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wizzbang • 9 years ago


What? I just wanted to get in on the hot "new" comment trend!

squiike • 9 years ago

I thought you were mimicing Spoony. Spoony, The guy everyone love to hate. He is cashing in good on he's naive fanbase.

Triple M • 9 years ago

I can't believe he has STILL not even mentioned that part 2 of this is up. It has been on youtube for almost an entire week now for fucks sake.

Also I must say I'm pretty disappointed that there has been absolutely nothing for the christmas season. It didn't have to be a fully produced review, but at least a quick V-log wishing "happy holidays" or something.

To put that in perspective, just look at some examples of other internet reviewers producing videos for the christmas time.
The AVGN has put out an 68 minute christmas special encompassing 12 game reviews, the red letter media guys have talked about the Star Wars holiday special for almost 90 minutes in 2 videos and Doug Walker has been releasing christmas themed content all december. What the hell has Spoony been doing?

The last real produced videos we got the last couple months that were non V-log rambles were on November 18th and the one before that October 2nd. It's really no wonder the mood in the comments has been changing...

Kevin Styles • 9 years ago

To be fair, I don't think he's ever been one for Christmas specials. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is during the crossover with Linkara when they did the Warrior comics, and infamous "Santa rape" picture.

Also, for the first time, he did in fact use his twitter for the purpose he stated it would be kept for, and he announced part 2's release on it the same day it was uploaded. I don't know why it isn't linked here, but I'm fairly certain there is a logical explanation that has nothing to do with laziness or malicious intent.

CaptainDingaling • 9 years ago

He used to do specials for holidays around December it was sort of an all in one or something with TGWTG. But as his video output dropped he stopped making videos in time to put them up around the holidays. So now he just makes regular videos.

Kevin Styles • 9 years ago

That's more of a tgwtg thing though. Not necessarily a spoony thing. Did he do them before teaming up with them? Or was it more like more recently where he adds the message into whatever video he has uploading near the holidays?

CaptainDingaling • 9 years ago

like I said he used to do specials for holidays around December/Jan it was sort of an all in one or something with TGWTG.

Check the link



Of course it's good old Spoony from 2008 when he really seemed to care about what he was doing. I wish I could summon this dude back. Looking at that video really he articulated himself so well, he made all his points, he explained what he hated/loved wasn't over the top. He was good. Then you look at the wrestling vids and how he reviews stuff in his later years and it's like WTF happened? seriously he was a much better reviewer back than. People wonder why followers of spoony are annoyed with him and this is pretty much why. It's because we know he's capable of doing better or at least he was.

Kevin Styles • 9 years ago

Two videos the same year, and one of tgwtg special. That's not "used to" that's "did once"

Guest • 9 years ago
Daniel Tilson • 9 years ago

It's like the robes in FF13. He picks one thing, and goes after it like a dog with a bone until something better distracts him.

The Rambling Otter • 9 years ago

I'm getting tired of Spoony reviewing nothing but wrestling lately. Or is this a traditional seasonal thing? Like Linkara spending every January doing "Secret Origins Month"

If this turns into a wrestling only show, I apologize Spoony but I will have no desire to watch this site anymore.

Daniel Tilson • 9 years ago

While it's not a seasonal thing. He has been doing these for almost every PPV/"special event" WWE has put on since reviving the series.

It just so happened that there were many of them in a short period these last few months.

I don't know why he hasn't uploaded anything else. I only know that this is the reason for there being so many of these.

The Rambling Otter • 9 years ago

Fair enough, I'm still going to follow him, I mean he'll have to start putting up regular reviews sometime...

Daniel Tilson • 9 years ago

He'll definitely have to upload something different.

Guest • 9 years ago

I still enjoy watching Spoony's show, but I do miss the types of shows he used to put up, like the Terror T.R.A.X. riffs for example, or the I just got home from watching this movie and now I'm going to bitch about it while eating a Wendy's burger type stuff. Sure, the production wasn't the best, but it was FUN to watch and it was more genuine in a lot of ways. Sometimes progress kinda sucks. I think he was best when he had less to work with. Now it's more about high production quality and acting, with a focus on pleasing his audience to the point that nothing can be good enough. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but it sure feels that way to me. About the overmuch Wrestling thing, I think that's just a symptom of the problem.

