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Guest • 9 years ago

I just want to point out that German media is worst, because Germans need the most convincing to go to war with Russia. The western media now has to combat the anti-war tendencies they propagated onto Germans ever since the end of WW2. If you read the comments on all these anti-Putin propaganda articles, you can tell that Germans hate their own media for doing so.

Lisa • 9 years ago

Hey, I`m from Germany (Stuttgart), and i can definitely say, that we Germans hate our media and get the informations we need from the Internet. Angela Merkel do what Obama says to her and we can do nothing. if we go to the street and make a Demonstration they say we are nazi or the media say nothing. many People (the old People) in Germany hate Putin and belive the lies from the media, but we, the young people dont belive the lies. We love Putin and wish Angela Merkel will be a little bit like Putin.

dixi3150 • 9 years ago

I'm also German (Lahr, Schwartzwald) and totally agree. NEVER watch German TV. It is like for imbeciles. Cooking, singing, festivals everything to keep us from thinking for ourselves. I also get all my info from sites like this one and many others. Love Putin and think Ouma Merkel sold out to the US.

Martin Alfven Haider • 9 years ago

Sounds like American tv. But without all the series about serial killers, violence and perversion. What they have done to us and our collective psyche here is sick, and demonic.

Incredulously Yours, • 8 years ago

All brought to you by our Khazarian overseers....kinda gives one the Hebe-y jeebies!!

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago

but this is not just a problem IN america -- germany TV as some of our friends here have said - getng shallower -- IS A PART of the ''influence" of american ''way\" ..

to bring up mostly and primarily shallow past-times...that takes up LIFE HOURS...when you really count it,,,

ONE shallow pastime after another...the WORST imo,,,apart from these silly ''reality shows\" (which ARE copied throughout the world unfortunately in that desire to be ''more american" -- even in CHINA ) -

are these ''game shows" -- trivia shows..that used to be just CHILD'S play n the backyard and really is where they OUGHT to stay so children can be children...

but NATIONAL CULTURE? trivia shows? give me a BREAK!

but that's exactly what americana brings to societies..the HIGHLIGHTING AND GLORIFICATION OF SILLINESS and SHALLOWNESS as a NATIONAL ETHOS.

and a sure-fire way of turning out , reshaping and ''winning hearts and minds" by making them exposed - without choice really -- to ''the only games in town"

SILLY LITTLE GAMES that 'TRAIN the mind to become STUPID".

this - THIS is the great TRIUMPH of the american society over the world. where everything -- even WAR -- is now ''entertainment" - to be ''packaged" - promoted sold, and switched around like cotton candy by the powers that be...and deeper critical thought -- or honest simplicity of thought and discourse is ''NOT ALLOWED".

Seán Murphy • 6 years ago

You should see the satellite TV aimed at Britain and Ireland....

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago

where is BLACK FOREST? forgot from so long ago when i took some german language summer immersion course..just like i forgot my basic german courses in goethe institut now..my teachers said i was getting very good with it...but no one to practice with, :-(...because I love the language so much also.

dixi3150 • 8 years ago

Hi, there...Look up on Google Earth, THE BLACK FOREST stretches from LÖRRACH (Swiss border) to HEIDELBERG. I live in LAHR that us smack bang in the middle of it. I do love Germany very much but it makes me so sad to see what the politicians are doing to this beautiful country, filling it up with Arabs, Muslims and non-whites. It is as ridiculous to say:
India has too many Indians?
Africa has too many Africans?
China has too many Chinese?

Seraja • 5 years ago

Your police shows (I have a thing for alarm fur cobra and can't stop laughing with Rentercops) are thoroughly infiltrated. With cobra, the bad foreigners are always Russians.

