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Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Thank the angry almighty invisible omnipotent omnipresent cosmic magi in the sky that the leaders of the free world in America always protect us from taking any real world Pole Shift preparations for average people on the planet, or else we'd have to have flourishing economies and stable job growth which. as most of you well know, would lead to the sky falling down and the end of the world as we know it ~
Under the overall control of the Chief 'GWM' bald eagle, Senator Chicken-Little of the 'CFR' often speaks on this at Bilderberger meetings to the Little Red Hen, as well as to Foghorn Leghorn & Tweetie Bird, and to Daffy & Donald Dcuk (s) as well ~
What? ~ What? ~ Whaaat? ~ Have I-invaded Iraq or Syria or something? ;)

bradford cutler • 9 years ago

Well...actual it is the "coming expectation of demand". Markets always move ahead of expectations of an increase or decrease in demand and right now investors in the markets are surely telling us that they expect a coming major slow down in the economy.

Jimbo • 9 years ago

As things get worse all systems slow and that includes gas pumps, Duh.....

Rumplestiltskin • 9 years ago

In our little universe, nothing lives in a vacuum. Oil prices are basically set by the speculators in the futures market, and not by the countries from which we purchase our oil.

When speculators find better investment alternatives in areas of the world where stability is more apparent, they'll stop buying oil from the very unstable middle east, thus Brent Crude, will lose it luster and prices will fall in the futures market.

Oil prices are only the symptoms that show on the surface. Look deeper to the underpinnings of what makes the market move.

ExHighlander • 9 years ago

It certainly has nothing to do with demand another big lie that we the US are driving less. Would just once want to be on that highway where it isn't bumper to bumper traffic 24/7.

JRAR10390 • 9 years ago

Use less. Conserve. Drive less. Drive the price way down. It was always artificially priced any way.

Guest • 9 years ago

Easy for you....I'm 80 miles from town.....We only go once a month though....Maybe I could go once every 6 months....

JRAR10390 • 9 years ago

It sounds like you are already conserving gas, planning your trip to maximize the fuel and time that you are driving. More people should do what they can within their means.

genghis khan • 9 years ago

look at the dry Baltic index to.