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Helmuth Hack • 9 years ago

In the presidents achievement category, I think you are delusional. He handed out a trillion dollars to those that caused the collapse of the economy, and we still have 20 million people needing good paying jobs. The president like those before him have been a failure to the people.

kofybean • 9 years ago

Because Bin Laden killed himself, right?

Tort Master • 9 years ago

He's playing right into the Republicans' racist hands.

JohnC80 • 9 years ago

It's like the hard left are missing the days of hating a corrupt Republican president and they're working to make sure we get one in 2016 I'll get to that later. As for Detroit and Michael Moore, one it was Obama saved the state economy(ironically the governor is trying to take credit for) now for the city problems part of it goes back to 2010 when Moore told liberals stay home and believe me they did. Look at the state government almost every major office is held by the most insane, racist group of people from throwback radical conservatives like Bill Schuette who's the state's AG, to Secretary of State Ruth Johnson who's been trying to pass her own brand of voter suppression since she got in and finally Governor Rick "The Nerd" Snyder a man who fashion himself as a moderate Republican but governs like a far right-wing Republican.

When the Nerd and the Republicans took over in 2011 one of the first thing they did was gut revenue sharing which hamstring many cities and township budgets and that put many cities in danger of getting taken over by the state financial emergency manager or what we sane people called a dictatorship. And Ed Schultz has done a very good job highlighting the city's economy started with Reagan, how our last corrupt Republican governor John Engler(R-fat bastard) tricking the city government with tax laws and now with the lack of revenue sharing. By the way Moore said he was going to help us turn the state house blue but I haven't seen that dude around here since early 2013 few weeks after Rick Snyder turned Michigan to a right to work state.

The hard left is starting to piss me off first Moore and now Bill Maher saying he's going to vote for Rand Paul if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee. I will never tell anyone Hillary Clinton is a fire-breathing liberal but at least I know I might get 54 to 65% of what I want with her VS 0 to negative numbers with a loon like Rand Paul. We're about to get played again if we don't push back on this nonsense.

Villemar • 9 years ago

Yes and while I absolutely had my reservations about Hillary Clinton in 2008 I would have voted for her unquestioningly against McCain and Sarah fucking Palin had she won that nomination

What has really endeared me to Clinton and moved me from somewhat ambivalent to really respectful is her work as SoS. She might be the hardest working SoS in history as far as miles logged etc. She really did some amazing, under-the-radar yeoman's work around the globe performing the unenviable task of undoing the damage wreaked by the previous administration.

And what re-affirmed this to me is stumbling upon her accidently several weeks ago on Charlie Rose. Her knowledge of the specifics WRT to Ukraine and ISIL and Nigeria etc. was breathtaking.

And, this is one person who won't take any shit from the Teapublicans. Whiners like Moore and Maher love to complain about this POTUS not being Sam Jackson raining hellfire from the "bully pulpit" (as if this would do any good considering the 100% obstructionism GOP policy literally since the night on January 20, 2009).

It might actually be a better 'fuck you' to the GOP to get Hillary in in 2016 now and I for one will enjoy the schadenfreude. And, as I said, her outstanding work as SoS has ameliorated most of my concerns about her from 6 years ago.

Jason E • 9 years ago

In Sick-O he went out of his way to point out the most famous person in Canada isn't Wayne Gretsky but the guy who brought them healthcare. But Obama will only be remembered for being the first half white president? Moore could do MORE than Obama to aid Detroit. He could expose the dystopian GOP fantasyland that it's become. Replacing elected officials with managers and shutting off water on the poor. Maybe a doc on white Boomer rage?

jaz h • 9 years ago

on the other hand, isn't michael moore just another whiny dudebro? a multimillionare motherfucker whingeing about how the government doesn't do what he wants (don't you know how much he pays in taxes (not as much as in a socialist utopia) you proper rich pricks). but he comes from a poor part of america (so apparently kudos to him!).

ResCogitans • 9 years ago

I can smell the sweat of Moore's desperation through the internet. Chubby needs to put a sock in it.

Christine Marie Worth • 9 years ago

Yeah, the black man can't clean up after white men fast enough. It's so very, very hard to find good help these days.

undsoweiter • 9 years ago

They'll be counting the White House silverware in 2016. See if they don't.

