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Elli Fordyce • 8 years ago

First I've seen of Minty Alexander since living in her and husband Rick's apartment in 1975-6 before I returned to Celebrity Center (then CCLA) for Class 0. Been reminded of her every day since getting a tiny dog 10 years ago named Mindy and, wanting to change her name, decided on Minty after her perkiness, enthusiasm and affinity. Minty Alexander was also supportive, something my dog even attempts when the chips are down. I've asked around about her in the past year but have gotten very little info back except that she'd been in the S.O. a long time and apparently doing well as of 8 years ago.

mook • 9 years ago

Happy Anniversary, Underground Bunker!

Man, Stacy Francis must really need the crack money... Oops I mean the paycheck

doggywoggy • 9 years ago

Congratulations, and thanks, Tony Ortega! Happy Bunker birthday!

DodoTheLaser • 9 years ago

Just a song I like.

Guest • 9 years ago
DodoTheLaser • 9 years ago

That, plus it sounds cool and so self-reaffirming. Makes Ethics Officers happy too.

EnthralledObserver • 9 years ago

I have a OT question... just wondering if Davey Makemerich has reportedly acted violently or with violence to any Sea Org member since being outed of TV/internet for this behavior? ie. Does he still hit his underlings, or did the accusations curb his violent behavior?

Pierrot • 9 years ago

*** RED X +–+ RED X +–+RED X +–+ RED X *** Monday the 29th of September

Good morning Early Birds and Night Owls, a new week again, where does the time go?

As expected Sunday was a slow day , our 4 Days list is down to a very manageable 226 or 12 minutes flagging, flag them all, blues & purples.
See the tips & tricks about flagging in the left column: Dolly & Vistaril tech, Reboot Router Tech , Enthetameter Tech…… https://docs.google.com/spr...

For those who do not do the *3 Days List* here is the balance of yesterday’s ads, scroll up to flag the full day and the previous days: http://whyweprotest.net/thr...

DON’T route out, BLOW, Get HELP, get OUT. CALL 1-866-XSEAORG

Ty Dodo and Artist, it helps to chase these Monday’s blues

Douglas D. Douglas • 9 years ago

Last one tonight. I am getting loopy. And I am a little obsessed with the critter with the bullhorn heralding "SPECIAL IDEAL ORG ANNOUNCEMENT!" Don't know where this one came from:

EnthralledObserver • 9 years ago

Happy Second Birthday, Bunkerites! Congrats, Tony! :)

Verve • 9 years ago

Re: Minty Alexander
87,000 hours. That's 3,625 full 24-hour days, or nearly 10 years, going non-stop. Say 8 full hours a day, that is 30 years of doing nothing but that. So she spent 34 years running Ls, basically every day; what a freaking boring life!! At this point you would think she could make ashtrays levitate just by glaring at them. Oh, you can't? Huh.

scnethics • 9 years ago

Congrats Tony! And thanks for everything!

edge • 9 years ago

Congratulations to Tony, the tipsters and all the Bunkerites for making this one of the best sites on the interweb! So they called out everyone in the Greater LA area, the metropolis with the highest concentration of Scientologists in the world, and about 50 people showed up? And as Mike Rinder pointed out, they are only half-way there. Only 8 million to go!

Guest • 9 years ago

To cool cats ~ a Sunday funny... gotta love that 'Sort by Best'.

Guest • 9 years ago

yes please

RobinH • 9 years ago

YELLING CONGRATULATIONS TO YA TONY AND THE BUNKERITES most of you know why i love this site from the bottom of my heart and as long as the bunker is here i will be right here with each and everyone of you!!!!!!!

Baby...Trudy Hylant • 9 years ago

Girl.. I knew you would show up! The day is complete ; )

Douglas D. Douglas • 9 years ago

Give the room some warning...!

Guest • 9 years ago

gotta laugh! 3 : D

Douglas D. Douglas • 9 years ago

... (refresh) ...

Sydjazz • 9 years ago

Love the stack of money lol

Douglas D. Douglas • 9 years ago

Hey! Who doesn't love a stack of money?

RobinH • 9 years ago

i can help rid them of those billions

Captain Howdy • 9 years ago

Run, Hong Kongers, Run!

Better a live chicken than a dead Peking duck

Edward Whalley • 9 years ago

oh, Laffy, is there any beginning to your regard for women?

