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peter james • 9 years ago

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is wearing 2 pair of depends now
I hope he has his own burial sheet as he will need it

sturrjunn • 9 years ago

Judaism and Christianity is being hijacked by Satanists and Atheists like you Kello. Those who are the men of sound reasoning, men of justice, kind and benevolant people they are with Muslims not with you satanists and atheists who are hiding behind jewish,christian and hindu names and appearances.

Ellis Dean Flynn • 9 years ago

don't post things considered utterly stupid for normal people.

ChicagoRay • 9 years ago

Zionist CIA first established ISIS and now they are dismantling it. They real objective was to creating ISIS is still unknow. But one can be easily predicted that US backed Iraqi shia goverment failed to handle the government and protect the US interest in Iraq this results heavy investment of US/zionist on Iraqi resources was vulnerable and could be sink. Obama administration was to early to pull out the the troops when charged presidency and now he is leaving next year so ISIL was formed using CIA supported Awakning council to stay again in this saga and to protect the zionist interest and ensured presence and implement the ultimate project of Zionist shia crescent.

Jack James • 9 years ago

Nobody asked for your IQ

bobknobb • 9 years ago

The Naked Ape is on a killing spree, a behavior he frequently repeats. A mass killing of each other while his environment dies around him. Sound the drums of war and march to our extinction.

Nicholas Nazari • 9 years ago

Can't even be bothered rephrasing? At least LightofIslam, as pointless and boring as he is, still tries to copy-paste DIFFERENT bits every time.

Shahna • 9 years ago

Hardly fair to tar all us naked apes with the Yankee and ISIL brushes.

Guest • 9 years ago
Shahna • 9 years ago

Yes really and ..... WOW! ... Really handsome fellow.
Not in the least bit naked or ape either.

Guest • 9 years ago
SonofSparklingMoon • 9 years ago

There are many religions in the world but ''the most people have lost their spiritual faculties and do not fear God. Heavenly light, which helps to distinguish truth from falsehood,has gone out from almost every heart, atheism is gaining ground day by day, and, while tongues utter the name of God,hearts are growing more and more inclined towards agnosticism.

All this is easily testified by people’s practices which are far from what they should be. They do profess a great deal but never practice what they preach. The most part, people have failed to attain the object for which religion was made essential for mankind. Most people do not care for the purity of their hearts, true love for God, sympathy for mankind, and higher morals, such as meekness, kindness, justice and humility; and have no regard for purity,piety andrighteousness, which is the soul of religion. Alas! even as religious rivalry grows,spirituality only continues to decline.( Ruhani Khazain)

fdgsr • 9 years ago

Of all the sins of man, self-deception is the worst. The Old Testament, Genesis, got it right. The Garden of Eden is about what is true and possible, not about an apple hanging on a tree. The Garden of Eden is the one promised to Abraham, 'A land flowing with milk and honey.' Of course it is only a dream for mankind promised from the beginning of our sojourn on the planet Earth. It is what Bobby Kennedy referred to, "Sometimes I see things as they are and wonder why? Then I dream of things as they could be (Garden of Eden/Promised Land), and ask why not." Earth is a Garden of Eden in the modern world of knowledge and truth. We know that it is not the dim view of a primitive man with an oral tradition before the Bible. Earth is the Promised Land to us and the 7 billion plus people on this Space Ship.

Don't be deceived by the fanatic fringe of ISIS or Zionism. Don't be deceived by the foolish Christian belief in a virgin birth and a mangod who died on a cross 2000 years ago. Don't be deceived that there is a Heaven where you will live forever without boredom and enjoy the instant knowledge of everything God knows. Don't be deceived that the Garden of Eden was destroyed by the Creator or that a Flood came upon all the Earth. Free your mind of these pieces of nonsense and foolish fanatic responses in the name of God/Allah/angels/Truth by killing people and destroying the progress we have achieved to build the modern and true Garden of Eden/Promised Land of peace and good will to all. Have mercy on the evidence of human progress to truth and its consequences.

Ellis Dean Flynn • 9 years ago

Waste your time, ISIS isn't going to stop beheading people because it red your post.

fdgsr • 9 years ago

A few have read it, and if anyone gets the message I am sending, it is worth the space it occupies in your mind. If a few heed the lesson, it is worth my time. If my time is well spent, I am blessed by God, who is Truth. Allah is Al Haqq!

shamsa ali • 9 years ago

flag of islam is rising all over . no one can stop this. the flames of war has just begun

submariner_highlander • 9 years ago

In hindsight and with a little more foresight, IS should have refrained from chopping heads of the western hostages. It is now AF of the only superpower plus collection of the satellite states they have to fight.

