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Willy Roentgen • 9 years ago

There is no such a thing as "Gun Violence". Would you call a injury inflicted by
a drunken driver as "Car Violence"? Of course not. A gun does not do anything
until it is picked up, loaded, aimed and fired by a person. Calling it "Gun
Violence" deflects the responsibility from the real cause of the violence, the
operator. It also obfuscates the path needed actions to ameliorate the problem
by taking the spotlight off the person who does the assaulting. The present
shooting are gang violence. We need to focus our efforts in that area.

Dharma Gates • 9 years ago

You ignore the gun culture. You ignore the ease of guns. You ignore the simple fact that a gun is a machine designed to propel a missile at great speed over a short distance with the sole intent of maiming or killing the recipient. You ignore the fact that a second of anger or bad judgment or impulse produces irreversible tragedy. People might stab or choke or beat but that takes a higher level of intimacy, strength, and effort than simply pulling that trigger.
You ignore reality.

Al K • 9 years ago

"You ignore the ease of guns. You ignore the simple fact that a gun is a machine designed to propel a missile at great speed over a short distance with the sole intent of maiming or killing the recipient."

No, a gun is a "machine designed to propel a missile at great speed" IN WHATEVER THE DIRECTION THE USER POINTS IT. The recipient can be a paper target, a tin can, a robber or rapist, a rival gang member - or a defenseless victim. Depends upon the shooter.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

what is "the gun culture"?
what is "the ease of guns"?
guns are not animate objects they do not have intent.
a kid killed his father with a propane tank here not too long ago.
a clonk on the head and he was dead.

ZebraStripes • 9 years ago

"Gun Culture" is the stupidity of thinking guns are the answer to every problem you have, whether it be an ex-wife or an inconsiderate driver.

Nunya Bidness • 9 years ago

Must be a very small "culture" then, because I'm an enthusiastic gun hobbyist, and I've never seen it.

David Thompson • 9 years ago

And who, exactly, thinks that? Why is it you anti's are always engaging in long distance psychoanalysis of people you've never met? Do you really think you know what is in the heart and mind of gun owners? It's kind of irrational.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

so what you are seeing in the movies and such?

M EVr • 9 years ago

you mean what you see in movies, or do you mean the anti gun rights movement, which pew found to be utterly anti science on the data?

David Thompson • 9 years ago

Reality is that 80% of "gun violence" is inner-city crime. The notion of a gun owner who suddenly goes off the deep end and starts shooting is just another one of the myths the anti-gun crowd deals in. These type of events are extraordinarily rare, are usually perpetrated by people with long standing mental illness, not regular folks "snapping." And yes, occasionally one of these individuals is stopped by an armed citizen as just happened in Pennsylvania.

Guns are used in self defense upwards of 2.5 million times per year. The fact that citizens own guns creates a diffuse deterrent effect which has been demonstrated to alter criminal behavior and lower the violent crime rate. Example. In America, home invasions comprise 13% of burglaries. Criminals try not to go into a house if they know someone's home. This, according to prison interviews, is primarily from fear of being shot. In gun free England, home invasions comprise over 50% of burglaries. (And you should know that after England banned guns in 1996, their murder rate went up and has stayed above 1996 levels ever since.)

Since criminals don't know who has guns and who doesn't, the deterrent effect applies to everyone. Thus my guns are protecting your house.

As for the gun culture, perhaps you should attend a hunter safety class someday. You will sit through three days, over 20 hours, of lectures, presentations and demonstrations with a massive emphasis on how to responsibly handle firearms. This is the reality.

M EVr • 9 years ago

80%? Try over 90%

Vasya Pupkin • 9 years ago

The comments about 80%, rare and mental illness all sound plausible, but don't make me feel any better. Mass shootings (by truly crazy people), including in schools and colleges, have become a routine occurrence in this country, while you don't hear much about those in Europe and many other places on this planet, and you would be kidding yourself to think that easy access to guns in the US has nothing to do with that. If one's child gets killed at school by a mass shooter, it would hardly help to know that such acts are committed by less than 1% of all gun owners, or that the number of killed gang members in the country far exceeds the number of killed innocent people, or that there is a bunch of very secure gun owners fortified in their homes. So let's put some of that less relevant statistics aside, and try to remember that civil liberties of some can't be pursued at the expense of others.

M EVr • 9 years ago

"Darha" US gun murder has been PLUMMETTING as gun laws were relaxed.
You would not know it from reading this article but US gun murder is down 50%.
And the data from 20 different jurisdictional studies shows that of those 8,500 gun murders, about 8,000 aer criminals killing criminals.
If you are not a criminal your risk of being murdered in the USA is LOWER than Australia or Canada

Willy Roentgen • 9 years ago

And all these things that you assert that I ignore lead to what, in your opinion?

ZebraStripes • 9 years ago

"Gun Violence" is the deliberate action of a gun nut with a firearm.
"Car Violence" would be the deliberate action of someone using a car to inflict injury.
Now you're a little more intelligent that you used to be.
Just a little.

Jack Bertram • 9 years ago

Vehicular homicide. On the books in 50 states..

