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Billy • 9 years ago

Matt: I’m not anti-feminism. What I really am is I guess you could call me a Men’s Rights Activist. Does that make sense? Is that a thing?

Amy: Oh yes that’s a thing. You are not alone. Not sure if you’ve Googled that phrase yet.


Best part of the entire thing. So. Damn. Good.

Mark Fox • 9 years ago

Close second:

> …it’s a little bit of a different story with comedy. Because anything goes, otherwise it’s not funny. And sometimes it’s good to laugh at yourself.

Uttered from the same lips attached to the brain that is convinced that "All Jane and No Dick" is indicative of the coming "neo-feminist segregation." Once this dude grasp the irony of this cognitive-dissonance I'm gonna give him a big old bear hug.

Aestro • 9 years ago

"Well that’s sexist and that’s wrong and I would be down to protest that fact too, right alongside you. It’s sexism that I’m against."

Matt - let's have a mansplain-to-mansplain conversation for a moment. This festival that you're protesting? It IS a protest against sexism. What you're doing is trying to shout down women saying "there is discrimination in this industry and we are working to reverse that" in an industry that you know NOTHING about. If you're so certain that men are in need of a "men's rights activist", go find an area that men DON'T control and face discrimination and shed light on that.

And stop using terms like "feminazi" and vague terms you're making up definitions for like "neo-feminist". What you're really doing is implying that sexism is dead, the fight should be over, and anyone attempting to point it out is wrong. And hey! That's what lends power to sexism!

Mela • 9 years ago

That's a good idea! Maybe he could start by checking out a list of female-dominated industries and advocating for men to get started down those career paths. Nurses, midwives, housekeepers, social workers, daycare workers... I mean, pink-collar jobs are typically high-stress, low-pay, but equality cuts both ways, right?

Michael • 9 years ago

Nursing is not low pay.

Fuggz • 9 years ago

A housekeeper is more or less the equivalent of being a landscaper for men. Do women want to start being landscapers?

Don't try to fight for equality in shit-tier jobs that no one wants to do.

safetynet2razorwire • 9 years ago

My career was in landscape (environmental systems design but I worked my way up from boots in the mud - and when I retired my boots were still in the mud - even if I wore a suit and tie).

More than 3 decades in the business and I formed one profitable prejudice: women, as a rule, made superior landscape contractors.

Women actively listened to clients, sub-trades, suppliers, and to the general contractor. Women were more likely to find intelligent alternatives to some 'brute force' approach. Women were more likely to 'think outside the box' and then bounce their idea off me (I being where the buck stopped - and had written the protocols). Women were far less apt to play silly passive-aggressive power games - or to try to intimidate-influence.

Women guiding projects was the best insurance of success I had.

More women, when I showed them the earning potential a contractor had compared to fixed-wage employee jumped for joy, jumped ship, jumped at the chance for pay-scale dependent on bottom line performance.

Women, when respected for their training and experience, lined up to be landscapers. Final note: women were more accepting of the proviso I imposed on anyone contracting my projects - they had to pay an employee a living wage - or better yet take them on as a partner. By 'more' I mean they actually embraced the idea - where the guys all tried to find ways to get around it - and were confused when I struck them from the roster.

Even landscape maintenance (mostly mowing/trimming) is a place where women can and do prosper - once they get past all the sexist b.s. A trade where all that's needed is a mower, some hand-tools, and transport for self and said tools is a trade where it's senseless to be anything but an independent contractor. The difference? At least triple the pay. And in a trade with high turn-over the ability to write a contract ensuring long-term dependable service to clients makes client loyalty as close to a guarantee of annual cost of living adjustment to their income as there is.

Jared Prophet • 9 years ago

I know plenty of women who have their own landscaping businesses.

Some people actually like being outside digging in the dirt. My mother enjoys gardening. It can be therapeutic.

Your argument is lame.

Michael • 9 years ago

Don't tell people what they should fight for. Youre no judge of character.

aleksthegreat • 9 years ago

Or don't fight for fake equality when you constantly fail to take into account that male equivalent jobs are much more destructive to the body.

phaed • 9 years ago

Tell that to my nurse.

Aguy • 9 years ago

"wah I have a whole two years of college education and all I make is $60,000/year"

Michael • 9 years ago

He or she might have a beef but it isn't a valid beef

wahwah • 9 years ago

The hardest, worst jobs are all male-dominated. These are the jobs that literally build society from the ground-up and the ground-down. Being a mom is tough because you've got to sit through Frozen 100 times, but at least it's a natural job. The worst jobs are wholly unnatural. No human should have to do them.

