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Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

$1.00 in 1965 = One kiss at the county fair ~
$1000,000.00 in 2014 = One congressman ~

billy7720 • 9 years ago

The problem here is that the elites may own the system, but what happens when the so called "slaves" quit working for them? That is the big question; it will kill the elites as they will have no one with the proper skills to keep products flowing. This will be the death of the "elitist empire" and the freedom of the REAL PEOPLE that make the world turn.

nochipforme • 9 years ago

Correct, but
not plausible.

kuato • 9 years ago

Exactly my point. Not plausible, will not happen.

kuato • 9 years ago

The collapse has already happened. When. When. When. When will this great event happen? The elites own the system. They have the keys to the kingdom and they dictate when things happen. The fundamentals don't mean anything. There is no storm the filthy elites can't weather. Every market and commodity is rigged and manipulated by these criminals. The market means nothing. They make it happen, they make it falsely happen. Everyone is predicting only what the NWO wants you to predict. The scumbags created a nice little personal economy for themselves. The evil that controls the money is greater than the currency itself.

PVT. HUDSON • 9 years ago

I would give up my left nut to go back and live in the 40s and 50s, when America had some values and non GMO food. When chicken actually tasted like chicken, and a burger was actually ground beef instead of filler, wood pulp and pink slim. LAME!

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Ha-Ha ~ Maybe the new 'Dr Who' at the BBC is a bit kinky? ~ Hell ~ After the ex BBC Director Peter Day's time there, your left-nut might actually get you a starring role in a new episodes involving a left testicle travelling back to the 50's to save the world ~ Of course I'm being silly there, yet, makes you wonder if there's a market for fresh testicle-meat at the BBC? ~ At the very least you're bound to get some takers on the "Red Dwarf" show ;-)
(Poms are right into quirky Sci-Fi & left testicles) ~ (Even in real life) ~
Pity it wasn't for real tho, or you could go back to 1963 with a proper video camera and not just film the 'REAL' missing 6 seconds of the Zapruder film which would show the JFK kill shot coming from the front seat of the limo, you'd also film Senator Donald Rumsfeld literally standing right there at the Grassy Knoll in Dallas with the (Literal) Grassy Knoll shooter on the very day that JFK got that bullet to the throat from there to immobilize him ~
(You'd film him there cause he 'WAS' there, yet he wasn't the shooter)
(You can rest assured those who ran it gave him a 'Big Whopper' alibi)

Elm • 9 years ago

The people have found it convenient to abdicate their roles as producers of wealth, rather, preferring to become clerks and consumers of wealth. But of course, the Corporate model and scale of economy has done much to enable this, whereby the value of labor as an essential engine to a production of basic wealth, has been either eliminated or marginalized with an introduction of technology and mechanization. Further to this, the so-called "Dollar" has not been an intrinsic repository of wealth, or even a representation of a Dollar ever since its debasement as a verifiable unit of honest weights and measures. When is a Dollar no longer a "Dollar?"

The "Dollar" properly understood is a measurement -- "Thou shalt practice honest weights and measurements." The Dollar -- 373.25 grains of pure silver, or 1/15th this weight for a gold Dollar called an Eagle, is likened to a Quart measure of milk -- however, today's "Dollar" is a Quart of milk that has been surreptitiously emptied of even its representative contents. So, the first violence to the Dollar occurred decades ago with its debasement by fractionalized banking practices, which saw more Demand Notes placed into circulation for Dollars than there was either gold or silver to satisfy.

Many Americans lost their farms and holdings through the practice of fractionalized banking, whereby they were enticed to accept "Notes" that had been debased of their lawful claim. But of course, these "Notes" or "Promises To Pay" Money, were claimed to have been... "as good as gold." The Dollar, while it was an intrinsic repository of value held from the past, was "real" Money. This is why lawful Notes FOR a Dollar of either silver or gold read... "This Note Is "A" Legal Tender, FOR Ten Dollars" in what once was real Money -- either gold or silver that had been lawfully minted at the US Mint into coinage. By removing the word "A" from the Note, any connection between the Note and the Dollar was obfuscated. Hence forth, the alleged "Note" itself was treated as the Dollar -- a "Dollar" which was neither a Dollar nor even a claim upon a Dollar. Correctly understood, a so-called Note FOR a Dollar, cannot be the Dollar. Neither can a "Dollar Note" be a Note, without it being a claim upon a Dollar. Also, the use of the word "Bill," as in a "Ten Dollar Bill," is actually a Bill for Ten Dollars which must be paid, like a Demand Note, on demand. This is why Bills are no longer presented in Commerce, but rather "invoices."

The once widely touted dream was, technology and the multiplier effect of mechanization would much accrue to a benefit of labor, thus allowing for a reduced work week and more leisure time. Instead, as an attribute of their "liberation" from being home makers, mothers and wives, women have been pressed into the work force, and what is left of families now struggle to get by on two "incomes." In many cases, this isn't even enough. The value of labor has been massively DEFLATED, with the disaster of the Hindenburg dirigible providing an apt metaphor. Indeed, in closed circles it was agreed, consumer debt -- acting similar to a Russian bread line, could provide a method to keep the population subservient, preoccupied with survival, and in a constant state of ever expanding need. And thus it has been true of a consumer oriented economy of mutual predation, a narrowing of possibilities and a contrived scarcity, that millions of Americans have blindly committed themselves to ever accelerated levels of need, this insofar as their time was burdened into servicing debt. And are the youth of America taught economic philosophy or how to manage their finances? No. They "graduate" not knowing how to make change.

randyrocker • 9 years ago

Even the Dollar Store is now almost 5 bucks.

