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Meccaisbabylonthegreat • 9 years ago

Off subject I know, but....since when does China have reactive armor for their tanks?? Not that if we went to war it would matter at all....their tanks appear to be from about WWII. They don't stand a chance against our tanks or anti-armor rockets, but anyway.

Tom • 9 years ago

WWIII starts with the Middle East. It has religious beginnings. But as mentioned below, it was scripted long ago. I'm sure Russia and America will both be in it, but not at the start.

Rob • 9 years ago

And you know this do you? Fuckwit.. using a mythical fairy story to look at the future.. yankland is going down..

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

All hail the angry (Invisible) omnipotent omnipresent mythical cosmic magician fairy in the sky who loves us ~ Better watch out dude, cause word is him and Zeus and Hades are all doing a shonky Ponzi scheme scam where you get your spirit eaten in paradise and your soul eaten in Hades and your ass can easily end up on someone's ritual kabala dinner table in the here and now ~ Beware the awesome powers of the angry (Invisible) omnipotent omnipresent mythical cosmic magician fairy in the sky who loves us ~ He's gonna get-ya ~ Or the devil will ~ Or Satan ~ Or the angels ~ Or even Al-Qaeda ;)

HERR AGATON • 9 years ago

Idiotic dangerous by ( Genocide = bank Rothschild genocide NATOIL hostage puppet marionett United States )to impose trade boycott against Russia when it is the bank City of London who want a monopoly on the sale of gas to the Idiotic genocide EU!!!!


Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

According to WW2 Italian dictator and secretly Zionist Mason Benito Mussolini who was illegitimate grandson of the Neapolitan Jew 'AVITABILE' there was 'NEVER' a single war since the formation of the Freemasons in the 1600's where the inevitable end result wasn't prearranged between the Masonic heads of all concerned before a single shot was fired in anger ~ I'd taken a few decades to check that out by the 90's and it's actually 100% true ~ Every single war was a rigged chess game ~

American • 9 years ago

So Mussolini helped plan his own hanging?

Noel • 9 years ago

What makes you think it was Mussolini that hanged that day? Because you was told??? what if the pictures and the event itself was a total fabrication? What if Sadam's hanging was fake? what if Gadhafi's was faked. Do you really think the elites would top other elites doing their bidding? If they did don't you think existing elites in positions of power may stop to think that their fellow elites can not be trusted with their safety and that they would try and bump them off too especially after seeing other elites getting a knife in their backs. Don't you think this would make them think twice of cooperating with the agenda? I know if my safety could not be trusted with my fellow controllers I wouldn't be to keen on continuing to help with the agenda. No the so called leaders like Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Sadam, Gadhafi etc was made to look like they was toped or killed themselves for public deception.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Probably hired Metro Goldwyn Mayer as production consultants ~
That bloke who took his place next to Clara deserved an Oscar ~

Tom • 9 years ago

Not knowingly...

American • 9 years ago

Then zionist mason Mussolini was not in on the planning.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

A-president once said a magic-bullet killed your president :(

jeffydiver • 9 years ago

Oh yeah, so it'll just be between America and Russia heh ? Get real ! When the nukes start going off, does China think they're not going to get hit either ? Oh, I see, it'll be a coordinated nuclear attack....sorta like they throw one bomb at us and then we'll throw one back at them huh ? What gets me is this was a Chinese Professor ? I think a kindergarden kid could figure out what a Holocaust means ?

Jimbo • 9 years ago

Dam how much more preparation does China need to do, they been working overtime building thousands of Nukes already have hundreds of stealth Nuke Subs surrounding North America, China could Nuke annihilate USA 100 times over, still talking about more preparation maybe they want to Nuke the world into oblivion.

Correct Views • 9 years ago

Nuclear war facts here. Look what even a SMALL nuke war would do. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

gozounlimited • 9 years ago

You missed the covert war taking place......right now.
Mexico's former President, Felipe Calderón, was and continues to be a major proponent of the global warming agenda. Unfortunately, the current President, Enrique Peña Nieto, does not share Mr. Calderon's sentiment and has stepped up foreign investment in gas and oil production as well as electricity generation in Mexico. During Governor Browns visit to Mexico in August, President Enrique Peña Nieto, made it clear he was not interested in carbon taxes...... under the circumstances, but he was interested in doing business with EXON, who's reps accompanied Brown to Mexico.

Right before the UN Climate Summit to be held in NY City on September 23rd.... we have an act of weather warfare that will be ultimately be explained by what else?..... global warming.

