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Kathleen3 • 9 years ago

Jason Riley should take a year off from WSJ and go on a speaking tour that would target all Black neighborhoods.

It is Blacks such as Jason Riley, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Mia Love, and Daneen Borelli who should be put forth as role models for Blacks; not the race baiting shakedown artists such a Al Sharpton, Mark Lamont, Michael Dyson and Jesse Jackson, nor Eric Holder and Barack Obama.

Where's Paul Verhoeven? • 9 years ago

You forgot Cosby, and look how they went after him when he took a stand against gangsta culture. They'll just be dismissed as "uncle toms".

Rational_Db8 • 9 years ago

There's nothing as disgusting as how liberals and especially blacks go after a conservative who happens to be black also - as you note, they're vilified as "uncle toms" or "oreo's" or even worse, "house n*gga's" and so on. It's truly a disgrace.

Where's Paul Verhoeven? • 9 years ago

I think those idiots in Ferguson who are starting to riot again tonight, come close to being as disgusting, but they have the same mentality, violators who pretend to be victims.

cageysea • 9 years ago

You really just have to wipe the slate of them; it's a generation beyond saving. Jail them or get rid of them, but waste no more time trying to change them; that ship has sailed. One is better served turning one's attention to the next generation. This one is lost. Best to incarcerate or exterminate them before they can do further harm.

I see someone waving an ISIS is here flag last night.. I'll bet the radical Islamists that have promised to "drown us all in blood" would love to figure out a way to harness all the hatred the black population has, and turn it loose on America... But BUNDY is the terrorist... The liberal clowns that mindlessly follow these Idiots are in for a rude awakening...

Guest • 9 years ago
cageysea • 9 years ago

I think it's safe to say that the civilized among us feel that 50+ years of bending over backwards to help this segment of society assimilate and integrate into the commons is enough. As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. And when the horse doesn't drink, it eventually perishes. Decent people have done what they can with this crowd. It's high time we cut them loose, shut them out, and move on. They simply are uninterested in adapting to personal responsibility and are endlessly uninterested in improving their lot by the sweat of their own brow. We've had enough. Good riddance.

Guest • 9 years ago
cageysea • 9 years ago

"This crowd" are those unwilling, no matter the amount of opportunity and assistance, to assimilate peacefully rather than colonize violently. They are those who repeatedly demand a hand out rather than a hand up. They are those who time and time again show an utter disdain for personal responsibility, voluntary cooperation, and self reliance in any meaningful way. They are those who perennially demand that ability be subordinated to need, THEIR need, in perpetuity. And they are those who cast aspersions on others who have managed to lift themselves from poverty and given their own progeny the possibility of a brighter future. They are forever victims, forever childish in adhering to the siren song of those who would keep them forever dependent, forever helpless and hopeless.

That is "this crowd."

Education, of course, is the answer, and in this area, for over 50+ years now, this country has been saturated with opportunity and resources; we have poured more money and resources into public education than all other nations on the planet since man formed communities. But education is a two-way street; those receiving it must being willing to meet half-way those providing it. "This crowd" isn't holding up their end of the bargain.

Guest • 9 years ago
cageysea • 9 years ago

I'd be happy to debate the point. Let me know when you find someone up to it.

LuJohnson • 9 years ago

Eric, give it up. You lost. cageysea has the truth, the figures and the backing of MILLIONS upon MILLIONS who agree with him, and have, for a VERY long time. His points are not PC, but they are spot on correct. So take your namby-pamby-ism and go to the beach and pound some sand. We don't even care what you think anymore.

cageysea • 9 years ago

Thanks for the roses, LuJohnson. Appreciated.

Beenblessed Nana • 9 years ago

Very well written! You have covered more topics than I could remember to! May I copy and paste it into my blog! LOL

cageysea • 9 years ago

I'm flattered. Feel free to use as you see fit.

Beenblessed Nana • 9 years ago

Thank you! I will, of course, give you credit for it! You just did such a great job of putting my feelings into words that it would really be plagiarism for me to try to rewrite what you wrote! My blog is nanarhonda.wordpress.com if you're ever interested... called My Soapbox!

cageysea • 9 years ago

I'll be sure to visit.

Tommy Tomhan • 9 years ago

I guess you will now be even a bigger star Cagey,lol.

cageysea • 9 years ago

I shall endeavor to remain humble.

Beenblessed Nana • 9 years ago

Thank you! And please make your presence known! I would love your feedback! Thank you!

