothes you like because I wear those clothes and I don't like you."

the funny thing is I bet you think the popular kids are petty.

Shere Khan • 9 years ago


From a fellow nerd, you're being a petty little git. Stop that.

Elena • 9 years ago

Go back to middle school.

Iman Azhul • 9 years ago

I'm not entirely sure they ever left.

DAT... errrr... • 9 years ago


redwolf1219 • 9 years ago

I see you called yourself a nerd. I'm sure as such, you have been judged for how you live your life, even though it nobody else's business. Did you like it? Enjoy being made fun of because of your nerdiness? No? Then why would you do it to someone else? Why does it matter what the popular kids wear?

Jocelyn • 9 years ago

I think the issue the OP has with this situation is that they get made fun of for something and then suddenly, just because society now thinks it's cool, that time is forgotten (by those who made fun of them). Also, the way you dress says certain things about you, and his appears to have said nerd. This used to be a derogatory name for someone, but a lot of nerds have embraced it and use it affectionately with each other. It's not necessarily an elite club, but it's a part of their identity. A nerd's identity is particularly against the grain of the norm and popular to be exactly what they want it to be. But now that being and dressing like a nerd is popular, it's hard to tell if this is their true identity or a trendy phase. And while there's nothing wrong with following trends if that is a part of who you are, it makes it difficult to retain a part of your identity that is now more popularly associated with something else. Although I'm sure these nerds are no longer being made fun of for their fashion, someone else is, which isn't right (I mean another group that is not the popular people or the nerds; another group that isn't mentioned in this post).

I may be reading a lot more into this than is intended, but I felt like this at a point too. I got glasses in middle school, then halfway through high school people were suddenly wearing fake glasses all over the place. Although having glasses is not the biggest thing in the world, it would be like wearing fake casts because it's suddenly 'cool'. Glasses can be used as a fashion accessory, but they are first and foremost a functional piece.

DerpyxHooves • 9 years ago

I used to get made fun of by my friends for listening to certain bands when I tried to show them the songs I like, and now they listen to those bands and act like they're introducing me to them.
I think that's kinda how OP feels. People used to make fun of x person for x thing, and now these people are doing x thing. It's annoying no matter what the situation.

TheBigBadWolf • 9 years ago

I like how popular is in quotes.

Anna • 9 years ago

You're pretty dumb for a so called nerd.