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Guest • 9 years ago

Pants up don't loot!

Guest • 9 years ago
momsense1 • 9 years ago

It worked for Richard Daley at the Democrat Convention in Chicago in '67. No violence or looting after that. It ought to be standard procedure.

Guest • 9 years ago

It will not work now, obviously .

The RightStuff • 9 years ago

You guys are on a roll!!!

whatmeworry • 9 years ago

Unidentified witness, unsubstantiated by other witnesses and the same witness also said " Wilson didn’t have to kill Brown. It went from zero to 100 like that, in the blink of an eye. ... What transpired to us, in my eyesight, was murder. Down outright murder.” Two white construction workers also said Brown had his hands up and was moving away from Wilson..

Read the whole story. Wilson is a murderer.

ParaBellum • 9 years ago

I hope you won't mind if the rest of us wait for the investigate and trial (if any) BEFORE Wilson is convicted of murder.

Amaya • 9 years ago

If it were up to the black community of Furgeson Wilson would already be hanging from the gallows, swinging from a tree, neck deep in a stoning pit...

factsobill • 9 years ago

They seem to want to emulate the actions of white lynch mobs from yesteryear! It's ironic how they're so totally screwed up by their own culture! Obama's incited them to this level of Lawlessness! What a country! Huh, Yakov!

1936benz • 9 years ago

Far more innocent whites have been murdered by negro thugs in this country than negroes lynched by whites at any time in our nation's history. It's really not that difficult to research the stats.

Denise Rogers • 9 years ago

You may believe that but how many of those Negros died on the slave ships coming from Africa? What isn't really pointed out is the FACT that it was England(We were under the Crown) who had control of the slaves here in America in those times. It took 70 years before the Republican's freed the slaves.

Conservative • 9 years ago

Yes, Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats have set blacks back 50 years. They need to keep them on the government plantation and open old wounds to enrich themselves:greedy liberal politicians.

William Carr • 9 years ago

Interesting Story.

The Republican Party was founded by Amos Tuck, an Abolitionist.

You’ve heard that part, right?

What you probably don’t know is, Amos Tuck was a Democrat.

Go on, Google it.

Congress had a Gag Rule against discussing Slavery.

Every time it came up all other business shut down, and fistfights were common.

‘ol Amos was NOT willing to shut up about Slavery.

I imagine he got a stern talking to one too many times, and realized that if he ran as an Independent he could flout the rules.

So he did; and he won.

Then he started recruiting Liberals and Progressives from both Parties, people opposed to Slavery.

And America’s first all-Liberal Party was born!

Now, what to call it?

The original name of the Democratic Party was the “Democratic Republicans”.

Nobody was using the name “Republican” since the “National Republicans” died out.

So out of loyalty, he took the second name from Jefferson’s Party.

And you know the rest.

Lincoln was the first successful Presidential Candidate for the liberal Republican Party.

And he did what you’d all acknowledge as Liberal; he told the Richest 1% in the South that half of their “wealth” was really Human beings and that they no longer owned them.

What? You thought standing up to the Rich was Conservative?

Sadly, after Teddy Roosevelt the Republican Party was taken over by “Conservatives”... not today’s bunch, REAL Conservatives.

The Democrats were likewise taken over by Liberals.

(At one moment, the two Parties were identical, you know... it was called the “Era of Good Feelings”).

Then in 1980, the Conservatives were overthrown by “Reagan Conservatives”.

McPig • 9 years ago

Teddy was NOT the conservative you portray him as.... You need to refine your research.

Wykstrom • 9 years ago

Lincoln also famously wrote this little tidbit many love to ignore:

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the
Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If
I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would
do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves
I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving
others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and
the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the
Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not
believe it would help to save the Union." - Abraham Lincoln in a letter to Horace Greeley

What this says without any political doublespeak is that Lincoln's concern was not slavery or the condition of slaves but the preservation of the Union; more accurately, to preserve the parasitism of the North on the much more wealthy South (partly on the back of slave labor) who possessed all the rich plantation trade.

Lincoln was not the hero he is popularly portrayed as and often called upon to be, just a typical politician trying to maintain the status quo.

