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Bob hkr • 9 years ago

I worked (past tense) for the Santa Clara County DOC for 13 years. I spoke with Sheriff Smith personally about her decision to force Officers to waive their rights and submit to new background checks when the County unlawfully placed the Sheriff's office in control of the jails. Publicly, she said that the process was required under the Penal Code and POST. I refuted those statements in our conversation, and she ultimately admitted that she was doing it, "because I can." She did not appreciate my line of questioning, and my Sergeant warned me not to "interrogate" the Sheriff, as it is not good for my career. I respect her honesty in ultimately answering my question when her alternative was to walk away after losing the debate.

We (Deputies) are trained to read body language. During our conversation at the 2nd West station in Main Jail South, Sheriff Smith moved backward into a corner, pulled a chair in front of her, and seemed to cower from my questions. Combining her behavior, her answers, my 13 years in the Department, and multiple stories from 25+ year Deputies who worked with Laurie Smith, I have a good sense of her character.

You trust the Deputies to provide security in the County, trust them here. We need a change in leadership. We need to end the politics in the Sheriff's Office. We need to bring honor back to the Department.

Please, vote for Kevin Jensen.

Kathleen Flynn • 9 years ago

"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri

Mr. Sarcastic • 9 years ago

"We wish Laurie Smith had decided to retire after 16 years as Santa Clara County sheriff. But ... We are making no recommendation in the race."

LOL!! No recommendation, but we wish Smith would retire? Now there's a ringing endorsement ...

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

The real endorsement is putting up that video. While I rarely agree with the Merk on anything, they can't possibly have been obtuse enough to believe that video shows her in a better light than Kevin with her eyes wide and uncomfortably darting around the room, fidgeting, sweating, particularly towards the end, and finally losing her cool and attacking Mrs. Jensen for staying home and Kevin Jensen on a set of values that she all but made out of whole cloth.

I think the board was afraid to endorse Kevin, like so many other people tied to the incumbent, but knew that video would bury her, so they put it up. If it was anything other than that, I guess I will have to admit... the editorial board is that obtuse.

alfonso alvarez • 9 years ago

Just curious why this rag hasn't divulged that the City of San Jose has contributed to the Chamber of Commerce PAC , who in turn donated to the four worthless council members running for Mayor? Or that "The Merc "did as well ? Taxpayer monks used to Fund Reeds allies.Absolutely disgusting

Kathy Atkins • 9 years ago

DO NOT VOTE FOR SHERIFF LAURIE SMITH ~ My search for Justice started 4 years before Joshua’s death when he was 6 after being called to his school by a women from child protective services, the day he was found with bruises all down the side of his body from being kicked down the back step into the trashcans by his father Santa Clara County Sheriff Deputy KW Klaver. From this day forth we entered into a world run by the Santa Clara County Sheriff Department and the Family Courts, both of which were more concerned about finding a way to deal with the abuse without damaging his father’s career as a Sheriff Deputy, by this I mean they did nothing to help Joshua, year after year they turned a blind eye from Joshua’s pain until his death at the age of 10, Joshua died by Hanging in a barn used for Slaughtering Cattle on his Father’s property the night before Joshua was to meet with a Family Court Judge about the abuse he was forced to live with for the 1st time in the 4 years we spent in the Court System. When Joshua died the Family Court had a meeting and wondered what they could have done differently that would helped to keep Joshua’s death from happening, The Sheriff Department’s way of dealing with his death was to have Sgt Jerry Egge rudely refuse me any kind of a investigation as he made statements to the media calling me a volatile type parent fighting over Joshua in child custody case, all this from the Sheriff Department who knew that their co-worker, Sheriff Deputy KW Klaver was Joshua’s Abuser...22 month after Joshua's Death Sheriff Gillingham and Under Sheriff Laurie Smith sent Crime Scene and Homicide Deputies out to the barn where Joshua died for the 1st time and turned the information they collected from Joshua's father,his abuser about what happened the night Joshua died over to the Child Death Review Board .http://justice4joshua.com/ After 25 years a investigation has been reopened into Joshua's death, ask Sheriff Smith why after 62 days her office has not sat down to take a legal written statement with the witness who has come forward with information about the night Joshua died

