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writeofcenter • 9 years ago

I've been shaking my head about this as well. The liberal democrats gain power and their first move is to shut out any opposition, deny amendments, remind everyone that they won, etc.. Their agenda trumps all!

The Republican's win and they immediately talk about bi-partisanship, and working with the administration, surrender in advance on anything controversial and shut out their base. Happens every time!

So Cruz and Sessions visit House conservatives to help stiffen the spine of the membership and Sessions has to admit that it's going to be hard to get a lot of members to go against the leadership. Irregardless of what principles and promises they were elected on. And then it hit me…… it's all a spoils system. Sessions and Cruz have nothing to trade/have no leverage when it comes to favors and rewards. The Speaker and his minions have many (committee chairmanships, etc.) and all Cruz and Session's have is an appeal to a member's honesty and integrity.

But that's not enough or even what it's about these days. It's about who's interests the member really represents and if you think they are those of the conservative voter, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

Follow the money and you will better understand why nobody's listening in the House. The Chamber of Commerce, etc. has these guys votes in their pocket even to the point where they no longer need to fear the voter. They became the Party's candidate as the result of K Street business, lobbyist, CoC support. And that's why Tea Party candidates needed to be defeated….. no matter what!

We conservatives need to come together NOW on a grass roots conservative candidate a la Ronald Reagan and start pushing hard in order to get out in front of Preibus, Rove and their henchmen. Screw the so called nomination process. It was a joke last time (candidate of the month) and only serves to distract us so the establishment can push their own selectee. (makes us think we actually have a voice. HA!)

Note: I will NEVER, EVER vote for another Bush, Christy, McCain, Romney, etc. now that I understand what's really going on behind the scenes in the House of Representatives and Republican Party. A liar is a liar and a Republican liar is NOT a better choice than a Democrat liar. Both are unacceptable.

Jeremiah • 9 years ago

So should we start calling it the Cronybus?

kenmarx • 9 years ago

For starters, a government "shut-down" is not really a shutdown. More than 80 percent of government continues to operate. The other 20 percent of employees get a free paid vacation. By forcing Obama's hand, Republicans would stop his autocratic rule in it's tracks. It would not adversely effect the citizens. It's time for Boehner and company to grow a pair.

gawken • 9 years ago

It's now time for a real conservative to stand up and challenge Boehner for Speaker

aeaeren • 9 years ago

It would be more beneficial for the Dems to kill this in the house instead of sending it to the President to veto.

Rusty_S • 9 years ago

A government shutdown in December of 2014 will affect exactly 0 races in 2016.

indylawyer • 9 years ago

I doubt this is quite in Hastert rule territory - if half the caucus was opposing the bill they'd be able to force Boehner to change course. From other reports, it sounds like Boehner would need maybe a few dozen Democrats, but that a majority of the caucus seems to be going along with him.

But the best outcome here is probably for negotiations to collapse so Boehner will have to do a 60 day CR and come back and do some real budgeting in January when the House bills can get a vote in the Senate. Of course, avoiding that should provide some incentive for Pelosi and Hoyer to provide some votes for Boehner's cromnibus.

Frank_Katz • 9 years ago

What on Earth is Boehner and the rest of the RINO leadership doing to the Republican Party? When she was Speaker, did Nancy Pelosi ever pass a major piece of legislation on the backs of Republicans and in opposition to her base? Seriously? Yet Boehner has done this time and time again. Here we are, three weeks after a landslide election in which virtually every Republican campaigned in opposition to amnesty and Obama's illegal action, and Boehner is advancing the Democrats' agenda.

As Rush said, it's as if the Democrats won. They will, in effect, be dictating the budget for almost half the duration of the next Congress. In fact, why should anything meaningful be legislated in a lame duck session of Congress.

It's all well and good for us to complain to each other, but nothing is going to change until the Republican leadership understands the price to be paid for choosing oligarchs over its base. A third party may be a fool's errand, but if it forces the Republican Party rightward, it may be well worth it.

Choosing the lesser of two evils only goes so far.

wiggy111 • 9 years ago

Boehner's been doing this for almost 2 years. He's probably broken the Hastert rule 6 times and we aren't talking about votes on naming post offices. Daniel Horowitz documented it here at Red State.

It's the RINOs in red states that are nervous about voting to fund an unlawful illegal alien amnesty. They don't want to be the next rep to get Cantor'd. Boehner will protect them by whipping up the necessary dem votes. In return these RINOs will vote yes on the procedure so it comes to the floor for a full vote.

redballsoffire • 9 years ago

I despise Pelosi but she is definitely twice the man that Boehner is. At least.

