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Vlad_2 • 9 years ago

Law professor and US president in agreement!
● Bruce Ackerman, a professor of law and political science at Yale:
"PRESIDENT OBAMA’s declaration of war against the terrorist group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria marks a decisive break in the American constitutional tradition."

● Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States 1861 to 1865:
[[Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so, whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose—and you allow him to make war at pleasure. Study to see if you can fix any limit to his power in this respect, after you have given him so much as you propose. If, to-day, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada, to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, “I see no probability of the British invading us” but he will say to you “be silent; I see it, if you dont.”

The provision of the Constitution giving the war-making power to Congress, was dictated, as I understand it, by the following reasons. Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. This, our Convention understood to be the most oppressive of all Kingly oppressions; and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us. But your view destroys the whole matter, and places our President where kings have always stood. ]]

dutyinthepool • 9 years ago

no ...supreme smart mouth stupid ass swamp runnin ni**er plan at work , because the radical left burped up this jack ass, a professional liar / bull shit artist tuned by Bilderberg and a cabal of NWO moonies, hell bent on destroying liberty our constitution and bill of rights. Ovomit has no intention of showing aggression against Islam...he's a fucking Muslim raised as a child with the Koran.....this is common knowledge for those who are no longer sucking the gas pipe and chasing it with purple disconnected cool aid. If you don't believe 911 was an inside job/black op, then your recess bell rang years ago and you never made it to the big boys and girls class room study, while you chased your American dream with your heads up your asses. some of us will never see those dreams and fall short , but we will be and are informed.Status , money ,trophy wives,boats ,cars, mansions, infidelity,blo,sex ,abuse and final demise come with living life to the fullest in America just ask the ignorant illegal alien mexican in his tongue what his dream really is, he will tell you "i am entitled to free everything" including welfare, and a driver license, free health care and a car. After all was it not the Mexicans who fought all of our wars and were here when Columbus discovered America , didn't the settlers eat tacos on thanks giving! I think the mexicans and assorted grease balls with felony records were on this planet before the Masons, wern't they? i need to unplug....

nick1111 • 9 years ago

Antichrist plan in work

AndyA121 • 9 years ago

Idon't agree with everything this guy says, but he has some points to consider.
Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner


Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Imagine if the same dynamics of finance x royal\intermarriage and religion + dirty politics that you got now, with each side played off against the other to keep 'BOTH' subjugated, with the same secretive 'Order of the Ages' running both sides of everything (As you have now) was happening back then ~
How depressing ~ How true too ~ John Lennon's "Imagine" was better ~
Don't "Imagine" too much tho ~ The reality will creep up on you and give you a good whack on the blindside ~ What this man says 'MAY' be half true, yet I'd be very surprised if he'll even remotely touch on exactly 'WHO' ran this in the sense of who ran Al Qaeda ~ Ask the big questions ~ The 'BIG' ones ~

Thomas_Paines_ghost • 9 years ago

The entire political system is corrupt. The illegitimate Prez., aka The Long Legged Mack Daddy. The wind bag congress. The selected Supreme Court of yes men (and women).The only course of action is to REVOLT!

snoopdog • 9 years ago

Isis is a psy op, run from offices in Washington D.C.

Here is the real ISIS

So put your CPR dolls away, and don't lose your head.

Brakes • 9 years ago

Obama is scared stiff that his puppet masters have betrayed him. Obama is scared and knows Putin has a weapon named Barry the Fairy. Obama has no clue what he is doing. Obama should surrender to the U.S. Marshalls before he wakes up from Mickey Michelle Mousey land and starts a real war. There is psychosis in his non-stop lies. Call for impeachment now.

HSTORICVS • 9 years ago

None of this is even remotely new in American politics. Scarcely a month after he
became Prime Minister, Churchill requested "forty or fifty" naval destroyers from
his "good friend" FDR, with whom he had been secretly corresponding -in
violation of U.S. law, incidentally - since the previous autumn. But the U.S. was
forbidden as a declared neutral power by the 1907 Hague Convention to sell
armaments to belligerents. Title 18 of the U.S. Law Code also explicitly forbade
"the fitting out, arming, or procuring of any vessel with the intent that it shall be
employed in the service of a foreign state to cruise or commit hostilities against
any state at which the United States is at peace." Section 3, title 5 of the 1917
Espionage Act further criminalized the supplying of a war vessel to any nation at
war with another. The 1937 Neutrality Act, which passed by an overwhelming
majority in both houses of Congress, required the President to declare an
embargo on the shipment of all war materiel to all warring nations, and even
forbade American citizens to purchase government bonds issued by belligerent
foreign states.