David Martin • 9 years ago

Not even a 'happy holidays' to people on this shit-show of a site. Nope, He just took your 5k for december and made sure he had a nice xmas for himself. Typical.

fucker • 9 years ago

then as the final "fuck you" he removed all comments for every video on his site. i'm writing this through disqus right now.

Triple M • 9 years ago

Man Spoony does not even GIVE A SHIT anymore about his website, does he?. Part 2 of this video has been on youtube for four days, but it's not like you'd know that by visiting his website. There's no mention here whatsoever. How fucking hard could it possibly be to post the link here and let his visitors know part 2 is up?

Aberran Fox • 9 years ago

If you are not paying a dime for what this man posts you have little to say what he does with his time.

Atmos_Duality • 9 years ago

And if you do pay, you should be livid.

Aerrae • 9 years ago

It makes me want to pay if I could get his guarantee he'd make a review if I coughed up some dough.

That said you'd think he'd feel a little responsibility toward the audience that made it capable for him to make money while making comedic videos at home.

I'd certainly feel like I'd at least owe them what they originally came to see me for a little more often than once in a blue moon when Ronald McDonald stands naked in a barrel of leeches when the planets align.

Daniel Tilson • 9 years ago

But that could just be orbital wobble. (Yea! I made the joke! What you gonna do about it!?)

Zer0FiveSeven • 9 years ago

No disrespect to Counter Monkey, but I have little interest in those videos. With that being said, I don't go to those videos comments sections just to complain. WTF is wrong with a bunch of you?

robomagon • 9 years ago

I came to the comment section to read and post comments. I assume many others are the same. The fact that we have complaints at the moment is just coincidental.

Aerrae • 9 years ago

Cause it's the equivalent of your favorite show giving you endless reruns until the new season which never seems to come.

Don't know about you but that certainly gets me complaining.

Eventually you have to say something.

Zer0FiveSeven • 9 years ago

Or you could just stop being a child about it.

Kenneday DeGraffenreid • 9 years ago

I still enjoy Spoony's videos and I'll keep watching.

TheDapperChangeling • 9 years ago

And good for you, dude. Honestly. I wish I could just enjoy these things regardless of how fucking slimy and shifty the guy making them has been being the past half a year.

illidan4ever • 9 years ago

Why do you continue to traffic his website then? It makes you like an abused fool. Whenever I stop liking the direction one takes their channel I give them a few months then distance myself from it. It's not worth putting yourself through something you don't enjoy.

squiike • 9 years ago

Illidan4ever; "If you dont like 'MURICA' you can just geeeeet-out!"

illidan4ever • 9 years ago

What is your point? There's a difference between "you're starting to get bad" and "I've not liked it FOR A LONG TIME." You're a fool if you continue to put yourself through someone you dislike.

robomagon • 9 years ago

Do you like the direction this community has taken? If not, why haven't you distanced yourself from it? Has it not been long enough yet?

TheDapperChangeling • 9 years ago

Because of the hope he'll come back around. That the fanboys will stop hurling money at him, and he'll come crawling back, desperate for the views again, and actually earn his way.

Or to put it nicer: Because I want to see Spoony. I have hope that Spoony is still there, and can stop disappointing his fans like this..

Kenneday DeGraffenreid • 9 years ago

That people are still watching his videos, still supporting his Patreon and still coming to the site are indicative of the fact that you are likely in a minority dude. He never stopped being Spoony, he just grew as a person and if you took some time to watch the Shut Up and Talk he did with Doug Walker you'd see the guy really is trying to do his best.

Being bipolar is not something many people talk openly about, and being mentally ill myself I can tell you that it's asshattery like the kind I keep seeing people spew here that makes it difficult for people to want to do anything. What you call laziness, I call being so depressed that you can't gather the strength to get out of bed; and yes it's THAT FRIGGIN' BAD! I know, I deal with major depressive disorder every single day as well as major anxiety disorder.

Instead of reaming the guy out because he doesn't dance to your demand like a trained monkey why not be thankful he can get content out and enjoy the ones you actually DO like and shut your bloody cake hole on the ones you don't? Seems like that would be the simplest, and therefor, correct solution.