Well, most such physically demanding, dangerous jobs that once were only done by men are now being done by brainless machines. It saves the lives of people who get themselves killed doing physical labor (I've witnessed many deaths by workers not smart enough to know better, or even not trained well enough to avoid what intelligent workers knew), plus machines get the jobs done quicker, cheaper, and with more precision than man. Those "jobs" that "literally build society from the ground up" aren't jobs anymore, they're pushing a button from a comfy chair and having machines do it.

Men are losing our importance in these fields. Women used to need men to help pay bills, and men used to be able to pay bills from working dangerous jobs no one wanted, but the machines have taken that away from men, and now we have to start competing for jobs that take brains over brawn. Not good for men. Even military drones are taking away what I did for decades in the Army.

That's quite true. Most of the male homeless people we try to help at my local shelters are incapable of working jobs today, simply because they grew up doing the "dumb people" (SORRY! Their term, not mine) jobs that required a little bit of aptitude and a lot of physicality. And those jobs are indeed being taken over by automatons today. Robots (the boring kind, not the cool Star Wars kind) are being programmed to build, dig, and shoot at things, taking away the male-oriented jobs of anyone whose IQ is under 100.

Of course the other problem we have with the male homeless is that they are more abusive and far less likely to follow rules given. And statistically have much higher rates of substance abuse problems. If we could fix these problems, we could get back substantial governmental support to keep open male-only shelters.

Michael • 9 years ago

What? "Being a mom is tough because you've got to sit through Frozen 100 times." Clearly you were raised by irresponsible parents, or are one yourself. Being a PARENT is tough, being a stay at home parent is also very tough for a number of reasons. "The hardest, worse jobs are all male-dominated. These are the jobs that literally build society blah blah." That's because construction jobs were boys clubs from the beginning and not much progress is made on a culture that works in the lower levels of society to benefit the high levels of society. This is also because MEN run these companies and hire other MEN because they feel that MEN can do these tasks better...

aleksthegreat • 9 years ago

Mining is a huge bro party. Fun for all.

theLD • 9 years ago

When men do "housekeeping" it's called janitorial work and it's a huge field. Then there's sanitation, firefighting and police work to round out the high stress social work category...

DukeLax • 9 years ago

I believe i read somewhere that 98% of all workplace deaths are male...so this would suggest males take up an "over-equal" amount of the most dangerous jobs in America.

Michael • 9 years ago

That is because those jobs are male dominated... Not because women don't want to do them.

Michael • 9 years ago

But they aren't exclusively male (so you argument doesn't hold any water). Maybe when those occupations are exclusively male then maybe you have a leg to stand on.

Ginkgo • 9 years ago

"Maybe he could start by checking out a list of female-dominated industries and advocating for men to get started down those career paths. "
Maybe the "pay gap" whiners should start by checking out the male dominated occupations with the high work-related death and injury rates - coal mining, commercial fishing, oil field work....

Louise_Chanary • 9 years ago

Who do you think tried to get women to serve in the military? Women. The men only did their best to keep women out. And here's an account of what happened when women took a job in the mining industry: http://www.imdb.com/title/t... They were sexually harassed by men who claimed that the women 'stole their jobs'. So, if you want to complain about the enormous gender imbalance in coal mining/commercial fishing etc., join women and feminists and complain to the men dominating these fields.

Guest • 9 years ago

Then you should join the feminism movement and fight for women's rights to serve in combat, just like feminism HAS BEEN fighting for since before I was born.

Overwhelmingly, the resistance to allow women in combat has come from men. Women WANT in the very dangerous and unglamorous occupations MRAs are fond of claiming women want no part of. But MEN harass the living sh!t out of those who do enter those fields. Choose a side: do you want to see women get equal access to these hard-as-hell jobs, OR do you want to bash women for not being in those jobs for sexism's sake?

Mister Jones • 9 years ago

I have absolutely NO desire to see women in combat. It is a horrible political ploy, and it is going to get American men killed.

And the idea that we should double the logistics for support, but only increase the fighting force by 1 - 2% is absolutely insane.

I don't care what they want. I know that they can't handle it, so it shouldn't even be on the table for discussion. But if you think you could handle it, try starting by making the PT standards equal across both genders, and then see how many girls still want to play. Start there, because I do not believe in an increase in flag-draped coffins so that Susie can go play soldier just to find out that it really really sucks.

disqus_g0mTWl9E2GF • 9 years ago

Hey, you don't have to believe in it. Just be sure to tell idiot Neanderthal MRAs to stop using "women on the frontline of combat" as their sole bugaboo then. Because you can't have it both ways. Same goes for the Draft: either support women's ability to be drafted, OR STFU about women not being drafted.

Guest • 9 years ago
Aestro • 9 years ago

You first.