EVcine • 9 years ago

At least ARD made an apology and have hosted an interview with Putin the UK media does not dare.

dixi3150 • 8 years ago

One year later and look what jihadi Merkel has done to our country. I hope next year we can get rid of this traitorous Stasi infiltrator..., and yes, I also wish we had a Putin in Germany. (I live in Lahr)

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago

don't worry , LISA -- you can be confident that people around the world can see what you mean. you just got invaded and body-snatched by the AMERICANS --and that's the big problem -

ONCE the shocking news that the german NATION's GOVERNMENT had allowed the NSA, CIA, to control your ''security" and that - even if it was always suspected but NOT to the extent that it was revealed to be...

and that the german people have begun to just ignore their own news now...

that's QUITE enough information for the rest of the world to understand that the german ordinary folks have the sense as you describe it.

but isn't it so sad , though? the ENEMY OF GERMANY AND HER PEOPLE -- not russia --

but it's RIGHT INSIDE your own streets and government buildings and departments and organs and institutions....

you've been invaded and body-snatched.
sooner or later -- YOU the german people will do something about it..heck -- some of your companies are now doing something about -- and they DON'T CARE what UNCLE SAM OR MERKEL says...

they are lawfully - proper law -- doing business in CRIMEA...SHOE MAKING german company ALREADY BUILDING A FACTORY n crimea.
so -- what's UNCLE GONNA DO? MERKEL? the german officials that are slaves to UNCLE SAM?

they're gonna JAIL these german businesses? ! roflmao.

as your own great wrter -- the late GUNTHER GRASS SAID in an essay -one of his very last -- he published n one of your magazines...

he began to ASK what he called an "'existential question and of identity" >

i paraphrase:

"is it NOT Time for US germans to ask ourselves:

"are we REALLY of the WEST? do we not share more with the RUSSIANS ,, who really are our cousins to the EAST than any we share with the british or french or dutch? are not our myths, our fairytales, our music, our literature and philosophy, our love of nature, not really sharing more with our russian neighbors? is it not time for us to ask ourselves:

"do we not BELONG wth RUSSIA to the east?".

patty donovan • 9 years ago

I am an American and hate what my government has done ! Mr Putin is the greatest world leader of our time ! My President is a total mess and a danger to world peace ! He's jealous of Mr Putin !

cherrie greenbaum123 • 9 years ago

Your president (and mine, unfortunately) is a puppet for the Zionists.

morte al Nuovo ordine • 9 years ago

It is interesting to speculate what will happen when the dollar falls . The zionist entity will not get the billion of dollars they need to continue with the Apartheid state . The zionists are the major reason the USA is being destroyed from the inside. When there will be nothing to loot in the USA , I bet they will go back to Germany for another round of looting as they did before the advent of Hitler . So those Khazars in about 80 years have destroyed two European nations , Germany and the USA . Given a chance they would do the same with Russia .

dixi3150 • 9 years ago

Nope, nit with Russia.....Siberia is PLENTY BIG! Hèhèhè

EVcine • 9 years ago

Hello ! So now you give a rationale for Nazism. Putin is against the Nazis.

dixi3150 • 9 years ago

Don't fight, we are all just giving our opinions. Thanks

Laika Lammerink • 8 years ago

Yes, you're right there. The time when Zionist/OSS/MI6 agent Hitler was Führer of Germany was actually rock-bottom, of the entire period of Zionist meddling (destroying & looting) and control & indoctrination, which started in post-Bismarck Germany, and especially since the Kaiser was overthrown (1918 coup d'état), until now.
This great Western leader, aka Zionist puppet (Hitler) did his job superbly and was evacuated to South America: yournewswire.com/fbi-hitler...

Antonio Calabria • 9 years ago

Look, all US Presidents have been and are such puppets. It'd take an awful lot to change that.

Samantha • 9 years ago

Agree, Patty.
The same for the un-elected Mandarins in Brussels. They are a real swamp. Lazy, clueless, overpaid and greedy still. They are powerhungry despite their tremendous lack of any political clout. Vasalls through blackmail by 3 letter agencies?
The same for german Mrs. Merkel. Being a german citizen, I am ashamed of thus woman and her orwellian ,politics'.
Today, the former CEO of Thyssen-Krupp, Prof. Dr. Dieter Spethmann, a lawyer, called for her urgent removal from the job by publishing an Open Letter in mmnews (a blog).

EVcine • 9 years ago

Trust me on this Merkel is mild compared to Cameron, Obama, Harper and Abbott !