Kerry Reid • 9 years ago

Moore is divorcing his wife, so I believe that means "He's available, ladies!" He also apparently blamed his wife for the out-of-control spending on one of their nine homes. Because he's such a victim. Poor man! http://www.detroitnews.com/...

undsoweiter • 9 years ago

It's funny what people choose not to remember, like the campaign speeches of Obama's where he repeatedly told supporters that he couldn't do it alone, and how we'd all have to pitch in to make these things happen and how only by working together, etc, etc.
Like the story of the Little Red Hen, after the election, everybody wanted their stuff for free, and when they didn't get it,.....well......Michael Moore.
His disappointment really gets the tiny violin hummin'.

Scopedog • 9 years ago

Yep. All of what Obama said simply went in one ear and out the other.

Kerry Reid • 9 years ago

"We won't get there in one year, or even one term." Yup. DAMN Obummer for saying exactly what he meant!

Norbrook • 9 years ago

Moore lost what little credibility he had with me when he started running around telling people to boycott the 2010 elections. To, as he put it, "send a message," because he didn't get his unicorns farting fairy dust from the President. Which election ended up giving us a Republican House, and the mess we've been dealing with from them ever since.

I might also note that while all sorts of bad things were going on in Michigan, his supposed home state, Moore has been decidedly silent on any of that, while running his mouth about everything else, including trying to insert himself into the Occupy movement and the Wisconsin recalls.

So any "concern" he has about Detroit is simply yet another attention-whoring item for him, not a result of any real concern or action on his part.

GrafZeppelin127 • 9 years ago

I think the problem is that politics and governance are so incredibly complex and nuanced that it's beyond the capacity of most people to really understand them fully. As a result our feelings about these things, and about the people we elect, are not informed by our knowledge and understanding; it's the other way around. We decide how we want to feel about things, or about this or that person, and then fill in whatever knowledge and understanding we need to validate that feeling.

Along similar lines, my latest on Daily Kos.

OsborneInk • 9 years ago

What was the last movie Moore made? Anyone here know of any significant work product by this guy since Sicko?

Christine Marie Worth • 9 years ago

Roger and Me was impressive, but he's pretty broad in his polemic and mostly tugs at heart strings. Like a lot of emos, he doesn't even try to understand problems in depth and apparently doesn't understand how complex most issues are.

Villemar • 9 years ago

He's pulling an Ann Coulter here. Waaah, remember me?

As I have stated elsewhere, remember this is the guy who supported Nader in 2000 and a Ficus Plant (remember that?) in 1996. Fair-weather friend. Mike, sorry you didn't get the magic 24-carat gold sparklepony that you hallucinated that Obama personally promised you in 2008. And sorry you weren't aware that there are 3 co-equal branches of government and that on the night of January 20th, 2009, the leadership of the House among others decided that Total Nullification of the Presidency via 100% Obstruction was the Grand Plan for the next 4-8 years while he was and still is in office.

Schadenfreude • 9 years ago

"I'm disappointed in people who are disappointed in President Obama." -- George Clooney

Churchlady320 • 9 years ago

Years ago I corresponded with him while he was in Flint, MI. I used to think he walked on water. Now I think he's just all wet. I really lost it when a friend was on a crew for a shoot who then told me Moore won't let them unionize and treated them horribly. That's hearsay, but... Yup - can't think he is paying attention to anything PBO has actually done, only that we didn't get that single payer that he wanted - and did not tell us the truth about in "Sicko". Most countries have ACA-style programs, but did we learn that? Nooooo. So his unicorn didn't get out of the corral, and now PBO is a failure. Not.

Christine Marie Worth • 9 years ago

Yeah, somehow a lot of people were convinced that all of Europe had single-payer. And, though our medical system is still in need of a shit-ton of reform, the idea that we could have somehow legally dismantled our whole insurance system during a financial crisis is just stupid.

Badgerite • 9 years ago

I love Michael Moore. But. What he is really disappointed in is American democracy and the world in general that will not cooperate with his ideals as to how the world in general and American democracy specifically, should work. I can't say I don't understand that disappointment as I frequently feel the same way. He has good ideals. But I have never been disappointed in Obama perhaps because I have always known that when elected he would have to deal and deal effectively with those elements in our society and the world that will not cooperate with our American idealism. And after I started actually listening to him, I always knew who I was voting for and what to expect. If you look at where the country was in 2008 and you look at where it is now, there is no comparison. The achievements are striking.

arizonamildman • 9 years ago

"Michael Moore will only be remembered as being a white movie producer." If you realized what a "dickhead" thing it was for me to say this, then you understand how stupid Moore is for saying that about the president. I won't go to any more of his movies until he publicly apologizes, FUCK HIM!

IrishGrrrl • 9 years ago

Oh, I think it's time again for my animated rainbow unicorn. Thank you Michael Moore for giving me a reason to use it again. http://drangedinaz.files.wo...

