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aspiring • 10 years ago

Hi All,

Just want to also add that although we were a victim of a phishing attack earlier this month, the amount lost was returned to the fund via my personal assets the same day to minimise impact on the performance of our Arbitrage Fund.

We have since updated our internal procedures documents to such social engineering edge cases are considered to ensure assets under management are kept secure.

To demonstrate our commitment to remain fully solvent, as investors have access at all times to a fully audited trail of all trades performed across all arbitraged exchanges.

If anyone has any additional queries, feel free to drop me a message via linkedin. My profile is as follows. http://www.linkedin.com/pro...

Sam Lee

BitStream Capital • 10 years ago

Those are very good news for Bitcoin for its mass adoption.

guest • 10 years ago

many of these neither hedge nor charge an incentive fee, so how are they "hedge funds"?

Phoenix1969 • 10 years ago

Sweet, Finally it's starting....

closetothetruth • 10 years ago

"it" being Bitcoin "success" as measured by "Wall Street traders manipulating Bitcoin for the wealthy the same way they do every other trading instrument available"

vortex30 • 10 years ago

This is just the beginning...

HaryMcG • 10 years ago

Ok, anyone want to spare a few mil to get a public pr marketing campaign going? All these companies and such little effort to get joe average on board. Great to see all this investment, but in they end we all need mass adoption

Krogoth Alexander • 10 years ago

Propose what you would do with my milibtc and it might just get sent ur way.

why_are_you_so_mad • 10 years ago

Actually, think for a second. These funds want to make as much money as possible. So, they want to buy as much as possible before there's mass adoption, i.e., now.

So if you're a bitcoin fund and you have extra resources for PR, right now you're trying to limit adoption and keep the price down as much as possible. Maybe engineering FUD, maybe just doing nothing.

Once you've established your position, it might be worth it do a PR campaign, but probably won't be necessary. The natural market pressures will push adoption without much interference.

StockBet • 10 years ago

Good point. Maybe that's why the price dropped to approximately $400 a couple of months ago.

closetothetruth • 10 years ago

more evidence of the superb financial knowledge found among the Bitcoin intelligentsia. by "joe average" here you mean "average folks with a net worth of $1 million or better," right? Hedge funds are a specific kind of entity and their rules don't change just because they invest in bitcoin. Only the wealthy need apply.