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago

there is a JUNIOR BRITISH MP -- WHO is assigned to BRUSSELS --

and has appealed to VOTERS for 'brexit"

by saying "please put me out of a job".

and then explaned the inner workings that

"as soon as I reached brussels for my first year -- i was handed top treatment -- given keys to car with chauffeur , top accommodations...my voucher and account for expenses..i asked

:"is this for the laundry? so big? is this for the food? so big? why do i need this much for clothes allowance? -" and that the answers were alwasy "oh yes - don't worry it's all under extra"...and those sorts o perks that he couldn't swallow were so extravagant...

or that his PLANE ride was to get a REIMBURSEMENT , TAX FREE - SEVERAL MAGNITUDES HIGHER than the cost of his plane ride...........things like that...and he made the calculations to realize tha t

it costs BRITAIN N CONTRIBUTION to brussels the similar amount in the CUTS to british social system welfare.......in order to make rules for the british to live by including those cuts to british social spending...pensions, health care, jobs, wages,. education, etc...

SWAMP FOR CROCODILES indeed...who of course are in an organization set up by the POWERS ABOVE them..whoever these are.

Incredulously Yours, • 8 years ago

I'm surprised that Brit is not taking a dirt nap....

dixi3150 • 9 years ago

Whow Patty, an American that is not afraid to say it how it is. Watch out though, the badies are awatchin

John H • 9 years ago

Watch out....You may get a knock on your door

Patty Donovan • 9 years ago

I could careless the FBI or CIA comes knocking ..for what ? Voicing an opinion ? Good I will when I tell them to , Screw Off! My opinion sticks! Mr Putin is the greatest world leader of our time and don't expect another one like him for a good long time ! He takes no shit, bribes or bullshit ! Its what we need here in America! God bless him in his struggles with corrupt NATO and my twisted, warmongering Government!

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago

patty and those like her are the REAL patriots of their country.

Incredulously Yours, • 8 years ago

Ooo, I think I'm in loooove....

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago


teddyfromcd • 8 years ago


i blame myself for not finding that interview i found last year in SPUTNIK -- and i don't know why i can't find it in their archives either...

BUT aa retired colonel level american officer who was tasked and specialized in ''surveillance and psychological warfare" IN MOSCOW from around the collapse of the USSR And after to see to it that RUSSIA was going to be ''brought under our control"

revealed (he retired, i think around 10 years ago) ...

"MY job was surveillance and psychological warfare."

"we DID try to sabotage Russia as we saw events moving towards the dissolution and opening up to the west...so we were already targeting the officials that we could nfluence to our side..
'"PUTIN was one of those that TOOK THE SIDE OF HIS PEOPLE...even if he was not yet very high placed...so we made sure to WATCH HIM ever since...

"imo -- PUTIN is the greatest thing that ever happened to russia in the last 100 years..\
"he is fluent in language, diplomacy, and has great knowledge of the subject he has to take responsibility for as leader of his country -- whereas WE can only show nothing but the lkes of OBAMA , BUSH , CLINTON, etc...who go around the world displaying NOTHING BUT OUR ARROGANCE AND IGNORANCE AND DISPLAY OUR SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT that the world must bow before us".

"we can only look on in ENVY at the russians for havng such leaders".


teddyfromcd • 8 years ago

THERE is also that SPORTS OWNER -- the one that is the ''power" in car racing or something? in europe?

he said last year something like this:

"EUROPE NEEDS PUTIN....IMO -- putin is not reaching his full potential being leader ONLY of RUSSIA...he should be the leader of ALL EUROPE -- he'll sort us out real good".