AgentBaa • 9 years ago

You sure talk big, but I really don't see any answers to anything here. Like most MRA's the whole thing is a "MOMMY MOMMY WOMEN ARE UNFAIR" whine. This is why I hate them. They are as annoying as the libtard anti-gun people. All they are is reactionaries. They have absolutely no platform, no solutions, no understanding of reality and no balls.

Guest • 9 years ago
AgentBaa • 9 years ago

How many women have you actually met say that the draft should only be for men? And how many of these women would you say a)were actual feminist and b) were actually smart enough to be considered significant contributors to the cause of feminism?

I'm against the draft, and against women being held out of any form of equal representation.

Louise_Chanary • 9 years ago

The ban on women in combat has been lifted only in January 2013, see the news and a debate here: http://www.foxnews.com/poli...
Notice who is pleading for women's right to partake in combat: a woman. The man in this debate thinks that women are not suitable for combat because they are women (which is his view means that they are not strong enough apparently, when of course we know that there are many strong women, as well as weak men, why not test everybody for strength instead of checking whether they have a penis or vagina..as if they need their genitals for combat). But he does agree that women have risked their lives plenty while being in the army, even when not partaking in combat because they were not allowed.
There you go.

Guest • 9 years ago
Louise_Chanary • 9 years ago

`The EQUALITY sex', is equality a sex? Well, whatever you say dude.
`The military applies grossly inferior standards' you say, and the military is 86% men. What misandrist men are.
`B-but not ALL men' I can almost hear you whimper now.
Just most men.

aleksthegreat • 9 years ago

You realize that there are a good deal of male nurses and social workers. Men are generally kept out of industries that provide care for children and women only. It's not because men are uninterested. Its because women have matriarchal power to exclude men from things deemed female only.

Louise_Chanary • 9 years ago

I have never seen any men fighting for their right to be nurses and give care. Most men have happily left these tasks to women. It is telling that no male politician has ever made a plea for more male nurses and more male care providers. This would be a good issue for the MRM, like Mela says: start writing letters to your governor, start a 'society for male caretakers', stage a protest march, instead of wasting your time attacking feminists on the internet, etc. (which seems what the MRA is mostly about: disrupting feminist actions and discussion).
Feminists are on your side on the issue of men's right to care for others, please go ahead.

Guest • 9 years ago

Stay at Home Dads already take the role of stay at home women with great success... they love it

daycare men also love their jobs... there is nothing high stress about it...

wanna try something high stress?
underwater oil diver....

any feminist care to fight for equal rights to die at 270ft crushed because a valve got stuck in mud?

though so...

Mister Jones • 9 years ago

No thanks. I like my cleaning ladies to be ladies.

h0tr0d • 9 years ago

Actually, he's not saying that it all. He's calling out the hypocrisy of the event, it's really too bad it doesnt meet your women's studies tastes.

Louise_Chanary • 9 years ago

Here's an idea for you and your MRA buddies: start a field that's called Men's Studies that's all about great men in history, and great men in power, men's theories and inventions etc. Oh wait, no, that already exists, it's called History, Political studies, Science etc.

Ilia Orkin • 9 years ago

It's funny because you actually learn some useful shit in history, political studies, science... Going into women's studies pretty much only opens up a carreer path towards being a women's studies teacher.

Louise_Chanary • 9 years ago

Yes, these are all very interesting and involve mainly men talking to and about other men and these men's ideas. So what exactly is it that you and your MRA buddies are going to bring to the table?
Men talking about women?

Ilia Orkin • 9 years ago

You're asking me what men bring to the table? Pretty much everything you see around you including modern civilization. You even implied it in your initial comment when you complained about history.

Louise_Chanary • 9 years ago

I am asking what you and your MRA buddies are going to bring to the table. You and your MRA buddies have not created modern civilization.

aleksthegreat • 9 years ago

Plus history is extremely subjective outside of solid events that happened. So if you think history is only interested in men and is sexist, maybe walk the fuck out of high school social sciences and go read some real fucking material. In fact if feminists actually fucking read history and did real fucking historical research they'd see how fucking stupid their assertions are.

phaed • 9 years ago

Women exist for family raising. I mean this literally as it applies to the female sex across the animal kingdom. The great women in history were the mothers of all those great men. That is your reality, accept it.

Andie Main • 9 years ago

Hi Phaed! Do the rules in the animal kingdom dictate how we humans should treat eachother? Because Chimpanzees practice cannibalism and i am a vegetarian and do not want to eat humans.

Mister Jones • 9 years ago

Yup. Because we are MEMBERS of said animal kingdom, so there are binding rules that go with being a part of it. Guess what! You have traits that are common among all mammals. Including pigs and cows. That does not mean you wallow in your own shit, nor that you have 4 stomachs.

If you don't want to eat people, then ... don't. But you have a lot in common with chimps, because your DNA matches up to one at over 95%. You don't have to like it, it just is.