David Thompson • 9 years ago

The derogatory term "gun nut" refers to someone who takes a long term interest in shooting and collecting firearms. Take a look at FBI UCR statistics and see how many of those type of folk are committing murder. Hint; not very many.

Inner city gang members and other criminals, hardly the stereotypical gun nut, commit 80% of the murders in this nation.

Nunya Bidness • 9 years ago

"gun nuts" don't seem to be the ones committing the vast majority of crimes involving firearms.

Jacques Bouvier • 9 years ago

How about the well-publicized intimidation of federal agents by armed "friends" of Cliven Bundy?

M EVr • 9 years ago

bundy? really? 87% of US murder occurs in Democrat congressional districts

Jacques Bouvier • 9 years ago

Was that an answer? Looks like a pivot to me.

M EVr • 9 years ago

pivot? you try a pitiful red herring with bundy, when 90% of US murder is gang members and criminals shooting each other.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

please provide some substantiation to your claim that the vast majority of crimes involving firearms are perpetrated by bundy ranch affiliates

Jacques Bouvier • 9 years ago

I didn't make any such claim. You are exaggerating.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

but that's what you said.

Jacques Bouvier • 9 years ago

Read it again, this time for comprehension.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

how about it?

Jacques Bouvier • 9 years ago

A good example of a crime--the intimidation of federal agents carrying out their duties-- by self-identified "second-amendment patriots".

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

if its such a great example of crime perhaps you can tell me about what crimes they have been convicted of.

Jacques Bouvier • 9 years ago

They haven't been, to my knowledge, but Federal agents were intimidated in the performance of their duties (there is ample photographic and verbal evidence) and that is an illegal act.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

so tell me about the arrests then.

Willy Roentgen • 9 years ago

The very definition of People Violence. Without the person, nothing happens.

The Shootist • 9 years ago

Lawyers Band Together To Fight Gun Violence

Sorry, what "gun violence"? The million and a half times a year a lawful gun owner stops a crime from occurring? Or the, in comparison, minuscule numbers of injuries and deaths caused by unlawful thugs and idiots?

ZebraStripes • 9 years ago

Thanks for the laugh of the day.

M EVr • 9 years ago

$40 MILLION dollar June 2013 CDC study. 500,000 to three MILLION crimes prevented each year in the USA gun owners

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

So what inspired you to begin this new group? Millions of Bloomberg bucks!

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

"some short list of objectives policy-wise"
objective one: ban guns
objective two: d\find an other way to get in Bloomberg's pocket

Vasya Pupkin • 9 years ago

I admire what Bloomberg does, regardless of his personality. He is clearly making a large part of America's vast population of gun addicts very anxious. To me that means there must be a real chance things will start changing for the better on this issue. And the more I hear gun nut heads repeating that Bloomberg is wasting millions of $s, the more optimistic I get that change may be finally coming to America...

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

Bloomberg is the most successful gun salesman and recruiter for the NRA in history. Do you know he paid over $100 per vote to get elected to Mayor?
Its funny that you think one egomaniacal narcissistic billionaire trying to take the civil liberties from tens of millions of people is on the winning or right side of history. The trend in America on firearms is clear, fewer restrictions.

Vasya Pupkin • 9 years ago

Thanks for supporting my point. The pro gun community is paying a lot of attention to what Bloomberg is doing, repeating like mantra that he is wasting money, it won't work, and so on. Just a proof that he must have a good chance to start the change. The rest will be taken care of by time in a generation or two...

sianmink • 9 years ago

Are you watching the same feed? Despite his billions, Bloomberg is losing far more fights than he's winning. People are realizing that background checks, assault weapon bans, magazine caps, and gun free zones don't stop even one single criminal.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

with Bloomberg's efforts the NRA has doubled in size

M EVr • 9 years ago

vasya, thanks for the Soviet view on things!

NG_ • 9 years ago

Do you realize that Mayor Mike has his very own team of ARMED bodyguards?

David Thompson • 9 years ago

Are you kidding? Bloomberg is a gift from the gods. All you have to do to raise money or get a politician recalled is run a few ads with Bloomberg in them. The guy is the greatest villain for the pro-gun movement ever.

Mad As Hell • 9 years ago

Prosecutors are the very people who refuse to prosecute gun murders when the shooters are police officers.

How many police killings have Cyrus Vance and Mike Feuer failed to prosecute?

In the Amadou Diallo killing, the police officers were indicted by a grand jury nearly two months after the event. This is similar to what is now playing out with the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Missouri.

This happens because prosecutors refuse to do their job.

Cyrus Vance needs to tell the public what, if anything, has changed in NYC since the Amadou Diallo killing before he sounds off publicly about gun violence.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

now instead of shooting unarmed minorities to death they just strangle them, thereby reducing gun violence.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

if only they actually knew people who could prosecute people for gun crimes. More Bloomberg astroturf and NPR is only too happy to give them all the free taxpayer provided airtime they like.

Class A • 9 years ago

Absolutely. NPR is the Bloomberg gun-control mouthpiece, bought and paid for. This anti-gun group isn't news, it's merely anti-gun politics--an interest NPR is happy to serve.

funbobby51 • 9 years ago

a Bloomberg gun-control mouthpiece