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Lloyd M. Jr. • 9 years ago

Put forth a competitive, championship-caliber team 1ST; the rest will follow.

Bongo • 9 years ago

Bills newly confirmed as staying in Buffalo... Home opener... against Miami... temp sunny and in the 60's... what was it Marv used to say?.....

BuffBooster • 9 years ago

Buffalo: THE comeback story of the 21st Century! Believe it, bank on it, dig it.

Jimbo • 9 years ago

It's time now to honor Ralph and name an area highway after him. Perhaps rename the 219 Southern Expressway to the Ralph C. Wilson Memorial Highway.

Bongo • 9 years ago

dont know why comment was deleted... all I said was . lets keep this inperspective. The stadium - named after Wilson - is plenty. Go Bills!!

Guest • 9 years ago

Please.. the stadium is enough. Lets keep this in perspective. Go Bolls!

Art Vandelay • 9 years ago

All hail the new king of Buffalo! Hey, it’s nice to actually have one to hail to. His investments are giving our city a much needed shot in the arm, and it’s not like anyone else has been lining up to do it for the past 30 years. Regarding his recent past with the Sabres, I’m giving him a mulligan for it. He put his trust there in the wrong people, realized his mistake, and cleaned house as he should have. With the Bills, can he really be any worse than what we’ve seen in the past 14 years? I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and my support, and will see what happens.

Fred F • 9 years ago

Now, does anyone have any real doubts that the "hole" in the lease for the 2020 season was put in there so the team can move to its' new retractable-roofed downtown stadium in that year rather than when the lease expires? I sure never did. Somehow I sense construction starting sometime within the next two years. Yep, start construction in Spring of '16 and be done by Spring of '20.

fan716 • 9 years ago

If Pegula built a stadium in Erie county the lease would be amended and they could move at any time. They don't necessarily have to stay right there. What do you think they would say - NO you can't build a new stadium downtown. You have a lease through 2020!!!!

DaCoachK • 9 years ago

The new owners should have immediately said they were racists, and then sold the team for twice what they bought it for. Seems to be the way now. Every NBA owner in the league thought about coming out as a racist after the Sterling deal.

rich flay • 9 years ago

Will they stop playing games in Toronto?

Fred F • 9 years ago

Umm, they already have.

Michael Nye • 9 years ago

I am quite disappointed in the so called fans of Buffalo. I have not lived there for any years but am still a loyal supporter of both teams and the area. I am ashamed of the terrible doom and gloom attitudes of the people who claim to be supporters of their teams. Way to take great news and turn it into bad.

Jester • 9 years ago

I predict Pegula will go in the exact same direction with the Bills as he has gone with the Sabres. Take that for what you will.

BullGuy • 9 years ago

Probably, but they'll be our lovable losers and not Toronto's.

Fennario • 9 years ago

I am fine with that, for the first time ever I will be able to say I do not doubt the Bill's owners commitment to winning.

RDS • 9 years ago

You don't become a self-made billionaire by making a lot of the same mistakes twice. My hunch is that he has learned an awful lot about what he does and doesn't know about managing a professional sports franchise over the last 2 + years. I've never had more long-term optimism about the Sabres than I do right now (not for this year, but I can't wait to see this team in 3-4 years). I think he'll take what he's learned and use it to the Bills' advantage. This is a happy day!

Guest • 9 years ago

Well done, Jester...every punch bowl needs one...

janb55 • 9 years ago

It would be in the best interests of the Bills and the NFL(especially with the other issues the NFL has to deal with)for the owners to approve this sale at their next mtg. in early October. Roger Goodell has many other issues he needs to deal with right now instead of harassing the Bills over a new stadium.

Guest • 9 years ago

Now prepare for the long winded battle over the stadium that could of been solved with the state going in half on a carbon copy on a 2014 Gillette Stadium.

No of course we had to pump 200 million we didn't have on a stadium that Goodell considered DOA.

Tom B • 9 years ago

Don't allow the city to con anyone into a new stadium.Make the NFL and the owners pay for it like the Pats did!The state of Ma.lent Kraft a puny sum and said the rest was his problem even though the state makes a killing from the revenue pool.Kraft purchased the Pats for 174 million in 1994 and now they are worth 2.5 billion the 2nd most valuable team in the NFL.

PaulParkside • 9 years ago

they're not worth that until somebody actually pays $2.5B... good luck with that. Where do people come up with this stuff?

Tom B • 9 years ago

If the Pats aren't worth 2.5 billion then the Bills aren't worth 50 cents.That's the market value idiot.

Bongo • 9 years ago

50 cents? You did use the term idiot, right? I know you were being facetious.. but idiot? someone disagreed with you... be an adult OK?
Do you need help with what facetious means?

Bernie Sandowski • 9 years ago

"A source close to the Bon Jovi bidding group, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the group bid $1,050,000,000 for the Bills and could have gone higher but felt that amount matched the team’s value. "

What a complete and total crock of BS. If they were serious they should have bid $1.3 billion. Over the next twenty or thirty years the difference will be chump change.

