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Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

Good God! Do you realize what this means? If Scotland gets its independence from England, the "United States" might be next!

American Mutt • 9 years ago

Sounds like the Police have their False Flag event awaiting.
Scott's be aware!

Tom • 9 years ago

The Scottish banksters have announced that if Scotland votes for independence, then they will move to England. If your bankers leave to be part of the oppressor, what does THAT tell you?!!?!!

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Haggis without gold-dust sauce & silver-impregnated salad + cocaine-laced single malt whiskey served by naked little boys with erections really sucks? ;)

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Scots have long been known as dangerous violent rebellious fanatics and were first placed on England's terrorist register in 1313 ~ Back then, their military wing was known as "OCH-JOCK ~ WOOT A WEE-BIG SHTICK YA-CARRY" tho that was soon shortened to "Glasgow Boys" in early 1414, then after Protestant Catholic religious troubles they fractured into Celtic Park verses Rangers 560 yrs later ~
You don't believe that crap? ~ Fair enough ~ Yet you still believe 2 jets bought down 3 skyscrapers, all run by an illiterate dyslexic Aussie-born lookalike for the by then (Already) very dead Saudi-born Muslim terrorist Bin Laden from an Afghan cave? ~

duh • 9 years ago

William Wallace was certainly on the English Terrorist List back then. There is a small plaque on a wall in the City Centre in Dundee next to KFC opposite the Tickety Boo's pub marking where he killed his first Englishman.


Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Then we can rightly assume it wasn't the Australian Faux comedian known as "Paul Hogan" in his role as 'Crocodile Dundee' who was playing Wallace in the movie ~ 'THAT' was Australian actor Mel Gibson who did that ~ Yet the fake Saudi on US tele was indeed a fake, as in it was swarthy Australian born "Peter William Vanstone" portrayed as the so called secretly CIA-run Saudi terrorist on US tele between 97 to 04 (Himself dead by 03) so the plot still thickens ~
Thank the lord that the Scottish Wallace lived in saner times ;)
Or, praise be to god in heaven that Wallace wasn't a Muslim? ;)

Johnny Courtney • 9 years ago

I read your post 3 times and can't decide if it's brilliant or incoherent. Either way I'm scratching my head.

Your translation is:
Ah reid yer post thee times an' cannae decide if it's barry ur incoherent. either way aam scratchin' mah heed.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

It's dangerous humour ~ Factual, yet all only mildly funny ~
(Yaaa-may-wanna scratch ya-balls B4 Zion nukes-em, Jock)

Jamie • 9 years ago

Preparing for Rigging Protest

invadejockland • 9 years ago

Probably be a MEU getting ready to invade them any time soon, seeing as the terrorist loving Jocks released a convicted terrorist because he wasn't feeling well. Definitely a potential rogue state.

Rick • 9 years ago

I've always thought of Canada as our Scotland. Instead of ''aye '' , they say '' eh .''

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

An "'Eh'-Lection" every now and then to distract real diehard Canucks? ~

Joel • 9 years ago

Polls are propaganda to make it seem like the vote will be close....will be no surprise to me if it is but for the 'NO' campaign.

Vince Madden • 9 years ago

....in Scotland we have a new saying born out of this Independence vote, "Polls are used to hold up washing lines"

ravenmoon • 9 years ago

William is smiling.....

Stuart • 9 years ago

With all the righties on this site..we should win the election..that's if we can all get off our duffs..

Hillary • 9 years ago

"To ensure its independence in the event of a YES vote Scotland will apply for statehood in the United States"--Hillary Clinton

snoopdog • 9 years ago

....while America ramps up for massive election fraud.

shonshu3 • 9 years ago

Sending a bunch of thugs to the BBC was ridiculous behaviour. That's like something the Nazis would have done.

From 'The Scotsman' newspaper:

"THE former SNP leader Arthur Donaldson plotted to set up a puppet
Nazi government in Scotland, according to a recently released wartime
spy report.

An MI5 file on Mr Donaldson, who led the SNP from 1961
to 1969, claims that he conspired to set up a Vichy-style regime with
himself as a "Scottish Quisling" in the wake of Hitler's
widely-anticipated invasion."

Robert Gipson • 9 years ago

Thanks for some clear-headedness, shonsu2. All the fans of Hollywood's 'Braveheart' have swallowed the hook down to your cajones. Meet the new German Crown Prince of Scotland:

http://www.theguardian.com/... "Of the handful of people [Herr McAllister] he follows on Twitter, two are SNP politicians. One is the leader, Alex Salmond, who on a November 2012 visit to Lower Saxony to sign deals on renewable energy projects
with Scotland presented him with a rare bottle of whisky he has
otherwise only given to Prince Charles and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The
other is Westminster SNP leader Angus Robertson, who like McAllister is
half-German, half-Scottish, of whom he once joked 'we should form the
German-Scottish Parliamentary Union – we just need another five to join
us.' Robertson said: 'It's a great thing to have such a senior and
respected political leader in Germany with strong connections to

Yep, shonshu2, an "independent" (sic) Scotland will follow in the footsteps of Ireland, Greece, Spain, France and Italy. Just ask the Irish, who have
far more historical (justifiable) hatred of
the English than do the Scots. Despite that history, the Irish are
opposed to Scottish so-called "independence" for the simple fact that it
would, by weakening the UK, deprive them (the Irish) of a valuable ally
against the blatantly communist (German-controlled) EU. The Irish also
worry that Scottish
pseudo-independence would undermine their efforts for a United Ireland.