This map will show what weather wars looks like. http://www.accuweather.com/... The red appearing on the map signifies dry air composed of geoengineered aerosols that is pushing Hurricane Ordile East and away from it's normal path....which is WEST!....away from So. Cal ensuring drought, and taking the storm up through Mexico for maximum injury.


Hurricane Odile made landfall as the strongest storm on record to hit Mexico's southern Baja California peninsula.

na • 9 years ago

The Chinese better watch out. That is cold war rhetoric used to gain support from the people, that which the buildup will be used on later.... Stop going to work in their factories. Nobody is going to attack you, with the exception of your own government.

American • 9 years ago

As apposed to "hot war" rhetoric coming from the zionist west?

Ede • 9 years ago

Who is going to die first in WW III ?
The poofters, the lesbians, the trannies and all the perverts on this holy globe.

rxantos • 9 years ago

We are already at war. Is just that it wont be hot until the UFR notes fall like a brick.

jeffydiver • 9 years ago

[The two countries recently started work on
building the pipeline for a $400bn deal for Gazprom to supply gas from
Russia to China, the biggest natural gas deal sealed by Moscow since the
collapse of the USSR.]
If I were wondering over the reasons to have a World War, I'd suspect this would be one of them.

HangTheTraitors • 9 years ago

If I were Putin I'd simultaneously invade Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, azerbaijain, Uzbekistan, and rebel held Syria and execute every globalist infiltrator infecting their sphere of influence. I'd flatten Saudi Arabia and Israel with bombs and finally the world could know peace.

Dr Welsh • 9 years ago

Yes, you are Insane. See a Dr before it's too late.

na • 9 years ago

That was respectful....Why is he insane? Because it does not fit your narrative, that's why. You all live on a double edge sword, and we all know how well that knife cuts. I just wonder, will you live through it or bleed out faster... It is a rhetorical question, I already know the answer.

Guest • 9 years ago

Ah, cripes....if WW3 happens....the Biden Kid wont have anywhere to spend the $2 Billion.

$10 bucks says the Biden Kid picks his nose.

j • 9 years ago

Putin could have sent Russian peacekeepers into Ukraine on DAY ONE, stopping the conflict from ever getting started, and allowing Ukraine to peacefully split along ethnic lines, as Czechoslovakia did a few years earlier. Why didn't he? Why did Putin choose instead to allow things to escalate this badly?

Because Putin was surrounded by traitors who were, in reality, agents of the West. They convinced Putin that Obama had created a neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine specifically to draw Russia into a trap- a trap that would be sprung if Russian peacekeepers entered. In reality, the trap required Putin to sit back and watch as neo-Nazi forces from Kiev inflicted a Gaza-style Holocaust against the Humans of East Ukraine, as the West ratcheted up sanctions against Russia under numerous pretexts.

Now Putin faces a massive dilemma. If he participates in the fake peace process (controlled by the USA), Kiev either retakes Novorussia or attacks anew with a greatly improved military force, thanks to NATO weapon systems. If, on the other hand, Putin finally realises what a fool he has been, and acts to give Novorussia independence and security, Obama will claim this gives the USA the Right to roll into Syria and Holocaust the Assad controlled regions that have yet to fall to Obama's ISIS forces.

The filth of the West KNEW they could never take control of Crimea or Novorussia- that would be like the Chinese taking control of Mexico. But they figured they could provoke Russia and yet ensure Russia failed to take decisive action in the early stage- creating cancerous sores on Russia's very border.

Chinese military planners are CORRECTLY anticipating the possibility of WW3 via Ukraine when Russia finally attempts to escape the trap the USA has constructed there.

What does it mean when you go to the very backyard of a powerful, but peaceful person, and do everything you can to disrupt the life of that person? It means one thing only- you are looking for trouble with that person- BIG trouble. This is what Obama has been up to in Ukraine.

PS I'd like to remind you Yanks that America's nuclear arsenal is a pathetic joke compared to that held by Russia. And Russia, unlike the USA, is a land designed to 'survive' a nuclear conflict. Sure 'survive' is a relative term when considering such insanity, but if it comes down to the worst outcome, the monsters you Americans allow to rule over you will cost you everything.

jeffydiver • 9 years ago

Well, I notice that China and Russia are talking nukes, but I really don't hear anything from the Pentagon over the matter ? I wonder why ?