E DEPLORE-IBUS UNUM • 9 years ago

Why do Democrats always feel the need to run from their RACIST ROOTS. Instead of arguing about what leanings the Republican Party was or was not (FYI Goldwater was TWICE the Conservative as Reagan) The fact is - The Democrat Party is the HOME OF THE KKK and racism and always has been, LBJ was the BIGGEST RACIST in the Senate and ONLY passed the 1965CRA to get Blacks to switch parties, not my words LBJ said it. LBJ fought against the EXACT SAME BILL for years in the Senate, the 1965CRA was written by Republicans in the Senate, yes those EVIL CONSERVATIVE Republicans and LBJ refused it's passage in the 50's. Al Gore Sr. in 1965 voted AGAINST the CRA and it ONLY PASSED because 80% of Republicans voted for it, while ONLY 60% of Democrats voted for it.

I also love how Liberals have this ever changing time-line (1860's or 1910's or 1960's or...)when this fictitious POLAR SWITCH of Party beliefs by the Republicans and never admit the Democrats NEVER made such a switch. Yes the Democrat KKK Party NEVER switched it's beliefs it just became a propaganda machine under LBJ to hide it's true roots. MLK died a Republican, his dad was a Republican, so I guess MLK was too stupid to realize the GOP was taken over by evil racist conservatives like good ole Teddy.

FYI Lincoln was a SOLID constitutional conservative no matter what spin you put on his leftness or rightness.

Nothing like a Racist Liberal Democrat to spend 20 mins deflecting the true racist roots of the Democrat Party. As the Great Joe Biden said earlier this year "Those feelings of racism run deep even after decades" - The idiot didn't realize this was an indictment of his own Party.

The Democrat Party is the ONLY PARTY to allow an KKK Grand Wizard as a Senator and allowed this KKK R. Byrd-D member to be a US Senator until his death in 2009.

Reality Bites!

lee • 9 years ago

Tuck was A founder, not "the" founder. tuck also ran as a whig and a free soiler in elections for congress. i wouldn't describer early repub party members as progressives and liberals. they were more like federalists and constitutionalists.

Guest • 9 years ago

Yeah, yes of course. That kind of thinking inspires contempt from most of this country. Yayhoo is the right term for you.

Guest • 9 years ago

A perverse, self-serving misreading

Isaiahdolan • 9 years ago

Dov, this quote is by Lincoln in a letter to Horace Greeley, the leading newspaper editor at the time. Greeley, who was strongly oppossed to slavery, wished to cut the South loose rather than fight a bloody war.

Guest • 9 years ago
Guest • 9 years ago

It is all part of the right wing counter factual narrative. You believe it , but it a joke elsewhere.
TheCaller seems to be all about people saying"I 'm not racist! I'm not racist!". Very strange. So why are you always talking about it? It is the same behavior that someone in a homosexual panic would engage in.,

Guest • 9 years ago
Chubby Freen • 9 years ago

He's not playing--he's SERIOUS about being a troll..

Kent Salmen • 9 years ago

Yes, however if "many" black were not dumb as rocks then the Democrats wouldn't be able to keep fooling them. They also fool the stupid white people also.

Guest • 9 years ago

By 2020 the poorly educated small town white males who have been the right's backbone, will be over whelmed numerically.! Since you pizzed off educated whites andinorities, you are doomed

Amaya • 9 years ago

What else is never pointed out is that African tribes conquered and sold each other into slavery. If blacks can have reperations for slavery from the Americas beginnings then I want reparations for my family as they were probably slaves a couple of millennia ago during the roman times.

Guest • 9 years ago

could have been since whites were the first slaves. and actually the word slaves is from the slav. also slaves.

Frank Garrett • 9 years ago

And dont forget all the slaves Egypt had.

Wykstrom • 9 years ago

Another truth often ignored along with the loooong history of slavery way back to the beginning of recorded history. Africans were terribly abused, this is true, but no more so than all the other races that have been subjected to slavery. At some point you have to leave the bubble of our brief American history and form a broader understanding of the world.

Amaya • 9 years ago

Unfortunatelymost blacks won't even pick up a book and read about other places cultures, histories, and evolution.

