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robbyh1 • 5 years ago

I cured a basal cell carcinoma on the side of my nose using Bicarbonate of soda. However, it didn't work simply by applying it on top of the legion. I had to break the skin first my rubbing the BOS aggressively into it until it started to bleed. I then applied BOS onto the lint of a fabric spot plaster before sticking it precisely over the legion. During the next few days, I kept occasionally moistening the plaster so as to keep the BOS active. After almost a week, I removed the plaster and the BCC simply fell off the side of my nose in a sloppy white lump, leaving a visible hole on the side of my nose, but not thru to the bone. Then, as a precaution, I rubbed more BOS onto the site and onto the lint of a fresh spot plaster and stuck it on again for another few days in order to kill any rogue cells that might remain, especially around the edges. After removing, I cleaned the site with water, leaving a distinctive hole where the white BCC used to be and once again covered with another clean plaster to allow healing to commence. After a few days, the area scabbed over. Interestingly, the scab was perfectly round. After an anxious wait of approx 2 weeks, the scab fell off whilst showering. Much to my relief, healthy fresh pink skin looked to be forming.over the hole. About a month later, it became evident that the BCC was no more. Now 2 years on, the site is perfectly healed with only a very small scar but only visible on very close inspection. Certainly beats having surgery and a skin graft which I had been referred for. The op was cancelled twice (which was a blessing in disguise!) because it bought me the time needed to try this alternative remedy, which has been a complete success.

simon gurney • 5 years ago

Both cancer and Candida feed on sugar.
Both grow and reproduce only in anaerobic
Both need an acidic environment to survive.
When you probe cancer cells within the human body, they appear white in color and uneven in texture just like yeast.

DeAnna Burns • 8 years ago

Good Article! Thank you!

Guest • 9 years ago

Oh dear!! This is exactly what i've been thinking when i was suffering from horrible hives few years ago & get a medications from a doctor. At that time, i don't know what was happening to me & i have never heard of candida infections BUT somehow through my instinct, i knew i'm very near to get a cancer if i don't do something about it. Thank God everything is different now because i understand my body better & taking supplement/super foods. Thank you so much for this good article. God bless :D

char • 10 years ago

i have been diagnosed with hep c.. recently.. same week as candida in fact.. please let me know if i am ok to do the bicarb diet? my liver function is supposed to be good and i do not know my viral load yet.. wanted to get candida under control before i start any hep c treatment..

MrT • 10 years ago

Any reason you can`t just boil the maple syrup and baking soda in 8 oz of water then drink ? I used a 1 to 1 ratio of single teaspoon servings once in the morning and once before bed. My breathing was improved and I was feeling great until I made the mistake of having a brownie made with wheat. I`m still recovering don`t make the same mistakes...

Kino • 9 years ago

Prevention is the answer, rather than 'treating'. The best 'treatment' is garlic. It kills off the fungus. But candida is also caused by eating the wrong foods, allergens in particular. In an allergic response the immune system is activated by the brain. No digestion takes place. This means no digestive enzymes, and no gut flora is being released. This is the main cause of candida, cancer, and a host of other diseases related to diminished immunity. The most allergenic substance on the planet is still dairy, in all its shapes and forms, raw, cooked, baked, or the 92% fats of milk products.