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True Grit • 8 years ago

That's what criminal minded thugs and anchors do.............

Señor Gonzales • 8 years ago

Mexico charges a fee for foreign nationals who stay in their country more than ten days. We need to:

1. Cut off all foreign aid to Mexico.

2. Send them a bill for each and every Mexican citizen here illegally.

3. Charge a fee for each Mexican citizen to cross our border.

This will more than pay for a wall.

Additionally, illegal aliens cost the U.S. Taxpayer $346 billion annually. The above would pay for 100 walls 200 feet high. These people are animals, keep them out.

Trump 2016!

robert470 • 8 years ago

Mexico also doesn't allow any non Mexicans allowed to live in their country.

No Asians, blacks, whites, Indians, muslims or even Syrian refugees...

Sounds racist to me...

Mexicans are racists!!

True Grit • 8 years ago

And they protect their southern border with military and have a shoot to kill policy as well as a rape and robbery policies that benefit the coyotes as well as other corrupt political figures! go figure.......

Shillelagh • 8 years ago

Not true. BUT, you have to demonstrate financial stability so you will not bleed their social safety-net, which is exactly what we SHOULD be doing.

robert470 • 8 years ago

Mexicans only want Mexicans in their country.

Racist country, filled with racists people

Shillelagh • 8 years ago

My brother lived there for 7 years. No problems. He had no access to any government programs and had to show that he was capable of financially supporting himself without government assistance.

John • 8 years ago

This what all countries where expats live do.You have to show that you can financially support yourself.You are also barred for working.

Shillelagh • 8 years ago

Precisely my point. :-)

bobdog19006 • 8 years ago

Got an angry call from the Mexican government the other day. They're furious that we've stolen 20% of their population, and they want their people back, threatening to build this enormous wall across their northern border. Something about sovereignty. They sounded really mad, in Spanish.

GerriAttricks • 8 years ago

What social safety net? They use the USA as their social safety net.

tet4tet • 8 years ago

Mexicans are racists. That's true. It's OK to be racist if you aren't white.

mahgan • 8 years ago

Many Mexicans are white. Just watch their movies.

Guest • 8 years ago
Mac Namun • 8 years ago

nor you.

Guest • 8 years ago
Mac Namun • 8 years ago

When one resorts to name calling, the argument is lost.

HeyADeplorableHere • 8 years ago

Oh yeah, we'll never understand how you guys destroy your own failed countries, only to pick up and bring the same failed culture, attitudes and ideas to our country.

Like locusts, you then destroy our country.

Amerika's Rebel Scum Gal • 8 years ago

You didn't originate here, either. You were "Locusts" before we were. And even Then you were warring amongst yourselves. That was why Montezuma was defeated, in the first place. He was a Bully King, who picked on weaker, neighboring villages, and made slaves out of them or, worse, offered them up as sacrifices. Those villages were all to happy to help the Spanish defeat him. Sadly, however, the Spanish proved to be even Worse to them.

tet4tet • 8 years ago

Leftards like you don't make sense. So, if you can't make sense, shut up.

freevoter2016 • 8 years ago

That's why Obama welcomes La Raza to the WH and appoints its leadership to government agencies. Obama lied when he said he never heard any anti White or American rhetoric from his Pastor Rev. Wright. For twenty years he sat in a front phew listening to racist rants and never said a word in protest why I ask because he believed in every word that was spoken. So when his Rev. Wright became an obstacle to him in getting to the WH he threw him under the Bus.

Celvin Weston • 8 years ago

They also treat dark skinned Mexicans like crap.

freevoter2016 • 8 years ago

In Mexico there are two classes of citizens those of Spanish decent and those of Native Indian decent. They have their own form of Racism which they will never admit. Almost all illegals are from the Indian decent as they are 99.9% of the poor population. This is why the government of Mexico encourages its subclass to flee to the US.

Sabata • 8 years ago

No, I think you are mistaken. It is just looks like that because none of those people want to live in Mexico. ;)

areweinsane • 8 years ago

NO tax-payer money to NON-CITIZENS. Cut off the tap and the snakes will slither back home

Pleiades R • 8 years ago

we will need a lot more serious law enforcement protection in the mean time... there is not a lot of respect for other people's property... then the liberals will shout "see you made them steal!" the way they blame auto break ins on the "people who leave things in their cars" as if while shopping, we need to drive home with each purchase... to not tempt anyone... of course this doesn't cover the break ins and vandalism of empty cars... but being liberal means a liberal bending of the facts and liberal abuse on the victims

patriotkat • 8 years ago

and severe penalties for companies hiring them

Awake not woke • 8 years ago

Add a 100% tariff on all products imported from Mexico to compensate us for the hundreds of billions this filth cost us in social services.