Guest • 9 years ago
IrishGrrrl • 9 years ago

No, but I certainly wish I did! Perhaps I should start making a series of unicorns "releasing" all kinds of goodies so we can use them at will. Hmmmmm...you've got my creative juices flowing now. ;)

Christine Marie Worth • 9 years ago

I suspect that the real unicorn shits on minorities and poor people for their own good and to wake them up (Come on sheeple!). It's not like the Emos are going to do any real work or take real risks. Then the Emos can critique the unwashed masses for not being effective revolutionaries after the Emos have done everything they could to make them sufficiently shat upon to do something or other.

IrishGrrrl • 9 years ago

There's many conservatives who tell minorities and the poor the same thing. They say that liberal emos are keeping them down by trying to make them into victims and dependent on government largesse. Not that I think you're a con. I agree that Emos just want something to bitch about. But cons do it because they either believe their own BS or they want to alienate minorities and the poor from the Dem party. Of course, it's worked with most white poors. But not so much with the minorities. As I've said many times, who needs enemies when the left will attack us no matter what we do?

Christine Marie Worth • 9 years ago

Oh, anyone who thinks the NSA is a bigger issue than reproductive justice and minority voter disenfranchisement doesn't have to be conservative to care any less about women and minorities. There is racism and misogyny on the left, and there always has been.

IrishGrrrl • 9 years ago

Wholeheartedly agree! :)

Herb Sarge Phelps • 9 years ago

Moore is now nothing more than a tool for the right wing even though he doesn't see it. He is one of those who makes me have to explain that I am a liberal but not like Moore. I am aware of the facts that Obama is a pragmatist and also that the GOP will never let him do things like Moore expects. Moore is being unreasonable and frankly, stupid.

A Perez • 9 years ago

Democrat Bob Cesca is mad that Moore criticized the President he worships.

repugnicant • 9 years ago

I take it you're also 'disappointed' in our first black president, like when he didn't throw a parade of roses for GreenSnow DenWald.

Churchlady320 • 9 years ago

I loved Michael for years. I am disappointed - and mad - he seems to have NO understanding of how a real democracy works.

Jason • 9 years ago

I think the problem is that many people do know how a real democracy works. The issue is that the USA doesn't currently have a real democracy

repugnicant • 9 years ago

Moore is just disappointed that Obama hasn't given him anything juicy to make money off of. Fuck off. Anywho...

I greatly admire Obama and the job he's done in the face of whining, simpleton adversity from ALL sides, every single year. Hell, even the media, drowning in irrelevance, are passengers on the 'Hate Everything Obama' bandwagon. Bite me.

Obama is the first politician I've ever given money to, and would do so again in a heartbeat. And up yours, the Clintons. Martin O'Malley is my preferred next representative of the U.S.

Guest • 9 years ago

Similarly, just the other day I had someone say to me that O'Malley hasn't done much. I responded, "Marriage Equality, Gun Control, the Death Penalty, Minimum Wage." Sometimes, I don't know what progressives want.

Christine Marie Worth • 9 years ago

I want him on the Supreme Court.

Jason • 9 years ago

You want Obama on the Supreme Court?

stacib23 • 9 years ago

I believe she's talking about Martin O'Malley.

Jason • 9 years ago


Otto66 • 9 years ago

Moore speaks for Moore and no one else. His little autobiographical films (once you insert yourself they cease to be documentaries) have made him rich but have not granted him the ability to keep his piehole shut when asked to comment on something above his intelligence to answer. BURN IN HELL, MIKE. You turd.

Truth Hertz • 9 years ago

The guy looks like a wad of putty with a wig and glasses.

I don't usually bag on someones appearance, but he physically resembles the feeling he inspires in me.

He looks like the word "meh".

Guest • 9 years ago
Badgerite • 9 years ago

Well, that that should tell Michael Moore how off the beam he is on this one would think.

gescove • 9 years ago

But, really, who isn't disappointed that we don't have bacon jetpacks? I mean, c'mon!

ForsettiJustice • 9 years ago

President Obama is the most progressive president since FDR. Never mind the list of his accomplishments, he has done this with almost no support both in Congress and from so-called Progressives like Moore. They haven't been on the front lines getting people registered to vote, pushing progressive candidates... They've been writing letters, blog posts and giving interviews whining things are not as perfect as they would like. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Don't be part of the f*cking problem!

Janet Williams • 9 years ago

Yup. He just has his own way of doing it. Head fake right...break left. A little misdirection.

missliberties • 9 years ago

I am disappointed to see any ink wasted on this lump.