Guest • 9 years ago
Antonio Calabria • 9 years ago

Well, look, we had two national elections, and he won them, fair and square. So a majority of the people in the US chose him. That he's influenced by groups of one sort or another is a separate issue.
His major problem has been and remains his revanchist mentor, the notorious Polish Brzezinski, who has been pushing him to oppose Russia. Obama is a lawyer, and he has very little knowledge of history, which could have helped him enormously. How? By showing him that bids for mastery of Europe, to think only of that area, which has seen tremendous contention with Russia over Ukraine, are bound to lead to wars if they're not replaced by a healthy respect for spheres of influence of the most important states, i.e., the US and Russia.
Obama should never have allowed the Fascist coup that brought the Nazi Svoboda and Pravyi Sektor to power after Maidan in Kiev. That fascist government won't survive without US/EU help and funding. That was mistake number one. Mistake number two is even worse, and it's being made now. It is the extremely ill-considered attempt to destroy the pro-Russian Eastern Ukrainians, that is, to reassert Kiev's power over Eastern Ukraine (though it'd take US arms and aid).
I frankly don't see that any responsible Russian statesman, Tsarist, Communist or post-Communist, could allow as vital and historically linked to Russia an area as Ukraine, let alone Eastern Ukraine, to be removed from Russia's rightful sphere of influence in Europe. If Obama wants peace, he should chuck Brzezinski and leave at the very least Eastern Ukraine, at this point, to the Russophile forces there.

Guest • 9 years ago

You speak of Obama as if he has a say in the matter. He only follows orders, as does most every other "world leader". Things will change only when enough of us realize who's really in control. There are very few heads of state that are NOT installed and controlled by the PTB. Putin may be in this category, as was / is Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Moammar Khadaffi, Ahmed Ahmedinajad, and Kim jun-Un. In short, anyone who attempts to circumvent the Rothschild banking system will be vilified and eventually removed and / or their country ostracized.
(Question: What's the first thing the Libyan "rebels" did upon entering Tripoli? Answer: Set up a Central Banking System. Any guesses who funded them?)

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago

and every single day makes that ever more clear, doesn't it?

and NOW his EMPERORSHIP'S climax of privileges amounts to this:

HE REQUESTED FROM GAME OF THRONES PRODUCERS ''advanced viewing of the episodes" before the 'release date".

that IS the sum of DEAR LEADER'S 'exulted" position...nothing more than a social climber who just wanted to have ''special privileges" - to watch his favorite show...........while he BURNS the world around him....imagine that...

Dan Good • 9 years ago

The Russia bashing is indeed perplexing. But it is not universal. One explanation is that Americans are afraid of the rivalry. Also Americans have been brought up with a negative imagine of "KGB" and it is impossible to shake this. Russia would love to be part of Europe and increase ties and business. Europe is game; but not USA. It represents a challenge to its own supremacy. I think this is the underlying problem. Putin came out of nowhere, as many of the "Putin Videos" show. His first priority was to rebuild the morale of the Russian army and to do this he picked on Chechnia. Perhaps today he would do things differently. He also turned on many oligarchs who had helped him. But he did this because he did not ask nor want their "help" which he considered self-serving; they wanted to control him, not the other way round. He may regret having been too hard on some (Boris Bereshovski for instance) but it had to be done. All these things played into the hands of the anti-Russians in US. One thing is sure. Neither Russia nor Putin had anything to do with the riots in Maidan which are the root cause of all the disasters occurring in that country. If Putin "took advantage" of the break-down in Kiev to retake Crimea so much to his credit. It was certainly not "planned". The State Dept got faked out. Now they are licking their wounds by Putin bashing day in day out. Rather pathetic really. The best would be to welcome Russia into the world economy. It can make a great contribution.

Patty Donovan • 9 years ago

I was brought up to hate Russia, to fear Russia but not anymore! It was all lies and manipulation! Do not include all Americans because its just not true but yes, Russophobia is from decades and decades of brainshing in America.. Believe me, since literally the age of 5 I was taught to fear Russia. From school drills in preparation of " Russia coming to get us" to Putin being a communist dictator to now, Russia is more dangerous than terrorists organization is ALL lies by our government and media! People need to wake the hell up ! It is our government bombing and invading countries, our government funding millions to Isreal to slaughter Palestines, funding Nazi Ukraine president to kill Russian speaking E Ukrainians! Our government funded and trained ISIS! The world is not n chaos because of your government!

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago

JUST - i hope -- you understand (and that's why sometimes SIX PACK gets mad at me -- NOT HIS FAULT) -- when it has become habitual to generalize ''americans" ...but that is very hard to avoid now after all that the USA has done to so many countries. in so many cruel ways.

but it IS understood that it NEVER means "'ALL AMERICANS"

that is just an IMPOSSIBILITY..