Take ALL of the jobs back by hammering the daylights out of ANY company producing goods in mexico for the US. Leave these maggots for dead... and if they come back, lock them up and throw away the key. Life sentences at hard labor.

Nah, too much effort. You cut off social services and you apply a little tough love. A year in a low rent prison cell and confiscate their stuff.

Then bill government of Mexico each time they cross. New tarrif penalties get added on.

As I've said, landmines on the border.

Awake not woke • 8 years ago

land mines have always been the best idea

Gregorio Ruiz • 8 years ago

If you're caught sneaking into Mexico a second time, you can get up to 10 years in prison.

John D • 8 years ago

You left off a few.
Every illegal should be sentenced to 5 years hard labor on a road gang. Then deported.

Kayzeen • 8 years ago

Our Government from Obama to Congress are breaking our immigration laws. They are lawless and dangerous. Remove them from office now.

Countrygirl1411 • 8 years ago

Please don't insult animals.

Mike • 8 years ago

Great idea, Speedy!!!

HalfPint74 • 8 years ago

Add, that turn about is fair play.
Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

in the country legally;

have the means to sustain themselves economically;

not destined to be burdens on society;

of economic and social benefit to society;

of good character and have no criminal records; and

contributors to the general well-being of the nation.

The law also ensures that:

immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;

foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;

foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;

foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;

foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;

those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.

swimologist • 8 years ago

I say no on number 3. No more Mexicans coming here to live at all.
Our country is becoming like their 3rd-world dump of country.

EddieGin12 • 8 years ago

Look how many Illegals Kill, Murder, rape, Rob, sell dope to, disrupt your Gum-mint school educated kin that goes to school with those Illegal and anchor baby morons, remember in the Gum-mint educated schools the teachers teach from the Illegal's brain first, meaning DUMB-DOWN. Get it NOW. Why do people send their love ones to Gum-mint educated schools, where the COURTS have said *PUKE that you have to pay for them too, all the while the Illegals, the knee-grows and the white trash pay NOTHING.

freevoter2016 • 8 years ago

It was reported over 20 years ago that 60% of the child births in LA were to Illegal Mexican parents. The Anchor Baby policy has changed this nation into a Progressive state that will become a Communist / Socialist nation as demanded by these invaders and pandered to by politicians such as Paul Ryan.

patriotkat • 8 years ago

La Raza wants California back to Mexico- i say give it to them and build a 100 ft wall around it until a giant earthquake sinks it

EddieGin12 • 8 years ago

Hear, hear

Ken • 8 years ago

Damn, I like that!

Especially #2


MERIDUS • 8 years ago

you are kidding right? The liberals in power won't even send criminal illegals back who have been deported 5 times.
Thats why we need Trump more than ever.

Partyofhealthcare? • 8 years ago

Cuz the poorest people in the country are the cause of ALL OUR PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AllPoliticiansSuck • 8 years ago

Our "problems" are caused by subhuman leftist scum, like you.

Bill • 8 years ago

Add: Making hiring a person who you know or reasonably should hsve known is illegal a 5 year, $500k fine for any work sbove $250 per year- require sn eVerify for gardrnerd, carpenters, etc.

Cut off the money and we will not need to build a wall.

fourdc • 8 years ago

and cut them off of every dollar of any kind of public assisatance

vettelover • 8 years ago

Don't forget, illegals are also directly responsible for close to 10,000 American deaths per year but I don't hear Obama and his Marxist propaganda machines saying a word! Let a bunch of Islamic shoot up a public area and in lieu of allowing us to arm ourselves, he blames our 2nd Amendment.

There is 545 career politicians and judges running our executive, legislative and judicial that are directly responsible for everything that is happening to this country. They are guilty of treason for allowing the powers who control the money to push their NWO agenda onto all if us.

Lumpy Rutherford • 8 years ago

Cut them off of all welfare programs--they'll discover that they can't live on the wages they've driven down, either. They'll self-deport...

LexTerrae • 8 years ago

Interesting numbers. Assuming they are correct at $346 billion annually, and assuming that all such costs could be eliminated by an effective border patrol system and adequate laws and assuming that $200 billion of that money saved could be applied to the $20 Trillion dollar debt, the country could pay off that debt in about 20 years. 200 billion is 1/10 of 20 trillion. You do the math. I doubled the period of debt elimination to account for interest payments until paid and to assure that the estimate would be conservative. I don't pretend that these numbers are actuarily sound, but pose them to equate the relative cost of illegals and the size of the national debt.