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DLink • 8 years ago

When one considers the combination of our Islamophile President with the feckless western nations of Europe, is it any wonder the Christians of the region are in despair of any assistance and want to leave at any cost? In the past, England, France and the US made some efforts to protect the Christian minority. Today, there is not even a pretense at preventing this genocide. When the fanatics come after us, who will come to our aid?

Alantar • 8 years ago

Wasn't all this predicted in the book of Revelations? Has the End of the Beginning arrived?

Cyriak Papasissis • 8 years ago

The NWO agents at first cleared Palestine successfully of almost all Christian Palestinians. The Christians in e.g. Jerusalem were once hundred thousands , now almost all have migrated to the Midwest , lost forever and cut from their roots & culture. Now they attemt to do the same in Syria . The Islamist extremists , are in effect their chosen tools. NATO , and the European taxpayers' money , provide logistical support to them , weapons deliveries , munitions , chemical agents , satellite photos to ISIS , etc., through secret channels & proxies. There can be no doubt anymore , everything has been out in detail for all to see and reconsider. The silent majority of lambs cannot remain silent forever. Genocide is being committed with their hard earned taxes. The ultimate aim of the ''policy'', which is not clearly spelled out and opened to democratic debate in the Western countries , is to push the equation of Arabs = ''criminal Muslims'' , so as to legitimise invasions on moral grounds. Wars of aggression , that have nothing to do with morality , and everything to do with criminal genocidal immorality. The immorality of neoimperialism , stripping the Middle East of its natural resources , taking physical possession of the region's natural wealth. Denying this wealth to the local population , turning over to them some scrumbs of the cake. Is this a policy , is that a development that YOU people aspire to ??? Does this thing represent your ethical attitude ??? The crisis of the refugees is going to reach also YOUR ''shores''. Is this a phenomenon that ought to appear in the 21st century ??? To the contrary , money should be collected & send to Syria for the repair & rebuilding the destroyed country & the lives of the simple citizens , our brothers. 2 million homes are totally or partly destroyed . YOUR elected government did not ask you , when they sent help to the destroyers , under the carpet. Make a point to them , that YOU disapprove of their mess. Mess on the back of the innocent victims , the Syrian people, carriers of a noble ancient tradition & culture.

Carsten • 8 years ago

Merkel, die Grünen und die SPD ja selbst meine Kirche samt
Papst geben vor den MENSCHEN HELFEN zu wollen. Wenn es Ihnen wirklich um HILFE
für Schutzbedürftige ginge, wieso retten sie dann nicht die wirklich Verfolgten
in Syrien und im Irak, die Christen und Jesiden?

Mit welchem Recht fordern Steinmeier, Obama und andere
Zyniker eigentlich, dass Assad von der Bildfläche verschwindet? Die Christen in
Syrien, die Nachfahren der ersten Apostel, halten ausnahmslos zu Assad. Sie würden
alles verlieren, müssten auswandern oder gar sterben, wenn Al Qaida oder der IS
gewinnen. In Aleppo und Homs, den beiden christlichsten Städten sind 85% bzw.
95% der Christen vertrieben worden. Mehr als die Hälfte der syrischen Christen
wurden vertrieben.

Mit welchem Recht beliefert der Westen Al Qaida mit
Fliegerabwehrraketen und TOW-Raketen, die gegen Assad und damit auch gegen
Christen eingesetzt werden? Die syrische Armee hat bereits ca. viele Soldaten
verloren. Ungefähr 3,5% aller Alewiten sind dabei gestorben. Wieso lernt die
NATO nicht aus den Fehler, die wir im Afghanistan der 80-iger machten? Auch
dort haben wir gegen die falschen gekämpft und Al Qaida und Taliban erst aufgepäppelt.

Cyriak Papasissis • 8 years ago

The Syrian Army has lost one third of its strength , approx. 80.000 men out of 250.000 initially. With Western taxpayers' money. Turkey has disassembled all factories from Aleppo's industrial zone , has carried them by truck to Turkey. For the benefit of the criminal Erdogan family & their crony capitalists.

Robert Aske • 8 years ago

Not to focus on relatively unimportant details, but the girl is clearly holding a picture of St. George (mounted and wingless) not St. Michael.

Mark • 8 years ago

St George, warrior knight of the Crusades, patron of England, patron of a significant monastery near Homs.

A fairly important detail I'd say!

Robert Aske • 8 years ago

Sure, but I meant in comparison to the genocide of Middle Eastern Christians.

St. Ferd III • 8 years ago

Of course no mention of Islam, Moslem Fascism or the moon cult which is ISIS...... who do you think are killing and exiling Christians? The cookie monster cult?

la catholic state • 8 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if the saying the 'blood of martyrs is the seed of Faith' is true...given the virtual extermination of Christianity in the persecuted Middle East where Christian blood has flowed freely for 1,300 years. Sometimes I wonder if it has something to do with the split between Catholic and Orthodox. Is the Islamic victory a punishment for this rift?!

guest • 8 years ago

A digression:
stephanōtís ( adj.) fit for a crown.

Laurel and olive provide the antiseptic,soothing and scented qualities of locally produced Aleppo Gold soap, can anything be done to start up manufacturing in safe areas to support Christian families?

Guest • 8 years ago
amfortas • 8 years ago

Some persecuted Christians will be divorced or gay. Divisive language doesn't help persecuted Christians. ACN is a pontificate charity with the full backing of the Pope.

la catholic state • 8 years ago

I wonder how fleeing Christians feel about the Pope's attitude?!