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4k45h3d0 • 11 years ago

What's this old science fiction book that talks of a book-writing machine? Oh wait

aeldata • 11 years ago

To the word counters - hurray! use these machine codes.

rishabh • 10 years ago

so anybody has an answer

Manuel Rajesh • 8 years ago

Question is not if writers can be replaced by machines. They will be. But if readers will be replaced by machines :)

rishabh • 10 years ago

the question is write an algorithm to write your name on your book

rishabh • 10 years ago

so can you guys help me to find the answers

razsaf • 11 years ago

Any chance to get a glimpse of even a single paragraph that algorithm has produced?

Eric Valero • 9 years ago

It wrote the sonnet about being a machine
It's in the article

Alan T. F. • 11 years ago

All writers understand there are formulas and structures to abide by in their craft. But, it's the choice of words and phrases within the structures that make something readable, memorable and emotional, that elevate it to the art of writing.

It's the nuances of dialogue, for instance, that some writers do well, others not so well. Machines? Not at all.

acmuns • 11 years ago

Great Article Adam !
Although we all know that writing is formulaic in many respects, it's nice to know that someone has actually taken the time to identify and recreate the process. A friend of mine is in the motion picture business and must adhere to formulas
precisely. Perhaps not a great accolade for the motion picture business.
Thanks and look forward to your next piece.

Manuel Alves • 11 years ago

I would like it to not write but read a book or poem and then write an essay about it. That would be impressive (if the essay was any good)

Guest • 11 years ago

Thank you for digging into this, Adam!

Adam Popescu • 11 years ago

Interesting stuff, right?? Keep your eyes peeled on a follow-up piece, because there's more to this story... and it will surprise you in a good way.

Guest • 11 years ago

He's open sourcing it?

Adam Popescu • 11 years ago

not to my knowledge, no, he's using the theory and formula and applying it to other disciplines beyond writing.

Holly Jahangiri • 11 years ago

It threw itself into an endless loop and jumped off a cliff in a fit of pique?