Guest • 9 years ago

Go back to Russia. Putin is a conservative .

Amaya • 9 years ago

Who said that I was a conservative or even agree with Putin? You appear to be the facist not I.

Guest • 9 years ago

Stupid and irrelevant.

Frank Garrett • 9 years ago


Guest • 9 years ago

Off-point,and wrong, but interesting.

Amaya • 9 years ago

The only thing stupid and irrelevant is your inane comments as they add nothing to the conversation. They are like fillers in a meatloaf.

Guest • 9 years ago
Guest • 9 years ago

Thank you. And concise.

Boetica • 9 years ago

How many of them died in their cruel marches across the Sahara Desert by Arab slavers? I wonder if the buzzards still follow the African slave routes. Someone ask Jesse Jackson.

Wayne Patterson • 9 years ago

Most of the slave ships were portugese, but that wont matter to any dbags today, just as all slaves were captured by blacks and arabs, before being sold. I am a black man. Been telling fools the truth for years, but they didnt see it on 'roots"

Chubby Freen • 9 years ago

You are right on the money, sir. Seems the average American has been short-changed by the public school system, and gained the rest of their education watching "Dancing with the Stars" Sports, The Kardashians, and plugging iPods into their heads...

Guest • 9 years ago

Wayne, you a liar and a piece of garbage.

wingnutkiller • 9 years ago

If you are black, you're the country's biggest fool.

1936benz • 9 years ago

Too many died, and far too many survived to make it to North America. We should have just used the Irish to pick our cotton; we wouldn't be cursed with this problem today. And for those whom are so thin-skinned, I'm a direct descendant of Irish immigrants.

LarryKathy • 9 years ago

Amen. The worst treatment was saved for the Irish not the blacks.

Guest • 9 years ago

Not in this country. They were not sold into slavery and did not suffer the sale of family

1936benz • 9 years ago

Wrong again, you ignoramus. In the Wars of Reformation the English killed so many Irishmen and imprisoned so many more that, in 1625, James II passed a proclamation to sell the Irish to New World English planters. This resulted in some 60% of the slaves in some Carribean colonies being from Ireland. In the continuing conflict some 500,000 Irishmen were killed between 1641-1653, resulting in hundreds of thousands of starving Irish women and children roaming throughout the countryside. The English solution was to sell them to slave traders; that way they didn't have to pay passage to rid themselves of them and they made a profit while ridding themselves of the Catholics. In the Eighteenth Century a young, strong African male would bring 50lb sterling; a male Irishman of the same age was only worth 5lb sterling or 900 pounds of cotton, therefore it was better to work them to death rather than to risk killing one of the negroes. The slavers also found that interbreeding Irish women and negro men would produce good, cheap slaves, and the practice was finally outlawed in 1681 because it was undermining the price of slaves fresh from Africa and Ireland. Over the passage of time, especially during the Nineteenth Century, The former Irish slave trade became commonly referred to as "Indentured" in literature to make the (former) practice more palatable when opposition to slavery was growing.

Conservative • 9 years ago

It is futile to tell David anything. If he did not have all that hatred and bitterness he would have nothing to live for.

Eric Hunter • 9 years ago

I believe you are alluding to the oft repeated lie that slave families were broken and divided often. Truth is that black families are the ethnic group that had the highest intact family rate from the country's founding until the 1960's. Throughout slavery, wars, continuously until the coffin nail of Democratic benevolence. On a simple level consider this: a young male, trained in survival directly from nature's provision; honed to physical peak through strenuous work. Not to diminish the negatives, but try to keep up. Then how do you control such a person, highly capable of escaping and remaining hidden, all the while surviving off the land. You secure his wife and children. Then he remains also. If you sell him away from family, you lose all power over him. This explains how control was maintained, how the lie is obvious and how the level of intact family stayed high.
But what broke this admirably quality? The new welfare laws in the 60's, required that children would be provided for only after the father was proven to be absent. Welfare workers showed up often with police escort and inspected residences for signs of male role models. So if you care about the low intact family rates of todays black family, thank a liberal.