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elda • 9 years ago

In school kids, if they are lucky, will learn about the great depression of the 1920-1930s and they will see lines of people looking for work and food and families with no homes camping in the woods. They don't see anything like that today so they think everything is just great. Sadly, so do their parents, and that includes those on welfare. There are no bread lines or families with all their possessions stacked on top of their cars being pushed down the road by the family. No, there are EBT cards and welfare. This time those that do have jobs earn enough to take care of not only their own families but several others as well and frankly the working family isn't much better off than those they are supporting.

BHR • 9 years ago

The only reason we have had a collapse of the American economy is the government spends to much and taxes to much. The Keynesian theory of spending money from any source does not work. The government spends more money each year and the economy gets worse. What we need is common sense economics, the basics would be for the government to spend less.

elda • 9 years ago

I sit back and try to understand what it is about government that they can't understand it. Is it really about buying votes so they can stay in power? Because even a tape worm knows if it gets to big it will kill off its food supply. Even a third grader will tell you it is never good to spend more money than you have. Why do the people in government seem to loose their common sense when they get elected? Is it because they move away from the common people and into DC with the old timers and become brain washed and memorized by the power of infinite money? Get rid of DC and force representatives to live in their states and do all government work over the net.

Free Man (NOT) • 9 years ago

Isn't the term "Keynesian Economist" an oxymoron?

Warrior • 9 years ago

So now all the "pols" are on board for an increase n the minimum wage thanks to their union army. So the dolts jump on board and believe they are striking it rich. Here is what happens. Employers have to pay more for labor. Employers have to charge more for product/service. Increase pay equals increase tax liability. Increase product cost equals increase sales tax receipts. So far, it's gubmint 2 vs employee 1. Now, we factor in obammycare. Wages up, subsidies go down. 3 to 1 in favor of gubmint. Cost of goods/services up, company tax liabilties up. 4 to 1 gubmint. Cost of living up cancels your "minimum wage" increase. Guess what? You lose 4 - zip. That in a "nut"shell is your gubmint run economy!

Mark • 9 years ago

Labor is a commodity like anything else. If you raise the price of it at a time when there is slack demand already, fewer people will get work.

Horace DeBussy Jones • 9 years ago

BINGO!!!!!...Those on low or fixed income suffer the most here!!

The great Thomas Sowell, as usual , gets to the point:


vicki • 9 years ago

He does indeed and well worth reading.

1baronrichsnot1 • 9 years ago

Our bread and soup lines are food stamps, our unemployed are not looking, the new jobs are disability, and gov't jobs. The true unemployed rate is nearly 23%! The true inflation rate for the 5 years preceding dec. 31st, 2013 is up 150% in food, 45% in automobiles, 138% in the energy sector, more than 100% and more to come in the healthcare sector, rents have increased 50%, taxes have increased exponentially on everything! One dollar in stimulus now produces .13 cents in gdp, as recent as 1980 that was nearly a buck, in 1967 it was $1.43, money supply has increased 400%, acceleration has declined to the comparable of 1937 (per capita) and continues to fall, middle class wages have fallen 43%(those who work) middle class wealth has decreased more than 55%! They used to call it stagflation, back when they computed the real economic and employment figures in our economy. Since Billary's regime we have been lied to! It can go on for years! Productivity would change it. We have no productivity per capita, only non productive social programs and G jobs. Our growth in gdp is from the inflation above, and must not take in consideration deceleration and the raising of taxes to maintain an ever growing gov't replacing the taxes lost in the loss of acceleration tax contributions!

Sunshine49 • 9 years ago

The Federal Reserve, the IRS and the "direct" income tax on the people were created with one thought in mind -- to steal the wealth of middle class America and shift it to the international bankers who own and run the Federal Reserve. It worked! The wealth of many is now in the hands of a few -- and they are mostly NOT Americans!

Horace DeBussy Jones • 9 years ago

And keep tabs on us, too!!!

Sunshine49 • 9 years ago

Actually, the IRS was more like Hitler's Gestapo. It has been used to destroy political enemies and intimidate Americans since it was created. I still like what Reagan said -- that the most feared words in the English language are "we're from the government and we're here to help"!

Karl Landgren • 9 years ago

101 years of both (Fed & earnings confiscation) is enough. Let's require our congressmen to end both. FairTax makes a LOT of sense for many valid reasons.

Robert Rashbrooke • 9 years ago

Don't rely on my two Florida Senators Rubio and Nelson to help you out - they both replied to my query about the Fed by saying that it is not termed and that we need to keep the Fed going just as it is to maintain the country's liquidity!

Karl Landgren • 9 years ago

By "liquidity", they must be referring to the meltdown that our beloved Republic is enduring!
Well, Marco, and Sen. Nelson, try cutting our non-defense spending in half for starters. Then halve it again! That will work much better than continuing to abrogate Congress' responsibility of overseeing monetary policy!

Sunshine49 • 9 years ago

Right! The government is not going to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Since the government took us off the gold standard in 1971 that backed the US dollar, the national debt has sky-rocketed. All the politicians have to do now is say they want this amount of money to pay for this or that program and the Fed Reserve credits their account and adds it to the national debt. The "people" don't get any say into what is being charged on OUR account! I look at this as fraud on the American public on a BIG scale. Whatever happened to "the CONSENT of the governed"?

Karl Landgren • 9 years ago

Amen, Sunshine. And the problem with that "golden" egg is that it's now a rotten egg.