Terry and Kim Pegula will do what's right for the Bills, rebuild the team and we will finally start to win some games. Maybe even go to the Super Bowl.

BullGuy • 9 years ago

IF there really was a waiver the Bon Jovi group were told to sign that would keep them from moving the team, they may have likely made the lower bid and saved face. You're right, to go $300 million more in the long run isn't much but if they were being forced to getting locked into Buffalo (which I don't believe a group from Toronto wanted), then it was worth coming in 2nd.

There will be more chances for them to get a team if they really want one.

thesabredance • 9 years ago

I don't agree with that. Super rich people almost never make decisions based on emotion. It's cold, hard, dollars and sense. (Yes, that was intentionally spelled that way.)

PaulParkside • 9 years ago

but a good homophone, nonetheless. :-) and your comment makes perfect cents to me.

BuffaloFan4Life • 9 years ago

This is great news. Now that the Pegula's have been chosen as the winning bidders by the trust, they can move onto the next step.

NFL owners approval is the next and final step. Everyone at WGR and all the fans calling in today seem to think that approval from the other 31 owners is a slam dunk. Just a formality. I don't believe that, but that's just me. Odds are I'm just being paranoid and old fashioned, but I just don't trust the NFL when it comes to good ol' Buffalo, NY.

That said, I'm not going to be any more negative about today then that. It's really a great day in Buffalo sports history....And when the NFL makes it official, I will join the celebration!

Adrian Fitzgerald Harris • 9 years ago

Ok Pegula you put up 200 million, the NFL matches, the public adds in and we get a new stadium. If that happens I have 99 problems, but the Bills staying in Buffalo ain’t one.

Phil • 9 years ago

Pegula will do to the Bills what he did to the Sabres.
Uh oh.

Steve • 9 years ago

Exactly, the Bills have been great all of these years for somebody to come and and ruin them.

Paul Bateau • 9 years ago

Ummmm...what did he do to the Sabres? Besides get rid of Regier and committed to a rebuild that will take a few years? Now that he has experience as a major league team owner, I doubt he will make the same mistakes twice.

PaulParkside • 9 years ago

Paul... thank you for being the voice of reason in this quagmire of idiotic drivel.

For you others, If you can't see the rational and measured way Pegula went about redirecting the Sabres' operation from the top down in an effort to build a champion, if you can't see the investment he has made in the down town area of Buffalo, you have no clue what he'll do as the owner of the Bills. He's organizationally sound, not an autocrat, but decisive and visionary.

This is the best news the Buffalo Bills organization, the fans, and WNY could have. I smell a resurgence in Buffalo sports... and a rising tide raises all boats.

Jester • 9 years ago

How long have the Bills been rebuilding for now?

Paul Bateau • 9 years ago

And what exactly does the last 15 years have to do with Terry Pegula?

Phil • 9 years ago

I have a hunch you'll be posting the same thing 15 years from now.

Paul Bateau • 9 years ago

How about we worry about that in 15 years? Ok? If this team still hasn't had any success (no playoffs mediocre seasons), then maybe we'll have something to say.

Zooman • 9 years ago


You team owners are all multi-billionaires, pay for it yourself!

Guest • 9 years ago

Shut up !.... Until you live here!

Guest • 9 years ago

AMEN !!! But we all know that that is not how it works.

sarfts • 9 years ago

YES!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Mr and Mrs Pegula

Bill Braski • 9 years ago

Imagine this...
Skyway torn down, new stadium in the outer harbor, tailgating for a Bills game, going to said Bills game, return to tailgating (with a fire to warm up), then walk across the street to a Sabres game!!!
BOOMM!!! aayyyy aaaaa ayyyyy aaaa......let's go buffalo!

Polish Prince • 9 years ago

Great vision!

disqus_4Fw8t5kzKY • 9 years ago

Fine, now let them pay for the new stadium. This team has been enough of a drain on the local economy without taxpayers footing the bill for this.

Guest • 9 years ago

AGREED 100%. But, again, we taxpayers will be sold down the drain by our politicians.

Al Metro • 9 years ago

The simple Bills fans are starry eyed with the Pegulas and $$$$$$$$$$$$.. Now we may have an owner that will screw up two franchises. I just hope that it doesn't happen.

commonsensetrout • 9 years ago

Al, you are kidding right? Sabres are one of the best franchises
in hockey in that we have THE best training programs and facilities and we have the very best prospect pool in all of the NHL.... the sabres (and now the
bills) are going places with Pegula at the helm, and short-term,
small-minded people should just stay the hell out of the way.

Steve • 9 years ago

The Bills have been screwed up for years. It's not like he can do worse.

Bill Braski • 9 years ago

You are the old and dying Buffalo whom is nothing but negative regardless of well, really anything. The city is being rejuvenated and on a path to rejoining the ranks of America's great cities, you stay in your doom and gloom shelter whist the rest of us enjoy all the great things this city is becoming and support the individuals who are enabling that to happen!