Nells79 • 9 years ago

Choosing to be a stay at home mom myself, I was appalled that Sheriff Laurie Smith brought Mrs. Jensen into the discussion. Marriages where one or more spouse is involved in law enforcement are at greater risk. The fact the Mrs. Jensen has supported her husband for over 30 years is honorable. Sheriff Laurie Smith should be praising her and not trying to drive a wedge by claiming Mrs. Jensen told her information contrary to discussions between Mr. And Mrs. Jensen.
The Mercury News has the right to remain undecided in this race, but like it or not, the public needs to pick one or the other. I am personally pretty fed up with the majority of politicians these days, so the fact that Kevin is not "political" enough does not bother me. I feel Kevin would enter office with a willingness to learn and grow. This is a trait of a leader that I feel is of equal importance to holding a strong skill set prior to entering office. His strong skill set coupled with his willingness to learn convinces me he would be the best person for the job.

sociopathic • 9 years ago

Does Kevin Jensen believe in supporting fundamental civil rights? If he were to assume the office of Sheriff, would he defend and uphold the Constitution as it is written, as he would be required to swear to do?

The 2A states that the people shall have the right to carry (bear) arms. This means either open carry in public, or concealed.

Does he believe we need permits to vote, to assemble to worship, or to use a myriad of other rights?

Or does he believe that we have a fundamental civil right to bear arms, as per the SCOTUS and the plainly written language of the BoR?

Kathleen Flynn • 9 years ago

After viewing this interview with both candidates, I'm perplexed by the Mercury News unwillingness to endorse Kevin Jensen for Sheriff, especially since they said,"We wish Laurie Smith had decided to retire after 16 years as Santa Clara County sheriff."

And, "The county sheriff should be
a convener to solve problems. Smith has been good at meeting budgets in
lean times, but she does not work well with other law enforcement
agencies, and her department is not seen by other professionals as

Neutrality should not be an option when it comes to such an important position such as the Sheriff's Office. I guess we can be grateful that they posted the video of the interview, so that members of the voting public can be assured that Kevin Jensen is the correct choice for our new Sheriff.

And finally, for the Sheriff to tearfully claim that candidates are allowed to be harassed, attacked, and called names during a public debate is really outlandish! I have never seen this happen in any debate I have ever attended. Sad that she would claim such a ridiculous thing to avoid being held accountable for her lack of leadership, and accomplishments of her department.

I'm voting for Kevin Jensen.

KC Whatsherface • 9 years ago

Kevin Jensen has my vote. Kevin Jensen has real and extensive experience in the field. He is not a career politician and is not in it for the money. He honestly cares about the public and sheriff's office personnel. He is fair, steadfast, and above all, HONEST! Kevin Jensen has out-numbered Laurie Smith in endorsements. Kevin Jensen's endorsements come from professionals in the field who have had the pleasure to have worked with him and know his capabilities, unlike Laurie Smith's FAKE endorsements that were paid for by herself and if you look closely, you will even see that the supposed endorser organizations have ZERO members!. Law enforcement personnel have faith in Kevin Jensen. He is the right choice.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

Take the COPS Voter Guide "endorsement" one step further -- not only are there no members and it's a non-endorsement, she PAID nearly $5000 to be in that voter guide. She also paid to be in a Republican voter guide. It's interesting her friends at SJI bashed other candidates running for other offices for using COPS to to buy a fake public safety endorsement, but have remained silent on their "popular" sheriff's purchase.

Cody • 9 years ago

Just like Kevin's paid "endorsements" on Parents for Progress and California Justice Voter Guide? Same thing, different story seems to be your modus operandi Casey, if I were you I would stop pointing the finger at the Sheriff... "Every time you point a finger in scorn—there are three remaining fingers pointing right back at you.”

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

And besides, if you compare the two endorsements lists of the candidates, it's clear where the support of the people lies vs. the support of politicians looking for quid pro quo endorsement opportunities.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

Cody, the primary reason I pointed the finger... well, it's twofold:

1) She just had Dan Pulcrano do a big piece bashing Kevin claiming he bought an endorsement that he did not. The article also bashed other people for buying this very endorsement from COPS as if the incumbent was above this.

