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Bertharina Rina • 9 years ago

The John Birch Society was, and is now, an organization that neutralizes any member that condemns or spotlights the communist movement within the USA. Robert Welch was a retired candy maker. This political system was founded in honor of a deceased individual named John Birch, a missionary who was slain in China. Several decades past, one discovers that the Birches had infiltrated numerous religious functionaries, churches, in denouncing that the United Nations Organization was a front for radicalized communist agents. For the most part, this presumption appears to be true. Yet, with elevated religious fervor literally hundreds of thousands of honest souls would listen to two-hour tapes and would immediately joined up.Undoubtedly, twisted minds temporarily replaced their temporal God and listened to the Oracle, Robert Welch, founder of the Birch society. To disagree with any deceived member called for a complete ostracize, in the name of their Lord. A new God had moved in. Most positive concerning the very roots of this so-called patriotic organization is its open hands inclusion of members of any religious outlet in America. Actually, it coincided with Billy Graham’s catchall theory, of converting lost souls, of whom happened to stumble into the spiritual providence of pseudo intellectual craftsmanship, fronting for a Divine theocracy. But Mr. Graham’s God was recognized as the one and only creator-all of this well and good.
But lo and behold, the birches were in complete opposition to Graham’s belief in a Supreme being, for in the ( The Blue Book ), the so-called bible of the ( John Birch Society ), Pgs. 143-146 Welch proclaims that mankind-washed forth from the ancient swamp lands, as slobs of muck and mire, of which and gradually evolved into apes-anthropoids. Here we are at loggerheads between Graham and Welch, in bringing simple-minded people into the twin nets of two ambitious souls, Graham and Welch, letting their imaginary screens of religion and anthropology wobble along the treaturous path of baiting innocent souls through national politics and the church/state connection. It is an actual truth that innocent souls have been excommunicated from churches for questioning the MUD theory.

cuja1 • 9 years ago

Wasn't the John Birch Society,-[-Fred Koch-] a replica of the American Liberty League that favored the hitlian policies, and tried to implement the policies into the United States????...... and now are called the Tea Party,--[-Koch Brothers-]..???

Bertharina Rina • 9 years ago

The original Liberty League was composed in fighting Roosevelt's turn-coat.They were political elites that were opposed to any give backs to laboring people.

Bertharina Rina • 9 years ago

There is nothing new in the world of political whoredom----Thanks for your information, it baffled me !

johndwyer • 9 years ago

Mr. Kucinich and many of us loudly told you: Universal, single-payer health insurance for all! Medicare for every USAn NOW!

beaglebailey • 9 years ago

I agree. What good does it do to have the junk insurance that they made everyone buy if people still can't afford to go to the doctor because their deductibles are $5-6,000?
And why did Roberts not make every state offer Medicaid? In Utah, the governor wants a 3rd party involved in Medicaid which will transfer more wealth to his friend, instead of just expanding Medicaid.

Guest • 9 years ago

Very good article and so true about blacks and Hispanics. Texas is at the top of the list for uninsured and poor people. The Texas hospital that put Duncan out was thinking about money over people. The Hippocratic oath "do no harm" seems to have little meaning today in America.
We should applaud the health care workers as heroes that will risk their lives in these foreign countries to help the poor and helpless that desperately need to be cared for.

Guest • 9 years ago
Barbara B • 9 years ago

My first thought was NYC also

johndwyer • 9 years ago

A mere rhetorical gimmick to get you to read the article.

Barbara B • 9 years ago

Of course it is. Everything is a gimmick in 21st century united states.

Guest • 9 years ago

I have to agree your right on the money.