But U.S. Attorney General and Roosevelt crony Robert Jackson delivered the
opinion in the summer of 1940 that the President could not only supply warships
to Britain in violation of these laws but he could do so without the necessity of
securing Congressional approval for what amounted to a de facto declaration of
war against Germany, and fifty American destroyers were soon on their way to
Britain. And this same Jackson would be named in 1946 to head the show trials
of Germany's defeated leaders at Nuremberg.

dotmafia • 9 years ago

Whatever happened to obtaining authorization from the UN Security Council instead of unilaterally violating a nation's sovereignty and breaking international law by bombing in Syria? Remember the UN's Supreme Crime of Aggression, the absolute pinnacle of a state crime which punished German war criminals? Well the United States is about to violate this important principle of the UN Charter, of which it's a founding signatory -- Once Again!

Escaped Government Slave • 9 years ago

Police stop 804 at illegal checkpoint in one night.....the Constitution means nothing, even at the local level


Billy Bob Doe • 9 years ago

Hussein Obama makes this statement as if he looks like a constitutional lawyer, what a laugh.

Billo • 9 years ago

If these wars worked, we would have peace by now. This is manipulation trying to get people to consent to more war. The same people behind every one of them, profiting from them.

pope gary the first • 9 years ago

But first throw them out of office before they hit the nines!NOT ON OUR DIME !!!

kaos_in_tx • 9 years ago

AL-CIA-DA has a HOT new brand name.... cIaSIS....

Sam Shady • 9 years ago

Sure sure Al Qaeda magically disappeared (was it ever really there?) and ISIS was born, which coincidentally still uses the same propraganda flags.

What a turkey.

scorpio • 9 years ago

In a recent conversation with an American friend (I'm Canadian) the subject turned to various world events, including what's going on within the US. At one point I brought up the possible consequences of the NDAA, and was surprised to learn that he had never even heard of it! This man is an educated professional (dentist). At first, he did not believe me, so I suggested he do his own investigation. When he verified that it was, indeed, true, he became furious at what had been done without his knowledge.

And herein lies the problem. If even well educated people are not aware of something as significant as the NDAA coming into effect in their own country, how much more will the general population be unaware. These things come into being and the media says not one peep about them. People who do not look beyond what they see on the MSM news, will be misled. And the NDAA is only one of many such freedom robbing events that have recently taken place within the US. And the American people just don't seem to know.

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

The explanation for your knowing about that stuff and him not is probably precisely that you are Canadian, and consequently less subject to continual bombardment by U.S. propaganda on the part of the media. "Man on the Street" interviews conducted in Ottawa and Montreal indicate that a higher percent of people are well aware of Bilderburgers and Trilateral Commission members than in comparable size U.S. cities.

Guest • 9 years ago
Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Run out of Israel? ~ Yeah ~ Sure ~ You might as well say it's run out of England's Pinewood Studio at Buckingham Palace as well as run out of Hollywood Switzerland Berlin Moscow Saudi Arabia + the Vatican & Bohemian Grove, as well as the latest Bilderberger Convention held in a secret deep sea base located 2 miles under the ice at the Antarctic too ~
Oh Yeah ~ Don't forget "Grand Lodge" in Washington ;)

Guest • 9 years ago
Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Khazars = Dark-skinned lesser-brethren Turkish types which the Assyrian King descended from Solomon placed in Israel after the 10 tribes went everywhere, including Scandinavia, within a generation or two of Solomon's treasonous 'NWO pre Masonic master plan ~ Lighter skinned Jews such as myself whom you claim rule the world (We do) all came through the Scandinavian countries via Normans and then on thru Gaul and Britain to America and everywhere else ~

