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No Left Turns! • 8 years ago

Here are 7 more reasons why Trump helps the GOP:

1) He isn't John McCain
2) He isn't Mitt Romney
3) He isn't Jeb Bush
4) He isn't Chris Christie
5) He isn't Marco Rubio
6) He isn't Rick Perry
7) He isn't Lindsey Graham

TRUMP 2016!

Proud White American • 8 years ago

The GOPe said Reagan would never win, so I will look forward to watching
"The Donald" being Sworn in as President. GOPe thought Romney, and
McCain were winners they were wrong, they say Trump can't win and they
are going to be wrong again.

It's either going to be Trump or we are all going to be saying Mrs. President because I will not vote for a Rino version of Hillary, and I am certain I am not alone. GOPe is going to threepet, McCain, Romney and the mystery Rino (Likely Bush)

Laurelei • 8 years ago

People should be collecting all these magic 8 ball predictons like the one here by Shapiro. With as much anger as there is toward the boneheads running this party, I wouldn't be so confident in predicting Trump is just going to disappear.

dfwpike • 8 years ago

Hey Breitbart, how about an article on the 7 Reasons Ted Cruz helps the GOP? What he did on Friday was fabulous.

marie hess • 8 years ago

Trump /Cruz 2016!!!!

meg • 8 years ago

Trump-Cruz 2016
Make America Great Again!

Emperius • 8 years ago

Carson is a great speaker. Speaker of the House!

extra salt • 8 years ago

Cruz, Rand, Jindal, and Carson never had a chance until Trump entered the race and opened the way for Cruz to do what he did today, or Rand did when he changed the way we talk about abortion, or what Jindal did when he was the first to attack radical islam in a smart way.

When each one of them tried to do that by themselves the media came after them and they held their ground, but they took a risk because the eGOP would love to smother any one of them in their cradle.

But with Trump in flagrant violation nonstop it draws all the fire and ire and we have been able to advance from the flanks. And it turns out that all the fire and ire is not really as powerful as the threat of it is.

Jeff Smith • 8 years ago

Nonstop Flagrant Violation.
What a lyrical turn of phrase.

Aries • 8 years ago

Every time a democrat, republican, or the media, including Brietbart or Shapiro's own TruthRevolt.com tells me not to vote for Trump it makes me think more and more that he's the dark horse candidate I've been waiting for and should support.

Ben, up to now I've had a lot of respect for you, but we're sick of the Oligarch in DC. If you start siding with the GOP establishment then I hate to say it, but maybe a good tranny curb stomping would do you good to bring you back to your senses.

There's a growing army of us that are héll bent on ousting republican incumbents in 2016. They've failed us; don't join that club.

jodyhall77 • 8 years ago

If you don't think Bush money is driving a good perentage of the agenda on conservative talk radio and "conservative" media then you need to look closer. Trump...2016.

Ron Cole • 8 years ago

I am a Carly and Cruz man, but ain't this fun?

duffbash • 8 years ago

I love Carly, too. I love all three.

duffbash • 8 years ago

Too funny!

extra salt • 8 years ago

Thanks, I would like to take credit, but it was just a product of too much coffee.

I like what you did with it.

But the big question is how are we all going to run with this? I don't recommend anyone lose their job or their business over this effort, but all of us in our own way can help to further this break down of Leftist DC Establishment PC Power.

All of us need to be in "Nonstop Flagrant Violation" and laughing at them. What Would St. Ronald do?

Ron Cole • 8 years ago

"NFV-Has a ring to it - I'll call comrade james taylor"."
lurch 2015

duffbash • 8 years ago


mst3kcrow • 8 years ago

You're right. What Ted Cruz did today was great, and i hope he sees some support from some of the other conservative senators. But we don't have very many true conservatives in the senate.

Guest • 8 years ago
Ron Cole • 8 years ago

What else does the alphabet porridge of feral fascist mini-series* to do but service hos and spy on mere tax paying Church going Family lovin' Americans.

* mini-series" Formerly agencies an' such.

Ron Cole • 8 years ago

The rat pricks hate him because he is a man.

Georgio • 8 years ago

Ted Cruz's speech in congress was without doubt the best I've ever heard. He really put down the GOP elite.

BostonMary • 8 years ago

Freshman Senator Ted Cruz (R, TX) accuses US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R, KY) of Lying about Deal with Democrats on re-authorizing the Export-Import Bank

Awesome. Mr. Cruz Goes to Washington!

DA KINE • 8 years ago

He was THE BOSS!!!

conservIN • 8 years ago

I completely agree and Ted says the same things Trump does but with more class and inteligence

meg • 8 years ago

That's why they are formidable together. Unbeatable & brilliant.
Trump-Cruz 2016

bamboo_viper • 8 years ago

Yeah, but Ted needs other people's money, where Trump doesn't.
You're focusing on the cosmetics. That's what gets us in trouble.

Guest • 8 years ago
Ron Cole • 8 years ago

How about a Carly and Ted in any order?

bamboo_viper • 8 years ago

Oh get a life!

duffbash • 8 years ago

Just different personalities, that's all.

Ron Cole • 8 years ago

Ted Cruz is by far the brightest man* in Wa`shit`dung, P. C. period

Perhaps I may be able to go back to the original spelling of Washington.

* man: Most of them must wear pink panties.

Sweer Potato • 8 years ago

its not fabulous trusting mitch and voting for a bill he didnt read

mllyjul • 8 years ago

Go away troll.

Balder The Brave • 8 years ago

The article will be published tomorrow.

Guest • 8 years ago
Cheryl Jefferies • 8 years ago

Ted Cruz has been saying for 3+ years now what Trump has been saying for the past 4 weeks. Where have you been? Obviously, not really listening.

duffbash • 8 years ago

Fabulous point!

Annoying to libs • 8 years ago

No he's not going to disappear which has the Establishment running in circles chasing their tails.

JW101 • 8 years ago

People are tired of corporations and banks forcing their "preferred" RINO candidates on to the voters.

There is a reason that Trump is leading the group. .

marie hess • 8 years ago

And the media...

TrajanOptimus • 8 years ago

No Trump

No Vote

I'll be sitting this one out. I am done with voting for corruption.

Right-o! It's the "candidates" who should be discarded from the debates! OBVIOUSLY Gangsta Eight's Captain Rubio is getting a windfall for flooding us w/ILLegals! The track records on these "candidates" are CLEAR, —they ALL fail ETHICS, and...

Balder The Brave • 8 years ago

A little less corruption is better than increasing corruption. It took over one hundred years to get to this level where Progressives control virtually everything. A foundation needs to be laid on which conservatives can build and that takes time. If we wait too long change towards the Constitution will be imposible. Because many people withdrew from politics and did not vote to support Romney we now have President Obama.

conservIN • 8 years ago

Thats how we got Clinton

debbW_winning • 8 years ago

No, Bush Sr lied about 'No new taxes.' He went directly against the will of the people who would have voted for him. He was/is establishment DC and paid for it.

conservIN • 8 years ago

Actually that is incorrect, Perot split the vote enough that Clinton got elected. Data showed that had Perot not been in the race the majority of his voters would have gone to Bush and Clinton would have lost.

X man • 8 years ago

I'm with you, as I think, many concervatives are.

Guest • 8 years ago
loulai • 8 years ago

You are correct except for the part about Shapiro being a smart guy. He's not a smart guy.