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BigPoppaPump • 9 years ago

natural selection

MuslimForTrump • 9 years ago

There should be unlimited and unregulated disbursement of Naloxone.

Sean P. Pratt • 9 years ago

This heroin epidemic is a direct result of our activities in Afghanistan. Before we invaded, the Taliban kept poppy production to a slim margin. It was outlawed by the Taliban and anyone caught growing it were punished severely.

Enter the US troops and poppy farms sprout up all over Afghanistan. Now, cheap heroin is flooding our streets. Although heroin is not a new problem, it has certainly become a major one since 2002.

drewskii8969 • 9 years ago

1. Pot Is not a gate way drug. Alcohol and legal pain killers or more of a gate way drug. And both or legal. Sad but true. New studies and some old have proved so. In many cases. I saw many well just look it up you'll see. Two. If marijuana was legal they could taxs it nicely and use the founds too look for harder drugs. There would be plenty. Personally that's what I would like too see. Its a new age people. Time too advance and forget the old false bullcrap they tell about marijuana

Jamie • 9 years ago

"This is your brain on drugs"

drewskii8969 • 9 years ago

I don't do drugs. But I believe in making marijuana legal. But whatever you say. Can't teach a old dog new tricks.

Jamie • 9 years ago

Because if we legalize pot, we have fewer problems? Why stop there. Legalize murder. Legalize drunk driving. Legalize rape. According to your argument, legalizing these things would make for a much safer society.

drewskii8969 • 9 years ago

Never said we would have fewer problems. Why waste time on a harmless plant like weed. The things your naming off or not harmless they damage everything in their path. Marijuana is harmless. Wouldn't you like too see your money going to better use like stopping those crimes you just mentiond. You're agreement is pretty much useless. You would have too be a twit not to notice the difference between a harmless plant (which could help millions of people) and someone doing unspeakable things such as murder and rape. I won't fight with someone like you. You will never change and you're mind will always be closed. Good day too you.

Jamie • 9 years ago

Ya, harmless. And your mind is sooo open because of the weed you smoke. Gimme a break.

drewskii8969 • 9 years ago

I don't smoke. As I've stated before. Read what I've actually said before you comment.

Joe Lent • 9 years ago

Apparently it’s a good way to commit suicide.

Doug • 9 years ago

Moderation is key. If you want heroin in Des Moines just ask for Mary Poppins.

markbu • 9 years ago

This is what happens when marijuana is banned and prescription narcotics are widely available.

Jamie • 9 years ago

That's a lame argument. You make it sound like everyone on prescription meds will become an addict. Legalizing marijuana doesn't change anything except to keep the losers out of jail.

markbu • 9 years ago

Physiologically everyone on prescription narcotics experiences withdrawal. Ever had to itch after taking a legally prescribed vicodin? Thats your body experiencing a mild withdrawal from the drug as it works its way out of your system.

Guest • 9 years ago
Jamie • 9 years ago

Legalize pot. Legalize murder. Legalize drunk driving. Legalize rape. According to your argument, legalizing these things would make for a much safer society. Except for the conservatives who would be losing money. You're a douche.

Webb • 9 years ago

"[Cody] got a tattoo to remember and encourage others to stay away from drugs"

Well, that should make all the difference then, right? This is not the "brightest generation".

Guest • 9 years ago

They need to use this to execute murderers and rapists. sounds like there is plenty and they would die happy which is the only drawback

Truthisfreeing • 9 years ago

Morphine is actually used, as well as others I believe.

YpeepoeSmellLikePets • 9 years ago

just say no!

Borattt • 9 years ago

There is no difference between socialism and heroin. Both are very bad.

Sean P. Pratt • 9 years ago

Based on what? Why is socialism the same as heroin? Baseless claim. Heroin kills people. Socialism does not kill people.

Jamie • 9 years ago

Look at the bright side: with every overdose death there's one less addict.

Jordon • 9 years ago

Your ignorance is unbelievable. How is your life more valuable than the CHILDREN that died from this drug? What are you doing so great in your life to think it is okay for another human to lose theirs?

Jamie • 9 years ago

Heh heh heh.... I'd like to show you.

franksstrato • 9 years ago

Reminds me of the song Jamies got a Gun
Now use it and blow YOUR brains out.

Jamie • 9 years ago

Hmmm, pretty sage advice coming from a guy who posts replies at 3:00am... Frankly, Frank, I don't see the correlation.

Joe Lent • 9 years ago

No better way to commit suicide.

Melissa Rardin • 9 years ago

It is a VERY BAD DRUG!! Im a recovering H addict. I feel for the people that have lost there children!

