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KeepKickingMarxists • 8 years ago

Stand well back .... Its all going to blow.....May God help us all.

Thank you Hungary.....you could well be saving Europe (again)!

c777 • 8 years ago

Its certainly going to get a result one way or the other.
But yes stop making it easy is the best way to stop it.

KeepKickingMarxists • 8 years ago

Well the 'immigrants' look less and less like 'refugees' all the time - and their behaviour betrays them - its far too easy. The LEFTARDS will all have to shut the f*ck up...when this all kicks off. they can't spin it!

Sky reporter said at one point "these men started doing what they do best - using violence to resolve a problem'

He then quickly changed tack.

Deej • 8 years ago

Europe is already gone.

dfacts • 8 years ago

Dracula had the solution.

henrietta • 8 years ago

I do not doubt the frustration of having no home to go to. I do not doubt the emotional strain of thinking that you were invited to Germany (with all its comforts and benefits) only to be turned away at the Hungarian border.

However, many people have been saying all along that by far the majority of 'migrants' are men, mostly well nourished, fit and healthy young men. They are not fleeing for their lives - what do they have to fear in Serbia? They want to come to Europe because *they want to*, there is nothing more to it than that. Fighting at the border takes them a step closer to being invaders, which, again, is what a lot of people have been saying all along.

Anyone at the BBC actually taking any of these to live in their homes, by the way? If it had happened, I am sure we would be told.

I have never in my life seen the government(s) behaving in such a reckless and irresponsible way as over the past few months. In addition, I think the calls from 'celebrities' and the press for ordinary people to take 'migrants' - whom they know nothing about - into their homes is beneath contempt.

johnny99 • 8 years ago

Don't forget that if they make it to the US the Obama regime will be happy to give them welfare and food stamps. In fact 90% of them who are here are on welfare already.

It is just a matter of time before all of the EU will be REQUIRED to house immigrants...it's coming.

Pip • 8 years ago

The Liberal Left Progressives are merely showing their true nature to the rest of us which will just accelerate the change in public opinion against their ideals and values.

Hertslass • 8 years ago

It shows the rather lacking cerebral ability of the so-called celebrities.

Guest • 8 years ago
henrietta • 8 years ago

Did you actually read my comment? Or did you, perhaps, just read the first few words?

WimsThePhoenix • 8 years ago

I doubt it.

Pip • 8 years ago

Foolish sentiments indeed.

Guest • 8 years ago
EXFED Semi-Fascist • 8 years ago

The whole point of this fake "refugee" problem is to destroy Western Civilization! Guaranteed.

This is a shocker only to those with their head buried in deep dark places. Europe is importing a no-questions-asked mass of hotheaded muslim men, who will be arrogant and make demands even before they set foot in the country they wish to invade. The folly of this policy is so astronomically-great, I would have never thought I would see it go on--much less for so long.

It's time to respond to Allahu Akbar and rocks with some 5.56 NATO lead. Folks: this is not immigration. This is not migration. This is not a refugee crisis. This is an invasion--war by any other name.

ClearViewChina . • 8 years ago

You forgot to mention to a man, usually lazy, generally looking for the shortcut, and not setting any records for education or intelligence.

Thirty-years ago I listened to a member of the council that supported the US G8 membership. His point was flotillas would launch from the Middle East and Africa in search of better conditions. The consensus then was the various nation's leaders would be unable to create better conditions for the populace.

His timeline for the launch? Around 2020.

Old Goat • 8 years ago

However this all turns out, one thing's for sure - those who have already got this far, won't be going back - we're stuck with them.

EllieMae's grandad • 8 years ago

Well, yes, they won't be going back of their own volition. Time to get tough now.

Watsa_Matta_You • 8 years ago

Because of Obama's radical open border liberal policies, this scene will be coming to US soon.
TRUMP 2016

Guest • 8 years ago
Media_Bladders • 8 years ago

Stand your ground, Hungary. You're already seeing what Muslims do when they don't get their way.

Glorious_Cause • 8 years ago

Economic migrants my arse. More like a muslim invasion.

God Bless Hungary for standing up for it's own citizens instead of foreign invaders.

I say we start a Hungarian products BUY-cott..

I'd like to see every GOP candidate call for such a BUY-cott..

Don Dennehy • 8 years ago

Vilad Dracul had the same problem. Same area same players

ja_1410 • 8 years ago

Vlad was Romanian

Guest • 8 years ago
ja_1410 • 8 years ago

I forgot, eastern Europeans are sensitive to those details. One way or another he was imprisoned for some period of time by Hungarians and is a hero for Romanians and Bulgarians. so who knows, maybe Victor Orban will be in a future a hero for those Europeans that will survive.

jkjcks • 8 years ago

Nonetheless, similar problem, same players; exactly what Don said.

Jeff Simon • 8 years ago

And the only effective solution - at the time - for the Ottoman (Muslim) Empire invasion.

FrRabbit • 8 years ago

Some BUY-cott options...(looks delicious)

hungariandeli (dot) com
bende (dot) com
thehungariangirl (dot) com

Adam Sternberg • 8 years ago

"Buy-cott"...yeah, I'm sure you think that's funny Internet Hero so do me a favor, without using Google, name me 10 products I can go down to the local store and purchase that are made in Hungary.

Yeah, thought so.

Mournblade • 8 years ago

How many of these "refuges" are terrorists? The freaks of nature in Radical Islam have been emboldened by Obama's complicity with terror. Obama's U.S.A. is now allied with a Stone Age theocracy that places women, gays, and minorities into a lesser status than that of farm animals. How long before Obama issues an "executive order" that follows Sharia practices and dictates that women should be stoned to death for "allowing" themselves to be raped? Welcome to Sharia law in Western Civilization, courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama.

UK Fred • 8 years ago

And how many innocent people died in 9/11 or in 7/7 for each terrorist involved. The potential consequences are so catastrophic that we can honestly say it is better to be safe, keeping them all out, than sorry by letting one wrong one in.

Two other factors to consider are that IS can and does secure its border. First thing is that these migrants would not be on the loose unless IS were permitting them to leave. The second is that IS promised to infiltrate terrorists amongst the migrants and that is the sort of promise they are likely to keep.

Jcendio • 8 years ago

Kerry is arriving this week here in the UK to discuss "migrants and Syria." Just what the bloody hell we need!

NavyV • 8 years ago

Would you think about keeping him? You could put him in the old Tower Zoo...

Jcendio • 8 years ago

The Old Tower Zoo? I have been squawking that public hangings should recommence on the Tower South Lawn. Send over your Mussrat In Chief, then we will line up traitorous Tinky Winky Dave, then I know a few froggies who will ship up Fankie Hollande, oh and Frau Cau Merkel! Mr German cousins will gladly abscond with her and bring her to London.

Zoo? We will have ourselves a bloody good mass public hanging of all of these of all of traitorous vermin on the South Tower lawn! No beheadings like the days of yore, too much like IS you see and very un PC!

Guest • 8 years ago

You should organize a boycott of this doofus when he arrives.

The Good Shepherd • 8 years ago

It's wonder someone hasn't shot John Kerry DEAD at this point in time. Maybe it will finally "happen" when he returns back to earth??

Jcendio • 8 years ago

Keep you fingers crossed! Our mussrats are a bit more brazen and radical over here than they are in the U.S.. He just might be on their radar!

technoviking • 8 years ago

God help you...

Jcendio • 8 years ago

As I replied back to someone else from the U.S., we a have a rather radical mussrat community over here more so than over in the U.S..

Keep your fingers crossed, he may be a target on their radar!

Jay Hanig • 8 years ago

Hungary has a thriving auto industry, with factories producing various models of Audis, Mercedes-Benz, Fiat, and Suzuki. Phillips makes some TVs there; so does Samsung. Some Blackberries are manufactured in Hungary. Bosch makes some impact drills and other cordless tools there. Nokia builds various smartphones in Hungary. Hewlet-Packard and Lenovo both build some computer servers there.

And you thought all they did was bake bread and weave baskets.

yacrest • 8 years ago

We also make pretty good bows. Check out http://www.grozerarchery.com/ and


NJ Conservative • 8 years ago

And your solution to show support for a good decision made by Hungary

DP • 8 years ago


Guest • 8 years ago
Mournblade • 8 years ago

Regardless, be it by Internet purchases or whatever, Hungary needs our support. Obama's "hate America" rhetoric has emboldened terrorists to act within the all of Western Civilization. How else would a terrorist interpret Obama handing nukes to a rogue terrorist state like Iran if not as allegiance? Obama's U.S.A. is now allied with a Stone Age theocracy that places women, gays, and minorities into a lesser status than that of farm animals. How long before Obama issues an "executive order" that follows Iran's practices and dictates that women should be stoned to death for "allowing" themselves to be raped? Welcome to Sharia law in Western Civilization, compliments of Barack Hussein Obama.

Hy Feiber • 8 years ago

When Israelis were besieged by Palestinian homicide bombers on a daily basis, the Europeans just yawned.

They even condemned the Israelis for fencing out the Muslim terrorists.

Now they all know what the Muslim Plan is.

Those who ignore what's happened in Israel did so at their Peril.