Ohio Historian • 9 years ago

streiff, I would love to see him go down, but he will cave to the Dhimmocraps before he will accommodate the conservatives. He is enough of a Quisling to stuff it with SanFranNan goodies. I think that Erick's "grow a pair" campaign has been humorous but am not sure that is the problem; rather it is Boenher's new T Shirt and him being paid to model it by Tom Donohue and the USCOC. http://gulagbound.com/wp-co...

whitetop • 9 years ago

I love it. It tells the story as it is.

michaelw • 9 years ago

If he violates the Hastert Rule, then we already have 3 parties: the Democrats, the Boehner/McCarthy/King of New York Establishment Republicans in Name Only, and the True Republicans (King of Iowa, Cruz of Texas, etc). I know which party's chances I like best for the general presidential election (hint: Door #3 does NOT contain a goat)


steve51 • 9 years ago

Hey Michael, I agree that Boner boy is acting like a rookie. Hell, for that matter he may truly be a rookie, he sure as hell acts like one. I also agree he's one ball short of a two ball sack. Let's blow up their phones & e-mails accounts now through the end of the year & beyond.
But keep in mind, we're still in the lame duck session. Obammie the commie is throwing political temper tantrums which shouldn't have surprised ANY of us. Of course he heard the 2/3s of those who didn't vote. Evidently they told him to do exactly what he's doing. Before we finish these turds off, let's get past the swearing in of the next Congress & not push the panic button quite yet.
Merry Christmas & (hopefully) a Happy New year to you & yours! {;~)

bdsconserv • 9 years ago

I agree. Make phone calls,send emails every day to all and any reps,but particularly Boehner. We all need to keep the pressure on,and,I beg of you,Ohioans,let your conservative voices be the loudest of all. We have all been betrayed,but your state the most of all, since you thought you were voting for a rebuplican,but got a democrat instead. False advertising.

bdsconserv • 9 years ago


checkmate2012 • 9 years ago

Hey Boehner, if you can't pass a bill with your House majority, you're digging yourself into a hole. Advice: Stop digging and start listening to your base. Defund now! Pass a short term CR.If you can't get a bill passed at all, well here's my response to you:


steve51 • 9 years ago

Hey there check, how yah doing? Would that be a 'clean short term CR'? hehe
Seriously, he does have to pass something, but beware of Obammies walking dead veto Reid, err, pen. I can't wait for this session to end. I don't believe any thing of substance is going to happen in the next 30 days. I'm sure of it. We can tar & feather the rinos after the next Congress is sworn in. There will be, or better be, a new dynamic that hasn't been there since the 'the great eared one' began trashing the office he occupies.
It's been a 'non presidential protest' from the get go.
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year my good friend. {;~)

checkmate2012 • 9 years ago

Hi steve. I prefer a clean CR until 1/6 when the new Congress comes in with power. Face it, not much will happen over the holidays. Then Congress can pass individual appropriations bills (like McConnell said on Greta tonight) and defund his EO. No wonder the D's are happy to have a whole budget year cemented with their fingerprints.
But they won't for fear of their own shadeow. The R's would rather fight their base than O..the eared one- love it.
Doing ok and you?

steve51 • 9 years ago

I'm glad you're well my friend. I myself........... am well. My memory is staggering a bit, but all in all, Gods grace is with me. {;~)

iVillageIdiot • 9 years ago

Perhaps the next mass mailing of goods to the Weeper should consist of knee pads. Erick...?

katesmith • 9 years ago

How about a scabie? It would be more polite to send a dead scabie than a live scabie, but Boehner and others definitely deserve some scabies.

tngal • 9 years ago

petroleum jelly makes a nice stocking stuffer.

Ohio Historian • 9 years ago


Conservative Wanderer • 9 years ago

When is John Boehner going to make official what we already know, and join the Democrat Party?

redballsoffire • 9 years ago

That would be SO sweet! Let him hang, as cowards should. Can you believe this traitorous (I hate the word, but) scum? have you ever seen such a spineless, corrupt, worm? Begging Democrats to help him screw conservatives. I wish the Establishment understood we are not simply engaging in rhetoric, we are seeing a GOP leadership that is utterly devoid of honor and that is very likely to lose our support for 2016 and beyond.

I mean, this freak of nature, this eunuch, is begging Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi for help! Just let that sink in for a while.