2) SJI (with her friend Dan Pulcrano again) ridiculed others in another piece for trying to buy public safety endorsements. Exactly what Laurie is attempting here because virtually no law enforcement organization in the state has endorsed her.

You're right, I should have been far more clear about WHY I was pointing this out. Thank you for the opportunity to point out the vast body of hypocrisy that our incumbent and her friends have created.

Honestly, the COPS thing would have been a non-starter for me if SJI didn't falsely accuse collusion. But since they think it's an issue... I guess we should all understand what is happening here.

Adeodatus • 9 years ago

We need new leadership in the Sheriff's Office! Kevin Jensen for Sheriff 2014!!!

Sheriff Smith has demonstrated over the years that she is an ineffective leader and no longer worthy of being in office due to her corrupt practices and poor judgement. Both are seen in the way she has given preferential treatment towards celebrities such as Aldon Smith who was arrested for DUI and possession of illegal firearms. Her response was to bring him to the Sherrif's range to shoot assault weapons and ride in STAR1, the department’s helicopter. Another demonstration of extremely poor judgement is when she responded to the terrorist attack on the Metcalf substation as a mere case of vandalism. A coordinated attack severing phone lines and shooting hundreds of rounds into the substation disabling 16 large transformers sounds like more than vandalism to me, as it did to the FBI! We residents of Santa Clara County deserve better then Smith. I’m voting for Kevin Jensen for Sheriff.

Holiday4Me • 9 years ago

As a citizen of Santa Clara County and someone who at times depends on the SO to address crime in my city, it is imperative that this department be the very best it can be to protect us citizens. Unfortunately over the last several years, our County has seen high profile cases mismanaged, Sheriff Smith make some terrible choices, and clearly acting as a politician who acts as though she "owns" the County and does what suits her with taxpayer money. Enough is enough, 16 years is enough, crimes handled poorly is enough. I hope that Mr Jensen never becomes a politician because what the County needs is a smart leader with high morals and values and who cares about the community. Someone who can revamp the SO and make sure the talent that is there has the proper training to protect us. Someone who can again make the SO a respectable and strong department. The deputies are asking for this and there is a reason Kevin Jensen is endorsed by law enforcement agencies around the state including victim advocate groups such as MrMarc Klaas. Change is needed and Kevin Jensen is the clear choice. Ballot already sent!

Lance Scimeca • 9 years ago

Kevin Jensen is the clear cut choice for Sheriff in Santa Clara County

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

Kevin (she finally uses his name) has "ultra-conservative values, no choice, no marriage"

Actually I know this to be not entirely true, however, can you tell me exactly what relevancy this has in an non-legislative position? Are you saying that Kevin wouldn't follow the law? Because I would love to know what evidence you have to substantiate this vague attempt at smearing your opponent, Ms Smith.

7pillars • 9 years ago

Since when does the Sheriff remotely have anything to do with abortion or marriage? Good Lord, lefties, put down the torches and pitchforks. The Sheriff simply manages the jail and law enforcement for unincorporated areas.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

Start really watching the incumbents body language around 42:00

Teresa Held • 9 years ago

I became a teacher prior to having children. Does that mean I was not qualified to teach or understand children due to not having my own first?
Saying that Kevin may not" handle the highly political job" is interesting, as Sheriff Smith hasn't handled it well in 16 years.

Kevin is supported by his colleges and victim advocacy groups. This speaks volumes. Kevin Jensen is a good man, leader and supporter of his colleges; unlike Sheriff Smith, who enjoys wasting time and money, entertaining celebrities at gun ranges and helicopter rides. Kevin has great experience as an officer and leader. Would we rather have a "politician" or a real leader taking care of our families?

It is time for a change, and with Kevin Jensen, the department will be more efficient, which will give us a safer place to live!

Guest • 9 years ago


That's the "keep up the pressure on the Mercury News" blog the incumbent is calling "bullying." See for yourselves.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

The National Women's Political Caucus has not been bullied. They were asked questions.
You can see that here:http://caseythomas.wordpres...