Douglas D. Douglas • 9 years ago

That Scientology TV advert from Oz needed a snappier title:

Guest • 9 years ago

Lights! Cameras! Confetti! Applause! Welcome fellow Bunkerites In Good Standing. Thank you for allowing this mild-mannered, bullet-headed bull terrier into your midst. I promise not to annoy the cats. Further. If I can help it. Sometimes shit just happens. And cats were pretty much born annoyed, so it never takes much to send them over the edge.

Over the course of two short years, the UB Org has become the idealest Org on this or any other planet! Welcome to the era of the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Org With Nuts and Sprinkles and a Fucking Cherry On Top! Glad to see so many of you getting into the spirit of our Mary Poppins-themed party! I trust everybody got their complimentary spoonful of sugar? Great! (Any non-freeloaders out there can voluntarily donate $250 for your sugar, or not, it's up to you, but we will be taking names.) It was two years ago today, Captain Tony taught the band to play! He realized that our existing format had become nothing more than an encumberment . It also became nothing more than an impediment. Exactly two years ago, when the time was right, TO switched from the old format to this new format. This new format was, at the time, beyond any format any of us had ever imagined. Ever. But we've been here for two whole years, as of today, so everybody really ought to be able to imagine it by now. Come on, people. Work with me. If you still can't imagine it, just stick around till after the dog and the pony have left the building, I'll hook you guys up with "Jim Morrison," who will sell you some of his special "High-acin," unconditionally guaranteed to make you way more imaginative -- often in unimaginable ways, so don't forget to sign all the waivers. If "Jim" invites you to Hollywood Boulevard for a walk on the wild side, well, that probably doesn't mean what you think it does. I know I was sure surprised! (Excuse me sec, my beer and burrito breakfast is ready to go exterior from my body. BRB.)

Where was I? Oh yeah... we discarded the old format so that we could continue our work in this format, outside the confines of the old format, but not exactly unconfined because trust me this format has confines of its own. (Oh whups! Excuse me! Totally experiencing the effects of that secondary burrito. Sorry guys. BRB.)

Right... A format can either be an identifying format or an unidentifying format, and that is all I'm willing to say on that subject of formats until you guys: A) pay me to tell you, and 2) until you can HANDLE THE TRUTH without catching pneumonia and shit and dying. (Seriously guys: no more dying. It's getting increasingly awkward for us. Just knock it right the fuck off. You do not want to make me come out there to Texas!) The old format still exists, but it no longer served our purposes. The decision to switch formats was made at complete cause by TO, after a series on intense fireside discussions with Frank the Rabbit from Donnie Darko, so don't even try to understand it. There may have been a pipe involved. Anyway, whatever. This is our new format. 'Nuff said. For now. Later, there will be more. It will be the same as this but we expect you buy it anyway. Lots of it. Unless you don't want to save the planet, in which case go fuck yourself. When your Mom calls and asks you why you posted a high-def, slo-mo video on YouTube, Facebook, and Myspace of you fucking yourself, shot from an angle that doesn't do a person of your age any favors, don't come crying to us. We won't know who took it, or how it was taken, or how it got online. We're not just a website, we're a religion and religions don't stalk, harass, and humiliate people. Well, OK, maybe some do. But WE don't do shit like that, so the video cannot have been shot, enhanced, edited, and splashed all over the internet by us, because we're a religion. Do I really have to explain this again? No seriously, what word do you not understand? (The "I Love Lucy" laugh track wasn't us either.)

Moving along. As we gather willingly (having been neither coerced, threatened, nor blackmailed) to celebrate this anniversary, what better time to go up in status? I know I said the same thing at last week's shindig, but now this is really the best time. Why now? Because now we are really helping people, and I don't mean just at car accidents. Now, at last, we are truly able to accomplish all our goals, fulfill our destiny as Bunkerites, and let Bunkertech illuminate the darkness! Totally! Almost! Now is the time to invest in yourselves by investing in us. Join your friends on stage! Lift your hands in the air! Wave'em like you just don't care! But you do care. You care so very, very much. Do not miss out on this special opportunity. Your eyes are getting heavy. You are handing me your wallet.

Now is the time, so do your part. Bunkercat 1 and Bunkercat 2 have both renewed their commitment to the Bunker. They have both gone up in status to Patron Meowtorious and the wins have been coming non-stop. That pile of half-mice on the back porch just keeps growing, both cats have completely overcome their perceived "addiction" to furniture-shredding, and just this morning, we received a call from the vet canceling their appointment! What will your wins be? Go up one level and the cats will let you rub their soft furry bellies! Go up two levels and they'll let you hand feed them bonito flakes while you're rubbing their bellies! What? You say that shit is expensive? Maintaining a bunker requires many things. Mostly it requires money. It requires your money. Do your part and reap the rewards. Remember: you have to stand tall to reach the dog biscuits. Let's stand tall together!

