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Thomas • 9 years ago

Hi Team Tint, I tried the link but it doesn't seem to be working anymore. Are you still sharing the Dashboard?

teamtint • 9 years ago

Hey Thomas,

—- **Update: Our two month experiment in exposing our dashboard in real-time has come to a close. We’ve made our revenue dashboard private again, for the time being, but we plan to continue finding other ways to practice transparency. The decision to remove our dashboard from public view was not made lightly. Due to concerns from our customers and giving competitive insight as an enterprise B2B company, we are reconsidering what we should make public while maintaining a transparent culture. We will continue to openly share our numbers as we grow, and to keep you updated with our metrics – feel free to suggest the kinds of numbers or data you’d like to see from us in the comments below!

Let us know if you have any questions,
Team Tint

realclearii • 9 years ago


Nils Rooijmans • 9 years ago

This is just lovely. Transparency FTW :)

I'm wondering what types of sales strategies you are using (inside sales, online sales, other?) and what percentage of revenue is acquired through which sales channel. Is that something you could share, including Customer Acquisitions Costs?

teamtint • 9 years ago

Thanks Nils!

To answer your question, we have been very fortunate to have 90% of our business be inbound. This is a result of our SEO optimization, content marketing, and strong customer service. Based on some ad dollars spent on acquiring customers, it's been around ~$100-$200 to convert. Let us know if we can help with anything else!

Yoav Hornung • 9 years ago

Hey guys! this is just awesome! is the NET REVENUE annual? or monthly?

teamtint • 9 years ago

Thanks Yoav! Happy to hear you liked it. Net Revenue is monthly. It's for our non-recurring charges we have. Any other questions?

Yousef El-Dardiry • 9 years ago

Thanks guys, amazing step and interesting resource. May I ask what the $0.01 monthly / yearly charges represent in the dashboard?

teamtint • 9 years ago

Glad you like it Yousef. The $0.01 monthly/yearly charges is how we currently set up our plans due to our customers wanting flexible plans. We may be changing this soon to properly represent which customers are on which plan of ours, so please stay tuned :). Let us know if you have any other questions!

Rishi Shah • 9 years ago

This rocks! Amazing resource for companies like mine. We will be able to learn a ton for your dashboard. PS Love this blog and updates

teamtint • 9 years ago

You're welcome Rishi! Glad it could be of help :).