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Escaped Government Slave • 9 years ago

Not Rand vs Hillary, but rand vs media

American Mutt • 9 years ago

A Zionist ran Media.

rxantos • 9 years ago

A choice between two Zionist stooges is no choice at all.


Anthony Bowling • 9 years ago

What makes you think he is corrupt?

Brian • 9 years ago

people think that beliefs are truth. History shows Truth cannot be silenced eternally. Truth will trickle out no matter what the criminals try to hide. When they discredit someone maybe, i say maybe they fear that someone? but deception world in very deceptive ways? the devil can take many faces and those unable to descern good from bad will not see this.

Shill Spotter • 9 years ago

Are you just throwing stuff out there and hope it sticks?

Inquiring Minds • 9 years ago

Yep. You remember Rand meeting with ZUCKERBERG?


Randal • 9 years ago

this is so Pathetic, what are the American people waiting to kick this clown out of the political ring? I am refering to senator McCain. This is a sad clown that has no business there. He is a war mongrer of the worst kind and the good American people do nothing about clown like that? the human race is done. Is that not how the german people reacted to Hitler???? History should teach us to be more intelligent that this.?
look open your eyes America, Henri Kissinger, John McCain they should be retired many years ago. replace them all with Peacefull humans not war mongrers puppets.

ZombieReady • 9 years ago

Paul is right, there are no moderate muslims. Who ever we help in the fight over there will take our money and our weapons, and when they win, they will use them against us. Except for maybe helping the christian minorities over there, we should let them selttle their own civil wars. The muslims will eventually bring the fight to our shores and we should be using the money we are spending in the middle east to build up or border security and our military. Any westerner that goes to a muslim country should know that they are putting their lives at risk.

Queen-E-Seez • 9 years ago

yes, lets arm the christians

Guest • 9 years ago
obidiah_slope • 9 years ago

You've obviously never read the Talmud....

Queen-E-Seez • 9 years ago

No, really, they need to be armed...ya'll believe in the right to carry, right?

Yingha Vitious • 9 years ago

ISIS can be nice to the christians and protect them from all evil with well trained lions.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Hey-Ho ~ America ~ I-know who shot JFK in the neck from the Grassy Knoll ~
(To immobilize him so a kill-shot from the front seat of the limo couldn't miss)
It's not up to me to make a 3rd rate superpower tell the truth after 5 decades ~
Fact is tho, I-know who did it ~ Quite a famous man too ~ So do ya'll know? ~

rxantos • 9 years ago

Zionist shill #1
Zionist shill #2

Can wait until a new puppet is selected. :)

Guest • 9 years ago


AndyA121 • 9 years ago

We need to get back to ballot boxes and away from electronic voting.It's too easy for the them to cheat.

Bob • 9 years ago

Sad to say, but I think your right.

na • 9 years ago

Sad to say, she will not be accepted by the majority of the population, regardless of who counts the votes. No more Bushes, Clintons, or Dicks running the country please.

Guest • 9 years ago


Revolutionary • 9 years ago

what country do you live in where the majority of the populations feelings or thoughts matter?!

Bob • 9 years ago

It's terrible.

na • 9 years ago

Well I don't consent to any of them having any authority of me as defined by our founding documents. They can run around lying, killing and stealing in everyone else's name, just not mine. They have violated the contract and destroyed the Trust, that which we were intended to be the beneficiaries of. Criminals, the whole lot of them, and they wonder we have people running around acting like idiots everywhere.

silly • 9 years ago

Just because people agree with some goals of politicians doesn't mean the politicians are not traitors or the methods they use are not treasonous. Usurped power that is used for or against any measure is still usurped power. In other words, Republican and Democrat office holders continue to be anti-American.

Bob • 9 years ago

US troops walk into hell because they serve the military NWO masters.
wake up they are breeding extremism can you not all see this? They feed the beast they create Isis is just another boogyman created by these war lord criminals. and you vote for them? wake up good humans. Time to set the time right.

rea • 9 years ago

...and all the new recruits are coming across our southern border as we type. Allegiance to those who feed and clothe them. There should be NO, I repeat ...NO dual citizenry in American politics.