American • 9 years ago

The Rothschild led west (including the Pentagon) are the aggressors. They have already used tactical nukes. Russia and China are telling them the price of agression against them.

na • 9 years ago

I suspect it was for the same reasons the US let ISIS build up with our equipment. Because it is strategic :0)

obidiah_slope • 9 years ago

I think he realizes this now and is getting rid of them.......much as O'Bomber got rid of the Generals who saw through his madness............

spymyeyes • 9 years ago

You assume WAY too much j.

How about you try to throw your bankster masters out of YOUR gubbermint and see how well that works out for you.

You try to live in a NSA dominated society and orginize peaceful resistance to the take over of your country.

Why don't you personally j, go out and start a worldwide movement to REMOVE the bankster owned fiat currency system that runs every gubbermint on the face of this planet and holds all the power?

You speak in such childish ways, like it was as easy as walking up to the rich elites in every corner of gubbermint power and saying to them "your fired" and they then watch them go off somewhere and have a good cry over being let go.

In case you have NOT noticed, every single person who has "bucked" the system winds up dead in very short order and now the amerikkan gubbermint has given itself the power to kill anyone, anywhere, anytime, with no reason and with no evidence of wrong doing needed.

So, step down off your high and mighty soapbox and DO something other than spout BS on an internet comments section.....mate.

American • 9 years ago

We've noticed!!

American • 9 years ago

"China does not confront NATO, as does Russia" because NATO has not confronted China as it has Russia. China is smart to prepare for war to preserve the peace. But, keep in mind the mad dog Rothschild led west with its golden calf usury fed fiat bankster system is both insane and unpredicatable. Best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best!

na • 9 years ago

Nonsense. China is playing the fear card for its people to act as willing slaves. The stuff they build for this ambiguous threat, is simply to be used on them.

American • 9 years ago

Oh, I think the US has threatened China too recently. But to show how dimwitted the US is, the US owes China more than a trillion dollars which it can call in any time it wants. That would destroy the US economy overnight.

ian • 9 years ago

meh....next year this will be a story no one even talks about anymore. Just like all "conspiracy theories", they turn out to be nada.

HangTheTraitors • 9 years ago

Kind of like how nobody talks about 9 11 anymore? YEAH RIGHT.

vaderslith • 9 years ago


Sickntired • 9 years ago

Well - WW3 would be great!
Anything that ends Obamacare, the IRS, ghetto housing, immigration, Spanish, HOV lanes, Fastrak, Ebola, religions, Walmart, GMO, and Kim Kardashian, all on the same day!!!! GO FOR IT!!!

na • 9 years ago

Kim Kardashian is a NWO whore used to promote the idea of mixing Mexicans with the black race. It didn't work with whites, not going to work with them either. They want all races mixed. Guess who wont be mixing though? White Elites.

Dan Northrup • 9 years ago

The world with its exploding population and limited resources will waste what precious little is left trying to kill each other because our "leaders" want us too. We must turn on our existing power structures everywhere make this a planet for the people. This a warning to leaders of any country exploiting its citizenry. The third world war will be not to guild your legacy, but to get rid of you.

Frank Thomas • 9 years ago

Exploding diarrhea***

The US Government is Evil • 9 years ago

"State run media"? How come we don't describe many of our allies media as "state run"?
Ever heard of the state run BBC?

And who approves, licenses, inspects, & controls the US media?
Ever heard of the FCC?

Frank Thomas • 9 years ago

THIS JUST IN: poop fart

mecatfish • 9 years ago

Uhhh....Dont you mean OUT?

Rodster • 9 years ago

Ronald Reagan was wrong. The USA is the Evil Empire. The possibility of WW3 keeps going up as the US realizes the days of the world's reserve currency and Petrodollar are coming to an end and so is the Empire. So they are doing what every other Empire has done in the past. Go to war.

Bear • 9 years ago

Except Ronald Reagan was an American actor elected as president. Now we have an American-hating shyster acting as president.

dante ferno • 9 years ago

I think you are underestimating Obama's acting ability

Crossing the line • 9 years ago

These guys, Russia, China are not playing anymore! The US/Israel, NATO axis has made it's intentions abundantly clear to the half of the world that oppose their global domination objectives.
It won;t be long before their patience runs out with The US and their satraps in Europe and elsewhere. Watchout for their response.

dante ferno • 9 years ago

tbh I think Russia and China will do nothing BUT the US, UK, Europe will lie that they were attacked while "peacekeeping" in one of their "liberated" areas and things will have to escalate