Beenblessed Nana • 9 years ago

I say that all the white LEOs and EMS and FIRE that currently serve and protect the Ferguson area quit. Now, let's see how many of these 'poor boys' can get the jobs. Let's see how many even try. They cry about not having enough representation. Then get off their butts and run for office. Who is going to do it? There are 3 black people on the Ferguson Police Dept. and I say that the rest should just quit and leave Ferguson to their own devices along with their EMS and FIRE. Let's see if they are up to the task. They say they are held back... well, if there are no white people in the way, and they still can't cut it, then what? Its the poor school system? They got a high school diploma, didn't they? Excuse after excuse. Enough with the excuses and get on with some action. Affirmative action of your own.

Mariner • 9 years ago

I think you're racist.

Beenblessed Nana • 9 years ago

Now who's stalking who? Not racist at all. Just giving these people who claim they don't have opportunities to get these jobs, the opportunity. And if they want to be represented in their local government, then they need to step up and run! You are free to think what you want of me, but I am not racist.

Mariner • 9 years ago


Beenblessed Nana • 9 years ago


Mariner • 9 years ago

You're a nut job. Your poor, poor dear hubby prefers to walk into a burning building rather then to listen to you ramble on from high stop your soapbox
Yes you are racist.

Beenblessed Nana • 9 years ago

You are such an a$$ to say something like that of a man you know nothing about. That is just plain evil.

Stop your stalking and name-calling. If you've been to my blog, you'll see that its call My Soapbox.

I would prefer that you would leave me alone. Just go away... far, far, away, you have been stalking me long enough. Have you nothing better to do with your time?

Mariner • 9 years ago

Got into the moonshine a little early tonight eh?

Jack Napper • 9 years ago

NOT advocating race genocide or any such thing, but your liberal ideas have also been proven NOT to be effective in solving problems among folks who obviously refuse to behave in a reasonable manner. I don't want to judge anyone, and every time I ask some liberal like you who should decide how much of my income is a "fair share" I get accused of bigotry or worse. If anyone is of lower value to society, I believe it would be liberals such as yourself, Mr. Reagan.

Guest • 9 years ago
Tommy Tomhan • 9 years ago

Because of past dangerous riots police in major cities have been militarized for decades and rightfully so to protect the officers. The police are not the danger here, your federal government is.

RMCSRET • 9 years ago

Well Eric lets get something straight right from the
start, not all people took the easy way. Not all people
depended on the Government for handouts to get by.
Some of us in our lives worked our asses off to get by
and to pull ourselves out of the mire of poverty and
get to where we are today. We worked as a FAMILY
unit for the good of all of us. We made sure that the
rules were enforced and we made sure that we all
got an education. Then we all made sure that the
members of the FAMILY were taken care of. Oh by the
way at the same time we were having to pay for the
People that are willing to take the FREEBIES and sit
back and do nothing but cry wolf and say you need to
help me.

Peter S. Chamberlain • 9 years ago

One thing you overlook, besides treating all black people as though their character, etc., was alike, a definition of prejudice, is that, as Riley noted, the crime rate etc. among black people was lower in 1960 than it is now. We've been doing some things wrong as a society that has exacerbated this problem.

Beenblessed Nana • 9 years ago

I would argue that "we" haven't been doing some things wrong as a society, "they" have. When there are no fathers raising their children, no responsibility expected of their men, when women are raising children from multiple fathers while trying to work to put food on the table while getting gov't subsidies. Please, tell me, how are 'we' responsible for 'their' behavior and attitudes?
Riley spoke about the black men standing up and being men. No excuses. I applaud him for that. I grew up in school next to black kids. We both got the same opportunities for the same education. Its what we did with those opportunities that matters. The student is just as responsible for their education as the teachers are. That's where it begins. Keep giving them excuses and there will never be a real solution. BTW, I'm a white woman that didn't get her HSED until 2008. I had 2 children by a man who couldn't cut it in the Air Force and I wanted out of my parent's house. Recipe for disaster. And no, I wasn't pregnant when we married when I was 16 and he was 19. But it didn't take long before I was and it didn't take long before he was abusive and I was 3000 miles from "home." My point is, we all had the same opportunities for the same education. I told this to my children as they grew up. They happened to go the same junior high I did that was half black and half white. My daughter was in AP classes. By high school, she found herself pregnant in her senior year, at the beginning of it, so she dropped down to regular classes to finish early. She would come home every day frustrated and say things like, "guess what we did in English today, Mom? We played bingo!" Seniors preparing for graduation didn't know how to properly form a sentence. She complained about math class, as it was stuff they went over in grade school. I told her, "Amanda, when you all walk across that platform to receive your diplomas, you will know that you received an education and they did not; by their own choice." She agreed. And its the truth. The same schools are still open today but their population is more black and hispanic and welfare white folks. Now We, the People, pay for the children's school lunches, AND their breakfasts! Soon, we'll be paying for their dinners too. They why do their parents need AFDC, Food Stamps, WIC, et al?

