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Hespaña se Unde • 9 years ago

This is going to enrage the bloody spaniards.

Diego • 9 years ago

The straw poll held last Saturday was an absolute fraud. Not only it lacked the most basic procedures and measures to be expected in such a process but the ballots were counted only by members of the separatist association (...some of them at home!). Even if we consider the suspicious figures they gave, only 30% of the people addressed to vote (including 16-year-old kids or foreign migrants passing by) took part in the fake poll, among them around 80% chose secession. A logical result since it was made by the separatists for their faith colleagues. If we take data as whole only 1.800.000 from the 7.500.000 official residents in Catalonia. One may think that the large majority of Catalan society turned its back on this separatist demonstration.

Surely after two years of goebbelian propaganda from the regional government any reasonable person could deduce that the results are quite poor. It is something to consider but It looks like a scarce support to promote a separation from Spain.

But as usual with the independentist kind, they don't let reality turn them off their fantasies. They keep claiming it was a "total success" and demand their leaders to declare independece as soon as possible. A sad show.

Moreover, Catalonia is one of the regions in Europe which have been enjoying a large autonomy for more than 30 years, keeping one of the highest income per capita in Spain and in Europe. It's funny way of "occupying" a territory as suggested by the author.

Finally, I don't think the comparison between Gaza and Catalonia a lucky one. Even for Israeli interests.

Diego • 9 years ago

Let pictures speak for themselves...

David Valls • 9 years ago

I almost completely agree, and I say almost because indeed there is a lot of hypocrsiy in Europe regarding these issues, but Palestinians, as well as Catalans and Israelis, have the right to self-rule and the right to self-determinate. I'm pro a Catalan independent state, but also pro an Israeli independent state and pro a Palestinian independent state. Most of Arabic independent countries where created out of nothing few years ago and Israel was created as a state in modern terms on a paper in some office and not because of that is less legitimate.

Xavier Guitart • 9 years ago

Toda raba, We really apreciate the understanding of our "problem" with Spain from Israel. In fact we share a lot with Israel,Population, size, GDP, innovation, and above all roots. Most of us (including me), have Jewish ancestors and will always feel at home in Israel. Erev Tov.

MontserratC • 9 years ago

I'd like this article could be seen by many people, all over Europe, America and everywhere. I hope Israel will be the first country to acknowledge Catalonia as the new state of Europe and of the world. I completely agree with the whole article.

Marc Agustí • 9 years ago

The EU states will recognize the independence of a people who use violent means, instead of recognizing an european people who wants it's independence peacefully?
Yes, of course, that's hypocrisy: for the EU countries, better are rockets than votes

Gustau Navarro Barba • 9 years ago

I strongly agree

Nestor Pistor • 9 years ago

What I want to know is when will the Knesset vote on whether to recognize an independent Catalonian state?

Marcel Hernandez • 9 years ago

Now we're talking!

Marc Agustí • 9 years ago

I hope so

Guest • 9 years ago

Sig. Freund or may I call you Michael, without all the formalities since I have known you for nearly 5 years through JPost when I started to read this prestigious media.
The fact of the matter is that this woman Federica Mogherini was almost totally unknown inside Italy, let alone within the EU and had no government experience, who is ambitiously stepping into a potentially HUGE job which is much bigger than her, being elected by the tyrants of the failed and corrupted institution, the EU, who ironically is the new sick man of Europe and playing their "game of thrones" on the skin of their subjects. Rest assured that she will fail in her mandate like her predecessor, Baronass Ashton, as she has failed in her "homework" in bringing our marò home from India in the "Enrica Lexie" incident. So we hope she is just a "storm in a teacup"- she came, she saw and she went without conquering any land.

Truly I do believe that whoever tries to divide Jerusalem is doomed as Italy is currently suffering a disastrous
calamity in many regions with heavy floodings for many days. Surely, we haven't forgotten Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy. Please, God, please forgive Mogherini for she does not know what she is doing.

GoldBell • 9 years ago

Believing in an eternal debt is insanity.

Yidvocate • 9 years ago

Not when when the debt is of the magnitude we are talking about. For such a debt there is no limitation period.

Zsolt Hermann • 9 years ago

I am not sure why the writer is so surprised, this lady is simply following traditional, smokescreen politics, "when there is a problem "at home", just point somewhere else, shout about the problems, sins of others, take the floodlights away from your own shame".

We are looking at a world where everybody is pointing fingers towards others, blames everybody else, demands corrections somewhere else while their own house is flooded with sewage.

Unfortunately we are doing the same. We are always blaming others, pointing at everybody possible as the main reason for our misfortune, while at home we use every given opportunity to stab each other at the back, to try to suffocate those who have different opinions, we argue and argue until another external threat wakes us up which unites us for a short while and then we start again.

Just imagine Jews, the State of Israel, with all of their talent, unique capabilities, resources bundled together, used in unison.
Imagine a truly united Jewish nation what it could achieve, especially in a collapsing global world that resembles a desert, a chaotic, barbaric background, where even the most respected leaders, public figures run around like headless chicken!

What do we expect from others when we, who are supposed to be "light for the nations" cannot rise above our differences, hatred, when we actually have the method and the experience to do so?
We can afford to focus on ourselves instead of always looking outwards as everything starts and ends with the unity within the nation of Israel.

Sergius • 9 years ago

Smokescreen politics?
Perhaps. European hypocrisy? Absolutely.
We, Western Europeans, are free to support or foster independence abroad, including Eastern Europe when falling the CCCP.
But independence in Western Europe? That is still a taboo for historically cultures like the Catalan

onezero • 9 years ago

I think she needs a ear trumpet first, before she hears something