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NCGUY38 • 7 years ago

You were spot on.

Joe Cassara • 7 years ago

Great job. Try again in four years.

enufszenuf • 7 years ago

Wow, spot on journalism there, Jake. LOL!!!! Do you get paid for being wrong?

Sucka • 8 years ago

Enter the Media or shall we say the 5th wave of the Democratic party. The media is about to be unleashed in full force by their Democratic Party Puppet Masters. Lies, deceits, half truths and propaganda will be their weapons of choice.

let's do it again 2020 • 8 years ago

Without #Trump...
...Or the path to poverty for the USA..

We all know how ‪#‎Trump‬ stands on China trade.
And he is right again.

General Motors paid $5 million in taxes last Year.
Meanwhile GM company paid $908 million in taxes in China.

This must STOP, and only #Trump can do it.


Shoeguy • 8 years ago

Translation: The New World Order is going to pick the candidate that THEY want as president.

The people are not allowed to choose.

petergrt • 8 years ago

Clinton treats Muslims as if they were endangered species . . . . just met with a bunch in LA . . . .

Anyway, she might get elected even if she might be in jail by the inauguration day, making yet another record for the US - first woman and first felon elected president . . . . . .!!!

CLARRU • 8 years ago

Audit the Fed. Expose the corruption. Vote Trump. Then maybe CNBC would actually get some viewers to watch decades of Fed and Wall Street corruption unfold instead of watching bubble blowers 24/7/365. The Fed supporters in the media could at least find better writers with all their graft. This clown must be getting paid by the word.

ChinaMarine • 8 years ago

Hillary is NO Different than George "Dudya," other than their party starts with a Different letter. They are Both Globalist, and are taking millions & millions from Super-Pac's and for giving speeches...
They are both Hawks, and Hillary will gladly give the republicans that brand new shiny WAR, they are hoping for...

For the Love of God, Please No More Re-Treads... No More Bush's, No More Clinton's...

There are only two choices if you want to start moving this country in the right direction, Bernie OR Trump... PERIOD...

HILLARY is Bought and paid for by the Multinational Conglomerates,
she finish outsourcing the last few industries the U.S. has left with TPP, not to mention, her husband was the one with Nafta...

Zoe S Fleming • 8 years ago

Bombing today in Brussels. ISIS took credit. Remind me-what religion do they represent? Mmmm I don't want that group here in the USA. if YOU want to be with them-join them in their caves. No women's rights, no gays, no abortions, no liquor, no drugs, no civilization. ENJOY. HilLIARy has zero solution.

Jim Cricket • 8 years ago

No one, left or right, in US or European politics, is speaking out in favor of ISIS.


Zoe S Fleming • 8 years ago

HilLIARy was given all the air time and several times today by the media To respond to her solution ( so her handlers could advise and TelePrompter could load anything to read). Her response after numerous chances "all will be revealed after I am sworn in January 2017". Really. Sad and typical.

Jim Cricket • 8 years ago

Zoe I suppose you just have more audacity than i do. I copied and pasted into Google, in total, this quote you attribute to Hillary Clinton. I dont mean to embarass you, but Ive probably been using Google since close to when it first started in 1996, and this is the first time that I have ever gotten zero results.

Zoe S Fleming • 7 years ago

I'm really happy with the presidential election I'm sure you join with me in wishing President Elect Trump a very successful 8 years in office.
I will join with you in faux sadness over the death of the Democrstic Party.

Jim Cricket • 7 years ago

Is the the Internet that turns you into an insufferable arrogant person, or are you always like this?

jeani • 8 years ago

Zoe is a low education, low info Drumpfeteer. Zoe,Drumpf uses a teleprompter. Drumpf in Aug., 2015: "Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued, “if you’re running for president, you should not be allowed to use a teleprompter” at a speech in New Hampshire on Friday.
Trump said, “if you’re running for president, you should not be allowed to use a teleprompter. No, it’s true. It’s true. It’s so easy.” He then mocked politicians who read off teleprompters before continuing, “you shouldn’t be allowed, because you don’t know what you’re going to get. Look what happened with Obama, where he’s a teleprompter guy. No, it’s true. … you don’t want a scripted president. And you don’t want a politically correct president because it takes too much long — takes too much time.”
Drumpf gave a foreign policy speech to AIPAC-American Israel Public Affairs Committee, using teleprompters. FACT! Drumpf still screwed up. The day after, AIPAC expressed regret to President Barack Obama for Trump’s attack on him during his speech. Drumpf is a very nasty man that could care less about you.

