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Isapie Wang • 10 years ago

the water boiled fish...My mother makes it a lot. It's so good!
it literally translates to "water-boiled fish". The spiciest I have ever had was at Lotte(big department store in Tianjin). It tasted like Tartarus decided to land on my tongue. It also had, for some reason, lamb liver in it. My mom made me eat a lot of that.
When you pour on the oil, it must be hot so the hot soup underneath stays hot. It's actually really hot. Legend says that the first man to make it had to deliver it to a friend's house for a celebration. His friend lived pretty far away, so to keep it warm, he poured hot oil on it. The heat(in the form of chili water vapour) could not escape the oil layer, so the soup stayed hot until he got it to his friend's house.