2011 a Bitcoin could buy you a large pizza

2014 a Bitcoin could buy you 99 large pizzas

Mensas • 9 years ago

Don't you luv it?

The fractional reserve banking system and its use of compound interest is designed to be the economic version of a 'black hole' that sucks all matter into the hands of the money masters. Do you think I am joking?

Einstein once said compound interest is the most remarkable thing in the universe.

Let me prove it. If a single penny was borrowed at an interest rate of 6% during the time of Jesus (or for you Edomites and other Jesus haters, we can use Herod) the amount owed in 2013 would equal an astounding amount. An amount so astounding we have to describe it terms of astronomy. That amount owed would be.....Are you ready for this?

7,560,000 galaxies each containing a billion suns made of solid gold!!

Here's the calculation if you don't believe me.
The formula for annual compound interest; FV = PV(1 + i)^n, where "PV" is the Present Value of debt is $0.01, "i" is the interest of 6% and "n" is the number of years- 2013. The use of the- ^ - symbol is the exponential value of the value, in this case "n". "FV" is the Future Value of the debt owed in the year 2013.

Substituting the values into the above equation thus:

(.01) x (1.06)^2013 = 8.72 x 10^50 dollars (equals 8.72 followed by 50 zeroes)

How much money is that?

In terms of gold, divide the amount by the current price (year 2013) of gold ($1314/oz). That gives us:

6.64 x 10^47 troy ounces of gold (equals 6.64 followed by 47 zeroes)

How much gold is that?
There are 14.6 troy ounces in a pound and 1,205.6 pounds in a cubic foot of gold, we get:

3.77 x 10^44 cubic feet of gold

To imagine that much gold, we need to think in terms of astronomy. The sun has a diameter of 865,000 miles. Its volume is therefore 4.99 x 10^28 cubic feet. Dividing into the above figure gives us:

7.56 x 10^15 solid gold suns

If we assume that an average galaxy like the Milky Way contains one billion stars like our sun, we get:

7,560,000 galaxies of a billion solid gold suns!!!

All this from a single penny borrowed in the time of Christ. Wealth is NEVER destroyed, rather it is transferred into the hands of the few, who are the money masters.

Smoker • 9 years ago

Cigarettes in 1976 - $0.65
Cigarettes in 2014 - $5.95

billy7720 • 9 years ago

$2.79 for me a pack.

nochipforme • 9 years ago

$14 in Chicago.

Oldguynorth • 9 years ago

In 1965 (if I remember right) cigs were 25 cents. When they raised the price to 35 cents, my dad quit smoking, "not one more dime to those bastards.

spymyeyes • 9 years ago


I said the same thing back in "94" when a $20 bill could no longer buy a carton of marlboro.

I got hooked when they were $9.99 a carton and within 20 years they doubled in price and these figures are NOT including sales tax because New Hampshire has been and still is sales tax free.

10 years after I quit is when my cancer showed up so a word of warning to all my STOOPID brothers & sisters out there still paying top dollar to give yourself some form of cancer (it depends on where the weakest part of your body is that tells what kind of cancer you will get)

and as the doctors are so fond of saying: everyone is different!

Marty Desch • 9 years ago

There are also people who have never smoked, and have also gotten Cancer, as they say everyone is different.

Elm • 9 years ago

Yup.... They've got everyone duped into thinking if they don't smoke tobacco, they will avoid cancerous conditions. The war against tobacco is what is known as a red-herring. There are so many factors -- diet, & a multitude of concentrated high test sugars like GMO corn that feed cancer for starters.

The tactic Big Agra and Big Pharma had hoped to use, so as to avoid scrutiny for their abuses and adulterations of what is referred to as "the food supply," was to frame their victims for having a so-called "genetic defects" or whatever. It's not the food or terrain, it's the victim who is a cause of all their illnesses.

Forget the cell has been nutritionally starved or that their constant jacking of people with fear and insecurity are by-en-large two of the greatest contributors to dis-ease. To learn about the considerable defects in the mutating cell theory of illness, check out online lectures by Bruce Lipton.

Georgio • 9 years ago

Forgotten--Most families prior to 70s could afford the -- a fully paid car,house, boat, cottage, three kids, wife stayed home and money in the bank and get this two weeks paid vacations.

ebayer • 9 years ago

In 1968 my dad delivered bread for a living.
There was six of us kids and my mom stayed at home.
We had Blue Cross major medical insurance and two cars as well as a new house.
That same year we got a 25inch RCA color console tv and the year before all of us kids got new bicycles with "banana" seats and "angel wing" handle bars.
We went on out of state road trips to different campgrounds.
I would think bread men today would have a hard time being the sole provider for a family of 8 today.

Guest • 9 years ago

You can put your "savings" into physical assets, but many won't keep value (food, electronics etc) and the government has a long record of seizing gold and land without due process or fair compensation.

Just keep working, SLAVE!!

jeffydiver • 9 years ago

Yup, that's right ! 1 dollar buys you a candy bar ! In 1969, gasoline was .27 cents a gallon, and that was expensive !

Zombie Fruit Cake • 9 years ago

At the rate of inflation soon they will be printing $10,000 bills just to buy tide me overs at the local quick mart.

MooseDog77 • 9 years ago

Should not the title read, How much a $1 use* to get you?