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Guest • 9 years ago

"According to South Korean news agency Yonhap, Cho is the eldest daughter of Korean Air's chairman, Cho Yang-ho."

This is what happens when you put cronies and family members in charge.

uncommonsensibility • 9 years ago

Who serves nuts on a plate? That's just crazy!

phu • 9 years ago

I suppose the real question is how the nut got on the plane in the first place.

tinkansas • 9 years ago

Should the US offer the fired flight attendant political asylum... it may not be safe for them to return to Korea.


Yes, also they should get free citizenship and unemployment benefits. Darn! What about their families, well grant them the same benefits.

tinkansas • 9 years ago

They can all work in a factory packaging plane nuts.

Guest • 9 years ago
Yankee Mike Bravo • 9 years ago

The American Dream is the hope your children's lives will be better than yours. It's not made in China. Instead, we've exported our dream to China.

Guest • 9 years ago
Yankee Mike Bravo • 9 years ago

Although we Americans do have more economic mobility than say Britain, ours is dwarfed by Denmark, Norway, Finland and Canada, which have triple our upward mobility, by Sweden, which has double our mobility, and by Germany and France.

I'm glad that you've achieved more than your ancestors (as have I), but for too many American's the American Dream is just a relic of the past.

Guest • 9 years ago
Yankee Mike Bravo • 9 years ago

When I was small, it was taken as a given that children's lives would be better than their parents. However, this is from 5 Aug 2014: "A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll reveals that an all-time record of 76% of Americans do not believe their children’s lives will be better than their own."

Perhaps "relic" is too-strong of a term. A "fast-fading dream" would be more accurate.

johnrhett • 9 years ago

If the American dream is over, it's due to Democrat policies that cost more money than we can ever hope to pay in taxes.

Yankee Mike Bravo • 9 years ago

It was Democratic policies that made Americans rich enough to become Republicans.

It was Republican policies that made Americans poor enough to become Democrats.

Yankee Mike Bravo • 9 years ago

"Free citizenship??" Are you saying that others are required to purchase their citizenship? BTW: Like other insurance programs, you only get unemployment benefits if you've paid into the system.


I was being sarcastic

othelzer@yahoo.com • 9 years ago

one could wonder if she was actualy from
north korea,

Cho SHE mean-ho.

Guest • 9 years ago
tinkansas • 9 years ago

If it had been a North Korean flight the disgraced flight attendant would already be doing hard time.

TOMK777 • 9 years ago

Try be-headded in flight

Littleredtop • 9 years ago

Good question. We need more people like those guys. Rules are for fools as is evidenced by the actions of our president.

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

Why is it that you Fascists say stupid stuff like this about Obama, yet you never said anything about all the stupid stuff Bush or Reagan did? You are a hypocrite.

AG99 • 9 years ago

Why is it some people object to someone else's comment by assuming that they also said (or didn't say, in this case) other things they object to?

tobin1 • 9 years ago

Why is that you unwashed hippies say stupid stuff about Bush and Reagan but you never say anything about the stupid stuff Obama is doing? You sir, are the hypocrite....

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

First, I took a bath about an hour ago, so I am not an "unwashed hippie."

Second, I am not a "hippie."

Third, I have said very many negative things about Obama, and on a daily basis I take him to task for his betrayal of environmental matters. Obama says and does stupid things on a daily basis, but he did not put us in two wars that cost us over $10 Trillion and counting that he kept off the books to make the deficit look better (like Bush), and he does not run a criminal enterprise where 300 of its operatives were charged with felony crimes and over 100 of them sent to prison for their crimes (like the Reagan Administration.)

NCBrian • 9 years ago

listen up you partisan hack, who do you think PAID for those wars? Those wars which have not only continued but expanded into other countries under Obama.

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

I am anything BUT a partisan hack, and to answer your question, We, The People of the United States, paid for those wars. We are still paying for them, as will be our children and our grandchildren.

Bush kept them off the book so there was no accounting for them, and he did it to make the deficit look better on his watch. Obama put them on the books, and then illiterates starting claiming that Obama "raised the deficit" when all he did was accocunt for Bush's debt. And, Obama could not just pull out and end the wars because then all the partisan hacks would accuse him of "cutting and running" instead of "finishing what we started."

When first running for the Presidency Obama promised to have us out of the Middle East in 18 months. That never happened, and I (as well as many liberals I know) hold him directly accountable for that. I was ready to vote against Obama the second time until the GOP reached into its nutcase bag and fished out yet another candidate that the american voters rejected by millions of votes.

NCBrian • 9 years ago

lip-service, you are so clearly biased. you may not have agreed w/ everything romney said but he's very clearly not a "nutcase"

you and your enlightened liberal buddies are most certainly in the minority because i actually am 100% against the war. i am now and i was under bush. and the anti-war effort practically died when bush left office.

Obama, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Children Killed by Drone Strike World Record Holder, has continued Bush's nonsense just like the Democrats did at the time, including Obama, by not only refusing to stand up to him but by giving him the money to do it.

the claim that bush "hid" the war debts is utter BS.

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

Anybody who claims to be from the planet Kolob, and who believes in "magic underwear" is a nutcase. Romney is definitely a nutcase!

It is a FACT that Bush kept the cost of those two wars off the books regardless of how much you want to deny it.