TheDapperChangeling • 9 years ago

Protip, because you're just trying to be an insulting shit, as usual, you and great lord Spoony aren't the only one who suffer from hardcore depression.
Try thinking before you type, if it's not to hard.

thecritickitten • 9 years ago

Having fans that are always loyal is not indicative of much these days. In fact, Spoony built his initial career on mocking those sorts of people (Final Fantasy fans in particular), the kind of fanboy so blinded by their fandom that they can't see any flaws in what they worship. Yet now, he's practically dependent on those sorts of people, the kind who got hooked by his old material to the point where they will pitch him money regardless of what videos he makes. And these people will always take any criticism of Spoony as a personal affront, because they are unwilling to even address the possibility that maybe their money isn't being well spent. I'm led to believe, judging from this post, that you're probably one of those people, thus why you immediately got so personal and nasty.

First off, this has nothing to do with him being bipolar. Nothing. And it always grates on my nerves whenever I see this argument wielded as a defense, given my own family's LONG history with medical problems. I'd rather just leave it at that and have this not get personal, because I'd like to think I'm above all that, so let's please just drop it right there. While I can't speak for everyone, my own complaints have nothing to do with Spoony as a person, so his medical status is irrelevant.

This has everything to do with the fact that it's been *4 months* since his last video game review (Final Fantasy, i.e. the biggest draw his site has, been dead for nearly a full year), and his last movie review was a collab with Linkara and NC months ago. The last Counter Monkey was in August. The last "regular" sort of vlog was in May. The last month has been nothing but Wrestle Wrestle videos (7 straight, and 8 of his last 9) and a single Black Hole review (which has at least 30% more views on YT than any other videos he's made in the last few months). And his WW videos actually outnumber all of the rest of his videos combined over the last six months. So as you can imagine, it's awfully hard for people to "enjoy the videos they do like" when there are seemingly none of them being produced. It'd be a lot easier to do as you suggest if there were actually other videos for them to post to. But lately, the only people getting any goodies have been his Wrestle Wrestle fans....which is probably the smallest overall portion of his fan base. So I don't honestly know what you expect people to do.

No one's asking for anything unreasonable out of him. They're not asking for the death of Wrestle Wrestle. They're not asking for 10 videos a month. They're not asking for anything so extreme. They're asking for some variety in his content production. That's NOT an unreasonable request. Something other than wrestling once this month is not much to demand of him. Heck, all he'd have to do to satisfy most of us is just sit down in front of a camera for an hour or two and rip the shit out of the new Hobbit movie.

Imagine if he was producing, say, one of each type of video per month. So one review (a whole one or part of one, whether it be a Black Hole or FF13-2 or whatever), one WW, one CM, and one vlog per month. That'd be HALF as many videos as he's made in the last month, and you know what? There would still be a lot more people happy with THAT production schedule than the one he has now, because at least it's consistent and has a large variety of content for every taste. Heck, if he managed to squeeze that up to nearly two of each per month, people would probably be wetting themselves in happiness, because that would be an incredible level of production for Spoony.

The fact is, people are getting sick of wrestling, and for all the importance that folks place in YT view counts (I personally don't), you would think that the relatively low counts on most of his WW videos would show this fact more clearly than any other evidence you could present. They wouldn't be quite so sick of it if he were producing other content besides just the WW videos. But 8 in a month with almost no other alternative content is gonna start annoying people.

But please, do feel free to explain to me how asking for just one single video that isn't wrestling after nearly a month of nothing-but-wrestling is being "unreasonable". I've yet to see a single person in this entire comments section actually explain why this particular complaint is so unreasonable, and I strongly suspect that I'll still be waiting for that explanation long after everyone's stopped posting here.

TheDapperChangeling • 9 years ago

I'm just going to say, thank you for voicing what I can't with this guy.
Like you said, I fucking HATE when people cry "Spoony's bipolar!" as an excuse, as it insults others with similar issues, IMO.
And I'm sick of repeating myself to these people who just don't want to understand.

Kenneday DeGraffenreid • 9 years ago

Oh we understand, we're just tired of the incessant insults and tantrums from people who berate a guy they claim they hate yet stick around just to insult. You berate ME for insulting people, yet have no problem doing it yourself. There's a word for that kind of behavior. Hypocrisy.