Bob • 9 years ago

Beware of the deception of loosing legitimacy leaders all over this planet.
Iraq (Saddam Hussein) Egypt, Lybia, Syria, can you follow the deceptions? Can you still think for yourselves? or has the NWO puppets brain washed and now own your minds? only you can wake you. walk away this war machine good people of planet earth. They control your minds but you can walk away from that weapon.Free will!
Thes criminals are the world mafia at war with anyone who refuses to do what they are told?????? look real good people. Your leaders do not represent the constitution but use it very deceptivelly.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Something you should know and accept about Syria Iraq and Libya~
Most of Syria’s gold bullion was sent overseas under (Uncle) Assad Senior who, no matter ‘WHAT’ his personal feelings were, had little choice at the time other than to either obey the International Zionists on that, or have his country turned into a large piece of glass ~ Remember, at the same time the Syrian nation was supposedly the main sponsor of international terror, America was sending terror suspects to Syria to be questioned in the unique manner Syrian Intelligence had acquired both during and after WW2 when ex Nazi ‘SS’ (Secret) Zionists gained powerful positions there under the guise of peaceful reason ~ The entire question of Iraq and it’s people is the biggest pile of disinfo America has done since the Cold War ~ In addition to being a stooge for International Zionism, Saddam Hussein collected 1000’s upon 1000’s of tons of gold for Zion ~ After he fell out of favor, perhaps by writing his infamous book which I’ve never read “Za-Biba & the King” or merely because he was pissed about being scammed during Kuwait and Gulf War One, he died ~ It was a done deal already by the time his son in law travelled to America for 3 months in 1995 with ‘EVIDENCE’ that Iraq had already disarmed itself of ‘ALL’ of it’s WMD’s, and then his son-in-law was murdered by those who murdered him ~ The original Saddam Hussein was replaced by one of his 9 lookalike security doubles in time for the official UN Weapons Inspectors to enter, whose real job was limited to locating all the gold stashes which were all in safe US hands by the 'Mission Accomplished' moment, with Washington then playing it like a Machiavellian Stradivarius violin ~
Gaddafi was also a collector of gold for International Zionism ~
At the time of his so called shooting death, a lookalike cousin’s corpse was displayed for the sake of the West with a bullet to the head and the gold bullion was already out of the country as various Libyans were murdered for complaining ~ Benghazi only occurred when the brave Libyan people began to gain traction in the international media over their complaints their gold bullion had all been stolen ~ And now, covering up ‘THIS’ obscene piece of warped recent history at any cost in human life is what’s truly behind the big hypocritical Washington push for more war in the Middle East ~

snoopdog • 9 years ago

Well at least Rand Paul has some degree of mental coherence the crack heads seem to lack.

Inquiring Minds • 9 years ago

Don't be fooled by Rand Paul. He is just as corrupt as all the others. He wants to grant work permits for all the illegals. Furthermore, he met with that Zionist creep Zuckerberg to discuss granting visas to foreigners to supplant American tech workers. Just another traitor, people.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

What is it with the new media? ~ Mass-hypnosis? ~
Intellectual nihilism? ~ Metro-sexual mindlessness? ~

ayatollah_obama • 9 years ago

B.S ! He will never be president! NEVER!

POLLSTER • 9 years ago


ayatollah_obama • 9 years ago

No. Unlike the black boy, she works hard and she is much smarter.

blabla • 9 years ago

Turkyboy just loves his islamic warriors..
He'll say anything, just to spread it around the world

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

He'd make a better world welterweight WBA boxing champ than a president ~
Mind you, he's gonna suck at 'THAT' too in the long run ~ At your pleasures ;-)

Daniel Simpson • 9 years ago

Barack Obama will be President dictator after 2016!

rxantos • 9 years ago

The first project a democrat senator presented when Obama was selected as president was one to amend the constitution so that he could be perpetual president.

I guess it went no where.

Not that it maters, as this gang of thugs passing as a government have not care about the constitution since 1913.

American Mutt • 9 years ago

Because they have money to throw away.
I would bet my left junk that he has no chance at all.
He is not a total Zionist therefor can not be president of America.
Only a Zionist can be president of America.

na • 9 years ago

It really comes down to who can hoodwink the people into giving all their money to people who nothing for it.

Samantha • 9 years ago

any saine minded human would not give a penny to any politician. They are all owned by the NWO masters (Banksters) no matter the number of horses run for the seat of chief in command. The cards are loaded in advance. and the medias mainstream and Alternative push the agenda of mind manipulation into the voting machines. and the sheep still believe in the Constitution??? Wake up humans, this planet has been taken over and they started it back in 1963 with the JFK assassination and other assassinations that followed over the decades. ( William Cooper) to name another and that Dr. Karla Turner who was murdered because she exposed the grey alliens agenda.

From within • 9 years ago
na • 9 years ago

I'm all for having a female, but I think we have enough degenerates in power. She has been, time after time, caught committing felonious acts against others, and yet she still has not spent a day in prison. These are not the kind of people you want running the country as they are the kind of people who facilitates and sponsors acts of terrorism and war against its own people as a way to subjugate them.

Georgio • 9 years ago

Chink is full of **it
Randy is a typical nerd. Another Israel asskisser.
Cenk-says-he's been right in all his predictions--this time dead wrong. Hillary Rand are toast. Obama Black Next president will be a woman--any bets a Latino?

na • 9 years ago

Poor Georgio, afraid the spigot is going to get turned off? When honesty, morals, integrity, and virtue are restored, so will sanity. Id prefer a "Nerd" over a half wit liar empty bag of gas, any day.

joe2 • 9 years ago

If that old hag gets installed, we need to take action.

Dan billheimer • 9 years ago

The libs would love to run against Rand Paul. He is a turncoat, liar and amnesty hack. Even if he happened to win, he would most likely support the rhinos.

John Tracey • 9 years ago

It's one person's opinion. And this guy hardly qualifies as a top liberal.