But, I am glad that you opposed the wars and still oppose them. In that regard we are on the same side. They were/are wrong regardless of whomever is leading them.

NCBrian • 9 years ago

I would call you a bigot but i think it's more you're just selectively ignorant. Are Obama's spiritual beliefs any less crazy?

As it were, the Kolob stuff is part of the doctrine - it's not really part of the teachings and I really doubt a significant number of Mormons believe it to be absolutely true.

Do you know any actual Mormons, why don't you ask rather than spew nonsense?

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

I understand that the truth hurts you. That's not my problem.

And, yes, I know a few Mormons, some of whom did not support Romney because he was too nutty for them and they thought he was giving their church a bad name.

NCBrian • 9 years ago

...he said making up more BS

SBook2515 • 9 years ago

Yep, ignorant and bigoted. No Mormon believes he or she is from or will go to the planet Kolob, and no Mormon believes that the garment is 'magic.' Grow up.

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

Obviously, you are the one who is ignorant. I just took what Mitt Romney said himself and write about it. For you to claim that no Mormon would say such things is asinine - it was Mitt himself that made those statements, and the last time I checked he was still a Mormon.

I am grown up. Apparently, you need to do a little research before commenting.

SBook2515 • 9 years ago

When did he say them? It was probably a joke. It's asinine because Mormons DON'T believe that we come from or go to Kolob, and as the church so very recently stated in a video which is openly available for anyone on the planet to see, we DON'T believe the garment is 'magic.'

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

Obviously, you did not pay much attention to his Presidential campaign. You have access to the Internet - do a search for yourself. I am certain you can find the answer to your own question rather quickly.

Yankee Mike Bravo • 9 years ago

I disagree with Romney's plan to balance the budget by increasing military spending while cutting taxes for the rich. That plan did not work for Reagan, did not work for W, and is just plan looney-toon.

The dude • 9 years ago

Obama also promised to have a balanced budget or he wouldn't run for a second term. He is cooking the books on unemployment and ACA enrollment numbers. As well as the stock market by printing money nonstop. Bush was awful I agree. He also left office 6 years ago. And using the bush did it line is getting very old. Just because someone else did something doesn't make it ok for the next guy to do it. I could go on and on about bush and Obama's lies. However Obama's lies are more recent and relevant in today's world. I have yet to hear of a politician that is trustworthy.

The Phat Cat • 9 years ago

What like Iraq? He did wind it down and people are blaming him for the mess that's there...If we had kept out of that hell hole to begin with we wouldn't need to be there again.
The Middle East has been, is and will always be in a state of war. Life is miserable there and when your miserable you don't mind dying.
If we spent half as much on research for energy as we do on the wars over there , we wouldn't need their oil and we could be done with them for good.

NCBrian • 9 years ago

tell that to the troops being sent back now. he began to "wind down" in Iraq at practically the last possible minute that it was politically possible.

So yes, troops withdrawal has begun in Iraq (other than those troops he is sending back of course). That's great. What about the drone strike program that has expanded in Pakistan and Yemen? What about the targeting of american citizens in those "allied" countries without due process?

What exactly about my statement that he expanded the war is inaccurate?

As it were, life is not unilaterally miserable in the middle east.

Yankee Mike Bravo • 9 years ago

(a) I just had a shower.
(b) Because Bush and Reagan totally screwed up the economy with their bankrupt policy of trickle-down economics. The worst one can truthfully say about Obama is that he has yet to fix all the things Bush and Reagan screwed up.

Littleredtop • 9 years ago

How do you know what I said about Bush or Reagan?

Abro • 9 years ago

Get back on the subject and stop blaming Obama for nuts on a plane.

Guest • 9 years ago
Datname • 9 years ago

that's all the CNN comment section is... Nuts in a bag.

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

I can tell by your icon that you are one of "those." You had the opportunity above to include Bush and Reagan, but did not say anything about them - only about Obama. So, do you now want to include Reagan and Bush, or will you pretend that you are not biased against Obama?

For the record, I am NOT an Obama supporter. In fact, I think he is a terrible President, but he is hardly as bad as Reagan and Bush were as President. Your lack of objectivity gives you away and that "littleredtop" does not help, either.

Littleredtop • 9 years ago

Just for the record Wesley, my favorite president was Richard Nixon.

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

Nixon was the worst criminal to ever hold that office, and the only one to resign in disgrace. That he was your favorite President says all that needs to be said. Nixon ordered the murder of four Kent State students, none of whom was even engaged in the protest to which he sent Ohio National Guard troops. Nixon was the true beginning to Fascism taking over America.

1608poet • 9 years ago

Democrat President Woodrow Wilson led the country into
WW1 after being elected on a promise to keep the US out of the war, Democrat
President FDR took the country into WW2, Democrat President Truman took the
country into the Korean war, Democrat President Kennedy sent troops to start
the Vietnam war, Democrat President L B Johnson
expanded the war and mismanaged the war from Washington and is responsible
for the death of thousands of fine
American Military personnel, Republican President Nixon got the US out of
Vietnam. Bush’s war in the middle east is small time compared to the Democraps
including Barack Hussein Obama.

Wes_Scott • 9 years ago

Nice try, Levi! We had little choice but to enter WWI and WWII. It was Eisenhower, a Republican, who first sent troops into Vietnam. But, don't let facts get in your way.