Zoe S Fleming • 8 years ago

"hate solves nothing" tell that to the Haters. I don't want them here in the USA HilLIARy has no solutions go TRUMP
HilLIARy is another Chamberlain. Appease Hitler and end up with WW 2 anyway after giving away the farm.

Jim Cricket • 8 years ago

Enlighten us Zoe. What has Clinton said about ISIS that sounds like appeasement to you?

Zoe S Fleming • 7 years ago

Read her emails.

Jim Cricket • 7 years ago

I have. But you seem to know so much more. So tell me what Clinton has said that sounds like appeasement to you.

Zoe S Fleming • 8 years ago

Doing nothing. Her wait and see response today.

Jim Cricket • 8 years ago

She is not saying that at all. You just don't see her calling for bombing or waterboarding. Having a cool head in a crisis is just what is called for. That is not a "wait and see"approach.

It's interesting to see Trump calling for "waterboarding and more" while the so-called trial of the century is taking place for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. He is filing motions against the trial going forward based on the torture that took place. At the same time, the CIA, who carried out his interrogation decided very early on that the "enhanced interrogation techniques" were not working. And they've gone public with this quite some time ago. But Trump ignores this. It just wouldn't help his campaign to discuss it rationally.


Im reapplying the link to John Cassidy's opinion piece, in the hope that you read it and think about it. Get back to me and tell me what you feel is wrong with his view and his logic.


IBEW • 8 years ago

Trump got at least as many standing ovations at AIPAC yesterday as Hillary did. Kinda makes your contention without merit.

Jim Cricket • 8 years ago

And the next day the head of AIPAC made an apology to its members who were expressed discomfort by his exploiting the opportunity to campaign and make sarcastic remarks about Obama.


Charlie Fitzpatrick • 8 years ago

Let me guess, stupid Jake.....you have said that same headline about 100 times....you've always been wrong, and you are again. Wake the hell up.

Russel Future • 8 years ago

Strange article, Jake. But taking the GOP nomination is probably not "The End of the Line for Trump". In fact, even suggesting that winning the nomination is somehow some kind of "ending" point is pretty weird. You smokin' some of that new, legal US maryjane?

I mean, I don't particularly like Trump, but if it comes down to a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton (I know, I am in a science-fiction nightmare, and I can't wake up), I think even I would have to pick Trump. There was another ugly mass-murder terrorist attack in Brussels, something like 13 or 14 killed, 30 or 40 seriously wounded. Really awful. All the touchy-feeling hopey-changy bs is going to be thrown under the bus if much more of this bad s#it happens - especially if any happens domestic in the USA.

The idea of just laying a nice course of fusion devices in a big line, aross everywhere there is any radical islam nonsense happening, and rounding up all the rest of these goombahs, is going to really start getting some serious resonance with the electorate. Now, I am not recommending or agreeing with this - I am a "give peace a chance" kind of guy. But everyone has their limits, right? I predict that Trump will win. It's like Jimmy Carter and Iran, back in the '76. Everyone discounted Ron Reagan, called him an old broken down actor, etc. Quite nasty, the lefty press was - real rude skanky-boys. But Reagan went on to be a pretty good President, and gave us peace without war, and strength without cruelty. Oh, and everyone got rich, too, as I recall. Like that 1976 movie "Network", people are "mad has hell" and not likely to take anymore Clinton bs, except maybe agreeing with the "sad legacy of the last 8 years" (when I read that yesterday, oh my, we all laughed. First time in a long time we all agreed with Bill!)...

Mr_Monkeyshines • 8 years ago

Yeah, so I'm a Trump hater, but I'm also watching what's been happening and think I'm pretty objective, and there's a lot of questionable assumptions being made in this article.

1. Yes, voters will come out in greater force. How much greater is a matter of debate when the likely Democratic nominee (HRC) is the third least popular candidate in modern history (first is Trump).

