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ChickenLittleAsh • 9 years ago

That's right! Get those kids back on the couch, and back on dem videa games

Mon_Unc • 9 years ago

Let us keep in mind that this is Florida. The "Wacky-Doodle" state of the US. Give it another few weeks and some Neighbourhood Watch character will shoot the kid in "self defense" and things will really start rolling down hill.

TooManyMorons • 9 years ago

When we had a lemonade stand as kids it was usually out for one or two days at most...usually over a weekend.
Running it every day is over the top!

Guest • 9 years ago
BAM_BAM • 9 years ago

he should just go out everyday buy up their supply go back in the house mix it with gin and ice... get the wife drunk and have great sex on a daily basis and i'm telling you he'll want them to stay open year round

The_FACTS_from_TO • 9 years ago

They're trying all over the US to shut down Lemonade Stands, Farmers Markets, Garage Sales, etc, basically anything that's a CA$H Business because the Government can't get their greedy hands in the pockets of the children, farmers, homeowners, etc, disgraceful really.

zkank • 9 years ago

While I wouldn't personally drink from one of these stands, I will flip a loony or twonnie to them in my neighbourhood for their effort to actually earn money instead of having it just given to them by their parents.

I think this is an important battle to fight - because if the government successfully shuts these down, garage sales will be next.
(I haven't had a garage sale in twenty years, but it serves an important function for some)

The_FACTS_from_TO • 9 years ago

You're absolutely right that it's important, what the Government is doing is "Double-Dipping" with Taxes.

The Homeowner paid tax on that old lawnmower when he purchased it new and paid tax on the money he bought it with 20 years ago, they're trying to collect tax again when he sells it at his Garage Sale now!

BAM_BAM • 9 years ago

i see you have a vote already.... that was quick

BAM_BAM • 9 years ago

the village idiot is alive and well!... he can't stand the stand

John H. • 9 years ago

We cannot have young people actually acquiring busness accumien now can we? Might be competion in the near future!
Get a life neighboujr! If there is some trash due to this enterprise, point it out, and I am sure he will do more that the local businesses in my part of Toronto, which just sell more in take out trays and more nakins and forks etc. ending up on my lawn!
Wish city would enforce the anti littering laws they still have on the books, and I do not mean for the idiot case of cigarette butts, but real litter.

PatchesOholihan • 9 years ago

Cigarette butts are the most littered item in the world. I hardly think its idiotic to consider that littering...

Guest • 9 years ago
The_FACTS_from_TO • 9 years ago

And take over a decade to break down.....