Wendy Stegeman made horrible, false accusations about Kevin Jensen... now this is bullying: http://caseythomas.wordpres...

More hyperbole from the incumbent's camp trying to change the subject.

Here's the "keep up the pressure on the Mercury News" blog the incumbent is calling "bullying." See for yourselves: http://caseythomas.wordpres...

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

You know... I know of a case where there was an IA complaint made against a deputy that was liked by the sheriff. He was involved in illegal activity. Rather than investigating the illegal activity, the IA investigator told the reporting party to either drop the issue or face an IA themselves.

That's just one example. Would you like more?

How about attempting to fire some one for something that everyone else who ever did it only get a 6 mo. letter in their department file?

How did that work out? I hear that you might be facing a lawsuit for running your mouth on your own "secret agreement" on that one?

What about trying to IA someone who refused to violate their ethics and would not obey an order to lie for your gain that came directly from the fourth floor offices? That kind of blew up in your face, didn't it?

What about when an investigation didn't go your way -- after 2 investigations you were told there was nothing there -- gathering your non-IA minions, including civilian personnel and arbitrarily deciding to try to fire someone? That didn't work out so well for you, did it?

I can think of lots of examples. And I can think of just as many examples of people who do as their told who will never see an IA. That, I guess, we could call "incentive" rather than "intimidation," right, Laurie?

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

Assistant Sheriff Karl Neusel was the IC -- can you tell us what experience he has sheriff? As far as I'm aware the man has approximately 10 years total law enforcement experience, none of which he would have had the opportunity to develop experience to be an Incident Commander of a major active shooter scenario.

The SWAT Team believed he was no longer in the area? That's a lie. I know, I've talked to any number of people involved and one of the fights on scene was that the SWAT team knew he was still in the area -- even offered to sleep in the area "just in case" you needed them. They were told no, go home.


I talked to a number of people involved to do my blog post. None of them have a story that correlates with yours, Ms. Smith.

Guest • 9 years ago

Assistance Sheriff Karl Neusel was the IC -- can you tell us what experience he has sheriff? As far as I'm aware the man has approximately 10 years total law enforcement experience, none of which he would have had the opportunity to develop experience to be an Incident Commander of a major active shooter scenario.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

Laurie smith not only told investigators that she would seize all their private cell phones, she has done this before in a meeting with lieutenants -- sending in one of her captains to inform everyone in the meeting that they could and would seize everyone's private cell phones. I have heard this from 3 or 4 different sources, each coming to me independently, at different times.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

People want to know how Marc Klaas and Search for Sierra got involved?

Danny Domingo came to me. He asked me to post two letters from him on the blog. I asked him to verify that it was okay with everyone involved that we did this and he did so. I posted his letters and I recommended that if he wanted to take this further he directly contact the Kevin Jensen campaign. Which apparently he and Marc Klaas proceeded to do.

You can seen Danny's letters here:
When a Victim has no Voice: http://caseythomas.wordpres...
Who will Find Your Child? http://caseythomas.wordpres...

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

"My opponents tried to get the Sierra LaMar family to come out and they said no."

No, no one in the campaign or supporting the campaign or the PAC ever asked the family to come out from what I've been told. That's a flat out lie. We are not addressing the families point of view here. The sheriff wants to change the conversation from the fact that she and her administrators interfered in investigations to talking about who's doing what to whom in regards to the families and this campaign.


Apparently Audrie Pott's family has come out on FB... really, so you're telling us you didn't know that your campaign manager wrote several lengthy blog posts and was involved in getting the Pott family directly involved in this campaign... not your challenger?

Nuanced truth is still a lie, Laurie.

Brian Washburn • 9 years ago

My name is Brian Washburn and I am a Sergeant at the Sheriff's Office. I support Kevin Jensen.

I feel that I must comment on this editorial. The editorial neglects to mention that Kevin Jensen has many more endorsements than what the editorial leads the reader to believe. Kevin Jensen has the support of PORAC as well as the majority of Law Enforcement Associations in Santa Clara County. Kevin also has the endorsement of crime victims groups and advocates. He has the endorsement of retired Police Chiefs from agencies within Santa Clara County.