2. Yes, Donald has a few issues (his most amazing wall) that he can't verbally backtrack on entirely, but most can easily be spun to be less inflammatory (this isn't the first time a wall/fence has been discussed, you know?). I think some people will dismiss even his scariest/worst statements (i.e. killing women and children) as bluster (which it may be...who the hell knows?). His "policy positions" are so shallow that pivoting takes no effort, and if you listen he *actually* says things that are so moderate/left that they *should* be flat-out crazy in a Republican primary ("Planned Parenthood does great things" or whatever, anti-free-trade comments, etc), but which he can get away with now because his base doesn't care, and which he can use in the general. Things like his NATO and Israel comments today, which shock political pundits, are not hot-button issues for average people, and in fact the Rand/Ron Paul libertarian approach to foreign policy appeals to a lot of people because it means we spend less money abroad.

Then, there's the whole concept that "pivoting" is even that central to the way he campaigns. He is not going to engage HRC on deep policy debates - you think he gets personal with relatively squeaky GOP candidates like "Low energy Jeb" or "Lyin' Ted"? Wait til he does nothing but unload on every perceived and real scandal that Bill and Hillary thought was long dead. You think that kind of constant national media barrage (which the media will LOVE to cover and ask her about as well) won't affect some of her already squeamish base? I can just see him turning his previous contributions to her into a coup de grace when he says "Yeah, I did contribute to her....and here is what she did for me in return. She was bought and paid for."

3. I agree that the drama, violence and mob excitement is a positive for him now in the primary but is a large part of his high unfavorables generally. I don't think he's at all intelligent, but I think he understands people at a base level and how to manipulate them to get what he wants. If he is *just* self-aware enough to realize he has to turn down the fever pitch come the general election (probably via a "moment" where he stops something bad at a rally), then I could see him being able to overcome this to some degree. Americans have remarkably short memories.

Would I *bet* on him winning a general election? No...but I think the polls (and your analysis) right now are meaningless because he will carpet bomb HRC personally if he's the nominee, and you're going to be predicting an election outcome based on voter turnout determined by who hates the opposing candidate the most and who hates their own candidate the least.

bob levine • 8 years ago

This guy knows everything. At least he knows that writing about Trump will bring in more readers than he deserves. If Clinton is a lock, he should try writing another lackluster article about why she's so electable. So, so electable...

AL Cajun • 8 years ago

You can only laugh at these so called experts! They have been wrong from day one they have never been even close to accurate so why should anyone listen to them? Answer because it's a hoot to hear them get it wrong again. Trump could pivot on a dime if he wants to and get away with it because he is just that bold!

Guest • 8 years ago
Florida Prophet • 8 years ago

So true! Don't hold your breath until CNBC reports that the KKK has endorsed the Clinton woman.

Grimm Bastard • 8 years ago

The author assumes that Trump is going to run the same campaign for the general election. I have learned that assumptions about Trump cannot be applied. I thought he wasn't serious when he announced he's running. I thought after about a week he'd be forgotten. I thought after all he's said people would turn on him. After the media attacks, and people in his own party attacking him, he's still here and as strong as ever.

Assumptions aren't working, so I don't see why people keep using them. I think if you wanted Trump to fail, you'd stop talking about him — stop giving free advertisement.

ps • 8 years ago

Trump will chug along, socialist elite editor media boards can try their level best to poo poo trump.

Writenow • 8 years ago

Trump's decline began just prior to Utah, but Utah is indeed, where the worm, turned. Those paying attention were not surprised by what happened in AZ.

Still the most interesting aspects to Trump is:

A. Trump has been utterly tone-deaf to the air leaking out of his balloon; and
B. How much he has damage he's inflicted to his own, "brand" with this campaign. All before a Single deposition in the TRUMP UNIVERSITY class action has been scheduled.

Part of me hopes Trump wins the nomination, so Hillary can more effectively reduce him to roadkill. But i don't mind saying the Republican Party is in the process of committing suicide...and it's been great to watch since GOP has been lethally toxic to the values of Americans for 40 years.

So no tears will be shed when the Republican Party implodes in Cleveland, on a hot, muggy July night.

And don't worry Ohioans. You'll never see Trump again in Ohio in your lifetime.