If they refrained it is likely they would not have faced full onslaught.
If they survive this they will rule the world.

Silver Surfer • 9 years ago

Same madness, different time, US wants to go to war to save its weapons
industry (as that is the only thing US can do better than others for
now). Gathers all the allies (mostly crusaders and some puppets regimes
in ME). Get maximum support from the western media and we have a war!

Jack James • 9 years ago

Were your mother and father targetted in the last airstrike?

Salahuddin • 9 years ago

Judaism and Christianity is being hijacked by Satanists and Atheists like you Kello. Those who are the men of sound reasoning, men of justice, kind and benevolant people they are with Muslims not with you satanists and atheists who are hiding behind jewish,christian and hindu names and appearances.

ZionistEntity • 9 years ago

In the name of Islam little Yardizi girls are raped daily, Shia muslims are beheaded, mass murder and theft.
USA doesn't operate under the flag of Christianity
Israel doesn't operate under the flag of Judaism

Muhammad • 9 years ago

Bismillah, not according to USA own Special Forces drop on Zijar Mountain. This current bombing campaign is designed to get control of Iraqi oil by foreign sources. --That ISIS or ISIL group is only a nuisance to USA first is was WMD and now WID (Weapons of Islam Destruction)

A cult murder of journalist, like the savage killer of Mr Sotloff should be punished, but to help the Kurds or Shia take control of the oil for Iran's Ayatollah is not in the best interest of US or Europe. --Get ready for even higher oil prices

Hassan Anas • 9 years ago

This strikes are meant for the purpose of expanding the mess to those countries which remained relatively safer, like the current US bombing partners Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. It was relatively easy for US to enroll them.

Now, the terrorism which remained outside their borders will soon enter inside and then, US can fish in the troubled waters more easier than ever.

This war has much wider motives than one can read. IS has conquered almost half of Iraq in almost two weeks time, without an air force, or navy or a professional army, and are clearly visible on the plain desert grounds for even naked eyes. It does not need all the super powers of the world to deal with them with all their air force and might, and 'for many years to come' as Obama says.

So, this plot is much wider than IS. Those who support it want the whole middle east to burn. Towards that goal, they will always produce the 'raping' and beheading story.

Iridium Halo • 9 years ago

Not very bright are you? THe US doesn't need Iraqi oil. You may also remember that it had it when it took Iraq, then tossed it away because they got bored.

JasonEnzoD • 9 years ago

Does it not bother you that that your post is get voted up by fake accounts - probably bots?

Guest • 9 years ago

Are you a paid propagandist for the jews, spreading lies and disinformation on aljazeera for the benefit of the zionists.
The markets are not reacting to the threat of the ISIS and the oil prices are falling. The markets never lie and they are not like the zionist media.
Here the futures and the derivative markets are looking good.The commodity prices are falling.The barrel of oil will keep falling. This is good for trading and the stocks will rise as now inflation can be kept in check.
Dont scarce the common man for this scare tactics only benefits the zionists, unless you are one of them

honker1 • 9 years ago

"The markets never lie"? Oh baby, you have a lot to learn, markets can always be manipulated, especially derivatives.

John Althrum • 9 years ago

Well said brother .

Nite_Fox • 9 years ago

I hate ISIS and would like them finished. but one thing i know for sure is they dont rape. No Yardizi girls were raped it is just propaganda.

Isolde Gruenbein • 9 years ago

How could you possibly know?

Mistiq • 9 years ago

Maybe he has a different definition of what "rape" means.

Facts Are Facts • 9 years ago

in Judaism Men can have sex with little girls & boys read the Talmud , do you want me to give you the video link , also the Bible approves of sex with infant girls and Mosses & his men did that they were looking only for virgins & killed non virgins

Iridium Halo • 9 years ago

UM, how old was that wife of Muhammad?