Feel free to take a look where I said that Spoony has said why there's been a lack of content lately. He said why on Shut Up and Talk among other things. Numerous real life issues are at play and it doesn't make things easier when people attack him day in and day out. It's why I'll stand up for the guy. I know what this is like, and I know how it feels to be so emotionally drained that you can barely do anything. I live this every single day, even with medication. If you seriously don't know what it's like to have your own mind turn on you then you have no business commenting on how someone else handles their business. Attitudes like that are why people still won't come forward about it and still think it makes them weak if they can't face it alone.

You don't have to like what he's posting, no one said you did; but constantly haranguing the man because he won't do what you want it just petulant and childish. He'll put out what he's ready to put out WHEN it's ready. Just take a deep breath and stop being jerks to the guy is all I'm saying.

thecritickitten • 9 years ago

I did not have a "tantrum", nor did I "insult" Spoony's character. I'm not even "mad", bro. I laid out very clearly and very thoroughly what people's complaints are. I wasn't even rude about it, either. The worst complaint I've heard about my posts to date is that they're "verbose"....to which my response is "yes, they are, and I don't do tl;dr's, especially in a debate....so either read the whole thing or don't bother getting into a debate in the first place".

Yet I notice you didn't really respond to any part of my post, or to any of the arguments within. I can't help but wonder if that's because the points I've made are relatively hard to argue against. Perhaps you feel like it's easier to argue with other people instead, which would explain why you replied to Dapper instead of me and didn't actually respond to any of what I said. Of course, ignoring the opposition's stance doesn't make it go away. Quite the contrary, really. So I'm interested in hearing your rebuttal to what I've said.

Not to mention, I'm also still waiting for an explanation as to why my request for a single non-wrestling video after a month of nothing but wrestling, if only to break up the monotony of 7 straight WW videos, is an "unreasonable" request. Can I expect a reply to that any time soon? And I do hope it's a reasonable explanation. Because otherwise, I'll be forced to assume that it's something silly....like, say, Triple H is hiding just off-camera with a sledgehammer, prepared to lay into Spoony if he dares try to make a video about something other than wrestling. And as much as I'd like to believe that is the case, I just can't see Triple H having that kind of free time.

Kenneday DeGraffenreid • 9 years ago

Honestly? The WW videos are most likely just the easiest to do while he and April look for a new house. Especially since he's letting his subscription to the WWE network run out and watching the last of what he's paid for, while apparently trauma inducing for him, makes for easy video material.

It's no more difficult than that. Between the various real life issues going on right now, the simplest answer is that these videos are the easiest to put together and the least time consuming given all the other things going on in his life right now. (By the way I wasn't meaning to imply that you were throwing a tantrum; that comment was aimed squarely where it belongs and I should have made that more clear so my bad on that)

Your request isn't unreasonable on the face of it;but barring any explanations from Spoony himself we have to reason out why things are the way they are right now, and the simplest answer is what I stated above. No massive trolling on Spoony's part, just real life being a pain in his behind and making things harder to get content out than he'd like.

thecritickitten • 9 years ago

I find it exceedingly difficult to believe that he has the hours necessary to invest in long WWE specials that he supposedly doesn't even enjoy any more, but not for any other sort of video.

Assuming a special's two hours long and his vlog takes another 2 to shoot and edit (being generous), what's going on with the rest of that time? What exactly is he doing with the
other 20-or-so hours of each given day? I don't expect him to work 24/7 and slave his fingers to the bone or anything, mind. I fully understand that he's not a robot. But judging purely on the pace of his releases and what he's released, it's hard to imagine that he's spending more than 8-12 hours a week working, if that....and this is his only job, his "full-time" job. What's he doing with the rest of his time? I'd like to think he's working much harder than that and we simply haven't seen the fruits of that labor just yet....but surely if he's working as diligently as we'd all like to believe, then he'd have more to show for his time than just a few WW videos, no?

Also, why exactly can't he space these wrestling vlogs out with other videos in between? I can certainly understand wanting to "get his money's worth" for the remainder of his subscription, but that just means that we keep getting the same thing over and over, Spoony yelling into a camera about wrestling. And while, yes, we do basically all come here to see Spoony yell into a camera, I suspect that we all typically prefer if he's not basically repeating himself 7 videos in a row. I won't speak for everyone else, but I'm pretty darn sure most folks would be happier with half as many videos being released if they were simply more varied in nature.