Samantha • 9 years ago

Well, Washington D.C. IS afraid of rivalry.
Remeber the 1992 ,Wolfowitz Doctrine'? Even one of the mouthpieces, the NYT, was slightly disgusted.
The essence of that vile doctrine: do not allow any rival to rise and challenge US power, hegemony.

Incredulously Yours, • 8 years ago

A satanic doctrine from Hell, no less, formulated by that wonderful Khazarian humanitarian, Paul 'holey socks' Wolfowitz....

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago


brilliant summation.

EUROPE and its ''invasion" by the USA is the USA'S STEPPING STONE and war front towards moscow n order to rule over all of eurasia -- all that resource and land, magine...

it is just a mirror of the USA'S ''conquering the west" ..by the other direction. as is JAPAN, peripeheral asian countries to china /russia is from the pacific end...

THAT'S really teh USA''s obsession - always was - and this has been OPENLY declared by no less than the likes of THEODORE ROOSEVELT, "the pacific shall be ours, the philippines shall be our doorstep and forever ours - and then on to the mainland of asia"...things of that kind...

no less than MANIFEST DESTINY to rule the world, or "OUR SOUTH AMERICAN BACKYARD"..

and were russia and europe to unite and have peaceful cooperation , trade, friendship and tighten their commonalities of cultures --


DEFENSE AND SECURITY against WHOM exactly? a europe at peace with russia would SOON be a europe at peace WITH the middle east and africa -- and asia --

and the extremists would SO ISOLATED within that landmass they would simp;ly wither away for STARVATION as peoples ignore them

people who find meaningful decent jobs , children growing up with families intact and with futures to look forward to and travel everywhere their dreams allowed...etc...

WHAT WOULD the landmasses and their peoples and cultures NEED USA for? resources? technology? science? medicine/ / agriculture? food? ships? cars? .......security? defense/ ?

safety? rights? entertainment? cultural enrichment? stories? friends? nope

they would NOT NEED the USA at all. the wil.l welcome american FRIENDS and traders as it ought to be...but NOT as rulers and ''security and defense " SCAM ARTISTS.

THAT'S WHAT THE USA FEARS from russian/european integration...and become what it really IS..


Guest • 9 years ago
Patty Donovan • 9 years ago

I am not at all afraid of Russia. In fact they're much like us , who want peace and wished our countries were friends and allies like we should be ! But NO ! We have twisted butthead warmongers who want to cause trouble and keep Russia down because heaven forbid they might be bigger and better than us! I say good for them ! We are NOT excepectionals , we should be equals !

Luketree14 • 9 years ago

Totally agree, Patty

plamenpetkov • 9 years ago

Guess what, the Russians are not afraid of USA either.
But we all ARE afraid of a wounded animal, they are the most dangerous. And USA is a wounded dying animal. I will be very surprised if humanity managed to avoid a nuclear war within the next 10 years. The fake "capitalism" is collapsing and the only way out is a major war.

teddyfromcd • 8 years ago

IMO -- WHAT the americans among us are saying "'not afraid of russia\|"

is that they don't fear russia the WAY the warmongers told them to fear russia...

as if russians have some malicious nefarious intent towards americans...and they are right. americans should NOT fear russia nor russia americans in the sense that everyone are just PEOPLE -- ordinary folks who just want to grow up , live, have families and friends and work a good decent job, leave something for their children , etc..and then grow old with grace .

buit these warmongers of leaders are just so EVIL - who sit around with their cronies and their families and friends SCHEMING and makng their 'inner circle" decisions about 'shaping the world" as they see fit...and create MISERY for everyone.

Luketree14 • 9 years ago

quote: "The fake "capitalism" is collapsing and the only way out is a major war."

No, as it is implied in your statement, a major war is not a way out. What is a way out, is a reinventing of a new economy!

plamenpetkov • 9 years ago

There is nothing being implied into my statement. "Capitalism" has ALWAYS been fake and bunch of lies. With a major war, they will be able to keep the charade a bit longer, the same way thy did it with WWII.