There's nothing new under the sun. Divide and conquer.


$€££ • 9 years ago

The EU is not "German-controlled" - it´s controlled by the INTERNATIONAL bankers and their useful idiots, the INTERNATIONAL marxists who today like to call themselves "communitarians".

They are not Germans and they are not Scottish or any other nationality for that matter - they are traitors and the enemy within.

Robert Gipson • 9 years ago

Von Rompuy is a Jesuit, in case you didn't know.

! • 9 years ago

im all for scottish independence, i think this referendum isnt going far enough. the old inbred pedo hag queenie will still be the head of state either way.

Robert Gipson • 9 years ago

Elizabeth of Hannover, the UK's German Queen, is publically crying crocodile tears over Scottish "independence," while secretly laughing all the way to the BIS.

$€££ • 9 years ago

Centralbahnplatz 2
4051 Basel


Robert Gipson • 9 years ago

I'm quite aware of the physical addresses of BIS HQ and its various branches in Europe.

snoopdog • 9 years ago

They need to see where their markets are being short-sold to predict targets. Fire departments should be good to go, and attention to who is being flown in.

GAZ • 9 years ago


Robert Gipson • 9 years ago

I don't know; Here in the US, Comcast runs it so often (at least bi-monthly) I'm sick of it. First, it's historically inaccurate. Second, it glorifies adultery, like most Hollywood movies, Third, Mel Gibson, in all of his film's, seems to take particular delight in showing innocent people killed in horrible ways. He's been called on this many times. I'm a Christian, and I deliberately never watched his "Passion of Christ" because I knew it was likely another of Mel's gratuitous splasher films, nothing about Christ's message.

Guest • 9 years ago

Meh. Scare tactics.

jeffydiver • 9 years ago

ah, Looking over all the situation, I don't think it'll turn that drastic, too much money to win and lose.

Mike_Hunt • 9 years ago

Going to be some good TV either way, especially if it's a no.

j • 9 years ago

The Demon Tony Blair personally crafted the project to FORCE an independence vote on Scotland- a vote he knew would would overwhelmingly demand the breakup of Great Britain. And why? To set an example to separatist movements across the globe, so they would begin dozens of major conflicts in some of the most dangerous places on Earth, claiming their Right to emulate Scotland. In this way, Blair designs yet another path to WW3.

Did you know the police states of the Middle East, Africa and Asia claim that their highly abusive anti-freedom laws are directly modelled after those applied to the UK by Tony Blair and his 'successor' puppets? Anti-protest laws, so-called anti-extremist laws, 'libel' laws, laws restricting freedom of speech, laws censoring the Internet. Britain has introduced all of these so dictators the world over can claim their laws follow the example of the 'Mother of Parliaments'.

The 'yes' vote in Scotland will even re-ignite the movements in the USA that seek to split the Union. It is the most Devilish act yet from Tony '9/11' Blair. And all those 'Scots' who will vote 'Yes' to spite the politicians of Westminster will, in reality, be doing the bidding of the very worst of them. Disgruntled sheeple are so easily manipulated.

duh • 9 years ago

Utter tosh....

The Scottish Independence movement has been around for a very long time.
Scotland was a country even before the establishment of the US 13 colonies. The Act of Union between England and Scotland was in 1707 and was an independent country for nearly 400 years before that. It is one of the oldest nations on earth. It will be Independent once again and will, if allowed without outside interference from others, to show the world that rights of self determination can be achieved peaceably and democratically through the rights of freemen (not to become indentured slaves) through the ballot.
If the rest of the world cannot learn from this example, that will be their downfall.

duh • 9 years ago

Thats is why you can't have films like 'Local Hero' in America, the Ben Knox character would have been murdered with bullet in the back of the head. WE have folks here in Scotland like Michael Forbes.


duh • 9 years ago

Hmmm, one egg thrown so far!

The NWO operators in England are probably at the moment planning a Maiden type Ukrainian Operation with the Snipers opening up on Police Scotland and the Blue Noses and Orange Order. We know how they operate.

duh • 9 years ago

Egged false flagged?....LOL


Correct Views • 9 years ago

TMS covered the Scotland issue to some degree here. Feel free to share. Thanks. https://www.youtube.com/wat...