I Love Iowa • 9 years ago

Melissa, beat of luck in your continuing recovery. I respect that you wrote a post about something so incredibly private.

Melissa Rardin • 9 years ago

Thanks! I did it all on my own and with the help of a couple good friends.. But I quit cold turkey.. It's been a tough couple months but it will be worth it in the end..

Rolando • 9 years ago

Melissa - curious as to how old you were when you started, and why you did? i understand if you don't wish to discuss. was this your first drug, or had you used others prior to starting heroin? thanks and best wishes to you.

Melissa Rardin • 9 years ago

I was on pain killers, introduced to this, fell in love with it.. Only had been doing it maybe 3 years.. Im 31 so started when I was 29.

JE_Iowa • 9 years ago

Legalize marijuana and heroin use will plummet.

Douglas VanLangen • 9 years ago

Just the opposite, marijuana is the gateway to the harder stuff, always looking for a better high

JE_Iowa • 9 years ago

Absolutely not true. If you follow the logic of your statement, sugar would be considered a gateway substance to hard drug use.

I find it really funny people still believe the government propaganda on marijuana but many of these same people think our President is from a different country or believe any Foxnews talking point.

franksstrato • 9 years ago

No you are wrong and don't know what you are talking about. Pot does not lead to other drugs period. Your misinformation is bull-crap and needs to stop. What happens is if you have a additive nature it will lead to other drugs period. Pot is not a drug , the government has labeled it a drug. Drugs are made by the pharmaceutical companies in their search for never ending profits. They can cure just about anything now as long as there is money to be made, but if you have cancer or something like that there is no cure. Reason is there is no money to be made off those diseases.

BigPoppaPump • 9 years ago

which type of cancer? there are thousands and many are curable thanks to those drug companies. many more are on the verge of being cured. there will never be a one size fits all cure for cancer.

Truthisfreeing • 9 years ago

Far from the truth. Pharmaceutical drugs like oxy contin, moriphine, dilaudid are the gateway drugs to heroin. I've unfortunately seen many people follow that path and I can say marijuana plays a much smaller role as a gateway drug. If pharmaceuticals weren't readily available, not as much now that Dr. Baldi like doctors are not prescribing copious amounts, regardless of him being not guilty, the man still prescribed large amounts of dangerous narcotics as do other pain specialist...the main point is it doesn't usually start with street drugs. I've written many research papers on the topics, not saying im an expert, far from it. Four years ago, and still some today, the state of Florida used to have pain clinics (lit with neon florescent lighting even) anyone could go to and get whatever, half gallon sacks sometimes of some of the most dangerous pharmaceuticals, but it wasn't until recently it came to the public eye as a serious concern. Little federal money is dedicated to fighting these drugs because in a sense, they are legal for some and generate millions for our government. Big pharm may be the largest lobbying group in Washington, their power is extensive.

Rolando • 9 years ago

so you are saying that 'pain drugs' made easily available 'legal' to the public is a bad thing?

i thought making drugs legal would solve all our drug problems??!!

BigPoppaPump • 9 years ago

those pain meds are opiate based and highly addicting and damaging to the body. Marijuana is not. The only thing about it that makes it a gateway drug is its illegal nature. If you have to buy it from someone that sells illegal drug, chances are they will offer you their other wares. People ignore the warnings because they have things like DARE telling them that if they smoke pot even just once they could die.

Truthisfreeing • 9 years ago

More people die per year from overdoses of pharmaceuticals than heroin and cocaine combined. And everyday more people overdose on pharmaceutical drugs than have ever in history overdosed on marijuana. Legalizing isn't the answer, but every country who has decriminalized has seen significant reduction in drug use. Our country has spent trillions combatting drug use and treating people as criminals, except pain patients, and drug use is still at an all time high.

Rolando • 9 years ago

i don't believe you in that legalizing reduces consumption. see: alcohol as one example.

Truthisfreeing • 9 years ago

No where did I even mention that, I believe my argument is proving legalizing of addictive drugs leads to over consumption. As well as there is a distinct difference between decriminalization and legalization. But look at Portugal for example if you don't believe that statement.

Dr. Chim • 9 years ago

Not everyone is the same on that, sounds like this is how it is for you. Some of us are well aware of the dangerous stuff and want nothing to do with it no matter how good it would feel.

Douglas VanLangen • 9 years ago

Jump to conclusions much?

Borattt • 9 years ago

are you stoned ?

Rolando • 9 years ago

uh, ok. you think the folks that use heroin don't currently have access to weed? please.

JE_Iowa • 9 years ago

No, they don't. Just like they don't always have access to their heroin. If we legalize marijuana and have many different quality strains, concentrates, and edibles available -- heroin use will plummet. Not all "weed" is the same.