The below was not written by me, but I do have permission to use the words and I could not expressed my opinion better.

To all my law enforcement friends, you need no more convincing. This is meant for those who have no connection to law enforcement and like most people don’t know much about local law enforcement.

The upcoming election for Sheriff in Santa Clara County is not political. For those lucky enough to know Kevin Jensen, you know his reputation matches who he really is.

People who don’t know him may think what he says, he says for political favor. Sadly, I think too many political scandals and corruption have jaded our opinion that anyone who runs for office is never as good as they seem.

This is the quandary of The Office of the Sheriff. It’s the one office that should be run by someone with no political agenda, no favors to fulfill and no selfish intentions. The Sheriff’s Office is the standard of law enforcement in the county and should be synonymous with fair and equitable treatment for all…blind to all other influences.

Politicians have a leg up on winning. They have focus groups, political strategies, manipulation and other tested methods to get votes.

Kevin Jensen is not a politician. He is something far better. He is a great cop, a wonderful leader and one of the best men I have ever met. He stands for integrity, honesty and fairness.

I urge all my friends and family, be thoughtful in this upcoming election. Talk with your friends and family. Try to convince them that it’s worth 5 minutes of their time on Election Day to go to the voting booths and fill out a ballot. Convince them that this is the election they make the most difference in our day to day life.

Come June, let us all say we put our best foot forward and be proud of our efforts to vote a man of integrity into a position to make a difference in all of our lives.

Please take a moment to review the candidates for the Office of Sheriff and vote accordingly.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

Q "Can you address the allegations in the flyer?"

A "we've done polling..."

Just like she doesn't address the house foreclosure, she is the consummate pol and changes the subject yet again.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

The fundraiser and the food were paid for by people now involved in the PAC. If the Sheriff check the dates the PAC was filed into creation, she would see that the event was not paid for by PAC funds, because at that time, there was no PAC in existence, it was still under discussion. Again...math, dates, they don't seem to matter to the incumbent. It's a weak attempt at a smear campaign, but it's all she has. Anyone can look up this information, anyone other than the incumbent's attorney's so it seems.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

Overwhelming evidence that the CPOA/DSA is coordinating with Jensen's campaign?

Do we want to discuss your relationship with the Public Safety Alliance PAC? I'll have more coming out on this later tonight or tomorrow, but here's what we have to date:


This same group that has been lying low, filing false addresses with the FPPC has recently just run a commercial for the incumbent over this past weekend. Despite the 48 hour reporting requirements for PACs, there is nothing on the county netfile as of today. Not unusual since this group has repeatedly failed to report in a timely manner as you can see.

Their spokesperson is Rich Robinson, the incumbents campaign manager
They are run by the President of the Sheriff's Advisory Board, Jim Campagna, and her good friend and attorney, Chris Schumb.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

THe complaint was for discrepancies on your reports... including information misfiled and the unaccounted for $9800 that was collected, apparently, for a runoff that never happened, and seems to have disappeared. The collection amounts were in excess of the allowed amount per county rules.

This was the foreclosure story - http://caseythomas.wordpres...

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

"The good thing about law enforcement in this county is that we all work together very, very well..."

Is that why every agency in the county says you don't work well with others? Is that why when Morgan Hill's 911 system was down during the Metcalf incident Captain Sung refused them back up assistance until they were back on-line to help manage calls? Is that why you were removed as the head agency of RATTF and you kicked them out of their office space? Is this why the SAFE team is strictly an S/O operation because no one will work with you any longer?

Law enforcement works well with others. You do not work well with others.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

She does have one thing right. Being a leader is not about being liked. However, as a leader, liked or not, if you are a good leader you are still respected. The incumbent is neither liked nor respected.

arster • 9 years ago

Let's do some math, Laurie Smith ~44 years with the Department - minus 16 years puts her experience around 26 years before becoming Sheriff in a very similar scenario where the sitting Sheriff wasn't too well liked.