Mind, I'm not accusing him of anything malicious, like purposely withholding content from his viewers, or trying to rob their piggybanks of their hard-earned cash while making cracks about how he slept with their mom. Nothing so preposterous. I just think it's a little hard to justify what we're seeing from him right now. When he made this Patreon, I think a lot of us presumed that with it would come a greater level of work ethic (since that's what most Patreons expect of the people they support, thus the monthly commitment instead of one-time donations). And right now, he's giving further fuel to his detractors by focusing on Twitter (I just counted 36 tweets spread out over the last 12 hours) rather than his work. Which bothers me, because all I can think right now is that he could've had a new video up for us, either tonight or tomorrow morning, if he spent even half that time working on something for us instead of antagonizing trolls on Twitter. I honestly don't know how people can actually act like he's investing his time wisely when there's so much evidence lying around that he probably isn't. And all I "expect" from him is to clean up his act a bit, and act like the semi-professional reviewer he's getting paid to be.

robomagon • 9 years ago

Too depressed to get out of bed? Just get up. It's the simplest and therefore correct solution.
Anxiety proplems? Just deal with it. It's the simplest and therefore correct solution.
See how stupid that sounds?

Kenneday DeGraffenreid • 9 years ago

Yes because dealing with mental illness it totally the same as someone constantly haranguing you for not putting out the content you want.

As to anything else, it's not that people are blind to flaws it's that they enjoy those things he still does and just don't act like total donkey fedoras over it. I still enjoy most of the content, even if I don't watch wrestling anymore because Spoony pretty much nails exactly why I quit watching in the first place. Seeing someone vent all over the WWE and they're ever growing pile of dog excrement that they keep expecting people to just eat up is both refreshing and cathartic.

He's gone on to say what real life things are going on right now, but even that is never enough for most people. It's fine for me because real life can get in the way of these things, and odds are the Wrestle Wrestle videos are some of the easier to put out. I'm not blind by a long shot, it's just called being understanding and not being a jackass to someone just because I want something. The content will come when it's ready and I'm cool with that. Linkara's History of Power Rangers took ages to get where it is now and it was worth the wait; so I choose to take the same tactic of waiting with Spoony. You can choose not to; but acting like the north end of a mule walking south won't help matters either.

Daniel Tilson • 9 years ago

The fuck is a donkey fedora?

Anyway, to those complaining about the lack of variety, a legitimate complaint I will add. We don't know much about what's going on with all of the different video types, but those of us who hang out on the forums know at least part of why there haven't been any counter monkey's recently.

"Counter Monkey is coming. I recorded a batch of them recently that I had
to scrap because of HIGHLY INFURIATING technical problems. I'm very
sorry about the delay. As always, I'm running behind."

Now, we don't know what those technical problems are... and asking as a reply to the post he made would be pointless, as by the time he replied, they would most certainly have been solved... if he replied at all (He rarely visits the forums.)

As for Final Fantasy, there has always been a big time gap between these. And there is a good reason for that. Each takes anywhere from 20-100+ hours to complete depending on how thorough you are. That's a massive chunk of time, even if you're the type of person who can sit and play for 8-10 hours at a time. I know I'm not, and I doubt Spoony is either. Another good reason is that there is a limited quantity of the games, and even if he planned to do all of them, if he did them all at once, he'd run into the same problem he did with Ultima... That being a glut of content, and then nothing else to do with it for years. As far as I know, reviewing all of the final fantasy games isn't the plan, but I could be wrong, and honestly, I hope I am. I'd enjoy seeing a retrospective series about it, even if they were shorter videos.

Kenneday DeGraffenreid • 9 years ago

I'll answer the first question with two of my own. What's another word for donkey, and what type of clothing is a fedora? I can't even claim to have come up with this one myself but I did adopt it once I put it all together because I just find it to be more clever than standard vulgarity.

Between looking for a new house, technical issues, and who knows what else things have gotten off kilter. I'm okay with that as an explanation. Do I wish there was more content, more often? Of course; but haranguing the guy and acting like a jerk doesn't help matters and only makes me part of the overall problem with internet warriors thinking they can control what other people do.