Guest • 9 years ago
Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Before you type in anger at me, you should try to understand a few points ~ Point 1/ I don't give a rat's ass what you think of me cause you don't even know me ~ Point 2/ The old Masonic Zionist you call Czar Nicholas, cousin of both the German and British royal families, used the Masonic network to steal 'ALL' of Russia's gold using Tunguska as the big shtick ~ This was run from Grand Lodge in England ~ That Russian gold was used to create the US Fed which financed Adolf Hitler while the poms financed Marx Stalin and later Japan ~ The death of Czar Nicholas and his family was faked using doubles ~

Guest • 9 years ago
Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

"Russian gold (Zionist Masons stole) was used to create the US Fed which financed Adolf Hitler while the poms financed Marx Stalin and later Japan" ~ So troll-on then ~ Pip-Pip ~
Don't take any wooden-circumcisions, sucker ~ ;)

Guest • 9 years ago
Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Tried Zanax? ~ Don't forget to walk under a bus as you do ;)

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

Trust me. They don't hear you. The "Big Game" is on.

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

Hah! How did you ever manage to get him to check out what you were telling him for himself, twist his arm? Even the "well educated" people I encounter who don't believe me continue on with not believing me indefinitely without ever "checking it out". Practically all of them are like the Pope who Gallileo attempted to persuade to look through his telescope to see with his own eyes that the Sun had spots on it. The Pope "believed", that since God had made the Sun, that he had made it perfect, and therefore it wouldn't have had any "spots" on it, and refused to succumb to the "temptation" of doubting God that Gallileo was placing before him. Same goes for the United States Federal Government in most peoples' minds. No spots on it. (Maybe it's my breath).

scorpio • 9 years ago

We share a common hobby - ham radio, and believe me, you hear stuff over the airwaves, from all over the world, you would never hope to hear from any media outlet. My American friend actually knows a lot about what's going on in the U.S. which is why I was so surprised he was not not aware of the NDAA. The MSM media has done an outstanding job of hiding this from the general public.

moose • 9 years ago

Here in this country, Scorpio my Canadian friend, we have a media that is in bed with Mr. Obama........he can do NO wrong in their eyes.....and its been that way ever since he got into office......There's many, many ill informed voters in this nation that still follow blindly any tale that Obama and his minions might weave. All the more informed Americans can do, is wait for the Fall and vote in the appropriate individuals and hopefully turn the Senate around. Its sad that letters and phone calls to our elected officials only result in form letters sent back to their constituents.......I should know; I've written loads of letters and called their offices and frankly nobody in DC seems to care one way or the other......Their attitude does not bode well for the disposition and direction of this country......

David Silverman • 9 years ago

I think you need to realize that the media is in bed with the governmet. They had no problem spewing lies for Bush before Obama and Clinton, Bush, and Reagan before that. They print whatever they're told to print in order to avoid having to do any real investigation and to maintain access.

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

For one while CNN correspondent Dana Bash was "in bed together" with CNN correspondent John King, but they got divorced in 2012. King was actually her second husband. Her maiden name was Schwartz. She was previously "in bed together" with Jeremy B. Bash who was the Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Defense (2011-2013) and the Central Intelligence Agency (2009-2011). (It's also well known, (by me anyway), that CNN's "Anderson Cooper", son of Gloria Vanderbilt, graduated from Yale, was probably tapped for Skull and Bones, and interned 2 summers in college with the CIA. However, there's no record that they hired him. Which either means that they made him into an agent or they didn't.

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

In fact, I would go so far as to venture to say, that, "government" and "media" is almost an arbitrary and artificial distinction. We're ruled over by "governmentmedia".

Revolutionary • 9 years ago

illegal or not I recently seen some turd with the ISIL flag tattooed on the back of his shoulder in Charlotte, NC. Just a few miles from where I live. Yes you crazy fuckers, we already have ISIL supporters here in the States.

I'm figuring the way to keep your head when dealing with ISIL is to strike first, strike hard and fast. The sooner America deals with this, the better.