The crime rate is up. Black on black crime is high in areas where there are gun laws. Only criminals are allowed to have guns. Chicago, New York, DC... all have gun control laws, so how's that working for you?
My idea of gun control is how well you are able to control your gun. The 2nd Amendment applies to EVERY law abiding citizen in every city and state in the Union.

Yes, there are white criminals. But I was listening to the statistics from 1960 when Martin Luther King, Jr. marched peacefully until today.

FDR instituted the Social Security program. Some comedian said once, "that its neither social nor secure" and that is THE truth as we have seen the corruption of our government through the IRS, VA CIA, et al. He is also the one that instituted the Government Welfare Role where, during the Great Depression, it was meant to be a hand UP not a hand OUT. What has it become today?

So, Mr. Chamberlain, what say you now?

cageysea • 9 years ago

So society is to blame, is it? Society has been "doing some things wrong" that have "exacerbated this problem." I always love this canard, especially when people use it regarding education. It's so typical to hear people say, "Well, they have bad schools" or "If they had good schools to go to." As though the schools were either "good" or "bad" before the students were there!

We are society. Society hasn't done anything to us that we have not verifiably done to ourselves one person at a time. Crime rate among blacks during the 60s was lower (if indeed it was; I'm taking others' word for that) because INDIVIDUALS comported themselves more responsibly, intelligently, and with a mind toward what was good for them and their communities. "Society" didn't give it to them; they created it. Just as today the dissolution of the family in the black community, the high incarceration rate of black men, the exceedingly high dropout rate of black youth, the high (compared to other racial demographics) teen pregnancy rate, was not something Society "did" to the black community. The black community has needed little help in creating their own misery, and only they will extricate themselves from it, or not.

As to prejudice, I stated "the civilized among us," never making mention of race as to who is civilized and who isn't; that is a matter of behavior, not race. Perhaps you're projecting.

Guest • 9 years ago
cageysea • 9 years ago

"... while you attempt to peacefully protest for a cause you believe in?..."

You haven't been watching the news, have you? That or you're purposefully ignorant, not unlike most of those individuals pushing themselves in front of the cameras and asserting this or that without any basis in fact.

Guest • 9 years ago
cageysea • 9 years ago

People are "treated violently by police" in response to lawless, violent behavior, not peaceful political protest. Again, you might wish to enlighten yourself by watching what is actually happening rather than simply opportunistically jockeying events to advance an agenda.

Where's Paul Verhoeven? • 9 years ago

Oh they're just all concerned about Michael Green's murder, eh Michael Blue's murder, what was it again? I doubt many of them remember.

cageysea • 9 years ago

Agreed. The deceased is simply an excuse to riot. It's how they justify their behavior.

Where's Paul Verhoeven? • 9 years ago

Funny too, there are 22k people in that town, and you have 200 hundred people plus commies from Chicago rioting and the media act like this is a massive uprising rather than repeated criminal action by those looking to steal.

cageysea • 9 years ago

To paraphrase Jack Nicholson, "They can't handle the truth!"

Exactly, Bused in thugs.. Period..

The man who laughs • 9 years ago

you're wasting your time...

cageysea • 9 years ago

That was my final salvo. Clearly he can't be reached, like so many. I respond, rather, not to reach the unreachable, but to create an exchange others can read, digest, consider, and ultimately decide for themselves who and what makes sense and who and what doesn't.

The truth never needs someone to sell it. It sells itself.

Guest • 9 years ago
cageysea • 9 years ago

IF "reporters" have been arrested it's not "for reporting." We understand reality as it exists conflicts with the narrative you're schilling, but if you're going to get anyone to bite, you're going to have to bait your hook better than that.

Ronald Rode • 9 years ago

Thank you for sensible retorts and food for thought.