Daniel Tilson • 9 years ago

My biggest issue with the complainers is that they twist his words around to try to make what he actually did promise into something completely different... Such as those who took there being a Counter monkey day every week to mean that there would be a new Counter monkey every week, even though that's not what was promised at all. Unless he's back to gaming every week, a counter monkey every week would begin to exhaust the available material quickly, and even if he were gaming every week, unless he recorded it and released it as a counter monkey (which has been done, but for special games, not a weekly thing) he would still eventually run out.

Another example is those who complain because he still uses his twitter. Some understand that he didn't promise to close it, only to change how it was used. But the rest just go on and on and on about how he promised to close his facebook and twitter. No, he promised to limit his use of social media to news updates, and site updates. If they called him out about that, I'd be right there with them. So, if they want to call him out about a broken promise, pick one he actually made.

On to the house thing. How much time that takes depends on how hard he's looking. If he's smart, he'll devote a fair bit of time to it, and pick one to buy, not rent. Buying is not only usually cheaper every month, but you actually have something to show for it. (Prime example, the house I'm in. Rent on it would have been $1500 a month. Monthly minimum mortgage payment is only $800. Slightly over half. Even factoring in the water/sewage/trash bill, which would have been paid if I were renting, That's only $90 a month. So the savings is amazing.)

Granted, if you're not looking to stay in a specific town that long, buying is not a good option. But if that's the case, the right thing to do would be to pick a town you do want to live in, and buy there. It's a much more responsible use of money than renting.

fucker • 9 years ago

so lazy he wont even post the part 2 of his video right away even though it's on his youtube

it's almost like he's purposefully trying to stretch this out and look like he's doing more work but... nah, he wouldn't do that right?

LotusPrince • 9 years ago

I was going to muster up some sort of insult,but your username did the work for me.

lostraven • 9 years ago

Look we can dance around this all day. Here's what's gonna happen and we know it, Spoony's gonna release one video and we'll be quiet for like a week before we release he was basically just dangling a carrot and we'll have to wait months for the next review but he knows the die hard fans will so he strings them along for months. People, he doesn't respect you anymore, come on, he basically takes all this for granted and delivers the same monotonous boring vlogs on wrestling, now you could say I'm hating on wrestling, I'm not, it's fine to have it, but he's doing so much of it because it's easy. He just has to sit in front of an unscripted camera and talk and it gives the impression there's more to come, but it's smoke and mirrors, what's delivered is the very bare minimum. I use to adore this site, but it's just wasted potential, an opportunity for Spoony to get good income (even minus tax you can't argue it's not decent) on minimal effort. Worse, this community has a little 'cult of Spoony' going on, these die hard fans take any constructive criticism and scream how we're haters. We're not, we're disappointed fans, or at least I'm not because I know how good Spoony can be and was. For anyone donating towards this, for a moment just stop and think, because there are hundreds of people who are far more committed, far more willing to deal with communities and not let them just become a massive flame war which is basically what this community is, and far more appreciative and respectful to you. Why don't we give some of the new guys a chance instead of all this?

TheDapperChangeling • 9 years ago

Yeah, and notice how quiet they are today? It's because they're parents won't let them on on Xmas.

But for real, you're exactly right. Like I brought up before, there are multiple people who balance plenty of shit, and are respectful and almost loving towards their fans, and upload on a weekly basis, and some even on a daily basis.
They have the exact same things going on as Spoony (some worse) and yet, they keep regular content. But no, we're unreasonable haters, you and I, demanding a man work for his income. This is why you, as Raven calls you, cultists of Spoony, are children, regardless of your age.
You throw tantrums, scream and cry, and cover your ears anytime someone disagrees with you.

Just look at some of the arguments made here. Most boil down to:
"You're jealous"
"You're a troll"
"You're not giving him money."
Random insults
"You're wrong, Spoony's great."

These are not responses from adults. I've had people here disagree with me, and defend Spoony, and, while I disagreed, they were respectful, rational adults, and they acted like it.

Word to the wise: You want to defend "lord" spoony, don't throw a fit. Calm down, think about what you're going to say, and say it.