David Silverman • 9 years ago

I think you should go to Syria with your own money, weapons, and friends and take care of this problem yourself. I don't want you volenteering my sons or my money to do it. If you think it's so important, go take care of it. I'm sure you'll feel good about yourself later. I personally think you're misguided. I'm sure you'll just cause more blowback and endanger more Americans, but I won't tell you how to spend your money, just like I don't want you telling me how to spend mine. Follow your heart. Right on over to Syria. Buy a map.

Revolutionary • 9 years ago

I'm gonna put it to you this way retard...maybe you will understand it then.

I'm sure you claim to be an American and I'm sure you will claim your rights every given time you get even the slightest chance. Well son, with rights come responsibilities and one of those responsibilities is defending your country. If you are too chicken shit or are not able to do so physically then then a little tax money will go a long way. And if you want to send a care package to a soldier who is half a world away from his society then cudos and a pat on the back as well.

As for offering up your money, friends, and weapons...I would never dreams of it. That is for you to decide and live with afterwards. As for your son, he will make up his mind on his own and the more you tell him not to, the more likely it is he will do exactly the opposite of what you try and tell him.

I don't need a map son, I studied geography in school and I have not forgotten it. If I was able I would head on over there and encourage our nation to do the job right this time instead of pussy footing around with these ideologically brainwashed groups before one of them gets a hold of something really nasty and kills millions with it. I really hope that neither you nor I are part of that disaster when it happens. Notice I didn't say if it happens...

David Silverman • 9 years ago

When you offer up my tax money, fool, you offer to spend my money. If you are too stupid to see that then maybe you shouldn't be commenting on world events. Also, idiot, rights are inalienable. This means that with rights do not come resposibilities. I have no resposibilities to you and niether do my neighbors. Just because you're hiding under your bed scared that some guy who is 6000 miles away is going to wear a suicide vest to your house, doesn't mean the whole country needs to run right out and kill a bunch of brown people so you feel safe. I'm thinking you are able to wear a suicide vest even if you are in a wheelchair. If you feel that strongly about it, I suggest you do. Quit trying to get others to fight your battles, pussy.

Trutherator • 9 years ago

He's not "offering" to spend your money, he's voting for thieves that steal it and "offer" your kid a chance for three meals a day and world travel in exchange for volunteering as cannon fodder. At least your poor son has a chance to eat, after he has stolen enough money to put the squeeze on.

After all, can't have prosperity interfering with recruitment.

Revolutionary • 9 years ago

I've had better return explaining constitutional rights to the local monkey. Carry on then. Your responsibilities are built into your rights retard. You have the responsibility to defend this nation from both powers foreign and domestic.

I quite clearly indicated that at least one supporter has been seen less than 30 miles from my home.

But in our conversation, I have identified what stripes you wear. Like I say, carry on. I'm done talking to the fool in the room. When they come for you, I'll try and defend you even though you would not return the favor.

David Silverman • 9 years ago

Your special needs need not impact the rest of us. I'm sorry about your paranoid delusions, but I have no responsibility to protect you from them. As I've said before, the rest of the country need not be mobilized because Mr. Sissybitch got scared. Get over your big government statist attitude. You're not entitled just because you're afraid.

Patriot 1982 • 9 years ago

They're both anti-white puppets.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

How come no one gets it yet? ~ Is it the fluoride? ~ These wars are just god's way of sorting out who he is ~ It's like he don't know whether he backs the Dallas Cowboys or the Atlanta Braves ~ He's just gotten a little-bit confused, the poor old fella ~

Guest • 9 years ago
Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

So it 'IS' the fluoride ~ Damn ~ It's turning the minds of the American and British media and politicians into mush ~ It's like it's turning all of their brains into a sticky gooey yucky mess that only fires neurons if it's one lying neuron firing a lie to another lying neuron to do more little white neuron lies by lying about their previous lies ~
Sound like a yucky sticky gooey crapped-out mess of neurons yet? ~
That's cause I'm trying to learn to speak "Sticky gooey yucky mess" language in an attempt to communicate with these poor degenerate lying neurons randomly talking 'SHET' in the name of democracy ~

tbmuch • 9 years ago

Well, well, hello --ass, what gives?

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Your mother? ~

tbmuch • 9 years ago

Ha, ha, ha, I have never had a mother!

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Then run for American president in 2016 ~
(Eugenics is the new black, or so I'm told) ~