Zoe S Fleming • 8 years ago

How are you doing today?? Glad you and your loved ones weren't in Brussels catching a plane at the AMERICAN AIRLINES check in desk or subways? HilLIARy is like Chamberlain dealing with Hitler obtaining "peace in our time" handing over Czechoslovakia to him. Then Hitler started WW2. HilLIARy has no solution. Platitudes don't cut it.. 30 dead right now media ran to HilLIARy for her comments. Her response a classic non answer non commital bs

Writenow • 8 years ago

As I mentioned earlier, I won't respond to attorneys who deliberately lie and mis-represent as you continue to do. Hillary was the first person Ever to go up against the KOCH Bros. and Win. (Which is why they're funding Bernie through a super PAC he claims to hate, but doesn't mind benefiting from). However, since you appear to be a Trump supporter, Jesus. Will just mark you down as completely nuts and leave it tag that.

After all, talking to a wall, makes Zero sense, from my perspective.

Zoe S Fleming • 8 years ago

Truth hurts? HilLIARy is the running dog of Wall Street. Goldman Sachs didn't give her 225,000 each for three. Secret speeches so she could be their friend. She got 300,000 from another firm. Those are liars. Sorry you are clearly intellectually challenged.

Writenow • 8 years ago

The State of South Carolina didn't have a solution for one of their mentally impaired attorneys, either. And then one day, they did.

Won't be responding further, but am screen-shooting your responses. Consider it constructive notice, cupcake.

Zoe S Fleming • 8 years ago

I'm shaking in my boots!! Screen shots! Well, good bye first amendment rights if you disagree with Writenow. I write as I please and not to satisfy the pc line So curious-what did south Caroline do to your law license? Oh wait-your GED

Writenow • 8 years ago

Oh God. You poor thing. Not a first amendment issue, Cupcake. Your issue is a significant lack of mental health. Am Not the first to notice. Sorry about your reading comprehension. I would be the very last person to discourage you from providing evidence. I pray you to keep writing. But separately; wow. Girl, you're really kinda slow.

Zoe S Fleming • 7 years ago

I'm enjoying the Presidential election!! I'm sure you are very happy!

Zoe S Fleming • 7 years ago

How the Presidentil election results work out for you?

Daris Darrison • 8 years ago

Thanks Glenn Beck for your thoughts. How is your prophet? Utah? Givemeafrigginbreak. Yeah, UTAH is traditionally the power broker....not. Glenn, you and Mitt may have the polygamists gnashing against Trump, but the only worm turning there is in your large intestine.

Writenow • 8 years ago

Can't wait for Hillary to stiletto right over the corpse of the hair-plugged idiot.

AL Cajun • 8 years ago

Your on drugs or delusional or both!

Writenow • 8 years ago

Stay tuned you poor little freaked out man.

P.S. It's "you're" not "your"

Try to keep up.

surfsalterpath • 8 years ago


BMWM357 • 8 years ago

Yep, we end up voting for the lessor of two evils. Although I don't think that HC is terribly evil, she is easily the most and best qualified of them all. I'm fine with a Clinton in the WH, the 90's was a great decade.

Chumley Nougat • 8 years ago

Donald Trump's run has been declared dead day after day by every media moron in the business.

1. Trump can't compete with Jeb Bush's PAC..he's nothing but a sideshow candidate.

2. Trump insulted illegal aliens...he's finished!

3. Trump called Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig! Well, that's it...he's out.

4. Trump says that Mexico isn't sending us their best and brightest...that spells his doom.

5. Trump wants to ban Syrian refugees.... okay, this really is the straw that broke the camel's back!

6. Trump insulted Megan Kelly...Stick a fork in him.

7. Trump says that Islam wants Christians and Jews dead...okay, he's FINALLY gone too far.

8. Trump has won more than 50% of GOP delegates...this man must be stopped!

9. The GOP is so terrified of a Trump candidacy that it's strategizing a brokered convention, which would prevent him from running as a GOP nominee...which is hilarious, since the GOP begged him to sign an agreement stipulating that he would ONLY run as a GOP candidate, and not a third party candidate!

BMWM357 • 8 years ago

Ya it's all been theatrics up until now. It's going to get serious real fast and that is the loud mouths demise, finally. It will be great fun to watch him crash and burn.