So, everybody, grab a handful of Scientology Party Mix (Antacids, Ruffies, and Cymbalta), toss back a few VAV-oom! energy drinks ( now with even more Viagra and Vistaril), and let’s kick off Year Three in the Bunker! Let's join together to make it a year of exponential growth! Growth in membership. In snark. IN INCOME!!!!

With apologies to COB's speech writers. I hope they get out soon.

Captain Howdy • 9 years ago

I'll have whatever you're having.

Guest • 9 years ago

Lol. Two words: Blue Velvet

Captain Howdy • 9 years ago

The movie or the drug?

Guest • 9 years ago

The drug in the movie... whatever the stuff is that Frank inhales. It seems pretty potent.

Actually... I'm not really a "tank and face mask" kind of gal. I would be that kind of gal if someone invented ice cream gas, but for now my delivery system is just a plain old spoon, and my drug of choice comes out of a card board container in the freezer. Not very David Lynchian.

I don't know exactly what this stuff is, chemistry was never my thing. I only know it by its street name: ben and jerry's hazed and confused. Dude. It's awesome.

Captain Howdy • 9 years ago

Nitrous Oxide. Have we met before? A simple yes or no will suffice.

Guest • 9 years ago


Douglas D. Douglas • 9 years ago

Haagen Dazs Deep Chocolate Peanut Butter. Not available all the time. A good thing, or I'd be as big as LRH.

Guest • 9 years ago

11:10, Crap. The corner convenience store just closed. I've never noticed HDDCPB there, but I know they do have chocolate, And I have peanut butter. I'm no MacGyver, but I could have made it work.

Baby...Trudy Hylant • 9 years ago

Hey doggie.. love your avi.. You're a trip..

Guest • 9 years ago

Thanks! You're pretty cute too. Those tiny little noses you guys have always crack me up. Say, you've got a little something on you chin. Looks like Cheerios. They're in your hair, on your bib, all over your little tray.... Here, let me take care of that for you.

Baby...Trudy Hylant • 9 years ago

OOOOOOh cheerios.. yep..Tanks

Guest • 9 years ago

I tried to quit all that stuff, but then they started selling Girl Scout Cookie ice cream. You don't even have to put in the effort of crumbling Thin Mints into your ice cream anymore. They do it for you. That's how Diabetes won America.

Guest • 9 years ago

There there, Jimmy. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. It'll be OK. I know a great rehab place.

Guest • 9 years ago

But I can't afford to buy very many Wonka Bars. I'll never get a ticket to that place.

Guest • 9 years ago

Wonka? That charlatan? His "ironic death" object lessons lack all subtlety. I'll take Dante over Dahl any day. (Not true, just liked the alliteration.) And anyway, I was thinking of a completely different place. Entirely secular, something like a 70% success rate. Really it's more like a health spa than a detox facility. You'll especially love the sauna.

Douglas D. Douglas • 9 years ago

In the two years that I have been attending UB events I have to say that this event has been the MOST Uptone and Enabling of all events. It's the eventest event I have ever attended, and not just because the Mary Poppins theme meant I could finally use my old chimney sweep costume from a previous life. If EVERYONE would just join together and see what those cats are capable of when they have been properly fed, bathed, and housed, then the world would be set back on the path to true saneness.

Oh! And... HAIL LRH and COB! KSW! It's just good chicken!

Guest • 9 years ago

also... you forgot the most important COS acronym: WTF

Guest • 9 years ago

Cats can be properly bathed? That's a euphemism for death, right? buy the farm, kick the bucket, bite the dust, give up the ghost, shuffle off this mortal coil, bathe the cat...

Guest • 9 years ago

Have you seen this? Not perfect, but pretty good.

Douglas D. Douglas • 9 years ago

You bet I've seen it...!

valshifter • 9 years ago

The Russians need to keep up their stand against scientology and not give way, once they give them a hand scientologist will take a foot and more... much more, whole lives will be destroyed. In a country where corruption and double dealing are the order of the day, scientology would run rampant, it takes one to know one, and the Ruskies know it, they are dealing with a crook, anything scientology is corruption to the core, opening the door to scientology is like welcoming the Mafia into your country. DO NOT LET THEM IN.

giggler • 9 years ago

Thank you all for this blog, it's become a daily treat for me, a great community

Douglas D. Douglas • 9 years ago

Had to fix this one: