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Liberals-are-asshoIes • 7 years ago

Feral Animals MUST be PUT DOWN! NONE of these useless Lives Matter!

hubwolf • 7 years ago

Sounds like this was actually a clean shoot by a black police officer on an armed career thug. If they'll riot over this they can be made to riot over anything anywhere in the US.

fird • 7 years ago

Hub, that's the overall plan. Riot for the sake of looting, burning, destroying. Hell, most of the time black rioters destroy their own communities, then they wonder later why no businesses are in their communities.

Next step in the liberal-waste-no-disaster formula: Obama and/or Hillary spout some crap trying to link this Milwaukee stupidity to Trump.

Inner city blacks need to understand: point a gun at a police officer and you'll be killed.

Walker should move in the National Guard and take control. Arrest the looters.

Floyd Seyler • 7 years ago

After the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, the army was called in and they shot looters, don't know how many but I understand it was substantial.

Donna • 7 years ago
Guest • 7 years ago

Doesn't surprise me none.
The White ruling class has always excelled at murdering other Whites (eg. WWI, WWII).

Guest • 7 years ago

The BLM terrorists were probably shipped in from Chicago, always on stand by for some car burning and beating up white people who had nothing to do with their problems. The BLM terrorists were payed in cold left over chicken wings from a nearby dumpster and a watermelon but the terrorists were happy.

SeƱor Gonzales • 7 years ago

This is all well-scripted theater written and directed by the Soros/Obama/Clinton cult. Social unrest - race/class division is a key element lifted directly from chapter two of the Communist Manifesto and supported by Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."

Liberals practice beliefs and behaviors that are illegal, immoral, and harmful to them and others. They do this knowingly but they simply do not care that their actions are harmful as long as they are allowed instant gratification of whatever they are feeling at the moment.

The upper liberal echelon consists of malicious power seekers who prey on the weak and ignorant while spreading their destructive filth for the sole purposes of prolonging their pathetic grasp on political power. Liberals have three possible motivations for their self destructive actions: Ignorance, apathy, or greed.

Regardless of whether a leftist is driven by ignorance, apathy, or greed, they all have one thing in common: they lie. The ignorant liberal lies either out of ignorance or to preserve self-delusional beliefs; the apathetic leftist lies to excuse his lifestyle; and the malicious progressive leader lies to keep his power base apathetic and ignorant.

Fight back by voting Trump/Pence 2016!

GeorgieMason74 • 7 years ago

They have another thing in common: regardless of their motivation, they're all the enemy and MUST be treated as such.

sipius • 7 years ago

Blacks are rampaging, killing and raping in South Sudan as we speak, it's what they do.

race realist • 7 years ago

Low IQ savage violent tribal animals...true the world over

Christopher Hahn • 7 years ago

"For hours throughout the assault, the U.N. peacekeeping force stationed less than a mile away refused to respond to desperate calls for help. Neither did embassies, *including the U.S. Embassy.*"

I am tired of being ashamed of my Nation.

sipius • 7 years ago

Lawless, criminally negligent liberal administrations in Europe and America are to blame for all the bloodshed in Africa, Middle East, and the West.

PensyAl • 7 years ago

Aawwwwwkkkk.......it's what they do......mindless mimicking, just like the parrot

cb2000a • 7 years ago

It's amazing that these black people don't realize they are being used.

RedMeatState • 7 years ago

dude, they can't even fill out a job application. don't ESPECT too much!!

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

If I can be honest, Reading the comments of people who are clearly mentally challenged proclaim racial superiority is ironic in the most profound ways.

FriendOfJohnnyM • 7 years ago

Check out an age-old Scientific study called the Bell Curve. It explains a lot of things.

race realist • 7 years ago

Try reading "Negroes in Negroland" if you really want to be enlightened.

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

Its on my list to read right after Obama's autobiography

race realist • 7 years ago

Why would you waste your time reading that fckin ngrs book???

Liberalbasher1955 • 7 years ago

Along with your copy of Marx right ?

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

Oh that decades old widely debunked book?

Susan • 7 years ago

Not debunked. Factual!

RedMeatState • 7 years ago

don't waste your time on that vapid, arrogant door knob.

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

Book written by white guy says white people are awesome

Revell Bergen • 7 years ago

what nonsense - it says Asians have the highest IQ. These rioters are idiots regardless of what you think of that study.

Mac Namun • 7 years ago

Says Asians are 4-5 IQ points, on average, higher than whites.

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

it says Asians are slightly more intelligent than whites but whites are way more intelligent than blacks. That line of thinking must be why Obama gets under racists skin so badly. He and his wife are clearly more intelligent than the people who subscribe to the Bells Curve line of thinking. Please tell me that you believe that Trump is smarter than Obama. And then tell me about how Milania is in any way shape or form smarter than Michelle.... I didnt think so

Mac Namun • 7 years ago

Down the generations, IQ reverts to the norm. Studies of black American GIs marrying white German women bears this out. Do you understand what a Bell curve represents?

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

Of course I do. Do you understand why its BS that only white supremacist still hold onto? Its funny, my wife is a social scientist and we talk about how people are always associating things with race when socioeconomic differences are the true determining factor. But people dont get that because they rather hold on to these idiotic ideas that one group of humans is somehow better than another. Thats okay. You hold on to your ideas and me and all of my educated black friends will continue to laugh at and feel bad for you.

Mac Namun • 7 years ago

The research bears it out for large numbers. It never does for individuals. So, you must not understand curves and standard deviations. Sociologists, by reading their work, like to obfuscate. And their jobs depends on being PC. I wish it were not true, but the bell curve is real. There is also a difference between men and women. The mean is higher for men, but the curve is flatter, meaning the extremes are more extreme. More geniuses, more idiots.
Highest IQs? Ashkenazi Jews.

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

Ashkenazi Jews eh? So someone like me who is of Ashkenazi Jew and Sub-Saharan African decent would likely fall where?And there is where the huge problem lies with categorizing people by race, there is no true way to define who is part of what race. A person is basically whatever they say they are. I identify as black but genetically Im 40% Ashkenazi. Studies have found that people will likely still refer to themselves as black when they have as little as 28% African ancestry. And that is the case with most American blacks, they are of mixed decent. So how can you truly find a sample that will prove the point of genetic difference in race if one of the "races" is mixed with another going back several generations. Or are you going to tell me having any African ancestry overpowers any advantage of European ancestry.

Anyway, back to the Bells Curve, many scientist have found issue with how data was collected and treated. Basically they were out to prove their own hypothesis. Its trash science.

Mac Namun • 7 years ago

Believe what you will. More recent studies bear it out. I'll find you a link with 2 interviews with 2 researchers, one of whom was a policy advisor to the US Govt. As I said before, one can not use the curve for individuals, any one of whom can lie anywhere on the curve. I've met blacks smarter than me, and asians not as. But to mix large numbers of people with widely different averages is cruel. The lower IQ group would function just fine where they came from, but will suffer when competing with higher average IQ groups. Another misleading factor is when the cream of the crop leaves, and what you have left behind is everyone else. Then what?

Ken Williams • 7 years ago

. . . so says the almighty "everglue" . .you're entitled to you own opinion, not your own facts . . maggot !

Guest • 7 years ago
Evorgleb • 7 years ago

Here is the pattern. When you are wealthier and better educated, your IQ tends to be higher. Regardless of race. Thats why your President and First Lady have such a higher IQ than you.

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

Factual? We are talking about the book where "IQ tests" were done without any thought to the quality of education the sample pool had or the quality of diet they had? If you like psuedo-science I recommend the X-Files instead. Early seasons were much better than the newer though.

NurseMommie • 7 years ago

I am as angry as anyone about the violence going on, and the racism directed toward white people by BLM supporters, but I am equally disgusted by racism coming from white people. Can we all just grow up and denounce violence and racism without perpetuating these things?

Mac Namun • 7 years ago

It was never debunked. Do you claim whites have, on average, higher IQs than Asians?

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

no i claim poor people with poor diets and poorly funded education tend to have lower IQs regardless of what race they are. If you dont agree you should visit one of these poor Appalachian towns in WV and I guarantee, you struggle to find a genius anywhere around.

Mac Namun • 7 years ago

Too small a group to be considered representative of a race. The research is fairly clear, and has been borne out over and over.

RedMeatState • 7 years ago

perhaps there's more of a cultural influence that tends them to WANT TO BE and REMAIN IGNORANT and UNEDUCATED!! With a little anti-white racism thrown in. don't blame the rest of us for it. But I love the way you want to paint us all with a broad brush. What a racist asshat hypocrite you are!!

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

I love when racist people call other people racist.

Liberalbasher1955 • 7 years ago

Brand new account eh. Alert !!! DNC paid cyber shark here !!!

franksNbeans • 7 years ago

They are still slaves and don't even know it. Pathetic

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

You are the slave. you are a slave to your backwards thinking.

franksNbeans • 7 years ago

Lol yea ok dummy. Get bent loser

Susan • 7 years ago

Low IQ. They don't have the intelligence to understand that concept.

Evorgleb • 7 years ago

What do you think Barack and Michelle's IQ is?