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If we really want to fight bloat we would be researching ways of leveraging mark-and-sweep garbage collection models to reboot the blockchains ala a "predictable hard fork" system
I hope facton can make applications more help from other applications
that can facilitate all transactions and overcome all the problems that exist
in blockchain and maintained security of all transaction.
if bitcoin a trader's tool then the speed must be in priority than security
When I see a company like Factom I just assume there is an industry that I know very little about that would find this very useful. To me... I'm with Jorj_X_McKie, I really don't see the ultility in hashing a bunch of documents together. I definitely see the utility in hashing one document, i.e. GitHub.
With Factom we can transact more and more quickly,
I strongly support factom to resolve the problems
in blockchain which takes a long time and his tax less obvious.
factom hopefully make better blockchain
Can someone tell me how protocols are run over each other? Would Factom be a browser plugin or its own wallet or something else? I've never used Mastercoin or any other Bitcoin overlays to know how it works.
Factom allows applications to create and audit their own ledgers. So it really isn't a customer facing thing. That said, you may buy a security camera someday that hashes its video into a chain, which would prove 1) what camera took the video, 2) at one point in time, and 3) the video has not been altered. Or you might have a journal where you place hashes in the blockchain to prove authorship of music or a book, or just as a way of building a timeline in a project, or in your life.
Factom enables applications more than it is an application. I hope that helps!
Heh! But I promise I will be eating less going forward ;)
I don't quite understand the utility of hashing a great number of documents together and stamping that into the blockchain. For instance, BofA hashes my mortgage along with a group of others, and later there is a dispute that requires that whole group needing to be re-hashed to verify that no single little thing was changed. Either *all* of the documents are perfect or some number of discrepancies has occurs resulting in a different hash. Can't BofA prodcuce their newly fraudulent mortgage documents and say, this is perfect, something else in the document trove has changed. Maybe I don't quite get the details right... I know that BofAs 'change' would make a different hash than some other change would...
so TL:DR, can hashing pinpoint where the problem is in a big group of documents?
Your documents are in your chain. Each customer gets their own chains. The hashes are combined in order to create compact proofs. But from the user's point of view, they only know that their chain is 1) logically defined, and 2) has a list of timestamped entries, and 3) does not rely on any of the other chains.
Hashes have wonderful features, but one of them is that I can define a path where I combine one hash with another in a tree like fashion, and as long as I know my hash, and those that are combined with it, I can create a proof for my entry without any of the other entries. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... for the gritty details.
Factom is very fast and quick , but also security is on a high level , and you can make 100+ transactions at once for a half cent .