Mr. Jensen has more management level positions within corrections and in the deputy side of both organizations with 28 years. Mr. Jensen has the support and confidence of the majority of staff and other agencies and community groups which translates into the fact he understands the jobs and operations of being the Chief Law Enforcement of the County.

The SJMN complains that 2nd Amendment support Mr. Jensen but fails to mention that in the past Laurie Smith went in front of local 2nd Amendment supporters and a major 2A group and said she was going to be fair and open about CCW which the SJMN did its own article on and found her handling of these highly questionable and contrary to what she stated.

So other than Mr. Jensen not being a consummate politician versus being the dedicated and professional officer he has been from deputy to leader, the SJMN cannot do a serious enough analysis of why he is qualified.

It would be interesting to hear what the SJMN would say what type of person is qualified enough compared to Mr. Jensen. A pretty weak post and disappointing in consideration to their endorsement of other candidates including Mike Honda's opponent.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

But they do say... one that doesn't face Laurie Smith as an incumbent.

republic united • 9 years ago

Thanks for posting the interview and answers from candidates. I guess the Editorial board really wants a "politician" to lead the Sheriff's office, as they view Jensen as not political enough. He's certainly experienced enough. Shouldn't the head law enforcement person, a Sheriff, be more about law enforcement and less about politics. To state that Jensen is only supported by Deputies and Correctional Officers, is woefully short, the last I looked at the Jensen endorsement page, it's nearly all law enforcement associations in the county, surrounding county and throughout the state, all major victim right groups and many many community and business leaders. Well they did get one thing straight, Sheriff Smith should just retire.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

"we have more staffing than we've every had in the Sheriff's Office"

When you took office, it was reported there were approximately 450 sworn deputies
When you recently updated your web page, you reported there are 395 sworn deputies
The budget allows for approximately 490-510 sworn deputies.

I think you have a serious math problem Ms. Smith. Kind of like your deputies have had more in raises than you have.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

"There are people who saw the handwriting on the wall and actually got out before being disciplined?"

You mean like Assistant Sheriff Edward Perry? Yeah, but didn't you just recently rehire this paragon of misogyny and racism as a contractor to help do background checks?


How about punishing the LT who crashed his car driving it out of county? Or punishing the Captain who was caught DUI, at least once, maybe twice? Or punishing the the Captain picked up for soliciting a prostitute -- oh wait, you can't... it's been over a year for all those people... you just didn't bother disciplining them in the allowed time frame and they didn't have to get out while the getting was good because they knew you wouldn't do anything.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

"it was a small number of people who voted"

If I remember correctly, the DSA had a record number of votes -- more than any polling in their history for any reason -- to vote to support Kevin Jensen... 220+ DSA members voted to support Kevin Jensen... 12 voted to support the incumbent.

According to the numbers, 220+ deputies... well over 50% of the sworn deputies...voted to support Kevin Jensen. So even if EVERY deputy voted, 57% of the entire office voted for Kevin Jensen. As it was, not every deputy voted (as happens in elections) but 91% of those that voted, voted to support Kevin Jensen.

That is not a "small number of people"

Guest • 9 years ago

Oh...and also, according to the incumbents numbers, 220+ deputies... well over 50% of the sworn deputies. So even if EVERY deputy voted, 57% of the entire office voted for Kevin Jensen. As it was, not every deputy voted (as happens in elections) but 91% of those that voted, voted to support Kevin Jensen.

That is not a "small number of people"

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

I guess this pack of lies shores up exactly why the deputies scheduled a meeting to discuss an official no confidence vote against the incumbent.

Casey Thomas • 9 years ago

I can hardly watch this woman lie...

There's a small number of people in the leadership who have put so much false information that hundreds... HUNDREDS of deputies and correctional offices won't support you?

Laurie you do realize that the small number in leadership WERE NOT EVEN IN THE LEADERSHIP when the vote took place? You lie about what goes on in your office, bald faced lies here within moments of opening your mouth and you want the support of your deputies?

I have to come back later to watch this. The first 3 minutes are so infuriatingly insulting, that I need to go take a deep breath so may if she tells the truth about anything else here, I can listen without it being colored by her opening statements.