Facts Are Facts • 9 years ago

actually there are sources that she was 20 , also the idea of making her younger in the hadeth was to point that the prophet married a virgin but waited till she reached puberty , in Judaism and ancient Arab culture thy had relation with girls before puberty , the point of the story don't do that tell she is reach puberty the prophet Married her young but waited tell she reach puberty , however thats not what Mosses & his men did they raped virgin children & killed non virgins according to the orders of the biblical good

Thepyrate • 9 years ago

is that what they taught you in Koranic school? to Make Mohammed look normal?

Roberto Dar Manu • 9 years ago

please can u help me with those biblical verses? i would like to read them to and also give me the Koranic verses that indicates the girl was 20 before Mohammed raped her

honker1 • 9 years ago

The clergy always try to be politically correct when it suits them.

Johnny Blowbeans • 9 years ago

In "Facts are Facts" world, you have sex with little boys "Facts"

That is a fact

Isolde Gruenbein • 9 years ago

Jews are proud to have evolved, ISIS are proud not to.

chercher • 9 years ago

Didn't the "prophet" Muhammad marry a 6 year old girl....in Islam, don't you guys have force marriages? Didn't we see the news report where a grown man married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her and she died? Westerner societies are civilized....the age of consent is 17, anything else is rape and we punish the rapist, not the victim. And your parents can't force you to marry an older man and perform honor killing if you reject that.

Facts Are Facts • 9 years ago

actually there are sources that she was 20 , also the idea of making her younger in the hadeth was to point that the prophet married a virgin 9 6 or 7 ) but waited till she reached puberty ( when she was 9 or 10 as noted in some hadith ) , in Judaism and ancient Arab culture thy had relation with girls before puberty , the point of the story don't do that tell she is reach puberty i.e. the prophet Married her young but waited tell she reach puberty , however thats not what Mosses & his men did they raped infant virgin & killed non virgins according to the orders of the biblical good

Roberto Dar Manu • 9 years ago

why try to force people to believe your lies? why did your prophet not just marry a woman 18 or above instead he got married to a 6 years old and had to wait until she was 20??? where u living with the in the same bedroom to know what exactly they were doing? Even in the the modern world of today we still see adult muslims getting married to 10 and 13 yrs old girls and making babies with them and it is all in line with your so called religion of peace yet you want to make all other religion look bad while making the f*** religion created by f** Mohammed to look soo good... But at the end you can only lie yourself coz the world already knows

Facts Are Facts • 9 years ago

Also Aisha name or the story's of her Marriage is not even in the Quran

Facts Are Facts • 9 years ago

actually there are sources that she was 20 , also the idea of making her younger in the hadeth was to point that the prophet married a virgin but waited till she reached puberty ( when she was 9 or 10 as noted in some hadith ) , becuse in Judaism and ancient Arab culture thy had relation with girls before puberty , the point of the story don't do that tell she is reach puberty i.e. the prophet Married her young but waited tell she reach puberty , however thats not what Mosses & his men did they raped infant virgin & killed non virgins according to the orders of the biblical good

Facts Are Facts • 9 years ago

actually there are sources that she was 20 , also the idea of making her younger in the hadeth was to point that the prophet married a virgin but waited till she reached puberty , in Judaism and ancient Arab culture thy had relation with girls before puberty , the point of the story don't do that tell she is reach puberty i.e. the prophet Married her young but waited tell she reach puberty , however thats not what Mosses & his men did they raped infant virgin & killed non virgins according to the orders of the biblical good

Nite_Fox • 9 years ago

I know because i have seen and interviewed people who were running from their ISIS Iraq, who were held briefly by ISIS. they tried to intimidate people and sometimes try to convert them not by force tho. but they don't rape and rob private property. Most of their fighters are very religious and they try to avoid things like Rape and Looting private property. I know most people will find this difficult to believe and some will accuse me of being iSIS side becuase they them selves dont know the whole picture of what is going on in Iraq and Syria.

Roberto Dar Manu • 9 years ago

if they can happily behead innocent people and rob banks which is the greatest source of their wealth then don't rape or looting to look like the worst thing they can do... feed those lies to your dogs

Facts Are Facts • 9 years ago

Google :

Assad's Elaborate Disinformation Campaign By Christoph Reuter

Shahna • 9 years ago

I remember a pretty Kuwaiti princess crying about babies being tossed outa incubators.....

....Started a war that little b!tch did.

Isolde Gruenbein • 9 years ago

ISIS are worshipping evil in all its forms - massacres, beheadings, looting - why should they stop at rape?